18 O of S and Intimations 10May2015

Sunday - 10th May 2015
Members and Friends of
Auchterarder Parish Church
Welcome you to worship today
Minister: Rev. Dr Rob Barlow
Session Clerk: Mrs Renee Riddell
The church has a loop system and you may tune in by setting your hearing aid to the loop position.
The Duty Elders are there at the door to assist you and help you with your enquiries.
· If you are new to the community or with us for the first time, please let us have your details before you leave by
signing the Visitors Book and/or filling in the slip on the back of the Welcome leaflet? The Visitors Book is on the
table to the left of the vestibule.
· Rob is happy to visit any new to the congregation and to offer help with regard to baptisms, weddings,
membership or pastoral needs. Please contact him at the door at the close of worship, by telephone at 01764
662399 or by email: [email protected].
· We hope that you will be helped by the service and will come again.
Your Prayer Requests are welcomed and can be recorded (first name only, please) in the book provided for that purpose
on the table as you enter.
10th May 2015
We seek God’s presence
Welcome and Intimations
Welcome – Rob Barlow
Intimations – Renee Riddell
We worship as a family
Praise - Jesus is the name we honour
PRAYER and Lord’s Prayer
Talk Time
Praise - I'm special (Words over page)
Offering and Prayer of Dedication
(Groups leave for Centre)
------------------------We listen to God’s Word
Reading - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Praise - CH4 19 Ye gates, lift up your heads
Theme - ‘Connections’
Praise - Behold the Lamb (Words over page)
We remember the needs of others
Intercessory prayers
Praise - CH4 419 Thine be the glory
(Sung Amen)
Choir and Orchestra are an important part of our
church life and we are keen to encourage any singers and
musicians to join us whenever possible.
If you would like to know more why not come along to
the next practice sessions in church on Sunday May 17th
- 6.30 - 7.30 pm Orchestra & Praise Band,
- 7.30 - 8.45 pm Choir.
You will be most welcome!
Congratulations to Anne Elliott who has now been
formally appointed as our facilities Administrator. This is
an important role as the focal point of contact for all users
of our church facilities. Please pray for Anne as she
continues to help us ensure that our facilities can be the
blessing always intended.
Evolution: A number of people have asked whether the
minister will be dealing directly with evolution as he takes
us through Genesis. The answer is ‘Yes’!
Camping at Rothiemurchus 23/24 May. Our GRID
teenagers (and minister) will be away on the weekend of
23/24 May. If any families would like to tag along and
enjoy the guaranteed sunshine (?) please speak to George
Gray or Gwen Barlow.
Glencairn Care Home Service today at 3.30pm. Please join
us to make the service even more special for the residents!
Jesus is the name we honour
Jesus is the name we praise
majestic name above all other names
the highest heaven and earth proclaim that Jesus is
our God
We will glorify - we will lift him high
we will give him honour and praise
We will glorify - we will lift him high
we will give him honour and praise
Jesus is the name we worship
Jesus is the name we trust
He is the king above all other Kings
let all creation stand and sing that Jesus is our God
Jesus is the Father's splendour
Jesus is the Father's joy
He will return to reign in majesty
and every eye at last shall see that Jesus is our God
I’m special because God has loved me
For he gave the best thing that he had to save me
His own Son, Jesus, crucified to take the blame
For all the bad things I have done.
Thank you, Jesus, thank you Lord
For loving me so much
I know I don’t deserve anything.
Help me feel your love right now
To know deep in my heart that I’m your special friend.
Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away, slain for
us – and we remember
The promise made that all who come in faith find
forgiveness at the cross.
So we share in this bread of life – and we drink of his
As a sign of our bonds of peace – around the table of
the King
The body of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, torn for you –
eat and remember
The wounds that heal, the death that brings us life –
paid the price to make us one.
So we share in this bread of life – and we drink of his
As a sign of our bonds of love – around the table of
the King
The blood that cleanses every stain of sin, shed for
you – drink and remember
He drained death’s cup that all may enter in to
receive the life of God
So we share in this bread of life – and we drink of his
As a sign of our bonds of grace – around the table of
the King
And so with thankfulness and faith we rise to
respond – and to remember
Our call to follow in the steps of Christ as his body
here on earth
As we share in his suffering – we proclaim Christ will
come again
And we’ll join in the feast of heaven – around the
table of the King
Auchterarder Parish Church -April/May
10th May
17th May
24th May
31st May
Alastair Ramage
Robert Farmer
Gordon Wilson
Derek Lumsden
Carpet Bowls sessions have now started and are being
enjoyed. We meet on Monday and Thursday at 10.00 and
on Wednesday at 19.00 in the Centre. Sessions last 2 hours
with the opportunity to have tea or coffee with biscuits
and have a chat. The cost is £3 per session including
refreshments. The first session is free! If you are interested
in joining come along to any session. You'll be made very
welcome. For more information contact Alex on 01764
664144 or email: [email protected].
Bryn wants to build up the sound/tech team with some
new folks. He already has 3-4 people and would like to see
if any others are interested. Bryn plans to run it either a
Saturday morning or an evening in May.
Bryn also wishes to invite any bass players to get involved
in the Orchestra as he needs to step back for a while.
Please speak to Bryn Rees for further information
Diary Date: Dr John Blanchard will be with us again this year
- Wednesday June 17th at 7.30pm in the Church Centre. He
will be asking the question - 'Where is God when things go
wrong?' Publicity leaflets are at the back of church –
please do spread these around the parish and beyond to
promote John’s visit.
Breakfast Plus - Breakfast is available every Sunday
from 9.45am in the Centre and will include a short
worship activity in the lead up to Morning Worship
at 10.30am. if you haven't tried it yet, please come
along…bacon rolls available, but not obligatory!
Pennies for Heaven
As part of our fundraising effort for the
new church centre we are looking for
your pennies (and any lose change).
We will give half of it to TEAR Fund and
half to the new church centre.
Total collected
so far:
Please support this unique effort.
Distance Distance to Travel
2008 - 14
14062 m
1,938 metres
Jan - Apr
388 m
1,550 metres
3 May 15
20 m
1,530 metres
£7,235 @
that is 14,470
metres - 1,530
metres to go!!!
Weekly Intimations - please let Sylvia Elsmere know
by the previous Thursday evening. Intimations can be
posted or handed into the church office, or email
[email protected]. (01764 660146
Minister - Rev Dr Rob Barlow
(01764 662399
*[email protected]
Session Clerk - Renee Riddell
(01764 652 771
*[email protected]
Gwen Barlow
Sybil Ryan
Heather Edment
Iris Lough
Church Office - 24 High Street, Auchterarder
(01764 660 152
*[email protected]
Web Site - www.auchterarderparish.org
Registered Charities SC001688