rj-l+q ii"a Govt. of West Bengal Office of the Block Developient Officer Bishnupur :: Bankura phonc & Fax No.: 03244-252057 E_mai I : [email protected] Memo no bo : o Date :_ L^, f, lS Notification Sllliil;.tl';tli:l J,f.,?'liX,,;:#ii'lt: u rder Saar<shar Bharar programme ror Bisrr rupu Mernber secrerary ll J:t[,:'1,'il1', ];i:Tjj'T,l;::,,::;,: !]!y1,2?:)g d,::d .08-0i 20 r0 or the 'HftH'rli,T?I; ili,* il##:::;:;: Y;l,.,tfjl-*";:"1^y::::l *llTr?"& '".,,1r.1# ;:;;i-;?Lti[i;ffi fi:;,*";Ti:?;il',1^lx: ?$''H:'";.;* ijll'':::1,3:'*'Y.q'j.'Ti? "'. * Jrl Ji" *"ilJ ff.',ii,H l"t *i lualification fbr engarrerrrenf nf RIn^L nn ^-ri^^+^. .-."r0, o o ..lljH-'J' #T#'ii :;;llX..,,XT';*: ;lj::?i1""#,,:l.u*::l:,::.:^:1'r,!:-una.,-iuursrrar ei;,,r*';;#.Iu;',.",-#'jil".. trffi:::1.t::l'r::*,:'*"*,,?^':."It::i'.pr9.5, ffiJH1] d rew ith- rhe app ticant ;il L;;" jrill uji"ri, #ffi ;"Jffi ,;l# Y:::,:rqo of r se he L Name of the post 2. No :- Block co ordinator under S. B. p (Contractual) of Post :- 0l(one)(UR) 3. Contractual Retnuneration (per month) Qualification 4' Educatio,al :- Rs 6000.00(Rupees Six thousand)onrv per month l, unv o*nch from a,y recog,ir*i'urir"rrity certificate in computer applicltionlillinimL!,n one :- (i)Graduat" 5.Age 6 Bhara, i"^rl. ti) w-'rkngExperence 'Bilfi#,t#*ii*:fl,trfi,#,##i:,ilm; orApprication , ,i;?:.}r"i..]|,' 7 Last Date 8' Dare of Exarninarion 9' Residentiat & inrerview Certificare Selection ;i"ff:';j. will r be nrade bv be 'ot -r "-"- nm to f,!0 :- 06'r, a o7,lIr. io"ti1t.,,rrtir.) ;- certificate from LocalAuthoritv/Eprci "i;;;;;;. theBlockr""., *t?,ffi1ili.,,r,n.. satisfa*orv. the Depa,t,r.nt/ perfbrnun.. orero"k"o ordinaror terrninut. ,"rui"" and au;;;;;;'mav ;?r:$ffii":: Dqcq{nents required for aDDlication:_ a) Self attested phoro.opy orug. p;;doqurnenr (Adrnir card/Birth certificate) b)self attested photo copies oima.ks sheets of educationar luarifications. irr,rqtrwrrr' c)Self attested photo copy of residenriar proordocrrrne,t. ' d) SeJf attested photo cop1, ef ."6ificate of Computer application. ,,J-ted photo copy of working experience certifilu,. fit:r.,y; Mode of Selection:Selection by the BLSC will be macle as hereurrder. ?j"lf l] Y:lf: :::*'lli:: :]I:::::,lll'J: will b.e,called as per :9,:ilks(Arithmatics_r _j= m.rit tirt orca,diclate rrw i, rl I ul Graduate cluualti label Examination. b, English_10, ceneral Awareness-10), d) Interview:- I0 marks Birh Conditions for selection:i) Recruitment will be nrade as per Departme,t notification strictly. ii) candidatlrre may be cancelled at any stage if any information/document f,orind fblse/incorrect. iii) Selection conrmittee reserves the right to cancei/stop the recruitment process ut uni,,rr.'*'irrr"* assigning any reason. iv) No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the selecrion procedure. Address for submission of application:-(Application wiline recei'ed onh b' orclinar.r,post or b' hand at Office Drop Box) To The Mernber Secrer.ary .Block Lok Siksha Sa,rity" Saakshar Bhar.ar & Bloc[< Development Offi cer, Bishr,upur. Bankura P.O- B islrnu pur, Pin-7 22122 The Mem ry,B & Bishnupur :: Bankura gg| Memo no: b-@D T. -15 Date: copy forwarded fbr information and taking necessary actio'to: l. The District Magistrate, Bankura 2' The Mernber scfl'clar')- Battl<ura ZillaLol< Siksha Sarniry & Addiriorral Disrricr Magistrate. Barrkur.a Z il la Pa rislrad. 3. The Sub Divisional Ot1,_ger, ijflnupur., Bal -l.IheUt'f lcer'-lrr-(lta'gcrEankurasaksharataT6sar:.Sanrit-l 5-25. The Block Development officer, All Block uucler Bankura District, 26. The Sabhapati. Bishnupur panchayat sarniri. L^, 27 ' The BMOH. Radhanagar Block Primary Health Center. He is requested ibr display in his notice board. 28'The BL&LRO. Bishnupur Block, He is requested for display in his notice bolrd. 2q-i0' The Sub Inspectorof School.Bishnupur Sadar/Nortlr Circle. He is requesred lordisplay in his notice board. 31. ADA, Bishnupur Bev Block, He is requested for display in his notice board. 32' The CDPO, Bishnupul ICDS Project, He is requestecl for display in his notice board. 33' The Post Master. Bishnupur Sub Post Office, He is requestecl for display irr his notice board. 34' The Inspector in charge, Bi.hnrpr-,. Police Siation. He is requested fbr display in i.ris notice board 34-42. The Pradharr, All Gram panchayats . He is requested for display in his notice board o The Member ksha Samity, Bishnupur ffin 'To The Chairman of the Selection Committee & Affix passport size Block Development Offi cer, Bishnupur, Bankura. duly signed by the recent photograph candidate Sub: - Application for the post of Block Co_Ordinator. 1) Name (Block Lerters) 2) Father's Nalne/Husband Nalne 3) Residential Address A) Preserrt B) Permanent 4) Date of Birth 5) Sex 6) Nationality 7) Academic Qualifioation Examination passed Board/University Percentage of marks (without AddI. Su Computer Qualification Name of Course Name of Institution f)uration Grade y) Workins 9) worr(ng Experience Ex e (if any) l0tMoh No (DND Nor I l) Email ID Ae tivared) :_ Declaration: I solernnly declare that I have given all the information above is true to my knowleclge a,d belief. I know well if any discrepancy is found in any slage my candiiature *rrr u..un."i1"i'0, rhe appoinring authorily without any further reference to me. Date: PIace: Enclose:- Full Signature of the applicant
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