April, 2014 Volume 5: Issue 4 Newsletter of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church The First Universalist Church in America Organized in 1779 as The Independent Christian Church THE REVEREND JENNY RANKIN, INTERIM MINISTER Worship Service: 10:00 am 10 Church Street [corner Middle & Church Streets] Gloucester MA 01930 (978) 283-3410 [email protected] Interim Musings “Do not be timid or afraid.” Emerson wrote in his journal in November of 1842. “Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little coarse, and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice? Up again you shall never be so afraid of a tumble.” I have always liked this quotation especially after I learned that Emerson wrote these words just 9 months after the death of his beloved first son Waldo. Waldo came down sick one night in January and two days later he was dead, of the scarlatina that killed so many children in that era. After a devastating personal reversal like that one, it would have made sense to expect timidity in Emerson. But he seemed to have an inborn capacity for resilience. What courage it must have taken for him to write these lines. It can feel risky to experiment. It can push us out of our comfort zone. But what better time than now, as this interminable winter seems to be lessening its grip, as we move into what we hope will be a stunning spring season! What better time to experiment in a church than in the interim time, between settled ministers. It is a great time to “try on” new things, in worship, in governance, in church events and activities. It is a time to invite one another in to participate in the life of the church, through a short-term volunteer commitment like “Community Clean-Up Day” on Saturday, April 26 or a long-time volunteer commitment like being on the Search Committee. You probably have seen small experiments in action already. With the advice and guidance of the Music and Liturgy committee, we are trying some new things in worship; different music, different prayers, different speakers. We have had a wonderful gospel Sunday, a Jazz Sunday and will celebrate Pete Seeger with a lot of great music on May 4. In Religious Education, Lucy and her team have experimented with a new type of children’s chapel this year, getting kids engaged in a hands-on way to explore and experience worship. There are always new things happening to the physical space here! Notice the new paint and improvements in the vestry, thanks to Kerry and her volunteer crew. The Board has experimented with holding “congregational conversations” after church during coffee hour to listen to the congregation’s views on important issues like how to become economically sustainable going forward. Is there something new you’d like to see happen here? Let me know! As always, I welcome your input via email ([email protected]), phone or by appointment in the office on Wednesday or Thursday. I am a New Englander, born and bred, and I actually like winter. But I am looking forward to seeing green on the front lawn and watching those sails on the harbor! It’s good to be here with you. Jenny Accessible Entrance at Corner of Pine/Proctor & Church Streets www.gloucesteruu.org www.facebook.com/ pages/GloucesterUnitarian-UniversalistChurch/205512609487543 Page 2 Tickets also on sale in the church office during regular office hours: 9 — noon Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and after church services on Sundays. VOLUNTEERS are needed to help with various tasks before, during and after the concert. Volunteers are admitted to the concert free in exchange for their time. These are the volunteer “positions” available: Concessions – 4 people Ushers/Ticket Takers: 4 people Load-in: 4 people Load-Out/Put Church stuff back: 6 people Hospitality: 2-4 people Raffle (50/50): 2 [possible - yet to be determined] Please email Dick Prouty, [email protected] or Charles Nazarian, [email protected]. Those who “worked” the Solstice Concert in December found it very rewarding. Filling Our Pulpit During April April 6: Rev. Jeremy Melvin Rev. Jeremy Melvin, is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and member of our congregation. He attended St. John's College, Annapolis and Harvard Divinity School. He currently teaches at the Landmark School in Beverly and resides in Gloucester with his wife Lucinda and their 4 children Ingraham, Matilda, Eleanor and Florence. April 13: Rev. Eliza Blanchard (return visit) Rev. Blanchard began her journey to ministry from her position as DRE with the Melrose congregation. A former English teacher, she made a mid-life career change, attending Harvard Divinity School to become a credentialed UU minister. Ordained in 2004, she was called to the Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton and Upton that same year. She served there for five years, leaving to devote more time to writing and to community ministry. She is currently an affiliate minister of the First Parish in Brookline, and offers spiritual care and guidance to animal caregivers. She volunteers at the MSPCA. She also enjoys spiritual direction and preaching. She edited two collections of blessings for children and published a book of reflections on growing older (The Seasoned Soul: Skinner House Press). She, her husband, and their Morkie, Maisie, live in Brookline. Page 3 April 20: EASTER SUNDAY: Rev. Jenny Rankin with special music. April 27: HDS David Ruffin (return visit) After graduating from Northwestern University where David studied music and drama, then working in campaign politics, education, and several years as a professional actor in New York, David realized he was most deeply drawn to the transformation that could spring from spiritually grounded community. Hoping to channel the spiritual connection he experienced in the arts into such work, he left the stage to come to explore this path at Harvard Divinity School. There he discerned that, for him, this work of spiritually grounded transformation was the work of ministry and he began pursuing the path of Unitarian Universalist fellowship. David’s journey also led him to found The Sanctuary Boston, a community of worship and connection launched by a team of young adults that were interested in a more heart-centered, spirit-filled, musically vibrant worship practice. Please check the official calendar on our website for updates. As soon as we have titles for the homilies, they will be posted on the calendar. Middle Street Green Space Spruce Up: Come One, Come All! FINALLY! No more snow in sight, but the remnants of our long winter now visible all around the outside of our church. Save Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 10 am until 1pm on your calendar for an old fashioned neighborhood work party. The church’s newly-formed Green Committee will have coffee ready when we start, and will treat us to pizza as we wind down. We’re inviting the neighbors living near by, and posting signs on our trees so that dog-walkers are also invited to work alongside church members. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other, and also to enjoy the wonderful green space we have in front of our church … a kind of oasis on Middle Street. No need to join a committee: just spend a morning out in the fresh air, and then look back and get the pleasure of actually seeing visible results! The church will provide disposable gloves — “sprucer-uppers” please bring your rakes, clippers, your favorite yard tools. We will also be grateful if you have some extra grass seed, fertilizer, lime etc. that you would like to donate. This is a “rain -- or shine” event (we haven’t scheduled a back-up day) .. let’s hope it only shines! Page 4 Music & Meditation in the Meetinghouse Our popular monthly series Music & Meditation in the Meetinghouse continues on the last Sunday of each month at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. On April 27th we welcome back Dr. Neil Williams as our meditation leader. Music will be provided by singer Bonnie Barish, accompanied on the piano by Jane Shapiro. Music & Meditation in the Meetinghouse (MMM) offers Cape Ann residents and visitors a unique combination of beautiful music and relaxing meditation. Each event offers the participants an opportunity to enjoy a different combination of peaceful self-awareness through various kinds of meditation enhanced by the musical offerings. The MMM experience is intended to be comforting, entertaining and spiritual but it is not a church service and there is no religious content. It is held in the candle-lit sanctuary of the grand 1806 Meetinghouse, a place of gathering and welcoming for the entire Gloucester community for more than 200 years. The Meetinghouse, whose lofty tower lantern has guided generations of mariners safely into our harbor, is on the National Register of Historic Places and is the oldest and largest surviving building of its type in Gloucester. A free-will offering is requested and everyone is welcome. A social gathering with light refreshments is held afterwards in the Entrance House where participants may greet each other. Watch your mailbox for a letter from the Nominating Committee. The process for calling a new minister is getting underway. Your voice is important. Letters are going out soon explaining the process and inviting your preferences for the Search Committee. After you have a chance to read the letter, you will be getting a phone call to hear your thoughts. Please take the time to help ensure a bright future for the church! Easter Sunday is April 20th Maundy Thursday Service April 17th (6-7:30 pm) There will be a communion service at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary followed by a pot luck supper in the vestry. All who are intrigued by the idea of a UU communion service are more than welcome to attend. It's an old tradition in our church and has been revised to reflect our increasing diversity. Until 5 years ago, the pot luck held was before the service and was very well attended, but most folks, satisfied with good food and conversation, skipped the service. Upstairs and down, the common table represents our common life in which there are no out casts. Families are encouraged to attend. Time to Place Your Flower Orders We thank Carolyn Edwards for once again coordinating the taking of orders for tulips (usually pink or yellow) and/or lilies — and for decorating our Sanctuary with them. Plants are $13 per pot. Carolyn will need your order by Thursday April 14th! Her phone is (978) 283-9129. Please send your check - payable to ICC-UU to Carolyn at: 7 Perkins Road, Gloucester MA 01930. Remember to indicate which selection: tulip or lily. Page 3 Call for Nominations: 2014 Citizenship Awards The Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church is inviting nominations from the public for its 2014 Gloucester Citizenship Awards. pay, and often with little or no public notice. From young to old, there are no age limits. Nominees need not be citizens of the United States. The church annually seeks to recognize up to 10 individuals for contributions they voluntarily make to Gloucester, without thought of remuneration or recognition. Nominations are due no later than Friday, April 4. They must be in writing and include the name and address of the nominee, why this person should be honored, and the name and contact information of the person making the nomination. The people who receive these honors will come from all walks of life. Some are known for simple deeds they do for their neighbors. Others are honored for giving generously to the entire community. All will be people who have worked persistently and quietly to make a mark on Gloucester. They will be chosen because their actions embody the best of the spirit that guides Unitarian Universalism – open-hearted giving to others, solely for what those gifts mean, for no Nominations may be mailed to the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church, 10 Church St., Gloucester MA 01930, or emailed to [email protected]. Up to 10 individuals will be honored on Sunday, May 4th. Final choices will be made by the church’s Social Justice Committee. The awards will be made at a public event at the church on Sunday, May 4. Spring Fair Farmers Market Saturday, April 19, 2014 9:00 am until noon Vestry entrance, Gloucester UU Church (corner Pine/Proctor & Church Streets) This market will feature 6 farms, 6 agricultural producers, 2 crafters, 9 vendors of prepared foods, and the Back Yard Growers. At least 3 growers will have seedlings and/or plants for sale. We know the gardeners out there are chomping at the bit to get out in their yard after this very long winter, so plan to visit the market. Church members will be selling coffee and muffins to get you off to a wide-awake start! From 10 am until noon, during this spring market, church members are offering a special project for all children while their parents shop. There will be Easter Egg Coloring, and another craft suitable for younger children. There is no charge for this project; it’s compliments of the Religious Education Committee. SPECIAL SPRING-EASTER PROJECT FOR CHILDREN DURING THE MARKET. ommunity Meals is always helpful too. Page 6 Leaders Needed to Coordinate Open Door Meal The Open Door serves free dinners in a clean, pleasant, and friendly atmosphere. These meals are sponsored by church, civic, and school groups from Cape Ann, with the help of other volunteers. Currently each sponsoring group serves a meal once every 3 months. Anyone who is hungry or lonely is welcome. There are no eligibility requirements. Our church will serve the dinner on three upcoming Saturdays: April 19, July 19, and October 18. Janet Ruth Young, chair of the Social Justice Committee is looking for a leader to coordinate each dinner and to enlist 4-6 volunteers to plan the menu, shop, cook, serve, and clean up afterward. If you believe that serving dinner to the hungry and lonely can be part of your personal ministry on Cape Ann, please consider taking a turn . For families, it’s a wonderful opportunity to teach community service [suitable for children old enough to set a table.] Printed directions/instructions are available in the church office; the manager at the Open Door Community Meals is always helpful too. 3 4 7 9 12 14 Carolyn Edwards Ryan Carlos Baker Dunn Col. Dale Corliss Jacob Gabriel Franklin Dr. Richard Brown Jerry Ackerman 17 22 23 23 26 Martha Oaks Genevieve Dionne Peggy Kimball Lucille LePage Deborah Way May All-Church Visioning Retreat I have found much to love in the high ideals of Unitarian Universalism: Faith without dogma Hope through action Love without exceptions There is much to love in our own church: friends, traditions of worship, opportunities to help others, music, history………. The list is very long. In fact you have written the list. During listening circles organized by the Transition Team over the last few weeks, you have told us what words capture the heart of this place for you. Every three word essence that we recorded is on display in the vestry today. [Holly Tanguay, 3/23] SAVE THE DATE May 18, 2014 11:00 am — 3:00 pm We will walk down Middle Street to Temple Ahavat Achim where we will begin the retreat with lunch. After lunch we will meet to begin our visioning. More information will be provided as the date draws nearer. In the meantime, please mark your calendars. Spotlight: Minister’s Discretionary Funds Babson-Webber Church Fund Helps Out I have realized since beginning as your Interim Minister last fall that some of you are not aware of the Babson-Webber fund we have that allows us to help people in need. The “Babson-Webber-Mustard Fund” was started many years ago by Mrs. Grace Knight Babson who wanted to help individuals in need. Each year, our church — as well as other faith communities in Gloucester — receives $2400 to give out. Under the direction of the minister, and with the administrative help of Karen Rembert, we give out these funds in the form of gift cards to local pharmacies and grocery stores, as well as providing help, by check, with utilities, transportation costs, rent, etc. The fund is only available for residents of Gloucester. I know that $2400 sounds like a lot of money, but you might be surprised at how quickly the money goes. Karen keeps meticulous notes on each case, with specifics on what the money is being used for. Recently, we made a policy that an individual could make no more than 2 requests per calendar year. This year, we have noticed a change. In the past, most of the requests we got were for food cards ($10 each). We gave out one food card for each member of a household. Beginning in 2013, people began asking for help with back rent and utility bills. This meant that each individual would require up to $100 per request, rather than $10-$40. Many landlords are able to accept these small amounts from churches and have not evicted their tenants, who continue to pay a small amount toward their back rent. You can see that $2400 doesn’t go very far to pay rent and/or utility bills if it has to be spread out over the entire calendar year. Page 7 If you are approached by someone in need asking for financial help, please do not give that person cash. Instead, refer the person to the minister or the church administrator, so we can have a record of assisting Gloucester residents in need. If you would like to help us make this fund go a little farther and help more people, consider making a donation to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. This fund is ONLY used to help Gloucester residents in need. Please make your check payable to “Minister’s Discretionary Fund” and send it to Gloucester UU Church, 10 Church Street, Gloucester MA 01930. Here is an example of some of the “thank you” notes that we receive from individuals we have been able to help. Dear Rev. Rankin, I cannot thank you enough for your kind contribution to my “rent pledge.” I am grateful and very pleased to be able to report that with your help and the help of a number of other area churches, I was in fact, able to raise the money for my back rent. I am still working on raising the requisite sum for my electric and I am half-way there. I am very touched to discover that help like that exists for the asking. I hope to never have to avail myself of it again, but it is a blessing to our community that willingness to help people in acute need exists. Rest assured that should I ever find myself on the more robust end of the financial spectrum, the organizations that helped me in my time of need will not be forgotten. God Bless. Carry on the exceptional work of kindness. Apologies: the listing of flowers for February was inadvertently left out of the March newsletter. 2 Given by Jerry and Carol Ackerman in thanks for all the friends they have made in this church. 9 Given by Willie Alexander and Ann Rearick in loving memory of Willie’s father, Reverend Edward Gordon Alexander, his sister, Janice Alexander, his mother, Madeline Mercer and his step father, Ken Mercer. 23 Given by Carolyn Edwards, to honor the Care Committee and its members for all the kindnesses extended to Carolyn during her recent illness. Page 8 R.E.marks from Lucy Spring Activities in the Religious Education Program Much is in store in the coming weeks for the children. Please join us during the Farmer's Market on April 19th from 10am to noon for a special Easter Egg dying and decorating craft in the nursery. Clean up day will take place on April 26th from 9 am to noon. The RE group will work inside going through materials, paring down and cleaning out cupboards. All ages are welcome. Kids who like to sharpen pencils, test markers and carry things are especially needed. There will be no Religious Education class on Easter Sunday. Look for special pew packs to work on during the service. We will also have a small plant for each child to bring home. Special Thanks to three key RE volunteers: Jim Schoel, Rose Sheehan and Neil Williams have helped with our program by donating materials, activities and expertise. Lucy Boynton Melvin Vegan Cooking Demonstration a Success! On Saturday, March 8, vegan chef Elizabeth Reed of Rockport presented a class in cooking with winter vegetables. An avid crowd of nineteen cooking enthusiasts swarmed the church kitchen as Reed demonstrated the preparation of three dishes: creamy roasted root vegetable soup, raw winter vegetable salad, and roasted Brussels sprouts salad with toasted spice pecans. Students tasted all three dishes, learned about the benefits of a plant-based diet, and received plentiful recommendations for groceries, kitchen tools, and cookbooks. The event drew cooks from Salem, Malden, and Concord as well as Cape Ann. Reed was assisted by her partner and sous-chef, Bill Joyce. The cooking class was sponsored by the church's recently formed Green Committee, which hopes to make the church a community headquarters for information on environmentally conscious living. Please contact Janet Young if you have ideas for future Green activities or would like a copy of the recipes from the cooking class. For more information on Elizabeth Reed, or to see more recipes, visit her blog, Elizabeth Runs. Krissie Burnham photo Photo by Janet Ruth Young Krissie Burnham photo Photo by Janet Ruth Young Page 9 Why Have a Will? Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 5:00 pm in the Church Vestry Ensure your wishes are carried out. Church members, and the public are invited to this free presentation. Two local layers, Bridget Murray and Meredith Fine will be presenting the program "Why Have a Will?" They will discuss the steps to take to make sure your affairs are in order, and to insure that the government gets less of your estate than your heirs and favorite charities. We send our condolences to JoeAnn Hart, Gordon Baird and family. JoeAnn’s father Thomas A. Hart, 84, passed away quietly on March 11; his wife of 60 years, and his family were by his side. A memorial Mass was held on March 28th in Danvers. Dorothea (Dotty) Addams Brown passed away on March 20th … the first day of spring. As a long-time friend of our church, her family has requested that people consider making a contribution to the Gloucester UU Church in her memory. Dotty’s memorial service will be held at the church on May 3, 2014 at 2 pm and will be conducted by the Reverends Jenny Rankin and Wendy Fitting. Please Join Us Second Annual Cape Ann Area UU Lay Leadership Brunch and Discussion Circle Saturday morning May 10th (9 — 11:30) Hosted by: The Unitarian Universalist Society of Rockport 4 Cleaves Street, in downtown Rockport For you who are new, we welcome you. For those who attended last year's gathering at the Gloucester UU church, we look forward to being with you again. Join us in this opportunity to know one another, to share our knowledge and experience, our uncertainties and questions in our shared journey as UU lay leaders. Please RSVP by 1 May Judy Metcalfe, President, [email protected] Home telephone 978 546-0264 Linda Kidder offers FREE editing services. Bill Jackson is looking for a tennis partner YOUR NOTE ! could go here Page 10 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Care OU! THANK Y bers ee Mem itt m m o C ked and who coo vely us to a lo d e t a e r t Ellie … a rescue dog who has “separation anxiety” and therefore volunteers along with her person, Ann Straccia, at the Grace Center each week. meal. Photos by Paula Gray Financial Report: 1st Quarter The Finance Committee works throughout the year to manage the Church’s business operations. This includes budget generation and management, event reconciliation, building use contracts and policies, giving and donations, capital equipment governance and more. We are actively seeking 2 new working members for the committee to assist us with this important set of responsibilities. If you have a passion for, some background in financial or business operations, or like to take on some projects in this type work we would love to meet with you to give you more information; you don’t have to have a degree in accounting to be a member of our team. Please talk to Scott Memhard (Treasurer), Ken Belanger (Chair, Finance Committee) or contact Karen at the Church office. Our Winter kept us busy this year and prevented us from opening on several Sundays. The cold and long winter also resulted in additional heating costs. We would be grateful if pledgers could catch-up (and those who donate would consider giving) for those lost weeks make up for the shortfall. Your Giving Statements for the first quarter (January - March) will be issued in early April. Please check them for accuracy and report any discrepancies to the office. Ken Belanger [email protected] (Finance Committee Chair) Page 11 Board Notes FINANCE COMMITTEE: Committee Chair, Ken Belanger is summarizing the Q1 Financial results which will be available the first Sunday in April for review. He is also reviewing the church insurance policy, changing the internet from Verizon DSL to Comcast to enable the increased use of the internet and the anticipation of security cameras. STRATEGIC PLAN: Ken Belanger is updating the Strategic Plan status to add the 2013 results and will be holding a Strategic facilitating a review session in April to review and update the Strategic Plan. The current version of the Strategic Plan is available on the Church Website. ADA II PROJECT: Phase II of the ADA project is about complete with some small detail tasks left. Great job by Newt and the B&G team! CITIZENSHIP AWARDS DEADLINE: Nominations for 2014 Citizenship Awards, honoring Gloucester's remarkable volunteers, will close on April 4. Give Karen Rembert your nominations this week by paper or via email, stating the person's name and contact info and what he or she has done to deserve the nomination. FREE OR DISCOUNTED BOSTON THEATER TICKETS: As part of the Huntington Theater's Community Connections program, the church is now eligible for blocks of ten or more tickets to many of the theater's productions for either no cost or the low cost of $15 per ticket. Watch the church's Facebook page to see what productions are offered. Janet Young will coordinate the theater outings, including ordering tickets, planning transportation, and suggesting places for a meal or snack before or after the theater. Please let Janet know if you are willing to be a driver for one of conference at Murray Grove in New Jersey. The Universalists gathered at he conference brainstormed many ways to celebrate the 250th anniversary of John Murray's first sermon in America which will occur in 2020. As the first Universalist church in the new world which of course was led by John Murray, our church has a role to play in the planning and in the upcoming celebration. Speak to Holly or Jenny if you would like to participate. these excursions. CONGREGATIONAL CONVERSATIONS: Discussion times for the congregation and board members will continue this month during coffee hour on April dates not yet determined. We will be discussing the formation of a separate Gloucester Meetinghouse organization to increase use of the building and help sustain it as well as the possibility of serving beer and wine at concerts and SOCIAL MEDIA: The church is now posting news every day on a Facebook page (as "Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church") and on Twitter (as "Gloucester UU Church"). If you are online, please share, like, post, comment, tweet, retweet, and reply with us! TRANSITION TEAM: The Listening Circles, conducted during the month of March, gave most of our memos a chance to reflect on what the church. Means to them and what their hopes and concerns are for the future. A compilation of all the answers will be available in a three ring binder in the vestry. There will be another copy in the library. If you did not have a chance to participate, we can send you the questions by email and add your responses to those already recorded. On Sunday, May 18, after church (SAVE THE DATE) we will have an all church retreat to contemplate the mission of our church and discuss our vision for other secular events. RENTAL INCOME UPDATE: Board Chair, Dick Prouty, continues to pursue income for the church from rental of our vestry and other spaces. A Request for Proposal will appear in the local papers and blogs this week and will be sent to local real estate agents. He will also continue discussions with organizations like the Lanesville Nursery School, the Grace Center and the Buddhist Center who have expressed interest in using our space. the future. During March Holly Tanguay and Rev. Jenny Rankin attended a visioning There were no fresh flowers in memory - or celebration - given during the month. Page 12 SPRING 2014: HIGHLIGHT EVENTS GLOUCESTR UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Sunday, March 30, 7:30 pm — Music & Meditation (All welcome) Thursday, April 17, 6 pm, — traditional Maundy Thursday service -- Potluck dinner to follow (All welcome) Saturday, April 19, 9- 12 noon — Farmer’s Market & Children’s Easter Egg Coloring Activity (All welcome) Saturday, April 19, 3 pm — The Open Door , offering dinner and sociability to local people in need. Coordinator and volunteers wanted. Sunday April 20, 10 am — Easter Sunday Families and children welcome Festive music (All welcome) Friday April 25, 7 pm — Gimme Sound concert Brian King Saturday, April 26, 10 am-1 pm — Community Clean-Up Day Neighbors and community friends welcome Pitch in! Clean up! Welcome spring! Make our green space more beautiful! Sunday, April 27 10 am — worship Special guest, Harvard Divinity student David Ruffin preaching (All welcome) Sunday, April 27, 7 pm — “Why Make a Will?” (All Welcome) Sunday, April 27, 7:30 pm — Music & Meditation Bonnie Barish, Jane Shapiro and Neil Williams (All Welcome) Sunday, May 4, 10 am — Celebrating the Life & Legacy of Pete Seeger Celebrated local folk musicians. Jenny Rankin preaching Intergenerational service (All welcome; families welcome) Sunday May 4, 4 pm — Community Recognition Award Ceremony Come and honor Gloucester’s outstanding volunteers (All Welcome) Saturday, May 10, 9-11:30 am — Cape Ann Area Lay Leadership Brunch @ Rockport Unitarian Universalist Church Saturday, May 10, 7 pm — Gimme Sound concert Sunday, May 11, 10 am — Special worship service Mother’s Day (All Welcome) Saturday, May 17, 9-noon — Farmers Market (All Welcome) Sunday, May 18 , 10 am — Celebration of Judith Sargent Murray , special music with Steve Armington string quartet, in collaboration with Sargent House Museum (All Welcome) Sunday, May 25, 7:30 pm — Music & Meditation (All Welcome)
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