March 28, 2015 PALM SUNDAY Sat. 6:00 P.M. Rosary 6:30 P.M. +Christine Grellhesl, BD; +Shelia Brown; +Pauline Marek; +Michael Maguire, Anniv.; +August & Christine Stanislav; +Ludvik & Filomina Vanek; +Mark Lansdown, Anniv.; +Henry Kubala; +Harry Lee Svacek; and For the Health of Ken Bernsen Sun. 7:30 A.M. +Charlie Ferguson Sun. 9:00 A.M. +Ben Cernosek; +Anton & Annie Stacha, Sr; +Charlie & Hattie Kucera; and Special Intention CH & ED Sun. 10:30 A.M +Christine Caroline Polansky; +Nicholas Van Pelt, BD; and +Lucille Isom, BD Sun. Spanish Mass (Noon) +Maria Flores Villalobos; +Sebastiana Munzo Rodarte; and Parish Family Mon 7:00 P.M. Parish Mission Tues. 6:30 A.M. +Jackie Baldwin 7:00 P.M. Parish Mission Wed. 5:30 P.M. ROSARY 6:30 P.M. +Marcella Geisler; and Living & Deceased KJZT Members Thurs. 6:30 P.M (Holy Thursday). +Jody Smith Fri. 3:00 P.M. Stations 4:00 P.M. Spanish Stations 6:30 P.M. Veneration of the Cross Next Sat. 8:15 P.M. +Marsha Grimm; +Wilfred Cervenka; +Sharon Ann Cervenka; +Christine Grellhesl; +Ted Kocian; and Thanksgiving for Josephine Kocian Next Sun. 7:30 A.M. +Dennis J. Sulak; +Ronald Joe Sulak; +Teresa Holy; +Fred Matula; +Robert Karlik, BD; +Lydia Dobecka; +Jerry Grones; and +Carla Lathern, Anniv. Next Sun. 9:00 A.M. +Darrell Dan Gerik; +Mary & Lud Gerik; +Anton & Rosie Kolar; +Harry Kolar; +Hollis & Martha Neill; +Anton “Jack” Willenborg; +Carla Lathern, Anniv.; +Joe Frank Divin; +Ben Cernosek; +Joey & Jeremy Pustejovsky; and Special Intention AH & Thanksgiving NH Next Sun. 10:30 A.M. +Cody Dragoo; +Mr. & Mrs. Chris Dragoo; +Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mynar; +Frankie Joe Mynar; +Diana & Shelly Berger; +Tom Dragoo; +Emil & Josephine Kucera; +Arnold & Irene Kotrla; +John & Ellen Schroeder; +Henry Kubala; +Mark Lansdown; +Mike Click; +Patsy Picha; and For the Health of Ken Bernsen Next Sun. Spanish (Noon) Parish Family TODAY -- Our adult Sunday study group will be at 9:00 a.m. in the parish cafeteria. All sessions will last one hour. TODAY – 50/50 Club meets in the Parish Center after the 7:30 a.m. Mass TODAY --The Drive Through Stations will be from 6:30pm-8pm. In case of inclement weather, the stations will be canceled. MONDAY – Parish Mission on the Last Nine Words that Jesus spoke on the cross at 7 p.m. in Church. Father Anthony Odiong will present the mission. TUESDAY --- No Adoration until April the 14th. TUESDAY- Parish Mission at 7 p.m. by Father Anthony Odiong. WEDNESDAY -- Confessions at 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. during Lent. WEDNESDAY --- KJZT SOCIETY #11 SCHOLARSHIPS There will be two $500 scholarships given to two graduating High School KJZT members. Call one of the following and an application will be mailed to you: Mary Kallus 826-3077 or Theresa Plsek 867-1973. Deadline for returning the application is Wednesday. THURSDAY – No adoration until April 16th. FRIDAY – The Men’s Group meets at 6 a.m. at St. Joseph’s for Bible Study. NEXT SUNDAY - 50/50 Club meets in the Parish Center after the 7:30 a.m. Mass. NEXT SUNDAY -- CCE grades 9th & 10th classes today from 9-10:15 a.m. NEXT SUNDAY -- Our adult Sunday study group will be at 9:00 a.m. in the parish cafeteria. All sessions will last one hour. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY --- A Eucharistic Holy Hour & Benediction will be held in our church from 3-4 p.m. on Divine Mercy Sunday. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. A plenary indulgence can be obtained 8 days before or 8 days after this feast day if the usual requirement are met. KJT & KJZT CORPORATE COMMUNION & MEETING –KJT & KJZT will attend corporate Communion at the 7:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, April 12th. Meeting will follow at Parish Center. Kolaches and coffee will be served prior to the meeting. KJZT JUNIORS --- KJZT Juniors will have a meeting on Sunday, April 12th at 4 p.m. at the Parish Center. Following the meeting juniors will make corsages and boutonnieres for women and men who are in the nursing homes. Refreshments will also be served. NEXT SATURDAY 8:15 P.M. LECTOR –Mike Sulak GIFTS –RCIA ALTAR SERVERS –Matthew Mendiola, Jadyn Evans, SUNDAY – 7:30 A.M. LECTOR –Chuck Felderhoff GIFTS – Larry & Dianne Mynarcik ALTAR SERVERS – Rynda & Ryson Maddox, Zachary Gerik EXTRA ORDINARY MINISTERS –Freda Allen, Jon & Sharon Hlavenka 9:00 A.M. LECTOR –Eric Kostecka GIFTS – Bobby Kostecka Family SERVERS –Bradley Sinkule, Sadie Ivy, Kena Mynar EXTRA ORDINARY MINISTERS –Rick & Margie Vrbas, Kris Copper 10:30 A.M. LECTOR – Dianne Feyerherm GIFTS – Sammons Family SERVERS –Kinslee Adams, Libby & Ryan Gerik EXTRA ORDINARY MINISTERS –Ed & Dorothy Sykora, Jean Maler THANK YOU – A Special thank you to the 50/50 club for the donation of $5,000 that was donated to the Church. SANCTUARY LAMP is in memory of Raymond J. Hromadka, Sr. by Family. MARIAN SHRINE LIGHT is in memory of Feryn Schulte and for the strength of the Schulte Family. OFFERTORY COLLECTION Offertory Collection…… $ 10,723.00 Building Fund….. $ 40.00 Ashes to Easter………… $ 543.00 St. Mary’s School………. $ 22.00 CCE……………………. $ 12.00 Please use your offertory envelopes for your donation. Donation without envelopes cannot be recorded. VOCATIONS CRUCIFIX will be in the home of Jerry & Dorothy Kucera this week. PRAYERFUL SYMPATHIES to the following: Gladys Adams; Cathy Kaska; Diana Mynarcik; Mary Beth Kaluza; Henry Macik; and David Macik, on the loss of their mother, Georgia Macik; to Ann Archer on the loss of her husband; to Clifford Archer and Barbara Talley on the loss of their b brother, Edward Archer; to Virginia Zatopek on the loss of her husband, Royce Zatopek. CEF PERPETUAL ENROLLMENTS........ In loving memory of the ESTELLE STANISLAV FAMILY by Cliff & Bonnie Archer, Ernest & Evelyn Bezdek, Lillian Bohannan, Doug & Clara Carter, Raymond & Joyce Dulock, Lori Eisma, Chuck & Bunny Felderhoff, Dianne Friend, Martha Gerik, Nita Gerik, Henry & Cressie Girard, Bill & Laurann Grimm, Dorothy Hajek, Gene & Martha Hosek, Harry Lee & Mary Ann Hykel, Agnes M. Johnson, Anna Louise Kaska, Helen Klish, Bobby & Betty Kostecka and Eric, John & Wilma Kostecka, Charles & Rose Kubacak, Josie Kubala, Kenneth & Margaret Kubala, Rufus & Agnes Lamere, Ervin & Geraldine Laubert, Dennis & Hattie Macha, Jerry & Jo Ann Maynard, Milada Mazanec, George Meurer, Charles & Marsha Nemec, Robert & Georgie Nors, Evelyn Petter, Larry & Kathy Podsednik, Dan & Jeanette Pokluda, Louise (Lou) Pokluda, Joe & Carolyn Pustejovsky, Eugene & Jeanne Roznos, James & Marcella Sinkule, Thomas & Margaret Sinkule, William & Angie Sinkule, John & Doris Slay, Steve & Frances Soukup, Tony & Wanda Stacha, Barbara Stanislav, Lucille Sulak, Rose Sulak, Dolores Sykora, Toby & Doris Tobola, Helen Trlica, Don & Pam Urbanovsky, Lillian Urbanovsky, Steve & Ann Vanek and Katy Campbell, William & Libbie Veselka, Margaret Webre, Tommy & Jo Ann Wolf, and Royce & Virginia Zatopek. In loving memory of the GEORGIA MACIK FAMILY by Ellouise Anderson; Doug & Clara Carter; Raymond & Joyce Dulock; Lori Eisma; Chuck & Bunny Felderhoff; Dianne Friend; Bill & Laurann Grimm; Dorothy Hajek; Gene & Martha Hosek; Harry Lee & Mary Ann Hykel; Agnes M. Johnson; Anna Louise Kaska; Helen Klish; Elaine Kolar, Kara and Kailey; Bobby & Betty Kostecka and Eric; John & Wilma Kostecka; Charles & Rose Kubacak; Rufus & Agnes Lamere; Ervin & Geraldine Laubert; Milada Mazanec; Charles & Marsha Nemec; Robert & Georgie Nors; Evelyn Petter; Larry & Kathy Podsednik; Dan & Jeanette Pokluda; Louise (Lou) Pokluda; Joe & Carolyn Pustejovsky; James & Marcella Sinkule; Thomas & Margaret Sinkule; Steve & Frances Soukup; Lucille Sulak; Dolores Sykora; Helen Trlica; Steve & Ann Vanek and Katy Campbell; and Margaret Webre. ST. MARY’S ENDOWMENT FUND….. In loving memory of ESTELLE STANISLAV by John & Monica May; Freddie & Janice Kaluza; Gary & Beth Culverhouse; and Clint & Casie Weaver. PRAY FOR THE HEALTH OF THE FOLLOWING: Bill Hannes; Ken Bernsen; Bruce Huffines, Brayden Ballard, Mitzi Urbanovsky, Kelly Hooper, Jennifer Jares Ashley; Lillian Hromadka, Lillie Mynar; Karcyn Kauffman, Larry Holecek, Wesley Mashek, Nilce Carman, Nathaniel Torres, Wendell Harrison, Billy Kelm, Paula Ledford, Martha Sulak Gerik, Cathy Heltenberg, Eugene Roznos, Louis Mynarcik, Larry Payne, Jason Neill, Albin Poehls, Zander Williams, William Buchanan, Hattie Kolar, Evelyn Bezdek, Chris Hutyra, Delbert Helms, Dawn Hand, Stephanie Schriner and Helen Mynar. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING CORNER Our Lenten journey climaxes in this celebration of Holy Week. Throughout these days we are called to experience with Christ a journey of unselfish love; to die to all that is sinful in us and to rise to new and renewed life. Will justice and charity be renewed in us through this journey? Will we make room for those in need as we let selfishness die in us? Healing Mass, St. Mary in Waco The Ladies of Charity of Waco will host the 35th annual Easter Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick April 8 at 11 a.m. at St. Mary Parish in Waco. Refreshments will be served following the service in St. Mary's Parish Hall. For more information, call (254) 876-2277. merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. “Merciful Jesus, I trust in you!”). Divine Mercy Indulgence What is an Indulgance? What an Indulgence does is to take an occasion of such expiation (a certain prayer, penance, charity or other designated work) and add to its intrinsic merit before God an additional value based on the treasury of merits of Jesus Christ, and those perfectly united to Him in heaven (the saints). This can either partially, or under certain conditions, totally remit the temporal punishment due to sin. This depends, naturally, on our openness to God's grace. A mechanical performance of an indulgenced work would not have effect. Performing an indulgenced work should have the consequence of fixing our will away from our sins and entirely on God. This is why among the most important of the conditions for receiving a plenary indulgence, and the hardest to satisfy, is the complete detachment from or detestation of our sins. Partial Indulgence Requirements A partial indulgence, granted to the faithful who, at least with a contrite heart, pray to the merciful Lord Jesus a legitimately approved invocation. (e.g. “Jesus I trust in You”, “My Jesus mercy”, or any other approved invocation.) Plenary Indulgence Requirements I. The usual conditions for every plenary indulgence: - sacramental confession (within about 20 days before or after) - Eucharistic communion (preferably on the day, or the days before or after) - prayer for the intentions of Holy Father II. The specific conditions for this Indulgence: On Divine Mercy Sunday - in any church or chapel, in a spirit that is completely detached from the affection for a sin, even a venial sin, one should take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy - or, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the Note on Partial Indulgences In the past partial indulgences were "counted" in days (e.g. 300 days) or years (e.g. 5 years). Catholics often mistakenly thought that this meant "time off of Purgatory." Since there is no time in Purgatory, as we understand it, it meant instead the remission of temporal punishment analogous to a certain amount of penitence as practiced in the early Church. This was a very generous standard, since the penitence required for sacramental absolution in the early centuries was arduous, indeed. However, with Pope Paul VI's 1968 revision of the Enchiridion Indulgentiarum (Collection or Handbook of Indulgences), this confusing way of counting partial indulgences was suppressed, and the evaluation of a partial indulgence left to God. Please note the schedule for Triduum. The principle liturgies of the the three days form one liturgical whole (which is why Veneration occurs only once, though as Stations are devotional and not liturgical they are repeatable) and all the Faithful are invited and encouraged to participate in all three of these great celebrations of the holiest days of the Church. The Vigil, as a celebration of the dawning Light Who triumphs over the darkness of death and sin, is to take place “in the Holy Night” and, as we were reminded by the Vicar General, is to not begin until after sunset.
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