Office of Intelligence & Analysis Intelligence Operations Field Operations Overview 12 February 2015 Legislati ve Vision Office of Intelligence and Analysis “For the first time the Government would have under one roof the capability to identify and assess threats to the Homeland, map those threats against our vulnerabilities, issue timely warnings and take action to help secure the Homeland… The Department would integrate its own and others’ threat analyses with its comprehensive vulnerability assessment to identify protective priorities and support protective steps to be taken by the Department, other federal departments and agencies, state and local agencies, and the private sector.” --President G.W. Bush at the signing of the Homeland Security Act 2002 Our Mission The Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) mission is to equip the Homeland Security Enterprise with the intelligence and information it needs to keep the homeland safe, secure, and resilient. Our goals, in line with DHS priorities, are to provide those customers and partners with predictive intelligence and analytic products that: Enhance customer understanding of, and response to, threats to aviation security Increase operational effectiveness against threats to the security of our borders Inform operators and decisionmakers on effective means to counter violent extremism Improve the integrity of our cyber networks Additional Roles and Authorities Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Francis X.Taylor !! DHS Chief Intelligence Officer (CINT) !! DHS Senior Information Sharing and Safeguarding Executive !! Executive Agent for the DHS State, Local, and Regional Fusion Center Initiative !! DHS Counterintelligence Executive !! DHS Counterterrorism Coordinator DHS Intelligence Enterprise The DHS CINT leverages the strength of the DHS Intelligence Enterprise in support of the homeland security mission, creating unity of effort and promoting enterprisewide solutions to the most pressing homeland security issues!" PROTECTING OUR HOMELAND THROUGH PREDICTIVE INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYSIS Rev. 27 JANUARY 2015 Field Operations “The local police, more than the federal government, have their finger on the pulse of the local community from which a domestic terrorist may come.” – Testimony of Secretary Jeh Johnson before the House Committee on Homeland Security on September 17, 2014 As focal points for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and dissemination of threat-related information between state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and the private sector, fusion centers are uniquely situated to enhance the national threat picture and enable local officials to better protect their communities from a variety of threats. ! The success of fusion centers depends on the quality and timeliness of the information they receive.! I&A has a special responsibility to support fusion center efforts, collaborate on threat analysis, and support the two-way flow of information, leveraging unique Suspicious Activity Reporting data and reporting from the “See Something, Say Something” TM campaign. I&A uses customer-centric, outcome-based performance measures to drive… Intelligence Priorities Senior Leaders establish priorities derived from customer demand Intelligence Gaps Analysts establish and validate intelligence gaps Targeting/ Validation Analysts and collectors identify and validate targets Collection Collectors analyze capabilities, develop strategies and targets to address gaps Reporting/ Raw Data Collectors write raw intelligence reports and disseminate reporting Feedback Analysts and operators evaluate raw intelligence reporting and provide direction to collectors Information Sharing Analysts prepare and disseminate intelligence products to customers PROTECTING OUR HOMELAND THROUGH PREDICTIVE INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYSIS New insights, operations, decisions or gaps Analytic and operational feedback informs next steps #$%&'"()%*+,-./" ! "#$%&'!($%)*!+,%-./012! ! Field Operations Deputy Chief New England Rocky Mountain Southeast Coastal Northeast MidAtlantic Southeast Southwest East Central Central South Central Central Pacific Pacific Northwest 0" I&A Field Personnel Overview • The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) deploys a variety of Intelligence Community (IC) professionals dedicated to providing homeland security informa,on sharing and intelligence analysis support to state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector (SLTTP) partners, the DHS Intelligence Enterprise (IE), the IC, and other homeland security partners in order to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards. I&A Field Personnel are responsible for four primary func,ons: – Lead, manage, or support intelligence cycle execu,on in their area of responsibility (AOR) in concert with I&A, SLTTP, DHS IE, or other homeland security partners as appropriate. – Lead, manage, or support threat-‐related informa,on sharing to and from SLTTP, DHS IE, and the IC to inform the na,onal threat picture. – Support fusion center partners in developing, maintaining, and applying IC tradecraP skills, tools, and resources necessary to effec,vely execute the intelligence cycle. – Serve as advocates for fusion centers to both DHS and other Federal partners to obtain resources and support necessary to implement the fusion process. I&A Field Personnel Responsibili,es • I&A Field Personnel perform their responsibili,es as defined by the Implemen,ng Recommenda,ons of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, including: – Assist fusion centers and SLTTP partners in sharing and analyzing intelligence and informa,on to develop a comprehensive threat picture. – Review relevant homeland security informa,on from SLTTP partners and support the genera,on of intelligence products for sharing with federal partners and the IC. – Provide guidance for the produc,on and dissemina,on of intelligence and informa,on products to SLTTP partners, other fusion centers, and the federal government. – Facilitate fusion center access to training, technical assistance, and exercises. – Assist in the iden,fica,on and repor,ng of threats and hazards to the homeland consistent with DHS authori,es and missions. – Facilitate access to specialized subject-‐ma[er exper,se resident within both DHS and the IC. Resources • Current strength is 60 Intelligence Officers (IOs), 17 Reports Officers (SROs and ROs), and 12 Regional Directors (RDs) • To date, DHS has deployed 76 Homeland Secure Data Network (HSDN) terminals for SECRET connec,vity Regional Directors • Senior DHS I&A personnel assigned to the Field in their respec,ve region. • Lead Field Personnel efforts across the twelve regions on planning, collec,ng, processing, analyzing, and dissemina,ng intelligence. • Ensure regional compliance with Privacy, Civil Rights and Civil Liber,es protec,on policies and applicable Federal and state laws and policy. Intelligence Officers • Provide intelligence support, sharing, and analysis as well as guide the management and implementa,on of the intelligence cycle amongst fusion centers and other SLTTP partners. • Promote engagement with federal and SLTTP partners in assigned AORs and support the coordina,on of DHS IE intelligence-‐related efforts. • Work with regional SLTTP, DHS IE, and IC partners to foster a more localized intelligence network as well as provide DHS and the IC with more field-‐ originated perspec,ve and analysis. • Enhanced workload. Senior Reports Officers • Provide subject ma[er exper,se for I&A intelligence repor,ng and collec,on management. • Determine emergent requirements, collec,on emphases, and analy,c priori,es. • Review and evaluate regional IIR submissions to ensure they comply with DHS/ IC repor,ng requirements/standards and comply with Intelligence Oversight and Privacy requirements. Reports Officers • Iden,fy federal and SLTTP informa,on that meets DHS and IC collec,on requirements and priori,es, and has homeland security significance. • Focus planning, collec,on, and repor,ng efforts on Homeland Security Standing Informa,on Needs (HSEC SINs), DHS Chief Intelligence Officer (CINT) priori,es and validated IC requirements, in a manner consistent with DHS and IC standards. • Ensure collec,on ac,vi,es comply with Privacy, Civil Rights and Civil Liber,es protec,on policies and applicable Federal and state laws and policy. #F/$-."D%.?%*"9%S.$,-."" 3#.4!.!(52$01!"%14%-!67! !! 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