The Next Industrial Revolution: How the Internet of Things and Embedded, Connected, Intelligent Devices will Transform Manufacturing A Manufacturing Leadership White Paper Sponsored by Microsoft Introduction....................................................................................................................................3 The Internet of Things in Manufacturing: ...................................................................................3 Business drivers and current initiatives....................................................................................... 4 The Machine-to-Machine Opportunity........................................................................................5 Primary technology enablers....................................................................................................... 5 Turning Manufacturing Data into Business Decisions................................................................6 Capturing and analyzing IoT Information.................................................................................. 7 How Manufacturing Companies Can Harness the Power of IoT..............................................7 Optimizing and integrating the organization............................................................................ 7 What to Watch Out for: Considerations and Challenges..........................................................8 Practical considerations of an IoT in manufacturing strategy.................................................. 8 Conclusion: Don’t Wait for the Future........................................................................................10 The opportunity to benefit from IoT in manufacturing exists now......................................... 10 contents The Next Industrial Revolution: How the Internet of Things and Embedded, Connected, Intelligent Devices will Transform Manufacturing INTRODUCTION Today’s manufacturers need to be ever more agile and efficient to survive. The ability to monitor and respond quickly to changes in consumer demand, keep real-time control over product quality and regulatory compliance, and ensure production lines run smoothly with minimum downtime is now essential to staying competitive. Companies that do not effectively respond to today’s rapid and often disruptive shifts in both internal and external forces face an uncertain future. The Internet of Things (IoT) in manufacturing, along with the German government’s broader Industrie 4.0 smart factory initiative (see below), offer vast potential for companies to improve the capture of critical operational data, monitor production assets and processes in real time, and connect with customers in ways previously unimagined. Many of the technologies to do this are already available; they do not always require huge investments, and the benefits can be swift and significant. However, harnessing the real business value offered by new IoT approaches, and managing the increased flow of operational information they create, does require companies to embrace change and adopt transformational production strategies now to enable greater insights and collaboration across the plant floor. This white paper identifies the current trends in plant floor networking and embedded intelligence technologies; the opportunities these developments present for greater real-time, machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity and collaboration across the production environment; the business impact on manufacturing operations and key processes; and some of the primary challenges facing both production managers and leadership teams as they seek the benefits of the Internet of Things revolution in manufacturing today. THE INTERNET OF THINGS IN MANUFACTURING Much has been written and said recently about the “Next Industrial Revolution” that is predicted to transform the manufacturing industry over the next few years. Often called the Internet of Things (IoT) in Manufacturing, it envisions a world of pervasive connectivity in which hosts of Internet-enabled physical devices constantly feed back valuable information to help companies produce and deliver better products and processes. Machines will communicate with other machines about their status, performance and location; they will communicate with people; and they will interact directly with the business processes of an enterprise. Predictions about the impact of this IoT revolution over the next few years vary widely – anything from an estimated 26 billion connected devices by 2020, to more than 200 billion, and generating global revenues from hardware and services of somewhere between $300 billion and an astonishing $8.9 trillion. The specifics of these predictions are not the issue, however. The key point is that the adoption of IoT technologies, and the associated business opportunities they will generate, is likely to be enormous. The potential applications are virtually unlimited. A machine tool will be able to monitor and communicate its real-time performance on a production line. A farm vehicle will notify the supplier it is in need of a service. A refrigerator will be able to indicate which foods are out of date or need replenishment. City water or power grids will self-optimize to avert or by-pass potential breakdowns. Your car will be able to help direct you along the least congested route to your destination. The big question now is: How can companies prepare for, and benefit from, this new revolution today? 3 Current IoT Initiatives This next wave of change now forms the basis of a number of industry, government, and technology initiatives around the world, but, in essence, they all focus on the same approaches. The initiatives include: • Industrie 4.0: Promoted as a high-tech manufacturing sector strategy by the German government, this is based on the premise that industry has moved through history from the age of steam, to mass production, to computing and electronics, and is entering a fourth state of embedded intelligence and connectivity. The goal of the initiative is the creation of more intelligent, “Smart,” factories, harnessing the power of new cyber-physical systems, connected sensors, and embedded intelligence to increase the adaptability, resource efficiency, and the ergonomics of the production environment. Industrie 4.0 is also aimed at accelerating the integration of customers and business partners into better business and value processes. • The Internet of Things: A term first coined back in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, a British technology pioneer and co-founder of the Auto-ID Center at MIT. It defines a global environment where the Internet is connected to a host of physical devices via ubiquitous sensors and embedded intelligent systems–from bridges to plant tools, and from cars to everyday household appliances. The Internet of Things was added as a new entry in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013 and is now used extensively by leading industry analysts and technology suppliers to describe the new wave of cyber-physical connectivity. • The Industrial Internet: An initiative led by General Electric to describe how powerful advances in computing, information, and communication systems can be applied to production environments. It focuses on three key elements: intelligent machines, advanced data analytics, and people at work. • Smart Manufacturing: A concept promoted by the US-based Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition, a non-profit organization that brings together manufacturers, suppliers, technology companies, academia, and government agencies to explore and develop new approaches, standards, platforms, and shared infrastructures that support the broad adoption of greater manufacturing intelligence. • Intelligent Systems: An enterprise implementation of the Internet of Things in which integrated sets of systems and tools harness the power of embedded devices by providing an adaptable foundation for connectivity, security, and identity verification, making it easier for manufacturers to capture, manage, and analyze key data flows. Researchers predict that the market for intelligent systems will account for more than one-third of all electronic system unit shipments by 2015. IoT Business Drivers So why is all this activity so important to the future of manufacturing companies and the manufacturing industry as a whole? Intense competitive pressures and rising market demands in today’s business world require enterprises to increasingly personalize and regionalize products by adopting rapid-response, agile, build-to-order production models that serve multiple markets around the world. Operational efficiency; the need for speed, agility, and customer-centricity; and a continual focus on both product and process innovation are key drivers to survival and success. The valuable new flows of real-time information generated by IoT technologies will allow far greater visibility for an enterprise into its key business processes and operations. 4 The Next Industrial Revolution: How the Internet of Things and Embedded, Connected, Intelligent Devices will Transform Manufacturing The adoption of IoT technologies promises to significantly impact three key areas of a manufacturing enterprise by: -Maximizing the efficiency of industrial machines, tools, instruments, and other assets in the production environment; -Generating new products with embedded intelligence that increase functionality and improve the customer experience, spur product innovation, and foster the introduction of new product-related services; and -Transforming and streamlining enterprise processes –from supply chains to distribution strategies –by capturing and analyzing the performance data to help companies become faster, operationally efficient, and more responsive to changing market demands. IoT in manufacturing is therefore poised to create a new imperative for manufacturers to transition from standalone assets to connected, intelligent, collaborative production systems where the increased flow and in-depth analysis of critical information will help tomorrow’s manufacturers transform their organizations to be more efficient, responsive, collaborative, and competitively successful. THE MACHINE-TO-MACHINE OPPORTUNITY Traditional machine-to-machine communication initiatives have often been hindered by a lack of adequate and affordable technologies at both the device and enterprise levels. But new IoT cyber-physical systems promise to add new momentum to the machine-to-machine opportunity, allowing companies to easily generate vast amounts of valuable, machine-generated data and then communicate that data not only to other machines, but also to management systems. By doing so, they can keep management informed about machine status, allowing teams to prevent errors or failures and better schedule preventative maintenance on both their in-house plant assets and the products they produce. It is important to recognize, however, that despite all the current hype around IoT and the ambitious predictions for the future, many of the key technologies involved are already available and companies can start to benefit today. The availability of low-cost network connectivity, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cloud systems; the development of advanced sensors, meters, and RFID devices; and recent innovations in intelligent software have changed the dynamics of how companies can embed intelligence into physical goods at a low cost. For example, it is estimated that it now costs less than $10 to incorporate a Wi-Fi module into a piece of equipment. Some analysts suggest connectivity will become standard in almost all electronics components, even a basic, sub-$1 processor. Along with this pervasive network connectivity, there are a number of other key technology aspects to the IoT revolution that already allow intelligent remote control, monitoring, and sensing: -Sensors and meters: Embedded devices that monitor the status and performance of machines and products and communicate essential feedback data on their operational effectiveness. These may be designed to measure key operational parameters, such as temperature or vibration, or alert operators to potential equipment or product failures. Such devices can already be attached to existing assets, making the IoT journey faster and easier for many companies. 5 -RFID/NFC devices: Active devices and tags that can provide essential identification, traceability, or location data for pieces of equipment, parts, materials, factory assets, inventory, or finished products. RFID can be highly valuable for tracking items in the factory or during the warehousing, transportation, distribution, or retail phases. Other emerging proximity technologies, such as near-field communications (NFC), often used in smartphone payment systems, also allow devices to establish radio connection by physically touching together or when within close proximity of each other, up to a few inches. Adapted for plant environments, NFC also opens up multiple possibilities for in-plant asset and device intercommunication. -Intelligent software systems: Embedded software is at the heart of the IoT revolution, helping to make sense of all the inputs from embedded physical devices and communicating the results for aggregation and analysis. Event-driven or rule-based software can distinguish between normal and abnormal patterns, selfdiagnose, and potentially self-heal without human intervention. Intelligent systems will also help monitor product quality in the field and identify customer usage patterns, then feed that data back into the product development or production processes. Intelligent embedded systems also provide the basis for innovative new product-related services to be developed to enhance a product’s effectiveness when in use and to deliver greater customer value. Such a wealth of machine-generated, real-time data provided by these IoT technologies is destined to become increasingly important to support both immediate and long-term decision-making for manufacturers. It offers an unprecedented opportunity for companies to better coordinate and integrate their processes–end to end, from ideation, through production, to final service delivery–in more collaborative ways that accelerate their speed of business and improve the quality, competitiveness, and performance of their products. TURNING MANUFACTURING DATA INTO BUSINESS DECISIONS To maximize the value of an IoT strategy, however, one of the biggest challenges for any manufacturer today and increasingly in the years ahead will be how to gather and make sense of all this new information. Big data may create big business opportunities, but it may also be a big headache for companies that are unprepared for the exponential increase in machine-generated information. Companies will need to understand and decide exactly what IoT data is going to be most valuable, and distinguish between what is critically actionable in the immediate term and what can simply be archived for future trend analysis. They will also need to plan how they capture and aggregate the information so it can be best analyzed and used to support better business decisions. Cloud technology is poised to become increasingly important in this exercise. A cloud approach can allow products, machines, and production sites to communicate remotely in real time at a reasonable network cost from almost any location, and will allow companies to transfer key data from multiple sites to central data stores or locations for subsequent access, aggregation, analysis, or archiving using powerful, cloud-based applications and tools. Cloud networks are also comparatively easy to scale to support a growing number of devices as they are deployed over time, and they can be swiftly updated to support new device interfaces as they emerge. New cloud-related IoT developments are already underway, including a sharper focus on the common interface standards needed to support networks of thousands of different devices, and how computing power could be 6 The Next Industrial Revolution: How the Internet of Things and Embedded, Connected, Intelligent Devices will Transform Manufacturing distributed across a cloud network so that some pre-processing may be done locally before key data is uploaded to the main analytical or storage systems. The Analytical Skills Gap and the Rise of the IoT Data Scientist Gathering IoT data is only part of this issue. The next step is to analyze that data and turn the knowledge gained into useful action. For issues such as real-time machine tool error alerts, this is relatively straight-forward; action needs to be taken to fix the problem. But the vast amount of data becoming available can also provide visibility into longer-term trends in areas such as product quality, production process effectiveness, or customer usage patterns. As a result, the need for both more advanced and easier-to-use data analytics tools, and the people with the right skills to be able to use them effectively, will become acute. Today’s data analysis tools may well seem primitive to future generations. Despite significant advances, they are still often complex to use, cumbersome, and costly. There are already calls from across the industry for developers to make the next wave of analytical tools far more intuitive and more visual so they can be easily understood and immediately useful to less-skilled workers, whether on the plant floor or across the supply chain. To complicate the issue further, people with deeper, more specialized analytical skills capable of assessing and managing big data flows in a meaningful way from an enterprise-wide perspective are already at a premium. As companies come to depend increasingly on gathering IoT data insights into how their business runs and how it can be improved, the demand for these highly-trained data scientists will increase significantly. What’s more, when companies also look to identify or anticipate future market trends based on the vast quantities of customer usage data flowing in from the field, they are likely to need people with far broader insights than traditional statistical data warehousing skills – people like sociologists, psychologists, or ergonomists. Such people are very rare commodities in today’s labor market. Again, the demand for people with such broader, holistic analytical approaches is set to intensify. It is becoming increasingly clear that progressive companies, industry associations, educators, and governments alike now need to act swiftly, and collaboratively, if they are going to provide the right skills pipeline to reap full benefit from an IoT data-rich future. HOW MANUFACTURING COMPANIES CAN HARNESS THE POWER OF IOT With multiple IoT devices deployed, and a workable strategy for gathering and analyzing the flow of information established, where should companies now expect to focus their efforts on improving their business? By providing greater visibility into many manufacturing company activities, the IoT revolution has the potential to both increase operational efficiency and help tear down the traditional walls within an organization to help better integrate an enterprise. Optimizing assets: On the factory floor, the whole process of production and real-time workflows can be optimized in new and innovative ways. Real-time status and performance data from built-in equipment sensors and meters added to existing assets can help companies identify sudden or potential delays and errors, and adjust to maximize production flows and quality. Intelligent alerts can help site managers prevent machine 7 breakdowns by planning maintenance or parts replacement work before a problem occurs, thus reducing downtime. Location data can also help companies track materials, parts, tools, or finished goods to optimize the manufacturing flow through the factory and ensure constant availability at every stage. Optimizing processes: Traceability and location data can also help companies better structure and manage their supply chains to ensure the right materials are available to fulfil production runs, creating new types of “smart” supply chains for the future. Traceability data can also help improve regulatory compliance, especially in areas where goods are perishable, such as food processing or pharmaceuticals. Location data can help companies better manage their inventory control, warehousing, and logistics activities. Market feedback from IoT devices built into final products can also feed directly into a company’s innovation process to help improve the design and performance of future models. Agile Production: By combining market demand, production, and supply chain data into a more integrated system, manufacturing teams will be better able to respond rapidly to changing customer requirements or supply chain volatility, and adapt factory workflows in real time to align more closely with the latest production priorities or innovative developments. Driving Innovation: Perhaps most significant in terms of future business opportunities for many manufacturing companies, however, is their ability to begin embedding increasingly intelligent software and monitoring devices into both existing and new products. This will not only provide them with essential real-time feedback information on the performance and quality of their products when in use, but also create an intelligent platform on which to develop a range of ground-breaking new services for their customers –whether it’s a remotely controlled home heating system operated from a mobile phone, or a congestion-busting route finder for the driver of a vehicle, or an intelligent dosage advisor for pharmaceuticals. Managed effectively, the IoT revolution promises to create more collaborative corporate structures, with highly integrated end-to-end processes and future-proofed production platforms for the design, manufacture, and delivery of increasingly intelligent products and services. WHAT TO WATCH OUT FOR: CONSIDERATIONS AND CHALLENGES No revolution, of course, happens without a few challenges along the way. The IoT revolution may have already begun, and benefits may be gained swiftly by those companies willing to embrace the new opportunities, but there remains a number of practical considerations that companies need to be aware of to protect their investments and gain maximum benefit today. IoT Standards: The development of common interfaces for many embedded devices, including sensors and meters, is in its early days. Companies with a stake in the IoT revolution are now beginning to cooperate more actively to overcome technical incompatibilities, but there is still work to be done. Industry agreement, either by sector or at a broader industry level, will be critical to the speed at which such devices can be effectively integrated on a wide scale into both existing assets and new products. The same is true for data itself. There is no universal standard for IoT data models at this stage, but this will become increasingly important as IoT data from multiple sources is integrated into consolidated, analytical, decision-making systems. The best strategy today is to adopt the best common standards currently available, but keep a watching brief as new standards emerge. IoT Security: Experience over the past few decades has clearly shown that when devices of any kind are networked in some way, the level of vulnerability to interference or cyber attack increases. It is incumbent on individual companies, working closely with industry associations and governments wherever necessary, to 8 The Next Industrial Revolution: How the Internet of Things and Embedded, Connected, Intelligent Devices will Transform Manufacturing ensure that their IoT initiatives have the strongest possible security measures built in from the very earliest stages of development. This is true whether a company is fitting sensors to existing or new factory assets, or embedding intelligent systems into new products for their customer base. Each point of contact and all methods of communication between devices need to be secure. One unsecured device could have an extensive impact on the overall system. Data Deluge: Don’t underestimate the work required, or the new skill sets needed, to effectively gather, analyze, and make maximum use of the flood of IoT data that will be generated by a multitude of intelligent devices. The ability to isolate, analyze, and interpret this key data will be at the core of manufacturing competitiveness in an IoT world. It can often be more productive for companies to focus on carefully selected key elements and then dive deeply, rather than try to analyze everything at once. Enterprise Impact: Embedding ubiquitous intelligence into products, factories, and many other aspects of our physical world will not be a matter of “business as usual.” Be prepared to adjust the processes and structures of your organization to ensure you are ready to grasp new opportunities and respond to imminent competitive disruption. This should apply not just to individual plant floors, or inter-plant connections, but also to connecting production sites to all other parts of the organization– from product development teams, to the supply chain, to distribution networks, to front-line field service operations. This may require establishing dedicated new IoT data analytics units, market-facing intelligence capabilities, innovative new product development partnerships, or cross-functional teams that can assess the internal potential for more collaborative working structures within the organization. Embrace Change: Leadership is not just about authority. It is about the vision and the ability to inspire a team to embrace disruptive change. Positive change can not only result in identifying new capabilities and opportunities for the future, it can also significantly improve existing systems and assets at a minimum outlay. To survive and succeed over the next few years, manufacturing industry leaders, whatever size of company they work for, will need to understand the competitive imperative to build a culture that supports and strives for smarter, connected, flexible, end-to-end production strategies and new product ideas for the future. 9 CONCLUSION: DON’T WAIT FOR THE FUTURE For all the future predictions you may hear, the reality is that IoT opportunities are already upon us. From cars to household appliances, from oil rigs to national energy grids, intelligent devices are already feeding back valuable information that helps their suppliers and operators run their businesses more effectively and deliver greater value to their customers. Many IoT intelligent systems and devices are already available and at a reasonable cost to both install and operate. Here are five ways to get started with IoT technologies: 1.If you haven’t already done so, begin installing connected intelligent devices onto your key factory assets so that you can gain greater real-time visibility of your production environment to improve agility, performance, and operational efficiency. Connecting these plant-floor assets with other enterprise-wide systems will also allow companies to gain even more valuable insights. 2.Explore ways to embed intelligent systems into your products to allow for the capture of real-time performance and usage data that could help drive quality improvements, new product innovations, and the development of valuable new customer-centric services. 3.Harness the power and flexibility of mobile networks and the cloud to establish rapid, scalable connectivity across your production facilities and your most populated customer locations at minimum cost. 4.Identify and deploy new analytical tools to give your internal teams early hands-on experience and insights into how to understand new data flows, use them to streamline their internal processes, and work more collaboratively. 5.Educate and train your employees so that they have a clear vision of the potential of IoT in your industry and they feel empowered to help you drive your company into the IoT revolution. The opportunity to start benefiting from IoT in manufacturing exists now. It’s time for manufacturers to grasp that opportunity to stay ahead of the IoT curve. 10 The Next Industrial Revolution: How the Internet of Things and Embedded, Connected, Intelligent Devices will Transform Manufacturing RESEARCH AND WRITING TEAM David R. Brousell, Global Vice President, Research, and Editorial Director Jeffrey R. Moad, Research Director and Executive Editor Paul Tate, Research Director and Executive Editor ABOUT MICROSOFT CORPORATION Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. ABOUT THE MANUFACTURING LEADERSHIP COUNCIL The Manufacturing Leadership Council, a unit of Frost & Sullivan, is the world’s first member-driven, global business leadership network dedicated to senior executives in the manufacturing industry. The Manufacturing Leadership Council’s mission is to help senior executives define and shape a better future for themselves, their organizations, and the industry at large. The Council produces an extensive portfolio of leadership networking, information, and professional development products, programs, and services, including the Manufacturing Leadership Community website, an online global business network with over 6,700 members worldwide; the Manufacturing Leadership Council, an invitation-only executive organization of over 100 members; the annual Manufacturing Leadership Summit; the Manufacturing Leadership Awards, celebrating industry achievement; and the thought-leading Manufacturing Leadership Journal. 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