APRIL 2015 FULLY ALIVE! Fully Alive! COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS ON KILLING JESUS... INSIDE THIS ISSUE: RCLS GRANT 2 LIFETREE CAFÉ 3 MILITARY MEMBER CARE TEAM 3 WORKCAMP TESTIMONY 4 MISSION MANIA 5 INDIA UPDATE 5 FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 7 For many weeks leading up to Palm Sunday there was much hype over the film version of Bill O’Reilly’s best selling book Killing Jesus. I was looking forward to it and even made sure I set the DVR to record it so I could watch it without the interruption of commercials. While the acting was very good along with the scenery, sets, and costuming, in the end what the movie did was Kill Jesus! peasant admits that he didn’t, but nonetheless that is what people have said. When it comes to the resurrection, each person has to decide for him or herself what has actually taken place. Is He alive or did someone come and steal the body since there was no Roman guard posted at the tomb? The movie closes with Peter by himself fishing. When he experiences a miraculous I don’t mean the crucifixion scene catch of fish he looks up toward near the end. What I mean is the heaven with a smile and then movie killed the Jesus of the Bible shouts to his companions on and portrayed a different Jesus. In shore, He is with us! Yet, there is the movie, Jesus is not certain of no actual physical presence of who he is or what he is supposed Jesus. Bill O’Reilly’s Jesus is out to do. His cousin John the Baptist there somewhere as a thought, a has to cryptically reveal this to principle, a standard, a supreme Jesus. From there Jesus is trying example of what it means to opto figure out what he is supposed pose injustice, love God, and love to do each step of the way. The others. end result is a Jesus who is a comThe moral of the movie is that munity organizer and political acstanding for what is right and good tivist. He is out to right the wrongs and godly is dangerous and it of secular and religious society. might even get you killed. But, if He performs only one miracle, but enough people will follow in that even then, exactly what he did is way, just maybe the evil will be uncertain. All He does for a lepdefeated, the mighty humbled, the rous woman and her son is give rich go bankrupt and the strong them a drink of water and wipe will become weak. As that haptheir open sores. Near the end of pens the good will prevail, the the movie, an elderly peasant in humble become mighty, the poor the crowd speaks of His miracles become rich, and weak become of walking on water and feeding strong. Which suggests to me the the multitudes to which a bystand- beginning of another cycle of power retorts: Did you see him do er and control, oppression, subverthese things? The old sion, rebellion and activism. As the movie concludes, the narrator informs us that the efforts of Jesus resulted in a religion of over 2 billion adherents – a church, by the way, that was established by Peter in Rome. Sadly, that is what happens to Jesus when man tries to make sense of him. In short, they end up killing Jesus. It is no coincidence this movie came out on Palm Sunday, just in time for Holy Week. But, I am praying that millions upon millions will follow the way of the cross to the empty tomb and celebrate and discover who Jesus truly is. He is the Jesus revealed to us in the Bible. He is the Lamb of God, Light of the World, the Way, the Truth and the Life, Prince of Peace, First and the Last, King of kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Savior of all. He is the Son of God who died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and rose from the dead, offering us eternal life beyond the grave. He is not the figment of your imagination. He is your ever-present help in times of trouble. He is worthy of your praise, love, and service. He is the reason for living and for loving God and others. He is coming again to judge the living and the dead and His Kingdom will never end. This is Jesus and He is alive,no matter hard man tries to kill Him! Pastor Schauder FULLY ALIVE! Page 2 DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART Psalm 95 begins with seven wonderful verses about joyfully singing to the Lord with thanksgiving and praise because He is so good and powerful. But in the middle of verse seven it takes a sharp turn that is very important for us to consider in our worship of God. asking and trusting God to help, they hardened their hearts and bitterly complained against God and Moses. Because of this, God never let them enter the Promised Land, the place of rest. from becoming hardened. God has saved us by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus. We have every reason to sing for joy to Him, thank and praise Him, and bow down before Him in worship. And we have every This is a very important warning reason to trust Him. So let’s for each of us: when we praise continue to worship God by These verses refer to when God and revere God, let’s be extrusting Him in every circummiraculously delivered the Isra- tremely careful that our trust of stance. Do not harden your elites from horrible slavery in Him extends into our daily lives, heart. no matter how afraid we may Egypt. As free people, they faced starvation, and instead of be. This will keep our hearts Today, if you hear God’s voice, do not harden your hearts… Psalm 95:7b-8a TUITION GRANTS FOR HOLY CROSS FAMILIES ENROLLING AT RCLS! Holy Cross offers need-based tuition assistance to Holy Cross families who enroll their child/ children at RCLS. If your family is enrolling for the 2015‑16 school year at RCLS, you are encouraged to apply for a tuition grant for your child/children. All tuition grants are based on financial need as identified by TADS (Tuition Assistance Data Services). The maximum grant amount for the 2015-16 school year is $1,600 per student in grades K‑8. If you would like more information on the Holy Cross Tuition Grant Program, you can request information from our TADS administrator, Mrs. Patty Clancy at: [email protected]. Also, you can apply online by going to www.holycross--church.org and www.holycross clicking on the TADS – click here to apply online banner on the bottom left of the home page. call the school at 289‑3267, visit their website at: www.rcls.net, or plan a visit by making an appointment with Principal Suzanne Laagerward. All questions regarding the Holy Cross Tuition Grant Program should be directed to the Program Administrators, Mrs. Patty Clancy and/or Pastor Schauder. If you are considering the Christ‑centered education offered at RCLS and would like to know more about the school, MILITARY MEMBER SUPPPORT—THANK YOU! Thank you for supporting our Holy Cross members serving in the military! Here is a thank you received from Lieutenant Colonel B.J. Herman who is currently serving in Afghanistan. ion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, I would like to thank you for the snacks, hygiene, and worship music provided. Every item was well received and put to good use. It has been an honor leading these On behalf of the men and womDragonSlayers in the defense en assigned to the 5th Battal- against enemy rocket and mortar attacks of coalition forces in Eastern Afghanistan. While there has been little rest over these last five months, the morale and commitment to duty remain high. Thank you again. LTC B. J. Herman COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS WHY LIFETREE CAFÉ? Lifetree brings people together to explore life, experience God, and grow in relationship with Jesus and others. Lifetree Café is designed for the large portion of the population that is spiritually curious and wants to talk and ask questions about life issues. Lifetree Café appeals to all ages – families, couples, singles, and students. Lifetree Café attracts the unchurched, the de-churched (those who formerly attended a church), the churched who desire what Lifetree uniquely offers, and the churched who wish to share their faith stories with others, including pre -believers. The people who come to Lifetree Café describe it as a safe place. They yearn for a sense of belonging. They want to find meaning. In describing the basic needs of all people, the Mayo Clinic includes the following: • and join the conversation on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 in the Holy Cross Lounge. People want to feel respected, worthy, whole, and accepted. • People need their closest relationships to be safe and comfortable. • People need places where they are accepted and not judged. This is the Lifetree audience. They are regular people who are looking to connect with God in a fresh way. And, that is what happens at Lifetree Café! So, give it a try! Come MILITARY MEMBER CARE TEAM COLLECTING FOR CALEB SCHAUDER The HCMMC team is providing you a way to thank, encourage, and support active Military Members of Holy Cross. In April we are collecting specifically for Technical Sergeant Caleb Schauder, who has served in the US Air Force for eight years. Caleb, his wife Hillary, and their 2-year-old son Luther are currently living in Guam. Caleb appreciates the support Holy Cross has been showing to all its military members. He prefers not to have supplies or treats collected for him. In lieu of the traditional collections, the team is asking you to jot down a note of encouragement, a prayer / blessing, and words of thanks to Caleb and his family, for their service and dedication. There will be special note paper at the collection box for you to use, or bring in a card for him. The team will collect all the cards and letters and mail them to the Schauder family in early May. Shining the love of Jesus, may God be glorified! Page 3 FULLY ALIVE! Page 4 COLORADO WORKCAMP 2014—LEXIE REINSTROM What did God show you on this trip? * A Great friend, strengthened my relationship with him. How did God challenge you on this trip? * He challenged me to get to know people I didn't know and some I knew already. Describe a project you did for your resident? * We painted his house. Which daily theme impacted you the most, and why? * The boy and feeding of the five thousand. It impacted me because the boy had so little, and Jesus used it to feed many, many people. What would you like people to know about Workcamp missions? * They are super fun! You can meet a ton of new people who r really funny and will always make you laugh. Describe one of your favorite memories from your trip. * Getting to connect with this youth group. Please add anything else you would like people to know about your experience. Whitewater rafting can be a lot of fun! :) Lexie enjoying the evening program at Workcamp PHOTOS AND MORE! We have set a goal by summer of '15 to get all members and regular attenders photographed so that we can better connect with each other by attaching names to faces in all cases. We have contracted with a local photographer to do the work, and they will be offering professional photo packages to those who wish to purchase them. Once we get the photos done, we will have the ability to print our own photo directories that are current and up-to-date whenever needed. for families with college students who will be home. Photos will be taken at various times on these dates: April 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, and possibly Easter, April 5. The signup for times is now open at www.holycross--church.org. www.holycross Help us out by getting signed up as soon as you are able. If you have existing, relatively current photos for all family members and the family, and want us to use those rather than have a new photo taken, please send those along or update them yourself in CCB Wardrobe suggestions: wear There will be additional times in something you like, stay away May/June to catch those we from bright colors, and try to haven’t photographed yet and find colors that blend well with others in your group. If you can help by serving as a host for one of the sessions, or by making some calls to help get people signed up, let Curt Boger know. We are wholeheartedly encouraging anyone that is part of our ministries to sign up and get photos done, regardless of whether you are officially considered "member" or not. Thanks for taking part in this KIDZALIVE SING PRAISE Through the KidZAlive children shared beautiful songs of praise to God on Sunday, March 22. Thanks to Michael Zarling and the other leaders for helping us praise God. praise of children God has established a stronghold against our enemies. ~based on Psalm 8:2 COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS Page 5 FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT GARDENS Planting season has begun! Stop by the youth room to watch the progress. All crops are up and going! Plans for this year include expanding areas for pumpkins and other vining crops, fortifying our raccoon defenses which were breached at the end of last year’s corn crop, expanding honeybee colonies, and more. You can help by letting family and friends know about the garden and our Wednesday and Sunday vegeta- ble stand in the summer. Curt know if you need seed potatoes for your own garden. We Also, we have plenty of potatoes have russet, reds, and some left from last year’s crop for Yukon golds. seeding the youth garden and more, so stop by church or let Seed Planting MISSION MANIA!! Just a quick heads-up about our upcoming Mission Mania Saturday on May 9! We will be looking for donations of household items, furniture, electronics, yard tools, bikes, toys, etc. once again for the sale portion. Then be sure to tell friends and neighbors to come and shop! Along with the sale, there will be burgers, brats, dogs, etc., a carwash, Gerten’s plant sale, bake sale, scrap metal and e-scrap drop off. Thrivent is helping with $250 support! Get your car washed at the Mania! INDIA MISSION IN NEED OF SEPTIC TANK Brother Suresh, missionary in India, shared with Holy Cross member Jim Krom on a recent phone call that their Worship Center is now in need of a second septic tank. The Worship Center serves many purposes, including serving as space to provide seventeen young children with Christ-centered care and education. So what's our part in supporting Christ's ministry? Sometimes we see “success” numbers in people reached for Christ; but sometimes it is in a humble, less obvious way, like a septic tank. Helping to care for the least of these is more than words. To give a gift toward the septic tank, place a check in the offering plate or bring it to the Holy Cross office; write “Suresh” in the memo line. Thank you for your help. In India, this is a time of the year when many people are out in the fields working. Also, the school year is quite a bit longer than ours in the States. Demands on Suresh and the ministry team are high: both to travel out to the villages to share God's Word and to run the school. These demands are not just to serve, but to do so in Christ’s love. Suresh, his wife Suneela, and all the people there thank you and pray for you and Christ's ministry here at Holy Cross and in Rochester. Let's continue to keep them in our hearts and minds, too, by praying that God provides for them and by being a part of that provision. FULLY ALIVE! Page 6 YOUTH HAPPENINGS Everyone needs a youth group. Yours awaits you at Holy Cross on Wednesdays and Sundays. Left and Above: Nate Onhsee gets Baptized! Confirmation and other Youth Join for Simply Youth Group COMMUNICATING AND CELEBRATING THE MISSION AND MINISTRIES OF HOLY CROSS Page 7 OUR FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP February general fund receipts were $31,742 (2014 was $33,145), versus general fund expenditures of $37,467 (2014 was $42,111) for a February net outflow of $5,725. Snowplowing and natural gas were above last year (really reflect January weather). Additionally we recorded our refinancing closing costs as expense (below) in February. In designated gifts we received $5,618 and spent $2,672. The Accord Lighting bill has arrived and was $23,155, well below what they had set as a ceiling. Additionally, RPU indicated the rebate to be well above the initial estimate, over $6,006, for a net project cost of $17,149. Worship the Lord with cheerful giving, helping people become fully alive in Jesus! Summary of Refinancing: New Loan Balance $99,189.88 MN West LOC Repayment 10,519.85 Refinanced LCEF Balance 52,701.67 Loan fees, expenses 1,131.87 Net Cash to HC $34,836.49 Lighting Project (net of rebate) $17,149.00 Checking restoration $15,000.00 Remaining unused balance $2,687.49 DEVOTED HEARTS WOMEN’S CONFERENCE IN ROCHESTER Keeping it real! Real women… real faith… and a very real God. The 9th annual area-wide Devoted Hearts Women’s Conference will be held at Autumn Ridge Church in Rochester on April 24-25, 2015. Friday: 6:30-9 pm, and Saturday: 8:30 am-2:45 pm. Tickets are $53; optional box lunch: $7.50. Bonus: buy 10 tickets, get one free! For tickets, go to: www.devotedheartsrochester.com, or call 507-289-2415. Speakers are Marian Jordan Ellis and Liz Curtis Higgs, with music by Nicole C. Mullen. ARTICLE 20 BITS ’N PIECES Ongoing Scrap Fundraiser— Fundraiser We continue to take computers and other electronics, scrap aluminum, steel, motors, rims, catalytic converters, and more. Leave behind church in the white barrel or by Curt’s office. All proceeds to Youth Mission Trips. Screen Programmers—If Programmers you like to work with graphics on the computer, you may be just the person to join the team that programs the screen for worship services. Help lead people into God’s presence in worship through visual technology. Ask Cindy Wessel for more information (contact info at right). Partners in Prayer—Meet in Prayer Pastor Schauder’s office every Sunday morning from 8:309:15 to pray. Openings for PraiseHym Worship Team—We currently have Team openings for guitar players, bass guitar players, and drummers on PraiseHym. Training provided. Help make God’s praise glorious! Contact Cindy Wessel, [email protected], or 507-289-1354, x. 5. Non-Profit Org. April Issue of Fully Alive! U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 264 Rochester MN 55901 HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH 2703 9th Avenue NW Rochester MN 55901 Phone: 507.289.1354 Fax: 507.289.4815 Email: [email protected] Website: www.holycross-church.org
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