O OC CT TO OB BE ER R 22001122 U N I - FI R E Regular NonWeekly Events UUCY Facility Committee Meeting We are a welcoming church of open-minded, compassionate people of all ages. We celebrate life, affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all people, seek wisdom, and work for justice in the Yakima Valley. Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima • (509) 453-8448 • [email protected] • www.uucyakima.org SUNDAY FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICES at 11:00 AM: New Fall Schedule 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. ChildSpace, Children’s LRE, & Adult LRE (Upper South Hall Classrooms) 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Informal Social Time (Fellowship Hall) 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Family Worship Service (Sanctuary) 1st Sundays, 8:00 a.m., Upper South Hall Common Room UUCY Finance Committee Meeting 1st Thursdays, 5:30 p.m., UUCY Office Upper Valley Breakfast 2nd Saturdays, 8:30 a.m. Living Care Village Center 215 40th Avenue, Yakima Contact: Dan or Jerry Baris @ 853-1878. UUCY LRE Committee Meeting 2nd Sundays, 8:00 a.m., LRE South Hall October 7: “Returning Home: The Doctrine of Discovery and Our Connection to the World” –Rev. Ken Jones -- The theme of this year's annual UUA General UUCY Social Justice Committee Meeting Assembly was "Justice GA," which took place in the epicenter of the struggle for justice for immigrants in this country -- Phoenix, Arizona. This morning Rev. Jones will reflect on what this justice work means, and how it can change our hearts and souls. 2nd Sundays, 11:30 a.m., Ann Ingham Room UUCY Sunday Services Committee 2nd Mondays, 6:00 p.m., Ann Ingham Room UUCY Board Meeting 2nd MONDAYS, 6:00 p.m., Ann Ingham Room UUCY Welcoming Task Force Meeting 2nd Thursdays, 2:00 p.m., Ann Ingham Room Pagan Fellowship 3rd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. Lower South Hall Room #6 UUCY Quilting Group 3rd Saturdays 9:00 a.m., Upper South Hall Common Room/LRE UUCY Membership Committee Meeting 3rd Sundays, 11:15 a.m., Garden Room Lower Valley Lunch 4th Tuesdays, 12:00 p.m., Warehouse in Zillah Contact: Jane Davis Cook & Conversation Last Saturdays, 10:00 a.m., Randall Park Picnic Potluck October 14: “Immigration and Us” -Mike Gress -- Attorneys Michael Grim and Soren Rottman have dedicated their legal careers to helping immigrants establish their rights to live and work in the United States. They will offer answers to questions such as: How does current U.S. immigration policy affect undocumented immigrants and workers? What motivates talented lawyers to help the people most at risk? What does the public need to understand? October 21: “Brothers and Sisters and All Between” –Rev. Ken Jones -- As UUCY prepares for a congregational meeting to vote on declaring itself a "Welcoming Congregation" and also to support marriage equality, Rev. Jones will urge us urge us to take collective action in what could be a watershed moment in the ongoing history of human beings loving and accepting one another as full relations. As we engage in this work, we'll find that even the most open among us can still be transformed by true relationship. October 28: “Día De Los Muertos” – Family Worship & Pumpkin Processional This family worship service will showcase the pumpkin-carving talents of young and old and teach us about the Mexican holiday’s vibrant art and culture that celebrate life as it embraces the death of loved ones, known and unknown to us. Please bring a picture or symbol for the altar during the service if you would like to share your memories. Attention Pianists or Music Performers: Our pianist Sunny Sonker is away for some Sundays in September and October. Can you help? There are always opportunities to share your musical talents during the Sunday preludes and offertory. The choir meets every Tuesday at 5:30-6:30 .m. It’s open to anyone who enjoys singing. Contact Randy Luvaas at 965-4641 if interested. Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima Page 2 225 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 GREETINGS FROM REV. KEN JONES (A.K.A. “KEN’S KEN”) Unitarian Universalism, most of you know, is a religion centered around the congregation. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima is affiliated with a national – even international – association, called The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Our affiliation with this body is one of membership – UUCY is a member congregation of the UUA (as it is known for short.) The UUA has no direct authority over what UUCY does, nor does it directly support us. In fact, as a member congregation we designate in our annual budget an amount to send to the UUA to support its programs. The UUA has an amount that they suggest and encourage congregations to give, based on the number of members in each congregation. I am proud that for many years UUCY has maintained this “fair share” support for the UUA even in times of financial stress. But this association between local congregations and our national body is more than just a financial arrangement, and more than an organizational chart. It’s part of our religious heritage. Strange as it may seem to many, Unitarian Universalists are descendants of the Puritan Churches in colonial America who declared themselves independent from the Church of England. That independence was a philosophical and spiritual imperative. The idea was (and is) that when people who are engaged in a free and responsible search for truth gather into groups like congregations and are allowed to interact with one another in this search, then greater, more universal truths emerge. It was (and is) very important that this unfolding greater truth emerges not from an authority figure or some hierarchical organization, but in this sort of “grass roots” movement centered on local congregations. Hence the autonomy of our local congregations is at the heart of our religious mission. But of course, another of our traditions is that all traditions change. UUCY Board of Trustees & Officers Art Busch, President (972-8003) [email protected] Susan Kaphammer, VicePresident (949-0127) [email protected] Nancy Born, Secretary (248-3758) [email protected] Bill Jacobs, Treasurer (966-0625) [email protected] Tom Botkin, Trustee (469-9698) [email protected] Gene Payne, Trustee (972-3207) [email protected] Merrill Thomsen, Trustee (577-1565) [email protected] Ulla Whitmont, Trustee (823-4597) [email protected] UUA President Rev. Peter Morales has launched a project called “Congregations and Beyond.” (Read about it here.) Introducing this project, Rev. Morales reflects upon the central role our local congregations have always had – and always will – in the Unitarian Universalist Association. But he also suggests that as the times keep changing, we need to adapt to these changes by thinking a little differently about what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist and part of the “UU Community.” He cites figures that suggest that there are about four times as many people who call themselves “Unitarian Universalist” than actually are members of one of our congregations. I’ve seen this in Yakima, as I meet many people who express great enthusiasm for UUCY but who seldom, if ever, attend church here. Rev. Morales’ thought-provoking introduction gives some suggestions at how the UUA might respond to these changes, and I’m hoping his project leads to some new ways of inclusion for people who do share our religious mission yet who may not feel compelled to come to church. One thing Rev. Morales cites is the growing importance of online social networking. And yes, UUCY has a facebook page, which is often a place of connection to local UUs. There are, as of this writing, eighty-six “members” of this group, and what I find interesting is that about half of them are not currently active members or participants at UUCY. Yet they still are tuned in to our facebook page. The walls of our community are definitely blurry. See you in church – or ? In faith, Ken Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima Page 3 225 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 President's Column/Opinion The church year got off to a good start with our seasonal service on September 9th with Water Communion followed by a hot dog roast which took place in the church Garden. The garden had been weeded and trimmed during the Labor Day weekend by Dorre Wayenburg and a work crew. Thank you Dorre! The congregation seems to be easing into the new hours, which place R.E. and Adult R.E. prior to the service followed by a half hour social gathering followed by the regular service at 11:00 AM. We now have and adult R.E. group organized and guided by Susan Kaphammer (Vice President Kaphammer) that meets weekly. Thank you Susan! Those of us who remember Dale Johnson, a long time very active member of our church, probably remember Dale’s news letter column called “All in the Family”. It kept us current on members’ social activities, births, vacations, illnesses, general goings on and sometimes deaths. Starting in November for the December issue, Lucy Stevens will author a similar column. Thank you Lucy! News All of our tenants, El Buen Pastor, The Bodhi Center, The League of Women Voters, the Metropolitan Community Church and sometimes others are required as a condition of their tenancy to carry liability insurance covering not only themselves but UUCY as well. This requirement is imposed upon us by our insurance carrier Church Mutual. Last winter, at the request of Dr. Ryan Crafts we hosted the Union Gospel Mission Medical Clinic as a guest in out building. The UGMMC offered free medical care to anyone who walked in. Upon inquiry, we learned that our insurance company requires the co-insurance for guests as well as tenants. Church Mutual explicitly made us aware of our personal liability. They also moved to modify our policy to that effect. They refused to write a separate policy to cover UGMMC. We discussed the matter with Dr. Crafts and suggested that the UGM amend their policy to protect us and the UGM refused to do so. We very reluctantly withdrew our agreement with the medical clinic and they agreed to find a new location. This is a sad development as we considered the clinic a part of our mission of social justice but the Board felt that we had no choice since in the event of any incidents or accidents, we would likely lose our building. Ted Raihl has been appointed to the Board to fill out the term vacated by Mindy Jones. Ted’s schedule makes it impossible for him to meet on the second Wednesday of the month. The board has chosen to meet on the second Mondays of the month, beginning October 10th at 5:30 p.m. The key pad entry’s combination will soon be changed for security purposes. Please wait for notice of this. As some of you know UUCY owns only the parking spaces directly adjacent to our building the back. The larger lot is half owned (north half) by the Lyons Law Firm located across the alley. For several years we have had a hand-shake agreement with the firm to store some of their dead files in the unused portion of our building in exchange for use of their lot on weekends. Recently, they asked us to slightly enlarge their storage area and after careful consideration the Board agreed to their request. Please note that the south half of the rear parking lot is a municipal lot and it is a pay lot. Recently some cars in the south half of the lot have been ticketed. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The committee working on the Tracy Spring Folk Concert scheduled for November in the sanctuary recently met to begin preliminary planning. Thank you Susan Temple, Randy Luvaas and Eric Hohman! Want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism? Want to find out about becoming a member of UUCY? Please contact the Church Office or Rev. Ken Jones at (509) 453-8448. Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima Page 4 225 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 ANNOUNCING: El Día De Los Muertos UUCY’S 2012 SERVICE AUCTION SAVE THE DATE!!! Saturday, 6 PM November 3, 2012 Food! Fun! Live and Silent Auctions with Auctioneer, Paul Newman JOIN IN THE FUN!!! WHY NOT BRING A FRIEND? Art by Hannah Born Suggested Donation:$15.00, includes drink scripts. Repondez S'il Vous Plait (RSVP)…to UUCY Office, email: [email protected], call: 453-8448 *** What would you like to donate? Dessert of the month (x 12)? Yard work, Handy-person skills, Carpentry, Good Furniture? Art? A Week or Weekend at Your Vacation Home? Pies, Deliver a meal, music for private event, art piece or class, craft class, knitting, Website or Tech Help? A DELICIOUS DINNER -At your home, or someone else’s? HIKING IN THE CASCADES… BOATING ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER? Baby-sitting once a month (x12)? Please fill out the Donation Form in the UUCY Office or Fellowship Hall and return it to the Office by October 15th. Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima Page 5 225 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 UUCY’s Lifespan Religious Education – The Educational Eddies of Fall The Primary Class is in session with the Holidays and Holy Days curriculum. This is a really fun class that explores other religions through their holidays and gives kids a chance to be active and see how others relate to the “big questions” of the world. Kids really enjoy this curriculum. We are planning to bring Junior High and High School kids together for some social activity this fall. The kids from Unitarian Universalist families really like to have fun together and get to know one another on a social basis and engage in activities that support our values. Halloween brings the pumpkin carving and El Día de los Muertos celebration in the church service. What a great time! Be sure not to miss it. It is truly enjoyable to have everyone together in the church service. ~Mike Gempler OCTOBER 2012 – ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES AT 9:30 A.M. Parents’ Group 9:30-10:30 a.m. Every Sunday in the Reflection Room/LRE Classroom #2 ~ The Parents' Group will provide a community of support for raising children with liberal values. There is no set curriculum. This will be an Open Process discussion to identify topics of interest and share personal views. The first couple of sessions will also discuss how we do Children's RE. Kay Funk, MD, family physician (and mother!) will facilitate. Adult LRE Group – 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Sundays - LRE Classroom #6; Susan Kaphammer coordinates October 7, 2012: How the “Doctrine of Discovery” Changed the World Rev. Ken Jones will lead a discussion about various issues generated at the UUA's "Justice General Assembly" this summer, including the repudiation of a five hundred year old document called "The Doctrine of Discovery." Also on hand will be White Swan based Rev. David Bell, who has been contemplating and repudiating this doctrine for many years. October 14, 2012: UUs View the News Join this month’s facilitated discussion to listen, to share, and to question. How do we, as UUs, understand the headlines of the day? In what ways do our Unitarian Universalist principles relate to local, regional, national and world news? What from our sources are reflected or revealed in the world today? Let’s consider how we, as UUs, may be called to respond to the events and needs around us. October 21, 2012: Building the World We Dream About To continue our congregational journey toward recognition as a “Welcoming Congregation,” Mary Lou Shean and Margaret Morris will guide participants in a session for dreaming a world in which everyone – whether empowered or disenfranchised in the current structure – can find a place and work with others. We will work to create the means, structures and spaces to transform understandings of self, congregation, the broader community and our shared world. Workshop adapted from Building the World We Dream About (A Tapestry of Faith Program for Adults). . October 28, 2012: And While We’re on the Subject! Have you ever considered writing your own obituary and/or planning your own service -- memorial or otherwise? This Sunday bring your notebook or laptop, obits you've read and liked, or whatever will help you get started on this journey. Come and join Merrill Thomsen for an exchange of ideas and time for recording your wishes. The Sunday Service today celebrates Día de los Muertos, the traditional Mexican remembrance of the dead. This RE program ties in with The Day of the Dead by providing the chance to think about how you want others to remember you. All ages welcome! Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima Page 6 225 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 Congregational Meeting – Sunday, October 21st, after the Service Vote on Becoming a Welcoming Congregation and about supporting Marriage Equality, R74 Message from our Welcoming Task Force: We will be taking an important step on October 21, after the church service, by having a congregational vote to become a welcoming congregation and to vote on a resolution supporting marriage equality. We have taken many steps since June of 2011 when the UUCY Board of Trustees unanimously approved the formation of a welcoming task force to take us through the welcoming process. We have had workshops, sermons and newsletter items concerning LGBTQ issues. We have a bulletin board in Fellowship Hall along with brochures welcoming LGBTQ people to our church. We have distributed guidelines for inclusive language to all our committee chairs and we have added a welcoming statement to our church bulletin. We also participated in the recent Yakima Pride Fest in July. The work of being a welcoming church does not really ever end, but the welcoming task force felt that we had made enough progress that we were ready to become a certified welcoming congregation by taking a congregational vote. In addition, we would also like to stand together to support the human right of being able to marry the person you love! Please mark this date on your calendar so that we can have a show of support for LGBTQ people! Apple brunch treats will be provided during the vote! UUCY Quilting Group The UUCY Quilting Group (name TBD) meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Saturday, October 20th – Meet upstairs in the Upper South Hall Common Room). Bring your sewing machine, a surge protector, an extra light if you wish, your favorite quilting tools, and your project! Sure to be a fun time! For more info contact Rosemary Saul at 972-8558, Email: [email protected] or Susan Tempel at 457-1677, Email: [email protected] We hope to see you there! Gleaning Time in the Gardens Mark your calendars and join in area fun with Jackie Beard, Gleaning Coordinator for Northwest Harvest! More information is on their website: www.northwestharvest.org. Let Jackie know if you plan to attend at mobile #509-823-9391. Saturday, October 6 from 10am-1pm: Vegetable harvest in Cowiche Canyon Saturday, October 20 from 9am-1pm: Crop Work Orchard Glean with Wesley UMC and UCC churches Saturday, October 24 from 9am-3pm: World Food Day Winter Squash Glean in Sunnyside Our World Food Day glean will take place at Heavenly Hills Harvest, the farm of member Merritt Mitchell-Wajeeh. Hot apple cider and ginger cookies will be provided! Families welcome!" TH ALL AGES ~ COME HAVE BIG FUN! ~ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 , 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM At the UUCY All-Ages Pumpkin Carving and Día de los Muertos Preparation In the Fellowship Hall (Soup and Bread Dinner will be served) Carve a pumpkin! Learn how to make a Dia de los Muertos altar!! WHAT TO BRING (We will have some extra tools and pumpkins so come if you don’t have any!!) Bring a pumpkin (or two). We will have some there if you don’t have one! Clothes that you don’t mind getting some pumpkin guts on! We will have newspapers, trash cans and sinks for cleanup. Tools (We will have extra!) o A big spoon to scoop with or a pumpkin scoop (we will have extras) o Small knives for carving small holes (we will have extras) o A big knife for cutting the top and large holes. o Commercial pumpkin carving tools and patterns Pumpkin Procession on Sunday, October 28th (the next morning)-optional We encourage everyone who carves a pumpkin to leave them overnight (we’ll keep them safe) so that you can participate in the “Pumpkin Procession” the following morning at the October 28 service. Participation is optional and if you know you will not be attending the service the following morning, you may want to take your pumpkin home after the carving. The Pumpkin Procession is for children and adults who want to dress up in Halloween costume and carry their pumpkin down to the stage to serve as a decoration during the Sunday Service. The pumpkin can then be taken home after the service, just in time to use as decoration around the home for Halloween. Please contact the CRE, Susan B, or any member of the LRE committee if you have any questions. See you there!! Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima Page 7 225 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 UUCY CALENDAR ~ OCTOBER These events are repeated as stated - Any changes will be announced on our website and/or in the Weekly Updates of the month ************************************************************************************************************************* Sundays 9:30 a.m. Adults’ and Children’s Lifespan Religious Education Classes (Upper South Hall Classrooms) Sundays 10:30 a.m. Informal Social Time (Fellowship Hall) Sundays 11:00 a.m. Family Worship Services (Sanctuary; ChildSpace - LRE Wing) Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY UPDATE & SUNDAY’S INFORMATION Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. UUCY Choir Rehearsal (Lower South Hall Common Room) Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. UUCY Buddhist Meditation (Ann Ingham Room) Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. Coffee Get Together @ Starbucks on 56th and Summitview ************************************************************************************************************************* First Thursdays 5:30 p.m. UUCY Finance Committee Meeting (Church Office) First Sundays 8:00 a.m. UUCY Facility Committee Meeting (Upper South Hall Common Room) Second Saturdays 8:30 a.m. Upper Valley Breakfast: Living Care Village Center 215 40th Avenue, Yakima Contact: Dan or Jerry Baris @ 853-1878 Second Sundays 8:00 a.m. UUCY LRE Committee Meeting (LRE South Hall) Second Sundays 11:30 a.m. UUCY Social Justice Committee Meeting (Ann Ingham Room) Second Mondays 6:00 p.m. UUCY Sunday Services Committee Meeting (Ann Ingham Room) Second Mondays 6:00 p.m. UUCY Board Meeting (Ann Ingham Room) The 20 th Day/Month 8:30 a.m. DEADLINE FOR AUGUST NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS Third Sundays 11:15 a.m. UUCY Membership Committee Meeting (Garden Room) Third Mondays 6:30 p.m. Yakima Valley Peace Advocates Meeting (Ann Ingham Room) Third Thursdays 6:00 p.m. UUCY Pagan Fellowship (Lower South Hall Classroom #6) Third Saturdays 9:00 a.m. UUCY Quilting Group (Upper South Hall Common Room on 10/20) Fourth Tuesdays 12:00 p.m. Lower Valley Lunch: 4th Tuesday, Warehouse in Zillah. Contact Jane Davis, 865-4964. Fourth Wednesdays 12:00 p.m. YACFC Meeting @ Central Lutheran / 16th and Yakima Ave. Last Saturdays/Month 1:30 p.m. Cooking & Conversation (Kitchen & Fellowship Hall) ************************************************************************************************************************* Coming in November: GUEST AT YOUR TABLE We will be reinstating our participation in this popular and meaningful Unitarian Universalist Service Committee program. Stay tuned for details about how you can become a part of this tradition of mindfulness and generosity benefiting social justice programs of the UUSC. Clear a spot at your table, and in your heart, for this very special GUEST at your table! For the month of October, the banner “Standing On the Side of Love” will be proudly displayed on the front of our Church, on N. 2nd Street. Ulla Whitmont shared this photograph, which shows the UU/Pacific Northwest District-owned banner at a UU church on Whidbey Island. The Whitmonts visited friends of 40 years on Whidbey Island at the Unitarian Church of Whidbey Island on 9/23/12. Unitarian Universalist Church of Yakima Page 8 225 North Second Street, Yakima, WA 98901 225 N. 2nd St. Yakima, WA 98901 [email protected] (509) 453-8448 UUCY Covenant UUCY Auction 2012 Theme: El Día De Los Muertos Date & Time: November 3rd, 6:00 p.m. Donor Name: __________________________________ We promise to: Treat each other with kindness. Celebrate each other’s spiritual growth. Listen deeply. Speak with courage and humility. Share the ministry of this congregation Item or Service Name: __________________________ Item or Service Description: ______________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Minimum Bid: _______ Fair Market Value: __________ Donor Contact Info (Email, Phone): _____________________________________________ For any questions you have, please contact your UUCY Auction 2012 Committee Chairs: Lucy Stevens, [email protected] or Ulla Whitmont, [email protected] ; Please return this donation form to the UUCY Office in the inside door’s mail slot or the in-basket for Susan Burdick. Thank you! UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF YAKIMA 225 N. 2nd St. Yakima, WA 98901 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED REFUSED If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, check the box above and return. We pay the postage. Uni-Fire deadline for NOVEMBER issue: OCTOBER 20TH _____________________
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