Mini Quilt for Beginners

Mini Quilt for Beginners
D Trayhorne
Copyright 2014
Smashwords Edition
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Make a miniature quilt. Even if you love to sew, being tied to your sewing machine
forever is not always convenient. Making these is a good start for those who have
never thought they had the time or knowledge to delve into a full bed quilt, and you can
say you really have made a quilt.
There could actually be no cost, really no necessary, required supplies. Try an easy
pattern, you will succeed. For the more progressed quilter, there can be a technique to
incorporate into a large quilt, or make a miniature version of the large one you have
completed( give the mini with the shower gift, then the bed quilt as the wedding
Fabric-cotton is the best, and quality shows no matter how small you cut it. Fabric that is
thick will be difficult to hand stitch, and quilt. You can use scraps of old/antique or retro
fabric to make a miniature quilt, or fabric of sentimental value. Keep in mind that any
stretch fabric is difficult to work with. Ask friends that are large quilt quilters to save their
bits for you, and remember you need small scraps of batting too. You can buy those
small bundles of perfectly coordinated fabrics at your fabric store, they will last a long,
long time. You can hide your stash in a shoe box!
Rotary cutter- the best thing invented since the sewing machine, but not needed.
Batting-not too full or thick, split it to be thinner if it is too bulky. Real cotton batting is
very nice and easy to hand sew.
Thread-For piecing and quilting -regular thread works fine. Embroidery floss is better, it
is 6 ply, divide and use a single strand (try the variegated colors for completing, makes
things interesting).
Pins- use the shortest you can find. Needles- I use the finest, (that I can thread) and
short. Also needed are a thimble, scissors and ruler.
Templates if needed, use heavy paper, like cereal box type, or those annoying inserts
that are in magazines. For these mini’s I make regular paper templates and pin them to
the fabric. Draw desired figure on your cardboard/paper, cut out, place template on
fabric, draw around with pencil if possible, or pin into place. Cut out fabric shape.
Templates where given may not print at correct size, where possible the size is given.
Above all else…Don’t fret…of times past: it was customary to add mistakes or a flaw to
a quilt, for it was said that only God can make something perfect.
Borders the interior straight strips running through the quilt and/or around blocks, or
entire finished quilt pattern.
Binding is the thin strip around whole quilt that covers the raw edges and holds
everything together.
Batting the fluffy stuff in the middle for warmth and texture.
Backing the fabric that covers the fluffy stuff; at the back, use what you have,
considering quality and needling.
Hand stitching small quilts is the most accurate, many times you may have to push, pull
a piece into position. Some patterns are easiest done by hand, especially curves. Use
¼ “ seam allowance throughout the entire piecing procedure , keep to this for the entire
quilt, it really is necessary.
Even as I repeat and repeat these patterns, I still need to trim, ¼ “ goes under or over,
ruler moves, scissors move, you’ll see these errors when you are sewing on borders,
trim to fit. As these are small quilts make all your stitches as small and close together as
you can.
Completed quilt size will be the backing/batting dimensions. All my patterns are under
12” completed. There is another pattern at the end, called- 2 Easy 2 Mention, you’ll see
why. Ready, set, sew…
**BLOCKS…easy…start here
24-2”x2” blocks-12 print fabric and 12 solid fabric
2-8 ¾ x1 ½” border- seen here in black
2-9 ½ x1 ½” border- seen here in black
1-1 ¼ x44” binding- seen here in black/red checks
1 piece 11 ½ x8 ¾ “ backing
1 piece 11 ½ x8 ¾ “ batting
1-sew block pieces together, - one solid to one print- make 12 sets
2-Sew 2 sets together, four blocks in each strip-make 6 strips
3-Sew strips in rows alternating blocks; solid, print, solid, etc.
4-Sew longest solid border strips to the long sides, then do top and bottom with shorter
5-Place backing, right side down, top with batting, then your mini quilt top- right side up,
pin together.
6-With backing side up, start at a corner, pin binding strip, right side down, sew through
all layers ,turn strip as you sew around corners, at end continue with binding over the
top of the strip before you trim excess off.
7-With quilt right side up, fold binding to front, finger press under a 1/4” of binding edge
and fold over all layers, hem stitch to front—at corners- fold binding flat( with your finger
pressed edge) directly over quilt corner, fold in each side to create a mitered corner.
8-On the quilt top do some stitching around blocks, or in seam lines. This step, if making
a large quilt, would have been done prior to binding, but with these mini’s, it seems
When pattern errors are found, I’m sorry, will try harder to avoid mistakes/exclusions.
IDEAS.. Quilt Kits. Cut out all required fabric, including batting, binding, and backing.
Take ½ dozen headed pins, sewing needle, thread or/and embroidery floss. Print
pattern, all fits perfect into a zip lock sandwich bag. Make a few packages for friends,
family, gifts, on vacation, sitting on the deck, and especially to the hospital/care facility
for a sewing enthusiast.…here is another pattern:
** 2 EASY 2 MENTION- Pick a fabric with small patterning, cut it to approx. 10x7, cut
maybe 1½ wide coordinating fabric for border and sew to your center, cut batting and
backing the same size as completed quilt top. Finish off with binding and some top
I have sew friends and non-sew friends ask; what are these good for? Well, they are
doily’s, hot mats, pot holders, small wall hang ups, doll quilts or repeat a pattern a few
times for a table runner, and they keep me amused. And besides, not all pretty things
need a purpose.
Thank you for downloading my free eBook pattern. Upcoming patterns if there is
**3 Hearts…easy…a little appliqué
**Lonely tree…easy…make flying geese
**Jester…easy…sew on curve
**Xmas logs…easy…sew and quilt at the same time
**Geese gone south…easy…lots of geese
**Hexagon…many inside corners
**Seeing stars…med-easy…inside corners
**Bargello mini…easy…but done with machine due to all the straight edges
**Stacked spools…med…more piece instruction
**Canada eh?…easy-med…color placements
**A-lone star…med +…aligning diamonds