Banff Harbour Marina Gourdon Harbour Johnshaven Harbour Portsoy Harbour Rosehearty Harbour Stonehaven Harbour Infrastructure Services Harbour Service Cape House 21 Seafield Street Banff AB45 1ED 01261 815544 01569 762741 01569 762741 01261 815544 01346 571796 01569 762741 [email protected] 01261 81 3483 Harbours Newsletter Spring 2015 Introduction It is proposed that Aberdeenshire Council will issue to all customers a quarterly newsletter. This is the first of these. If we have your email address we will send this to you by that method. If you prefer a paper copy or if you do not wish to provide your email address please notify this office (contact details below). This is proposed to be the year of consultation for the Harbours Service and if there is any matter that you wish to discuss or comment on relating to the Harbours Service or any of our seven Aberdeenshire Council operated harbours please contact us. The first consultation is the next item. Consultation on proposed “Aberdeenshire Harbour Regulations 2015” We have been discussing a proposed set of Harbour Regulations for our harbours with the Harbour Advisory Committees for some time. These regulations are based on general and specific legislation that govern our authority and management. They have now been checked and approved by Aberdeenshire Council Legal and Governance Service. The document is posted on the Harbours page of our corporate website . If you do not have access to this please contact your local Aberdeenshire Harbourmaster who will have hard copies. We hope that you will read this document and find it useful. We would welcome your comments and ask that you provide them to this office by 30 April 2015. If we do not hear from you we will accept that you approve of the document as published. Your comments will be collated and when they have been reviewed by Aberdeenshire Council Legal and Governance all relevant and viable suggestions will be added to create the final document. The final drafts will be published on the website as above with an appendix of the comments received. This document will then be presented to the relevant Area Committees for their comment. The document with the collated responses to the public consultation and the Area Committee comments will then be presented to the Infrastructure Services Committee for formal ratification. It may seem a long and onerous process but we hope that it will be worthwhile for our customers. Notice of proposed Rates and Dues 2015-2016 The Aberdeenshire Harbour Rates and Dues for 2015-2016 were presented for approval at the recent meeting of the Infrastructure Services Committee. The baseline recommendations for a 3% increase in Rates and Dues, and all leisure harbours being brought to parity, as well as some administrative changes were approved. We have had comments in the past that the Rates and Dues document is difficult to read and lacks clarity. Our Support Services have offered their assistance in creating a clearer easier document for next year. We would hope to have news of the revised document by the time of our next newsletter. Harbours Advisory Committee Membership Do you know who is representing you on the Harbours Advisory Committee? These Committees are constituted groups who meet together to discuss and advise on what the harbours should be doing. They are advisory and have no statutory powers or control of budgets and revenue. Your Harbourmaster can advise you who is representing you on these Committees. If you feel that you are not represented or if you have a proposal to nominate either yourself or another for the Committee please pass this comment, in writing please, to this office. The Harbour Advisory Committee Constitution allows for Aberdeenshire Council Officers to manage and operate an election for office bearers from the berth holders of any particular harbour. Dolphin Watch Aberdeenshire Council has been approached to assist in carrying out a ‘coastal dolphin watch’. So if you are lucky enough to come across any dolphins whilst out in your boats then could you please contact your local harbourmaster informing of the number, time, and location. Your assistance in this matter is much appreciated. Scottish Traditional Boat Festival We have been asked by the Committee of the Scottish Traditional Boat Festival to include the following: ‘Dear Harbour Users, due to the law regarding data protection Aberdeenshire Council is strictly not allowed to pass your contact details onto us for the purpose of asking your views or keeping you informed of the forthcoming Scottish Traditional Boat Festival in July. To keep in contact therefore please email [email protected] or [email protected] Thank you’ A final reminder that ‘Project Kraken’ is still ongoing so: ‘If you suspect it. REPORT it.’ Call 0800 789 321 Please remember that your first point of contact is your Harbourmaster. However if there is anything that you wish to discuss further please contact this office George Cameron Principal Engineer – Harbours LAST MINUTE NEWS Customer Survey We are again ready to issue a customer survey to gather feedback on the Harbours service. Available by following the below link or using the QR code (paper copies are also available at harbour offices). As part of the council’s improving the Customer Experience (iCE) programme, your views will be used to shape improvements to the service. For further information, please contact [email protected] Contact Data: Harbourmasters Banff Harbour Harbourmaster Mr James Henderson Harbour Office Quayside Banff AB45 1HQ Tel: 01261 815544 Fax: 01261 815544 Mob: 07770 646115 Email: [email protected] Channel 12 Gourdon Harbour Harbourmaster South Mr James Brown Harbour Office Old Pier Stonehaven AB39 2LU Tel: 01569 762741 Mob: 07741 050210 Email: [email protected] Channel 11 Johnshaven Harbour Harbourmaster South Mr James Brown Harbour Office Old Pier Stonehaven AB39 2LU Tel: 01569 762741 Mob: 07741 050210 Email: [email protected] Channel 11 Macduff Harbour Harbourmaster Mr John West Harbour Offices Macduff Banffshire AB44 1TX Tel: 01261 832236 Fax: 01261 833612 Email: [email protected] Watchman: 01261 833962 Channel 12 Portsoy Harbour Harbourmaster (part-time) Mr James Henderson Harbour Office Quayside Banff AB45 1HQ Tel: 01261 815544 Fax: 01261 815544 Mob: 07770 646115 Email: [email protected] Channel 12 Rosehearty Harbour Harbourmaster (part-time) Mrs Dee Collins Neild Aberdeenshire Council Infrastructure Services Cape House Banff AB45 1ED Tel: 01346 571796 (home) Stonehaven Harbour Harbourmaster South Mr James Brown Harbour Office Old Pier Stonehaven AB39 2LU Tel: 01569 762741 Mob: 07741 050210 Email: [email protected] Channel 11 Banff Office Staff: Aberdeenshire Council Harbours Service Cape House Seafield Street Banff AB45 1ED George Cameron Principal Engineer Tel: 01261 812917 Mob: 07769 864864 Email: [email protected] Corrie McCall Engineer Tel: 01261 813480 Mob: 07831 676755 Email: [email protected] Paul Giles Technician Tel: 01261 813479 Mob: 07769 880699 Email: [email protected]
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