Seems Like Old Times Queen-size & Wall Quilts Designed by Patti Carey using Northcott’s “Seems Like Old Times”, a Quest for a Cure™ collection by Ro Gregg This old-fashioned romantic collection in shades of gold, soft sage and old rose is perfect for a traditional-styled appliqué quilt with some easy patchwork. For a taste of appliqué, try the wall quilt. For appliqué aficionados, you’ll enjoy the queen-size project. We did turned appliqués using freezer paper, but please use whatever method you prefer. Queen-size Quilt Skill level: Intermediate | Finished Size: 92” x 108” | Number of Blocks and Finished Size: five 16” appliqué blocks and two 8” x 16” appliqué blocks Fabric Requirements On lengthwise grain, cut 4 strips 8½” wide; trim to 82½” (2nd border). Reserve balance for triangles & appliqués if not using charm packs. Cut 6 strips 4½” x width of fabric (WOF) (for blocks) Cut 17 strips 1½” x WOF; join end-to-end. Cut 2 pieces 64½” and 2 pieces 82½” (1st border). Cut 2 pieces 82½” and 2 pieces 100½” (3rd border). #2975-12 cream print ⅞yd (.8m) Cut 6 strips 4½” x WOF (for blocks) #2974-22 rose calico Cut 11 strips 2” x WOF; join end-to-end, press in half lengthwise and reserve ¾yd (.7m) for binding. 19 Seems Like Old Times charm packs OR ½yd each of #2969-51 large gold If using ½yd pieces, cut 2 floral, #2969-66 large sage floral, #2970-22 rose floral stripe, #2970-51 gold floral strips 4⅞” x WOF; cut into stripe, #2970-66 sage floral stripe, #2971-22 rose spaced floral, #2971-51 gold fourteen 4⅞” squares (cut 2 extra spaced floral, #2971-66 sage spaced floral, #2972-22 rose mini floral, #2972-51 squares for wall quilt if you wish). gold mini floral, #2972-66 sage mini floral, #2973-22 rose stripe, #2973-51 gold Reserve balance for appliqués. stripe, #2973-66 sage stripe, #2974-22 rose calico, #2974-51 gold calico, #2974Also cut fourteen 4⅞” squares 66 sage calico, #2975-22 rose tapestry, #2975-51 gold tapestry, #2975-66 sage from the large rose floral scraps. tapestry, #2976-22 rose fern, #2976-51 gold fern & #2976-66 sage fern Backing: Cut 2 pieces 114” long. 8½yds (7.8m) Cut balance in half lengthwise, join end-to-end and center between the 2 longer pieces (I used large floral #2969) Batting: a piece 96” x 112” (I used Hobb’s Tuscany wool) Suggested thread for quilting: Sulky Blendables 30wt. #4026 Freezer paper or Wonder-Under paper-backed fusible web #2969-22 large rose floral 2½yds(2.3m) #2976-12 cream/rose print 1⅔yds (1.5m) Piecing: 1. If using charm packs, remove the cream and cream/pink squares from each pack. (Use for wall quilt if you wish.) 2. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on back of 160 squares. Lay a “lined” square right side down on an “unlined” square. Sew ¼” each side of the line, and cut along line. Press seam to one side and trim block to 4½”, keeping diagonal seam at corners. 3. Following diagram, sew triangle squares together in units of 8 squares. Make 28 units. Reserve balance of squares for outer border. 4. Sew the cream and cream/pink 4½” strips together in pairs as shown, pressing seams open to reduce bulk. Make 6 pairs. 5. Sew pairs together into sets of 4 strips. Make 3 sets. 6. Cross-cut sets into 4½” sections. Sew 4 sections together as shown to make one block. Make 5 blocks. Sew 2 sections together to make a half-block; make 2 half-blocks. Appliques: 1. From the 16” appliqué layout block, trace 32 hearts, 24 large outer flowers, 24 large inner flowers, 28 small outer flowers, 28 small inner flowers, 48 large leaves and 56 small leaves onto freezer paper or Wonder-Under. If using freezer paper, cut out along traced lines and iron appliqués to back of chosen fabrics (use greens for leaves, rose for hearts, and rose and gold for flowers – we used gold for large outer flowers and small inner flowers, and rose for large inner flowers and small outer flowers). Trim fabric 3/16” beyond paper and press seam allowances under (we used spray starch to hold them in place). If using Wonder-Under, roughly cut out appliqués, leaving space around each shape. Following manufacturer’s directions, fuse shapes to back of chosen fabrics. Cut along traced lines and remove paper backing. 2. From assorted green fabrics, cut 20 strips 4¼” x 1⅛” for large flowers and 24 strips 3¼” x ⅞” for small flowers. Press under ¼” on both long edges. 3. Using the 16” appliqué layout and the 5 square pieced cream blocks, position the appliqué pieces on each block, starting with the large and small flower stems, then the hearts, leaves and outer flowers, then the inner flowers. Fuse or hand/machine-applique the pieces in place. If appliqués were fused, stitch around all edges using a satin stitch or buttonhole stitch to secures raw edges. 4. From assorted rose and gold fabrics, cut twenty-four 2¾” circles from gold fabrics and twenty-eight 2¼” circles from rose fabrics for yoyo flower centers. Turn under a scant ¼” and make ¼” running stitches close to the folded edge with matching thread. Pull the thread firmly to draw the yoyo closed and tack with a few stitches. Sew gold yoyos to center of large flowers and rose yoyos to center of small flowers. 5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 with the remaining appliqué pieces and the rectangular pieced cream blocks, using the 8” x 16” appliqué layout as a guide. Assembly: 1. Sew 4 pieced triangle sections end-to-end to make a strip 64½” long. Repeat to make 4 strips. 2. Sew a pieced triangle section to each side of the 16” appliqué blocks, and a section to one side of each rectangular appliqué block. (We pressed the seams away from the cream fabric.) 3. Following diagram, sew the appliqué blocks together in 3 rows. 4. Lay out the four 64½” pieced strips alternately with the 3 applique rows. Sew together. 5. Sew a 64½” cream strip to top & bottom edges. 6. Sew each 82½” cream strip to an 82½” rose floral strip. Sew a strip to each side of the quilt, with the cream strip next to the quilt. Sew a strip to top & bottom edges, with the rose strip next to the quilt. 7. Sew a 100½” cream strip to each side. 8. Sew the reserved triangle squares end-to-end in a zigzag pattern, making 2 strips with 25 squares and 2 strips with 23 squares. Sew the longer strips to each side of the quilt, then the shorter strips to top & bottom edges. Finishing: Layer the prepared backing, batting and quilt top. Baste and quilt as desired. (We did cross-hatching in the appliqué blocks after outlining the appliqués, and quilted feather motifs in the floral border and the pieced triangle sections.) Trim edges even with quilt top. Sew the prepared rose binding to the edges, turn and stitch in place. Wall Quilt (Note: If you used ½yd pieces for the Queen-size quilt, you will not need the 3 charm packs listed in the fabric requirements – cut three 4⅞” squares from each of the 24 half-yard pieces, and cut eight 4½” squares of each cream print) Skill level: Easy | Finished Quilt Size: 48” x 48” | Finished Block Size: 16” (appliqué block) Fabric Requirements: 3 Seems Like Old Times charm packs (26 5” squares/pk) #2976-12 cream/pink print 1/6yd (.2m) Cut one strip 4½” x WOF; cut into five 4½” squares #2975-12 cream print Cut 4 strips 2½” x width of fabric; trim 2 to 32½” and 2 to 36½” ½yd (.5m) Cut 1 strip 4½” x WOF; cut into five 4½” squares #2969-51 large yellow floral Cut 5 strips 6¼” x width of fabric; trim 2 to 36½”. Join remaining 3 1yd (.9m) strips end-to-end and cut 2 pieces 48”. Reserve scraps for appliqués. #2974-22 rose calico ⅜yd (.4m) Cut 5 strips 2¼” x width of fabric; join end-to-end, press in half lengthwise and reserve for binding Freezer paper or Wonder-Under paper-backed fusible web for appliqués Backing: a piece 54” x 54” Batting: a 52” square piece of Warm & Natural Suggested thread for quilting: Sulky Blendables 30wt. #4026 Piecing: 1. Remove the cream and cream/pink squares from each charm pack. Trim these 6 squares to 4½”. 2. Lay out the 16 cream and cream/pink squares alternately in 4 rows of 4. Sew into rows, then sew the rows together, pressing seams open to reduce bulk. Set aside for appliqué block. 3. Choose 48 charm squares. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the back of 24 of these. 4. With right sides together, sew a “lined” square to an “unlined” square, sewing ¼” each side of the drawn line. Cut along line. Press seams to one side and trim squares to 4½”, keeping diagonal at corners. 5. Following diagram, sew triangle squares together in 6 sets of 8. Appliques: 1. Trace appliqué shapes onto freezer paper or Wonder-Under. Make enough for 4 large flowers (2 parts each), 4 small flowers (2 parts each), 8 large leaves, 8 small leaves and 4 hearts. 2. From the assorted green charm squares, cut 4 strips 4¼” x 1 1/8” for stems of large flowers and 4 strips 3¼” x 7/8” for small flowers; press long edges under ¼”. Use the balance of the squares to make the 16 leaves. 3. From the assorted pink and yellow charm squares, cut four 2¾” circles and four 2¼” circles for yoyos. Use the balance of the squares to make the 4 hearts (use pink for these), 4 large flowers and 4 small flowers. 4. Using the appliqué layout diagram as a guide, sew or fuse the stems, hearts, flowers and leaves to the prepared pieced cream square. Assembly: 1. Sew a pieced triangle section to each side of the appliqué block. 2. Join the remaining triangle sections lengthwise in pairs; add to top and bottom edges of appliqué section. 3. Sew a 32½” cream strip to each side, and a 36½” cream strip to top and bottom edges. 4. Sew a 36½” yellow floral strip to each side, and a 48” yellow strip to top & bottom edges. Finishing: Layer the backing, batting and quilt top. Baste and quilt as desired. Trim edges even with quilt top. Sew the prepared binding to the edges, turn and stitch in place. Yoyos: Turn under a scant ¼” and make ¼” running stitches close to the folded edge with matching thread. Pull the thread firmly to draw the yoyo closed and tack with a few stitches. Sew large yoyos to center of large flowers and small yoyos to center of small flowers.
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