information on 2015-2016 internship opportunities

Internship Program 2015/2016
The Barefoot Church School of Ministry Internship Program (BCSMIP) provides a holistic development model
for our interns that creates environments not only for ministry purposes but personal and spiritual growth. The
internship program is designed to equip young people through empowerment-driven access inside of ministry,
Bible courses through the School of Ministry’s degree program, discipleship, and development of leadership skills.
Our leaders aspire for interns to discover success of longevity in ministry. Interns have the opportunity to serve in
a variety of ministry settings through the Barefoot Church campuses and our world class conference center. The
experience you will receive at BCSMIP is an opportunity for exponential growth in your life.
The BCSM main campus is located in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and is a non-profit institution with
the primary purpose of preparing people to be fully devoted followers of Christ. As an institution that offers only
religious and theological degrees, we are exempt from oversight by the South Carolina Commission on Higher
Education. We are currently seeking accreditation for the degrees we offer. Donations to the school are tax
deductible as the school is a subsidy of Barefoot Church.
The mission of BCSMIP is to develop Christian leaders into becoming fully devoted followers of Christ who
make Christ known throughout the earth and help others discover their God-given potential. We aim to
intentionally advance individuals to live a life of significance.
Understanding and being committed to the vision of the house is vital to Barefoot Church, and thus a vital part
of BCSMIP. We leverage program participants’ skills, gifts, talents, and abilities to develop their character, calling,
and competency as they participate in the mission of Barefoot Church.
Obtaining a solid Biblical understanding is a key to success in ministry. This is attained through the School of
Ministry courses in apologetics, Bible, theology, missions, leadership, Greek and Hebrew languages, and much
more. Our goal is to produce a well-rounded Biblical base that an intern will be able to utilize no matter the
setting. Interns will attend the School of Ministry classes one day a week. Classes are taught by various men and
women from all walks of life. You will receive a biblical perspective investment from the decades of combined
experience these instructors will provide.
Interns fully experience the real world realities of working at Barefoot Church, and get to be a part of day-today operations as well as meetings and team building, and will have high access to staff.
Interns’ gifts and skills will be uncovered as they serve at Barefoot Church weekend experiences, outreaches,
and in other various ministry settings. Interns will learn ministry through hands-on experience as they serve
throughout the church under experienced and committed staff and ministry leaders.
Interns will be assigned to serve on a ministry team and/or campus based on their passions, skills, gifts,
abilities, experiences, and needs of the church. Internship opportunities are available in:
Administration/ Office: Clerical, Data Entry, Reception
Care Ministry: Counseling, Hospital Visits, Prayer Team
Communication: Marketing, Photography, Social Media, Videography, Writing, Editing
Conference Center: Day-to-Day Operations, Event Set-Up, Planning
Connections: Café, Greeter, Guest Services, Parking, Sign Team, Usher
Environments: RE:fresh, Maintenance, Construction, Painting
Life Development: Studio 2:10 Kids Birth-5 , Unleashed Students 6 -12 , Interns, BCSM, Missions
Outreach: Dreamfest, Outreach Projects, Swaziland
Public Relations: Online Broadcast, Global Chat, Tech, Research, Writing, Editing Production: Backstage Management , Stage Design, Music, Audio, Camera, Lighting, Lyric and Video
Control Operations
Special Events (ALL INTERNS :) Dreamfest, Outreach, Conference Center, Campus Events
Barefoot Church School of Ministry Internship Program
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Hospitality - It’s showing people kindness as a demonstration of a God who has shown us incredible
kindness. Our actions and attitudes can help people understand they matter to God. Honor up, honor down, honor
all around.
Authenticity - Keeping it real. We are real people doing real life.
Simplicity - Not to be mistaken for simple-mindedness. We are very intentional to make sure that everything
we do is clear and engaging. It’s putting the message of Christ on a shelf that everyone can access.
Progress - We are constantly gauging whether or not our methods of presenting the message are effective.
The message never changes, but the methods will. In a rapidly transforming culture, we are always progressing to
reach more people.
Audacity - It’s having the determination to run the race and the courage to reach the next level. We have
committed to never throw in the towel, to never give up. We relentlessly pursue the mission to bring people along
on the journey of knowing Christ and becoming all we were created to be.
Leverage - We each have a significant purpose which we have been gifted uniquely to fulfill. We have the
opportunity to use the time, energy, and resources God has put in our hands to advance the mission through
serving in the local church.
Excellence - Every detail matters. We serve an excellent God, and because His church is a representation of
Him, everything we do should be excellent. We strive to do the very best we can with what’s in our hands.
Environments - How we set up an environment sets the tone for the overall experience. We aim to engage all
five senses, through great attention to detail, to create the right atmosphere for someone to encounter God.
At Barefoot Church, we want interns to grow wholly in their heart, soul, mind, and strength. BCSMIP is
designed to help interns begin the journey of identifying and discovering one’s calling, purpose, spiritual gifts, and
identity. Whether a graduate decides to go into full-time ministry or not, the ministry skills, discipleship, mentoring,
Biblical knowledge, and degrees acquired in BCSM will be beneficial to help them live a life on purpose for God.
BCSMIP is more than just a program; it’s an experience. It offers opportunities for interns to receive
discipleship, hands-on ministry training experience, leadership development, and the chance to earn an associate
degree in the first year.
BCSMIP seeks individuals who are High School graduates or have obtained a GED, and are 18-25 years of
age who see the value in discipleship, are willing to roll up their sleeves, and hit the ground running with the
audacity to take ground for Christ. They are passionate about serving, love people, and are looking to partner with
the vision of Barefoot Church to reach the world through the local church.
While BCSMIP is exciting and fun, it is challenging and requires a high commitment level and a sacrifice of
time. The requirements interns will find in these pages are designed to achieve the mission of BCSM to build up
fully devoted followers of Christ and leaders that have a passion for God and to live a life of integrity.
Interns are held to a high level of integrity and accountability due to their influence as a leader in the church
and community. See the BCSMIP Code of Conduct for these standards.
BCSMIP offers a 10-month unpaid internship from August to May as well as an 8 week unpaid Summer
Internship from June to July. There are options, upon recommendation, for up to three years of training through
BCMSIP is designed for individuals desiring to pursue full-time vocational ministry. Interns fully experience the
realities of working at a church, and get to be a part of staff meetings, team- building activities, as well as have
access to staff for specialized training and mentoring. Since the required commitment is at least 25 hours per
week (not including class time), interns are able to hold a consistent part-time job. Interns are required to be
present at a Barefoot Church campus each Saturday from 3pm-8pm, Sundays 8am-1:30pm, first Saturday of each
month from 9am-8pm, and Mondays-Thursday , along with any other events, programs, or times deemed
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necessary by the BCSM leadership. Interns will have off most Fridays, but are on- call 24/7. Hours and report
times may vary depending on the ministry team you will serve with.
This option is for individuals desiring the 8- week summer internship June-July. They may have a part-time job
during the summer program. The summer program is for those ready to be pushed, challenged, and stretched to
new levels along their journey. The summer internship is designed for those who are ready to make a difference
during their summer. The summer interns are expected to serve on weekends as well as during the weekdays. It
doesn't matter where you come from or where you were heading; the summer internship is for anyone 13-25
years old, who are ready to serve the local church and impact the world! Report times will vary depending on the
ministry team you sign up with.
Full-time Interns will be asked to live at home if they are within an hour drive from the campus they are
assigned to. If the intern is further that an hour’s drive, they have the option of living in a host home and are asked
to aid in the search for their housing arrangements. Housing must be approved by the BCSMIP leadership. It is
highly encouraged that interns seek out the most inexpensive housing option possible. If an intern needs a place
to live, BCSM will assist the intern in finding housing, such as a low-cost apartment with other interns, or a host
home of someone from within Barefoot Church. This is dependent upon the number of host homes available.
Interns should seek to live in an environment understanding of the demands and standards of the program.
To catapult interns into the destiny God has for their lives and to equip them to be world changers, we offer up
to three years of training.
The goal of these three years is to train up potential administrators, event planners, graphic designers, kid and
student pastors, lead pastors, missionaries, production and worship leaders, along with other various church staff
positions, with the necessary gift sets to be sent out to serve.
Interns thrive when they become a part of planning and running weekend and mid-week services, planning
events, attending staff meetings, connecting visitors to the church, gaining computer and videography skills,
creating promotional pieces, counseling, preaching, teaching, marketing strategies, receiving discipleship,
learning pastoral responsibilities, developing in leadership, evangelism, building teams and understanding team
dynamics, learning ministry etiquette and ethics, along with implementing Biblical principles into the ministry team
and more.
Interns will learn hands-on ministry by serving in an area that exposes them to a variety of aspects of ministry.
The BCSM courses are offered to our interns at no cost.
The first year of BCSMIP is about facilitating an environment for the intern to see the reality of
ministry from a holistic perspective. Interns will learn the value of flexibility in the context of
serving the vision of the local church. First year interns will be exposed to environments that will
build their character, teamwork, work ethic, and life skills needed for longevity in ministry.
Interns will serve on a ministry team but will be exposed to multiple different ministries, and will
also have full exposure to church life, as well as serve in a specific ministry area the entire 10
months in order to learn and experience the practical everyday life in real ministry. Interns will
also build a biblical foundation for ministry, and have the opportunity to receive credits for an
Associate of Arts in Bible and Theology degree.
The second year of BCSMIP is designed to develop the intern as a leader, in discipleship, and
mentor relationships. Interns will serve in a specific ministry throughout the entire year in order
to fine-tune their skills, spiritual gifts, skills, and abilities. They will have the opportunity to serve
in an area related to their passion and calling, and receive a more personalized training
experience in one of the ministry teams. Second year interns will take courses in missions,
methods of teaching, advance leadership, Greek, and apologetics, along with many more
courses designed to propel them forward in their career path. They will receive even more
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access into ministry by participating in conferences (when available), and receive more
leadership responsibilities. The second year intern must have completed all requirements for a
first year intern. The second year internship continues without interruption upon completion of
the first year requirements. Second year interns will have the opportunity to receive half of the
credits needed to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies with a minor in Leadership to be
completed during the third year internship. Interns may only apply for the second year of
BCSMIP upon recommendation of BCSM staff.
The third year of BCSMIP is designed for interns to secure where God is leading them as they
solidify God’s calling on their lives, while empowering and building themselves as Barefoot
Church or other church staff potential candidates. Third year interns will meet all requirements
set forth in the first and second year internship description. The third year intern has the
opportunity to take courses to finish the necessary credits for a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical
Studies with a minor in Leadership. Interns may only apply for the third year of BCSM upon
recommendation of BCSM staff.
An important goal is for each intern to facilitate growth and development of Christian character and leadership
in line with Biblical principles. Interns are looked upon by others as examples of how to live, give, act, serve,
respond, and love. It is expected that interns live in a manner that brings honor to God in their behavior and
attitudes both in and outside of the church setting. Although these standards may not affect one’s spiritual
standing, they do strengthen the life and testimony of the intern, BCSMIP, and Barefoot Church.
Therefore, interns are expected to follow codes of conduct that should not be taken legalistically, but as
boundaries for protection and integrity while in BCSMIP.
Each intern is expected to:
• Deepen their relationship with God and make knowing God priority.
• Communicate a spirit of excellence in speech, conduct, appearance, and attitude.
• Be neat, clean, well-groomed, and modestly dressed.
• Develop leadership skills by taking initiative, both verbally and practically.
• Encourage other interns, be a team player, and build solid relationships with others.
• Be willing to roll up your sleeves, go the second mile, and serve wherever needed.
• Be prompt and faithful in attendance to all report times, scheduled classes and activities.
• Avoid attitudes such as greed, jealousy, pride, bitterness, needless anger, discrimination, and behavior such as
gossip, divisiveness, and complaining which disrupt the unity and health of the church body.
• Allow God to shape your character.
• Come under the authority and covering of Barefoot Church, its staff, and leaders. Maintain the culture and DNA
of Barefoot Church in all environments.
• Show respect for staff and volunteers and cooperate with the endeavors of Barefoot Church School of Ministry
and Barefoot Church.
• Attend all prescribed classes, ministry courses, and activities required unless formally excused.
• Submit all assigned work by the due dates.
• Refrain from dishonest academic practices, such as plagiarism, lying, or cheating.
• Abstain from biblically immoral practices including drunkenness, stealing, slanderous or profane language, selfharm, dishonesty, occult practices, sexual sins (premarital sex, adultery and homosexuality) or any other behavior
that is considered detrimental to Christian character and witness. Interns are expected to refrain from any
alcoholic beverage, bar/club, misuse of medication and drugs, and smoking while in BCSMIP.
A united team is vital to the growing ministries of Barefoot Church. Any negativity towards other interns,
volunteers, staff, or procedures that is expressed to any individual is especially detrimental. Interns are expected
to support the ministries of Barefoot. Issues should always be handled and addressed directly to an appropriate
staff person. Gossip will not be tolerated. Negativity is grounds for immediate dismissal from the BCSMIP.
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Above reproach: So good as to preclude any possibility of criticism. This truth should transform our hearts and
produce within us increasing desire to flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace,
disciplining ourselves for godliness.
You are expected to conduct yourself in a manner worthy of being called a Christ follower. Will you mess up?
Yes! Will you make mistakes? Yes! You are human, so that is going to happen. Living above reproach takes
thought, time, practice, and prayer.
You are considered to be a leader and are expected to act like one at all times. Guard your actions and tongue
by not allowing yourself to be put in a situation that will cause your integrity or motive to be in question.
With this in mind, no intern will be allowed to be alone with the opposite gender at any time unless there is
another person (13 and over) present with the two parties. This includes activities inside the church and outside
the walls as well. We understand this is sometimes extremely difficult but with a little preplanning your integrity will
remain intact and without any questions. It can be done.
Social Media
Posts on your social media outlets should be encouraging and uplifting to the reader. You should not post
anything that would be considered offensive by another person on social media outlets including but not limited to:
tweets, retweets, likes, status updates, snap chats, vines, hashtags, and comments that could cause someone to
stumble. 1 Cor. 10:32 (NIV)
BCSM will provide the framework and support needed to bring personal growth. If you find that you are genuinely
struggling with such issues, we advise that you speak to the BCSM leadership and allow them to bring guidance,
counsel, and correction to your situation. Any behavior that violates the intern Code of Conduct will result in
disciplinary action and may lead to removal from Barefoot Church School of Ministry Internship Program.
Can I have a job or attend college while I am in the Barefoot Church School of Ministry?
It is possible to have a part-time job while you are an intern. We want interns to be focused on hearing from
God and serving in an environment where specialized ministry training can be cultivated. In that case a full-time
job will not be possible to maintain. In order for interns to get the most out of this training experience, we suggest
a minimal hour part-time job that does not interfere with the weekends and mid-week experiences that may fall
under the ministry team you serve in.
What are the rules on dating for Barefoot Church School of Ministry interns?
The intern program is designed to create an environment for interns to cultivate extreme growth in their
relationship with God. All of the requirements and rules established are to help foster a focused period of time to
seek the heart of God in all areas of one’s life. We believe that for interns to make the most out of this time and
give themselves fully to God, wholeheartly and undistracted, it is a must for them to abstain from entering into a
new dating relationship for the duration of their first ten months in the internship program. Potential interns
currently in a long-term relationship should set up a meeting with the BCSM leadership prior to applying to seek
counsel on the current relationship. Second year interns are allowed to date, but must still adhere to the specific
guidelines above.
No intern will be allowed to date a student. A student is defined as someone who has yet to complete the 12
grade of school whether private, public, homeschool, seeking a GED, or is a drop-out. No intern may date
another intern unless approved by BCSM leadership.
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We are currently pursing accreditation to ensure that all our degree programs are accredited.
Associate of Arts in Bible and Theology
Course overview: Importance of key concepts, people, foundations. Historical books,
instructional and poetic books, prophetic and historical context, prophets, Intertestamental
Course overview: The Gospels, Book of Acts, structure, overview, position, instructional and
cornerstone books.
Course overview: Saving, understanding credit, buying decisions, insurance, bargains, real
estate and mortgages, tithing and giving.
Course overview: The importance of recognizing presuppositions when studying and interpreting the
Bible. The diversity in authorship, genre and cultural background of the Bible. The common theme that
unifies the Bible as a whole focusing on the story of creation, fall, and redemption.
Course overview: Importance of knowing what writings are included in the Bible and the
process that took place that determined which ones would be included. OT and NT. Meaning
of the canon, fundamental test of canonicity, divine authority, authenticity, historical reliability,
theological consistency.
Course overview: Philosophies of translation, the goal in translation is to try to translate the meaning of
the text from one language to another. Formal equivalence and functional equivalence. Meaning of
translation: individual words, phrases, clauses, idioms, and grammatical constructions. Languages say
the same things using different forms so getting an accurate translation requires interpretation.
Course overview: Key principles, exegesis steps, the interpretation process, genre of the literature, and
historical and literary context. Consulting secondary sources, analyzing syntactical relationships,
analyzing key terms and themes, resolving interpretive issues and problems, evaluating your results
from the perspective of wider contextual and theological issues, and summarizing your results.
Course overview: Word studies are helpful tools you can use to help you better understand
the Bible. It is important to make sure your conclusions are accurate and that you use your
conclusions in an appropriate way.
Course overview: Importance of contextualizing a passage to avoid imitating biblical culture exactly, and
letting the culture govern the message.
Course overview: General revelation, special revelation, inerrancy.
Course overview: Doctrine of God, Characteristics of God, What God Says about Himself, Impassable,
Immutable, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Trinity, Sovereignty and Freedom, Election, Providence, Excursus
on Romans 9.
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Course overview: Doctrine of Humanity and Sin, Origin of Mankind, Image of God, Origin of Sin.
Course overview: Christology, Deity of Christ, Life of Jesus and His Humanity. PNEUMATOLOGY
Course overview: Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Spirit Baptism, Filling of the Holy Spirit, Prophecy.
Course overview: Doctrine of Salvation, Grace, Conversion, Regeneration, Justification, Sanctification,
Perseverance and Security.
Course overview: Doctrine of the Church, Authority, Sacraments and Ordinances, Lords Supper and Baptism.
Course overview: Doctrine of last things, Death, God’s Kingdom, Millennium, Eternal State.
IS GOD CALLING ME? Required book by Jeff Iorg
Course overview: It’s the foundational question that must be answered by anyone considering entering
into ministry. God is calling out a new generation of kingdom leaders who will accelerate the fulfillment of
the Great Commission in this generation. The goal of this study is to get to the heart of the matter and
give tools to work through the call process.
Course overview: Interns will learn the core values of Barefoot Church, the why behind the what, along
with the history of Barefoot Church.
Course overview: Leading a healthy church culture, leading teams.
DEVELOPING THE LEADER WITHIN YOU – Required book by John C. Maxwell
Course overview: Influence, priorities, integrity, creating positive change, problem solving, attitude,
people, vision, self-discipline, staff development.
THE 21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP – Required book by John C. Maxwell
Course overview: You will discover the life-changing principles of influence, empowerment,
intuition, respect, and legacy that will transform your leadership and your life.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Leadership Studies
Will include but not limited to the following:
Course overview: Book studies focusing on teaching how to maximize the gifts, developing
personal leadership capacity and identifying key areas that are crucial to growth in leadership
potential. Team building, team work, and effectively leading teams are critical components to
these courses.
Course overview: A study of the defense of the Christian faith, particularly from the standpoint of
the authority of the Bible and historical evidences of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and learn to
defend the faith and the Word of God in a practical way.
A course designed to examine the interpersonal relationships and character development of the
student and apply the principles to the process of discipleship.
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The essentials of Biblical Hebrew.
The essentials of Biblical Greek.
Introduction to Persecution Studies, the history of persecution, OT and NT biblical studies in
persecution and suffering, the Gospel, intercessory prayer, steadfast under fire, theology of
persecution and suffering,
Class attendance is essential for effective learning. Failure to follow attendance policies could lead to failure of a
course and/or dismissal from Barefoot Church School of Ministry.
1. Interns will be expected to attend all classes unless prevented by illness or emergency.
2. Interns may not miss more than 2 classes per course, unless excused, and will have to re-take the course
as an Independent Study course. If an interns’ absence is unexcused they will lose points for that class. If
a weekend experience is missed the intern may be required to do an Independent Study Course. ISC is
further defined below.
3. One occasion of arriving late for a class or leaving early from class will count as one absence, whether
excused or unexcused. If an intern misses fifteen minutes or more of class, it will be considered an
absence. Interns are not permitted to leave class before it is dismissed.
4. An intern is considered late if not in the appropriate classroom at the official start of class.
5. A grade of “F” will be assigned to interns who fail to attend class the minimum number of hours.
6. Any intern exceeding the maximum number of absences may appeal to the BCSMIP leadership to have the
grade of “F” changed.
7. For every absence, interns must fill out a Time-Off Request Form prior to the absence for approval and
records In the event of an emergency absence, interns must submit a Time-Off Request form the next day
they return stating classes/dates missed. The intern must also contact the BCSMIP leadership to let them
know of the absence as well. Time-Off Request forms turned in more than one week after the intern
returns to BCSM will not be accepted no matter the reason, and the intern will receive an “F” for that class.
8. The same policy applies for a tardy. The intern must submit a Time-Off Request form after a tardy has
occurred to see if it will be excused.
9. If an absence or tardy was unexcused, the intern will lose all points that could have been earned for that
class day. Interns will be notified whether the absence or tardy is excused or unexcused. Until the TimeOff Request form has been filled out and approved the intern automatically receives an “F” for that class.
10. Interns will receive scheduled breaks and will receive a certain amount of vacation and sick days, without
losing a grade letter.
All summaries, projects, research papers, theses, and dissertations must be prepared in accordance with the
guidelines set by BCSM. Specifically, Barefoot Church School of Ministry requires that all work submitted for
grades meet the following standards:
Printed double-spaced in a Word document
12-point font size
Times New Roman, Arial or Helvetica font
1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right)
Cover sheet containing:
Course title
Instructor’s first and last name
Intern last name, first name
Full date (month, day, year)
Header must contain on the upper right side of each paper students last name, first name, course name.
If necessary, the works cited page will be attached to the end of each paper tuned in.
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Endnotes/footnotes, or works cited pages cannot be counted toward the required length of the papers.
Most of the points given are based on the honesty of the intern. It is assumed that all interns have such a
relationship with God that they would not want to dishonor Him by being manipulative, deceitful, or dishonest.
Interns are expected to not lie or cheat. Interns that break this standard may be subject to removal, or disciplinary
action will be taken on a case by case basis. It is not expected that interns be perfect, but it is expected that they
be honest.
Plagiarism: to steal and pass off as one’s own; use without crediting the source. While fully supporting the use
of tools, reference works, the internet, and other available media, BCSM requires that all of the work submitted by
interns for grades and evaluation be the result of their own writing efforts and creative processes. We encourage
you to use all information available for the purpose of supporting your work; however, you must clearly identify
quotes and excerpts as the work of another author, and properly cite the source. Interns should be advised that
plagiarism in any form is prohibited, and that work containing plagiarized materials will be downgraded and
returned for resubmission. Continued instances of plagiarism will result in disciplinary measures.
Interns enrolled are responsible for knowing and meeting all course requirements and attendance rules.
In the case that an intern fails a course they will be required to re-take the course to complete their degree
requirements. The course will be taken as an Independent Study Course. The BCSM leadership will also assign a
deadline for the courses completion. Interns will be required to use the time outside of their normal internship
scheduled classes, intern areas, and activities to complete these courses.
Petitioning for an extension on an assignment must be submitted at least TWO weeks prior to the scheduled
due date on an official BCSM Appeal form. Only in extreme circumstances will the extension be granted. If an
emergency occurs within two weeks of the assignment or due date, the intern must still fill out an Appeal form as
soon as possible, and the emergency circumstances will be taken into account. Any extension or re-submission of
an assignment approved by BCSM staff will result in a deduction of the grade automatically regardless of the
It is important for every intern to set a sound, disciplined schedule. Don’t neglect your personal prayer,
devotion time, and family life, but seek balance with your studies, ministry, and family. Interns will be expected to
schedule around all scheduled classes and activities, but will be offered adequate vacation days and excused
absences. If an intern struggles with this balance and would like counseling, they may contact the BCSM
leadership to set up a time to discuss.
The internship program is designed to create an environment for interns to cultivate extreme growth in their
relationship with God. All of the requirements and rules established are to help foster a focused period of time to
seek the heart of God in all areas of one’s life. We believe that for interns to make the most out of this time and
give themselves fully to God, wholeheartly and undistracted, it is a must for them to abstain from entering into a
new dating relationship for the duration of their first ten months in the internship program. Potential interns
currently in a long-term relationship should set up a meeting with the BCSM leadership prior to applying to seek
counsel on the current relationship. Second year interns are allowed to date, but must still adhere to the specific
guidelines above.
No intern will be allowed to date a student. A student is defined as someone who has yet to complete the 12
grade of school whether private, public, homeschool, seeking a GED, or is a drop-out. No intern may date
another intern unless approved by BCSM leadership.
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Barefoot Church School of Ministry protects the confidentiality of the records of current and former interns
school records. This policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
(FERRPA), as amended.
To qualify for each degree, an intern must:
• Maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct.*
• Gain the required number of points with a passing grade on assignments. We grade based off the 30/30/40
grading scale: 30% participation, 30% attendance, 40% grading requirements.
• Complete all the requirements for the Barefoot Church School of Ministry courses.
• Must make at least a 70% average grade on assignments.
*The staff, or any other appropriate person, may at any time advise the Life Development Pastor that an intern
evidences spiritual, ethical, emotional, psychological, or attitudinal deficiencies which in the judgment of the
BCSM disqualify the intern for continued enrollment in the BCSMIP.
The following is the distribution of point values given as they correspond to the requirements:
A+ 100-97
A 96-93
A- 92-90
B+ 89-87
B 86-83
B- 82-80
C+ 79-77
C 76-73
C- 72-70
F 69 or less
Incomplete 0
After receiving a grade, an intern has two weeks (14 days) to petition to change any grade status to a higher
grade or an incomplete to a grade via the resubmission of required course work. If an intern fails to resubmit the
required course work during the two-week grace period, the final grade will stand. Each day an assignment is late
the grade drops 10 points. Any changes after that period will be determined by the LDP.
Due by May 31, 2015
• August 10 BCSMIP Begins
May 26, 2016 Graduation
Set holiday and scheduled days off will be given to you on August 10 after acceptance into the BCSMIP
This Schedule is subject to alteration at any time.
Admission to BCSMIP is subject to approval by the LDP, whose decision is final. Expect approximately two
weeks for processing of applications. All accepted applicants will receive an acceptance communication and
further forms to fill out and submit to receive full Barefoot Church School of Ministry intern status. Accepted
applicants will also be required to submit the application in its entirety, and will be required to submit signature of
completion of reading and agreeing to the guidelines and policies upon first week enrolled in the BCSM.
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I am so excited that you would consider attending the Barefoot Church School of Ministry Internship Program!
BCSMIP is a hands-on program that will stretch you, disciple you, equip you, and grow you. Our heart for every
student is that through this program they would discover a new level of serving others and grow in their
relationship with Christ. We believe that God is raising up leaders in this generation through the local church who
will lead with a John 13 mentality;- to us, leadership has never been about carrying a title but a towel. We have
designed this school around young, post-high school adults who aren’t satisfied with living a mediocre life – those
who want to see this world changed through the power of Christ. We believe in strengthening every student
mentally, physically, spiritually, and relationally. We aim to create a balance between courses and hands-on
Christ-style leadership is about rolling up your sleeves and hitting the ground running with the audacity to take
ground for Christ with the confidence and boldness in Whose you are.
Our mission at Barefoot Church is to be a place where people from the street to the seat are accepted, valued,
and equipped to live out their full God potential. We’re a church that has been blessed since the start of a dozen
people in our Pastor’s living room in 2006, and now having the privilege of serving thousands of people every
It is serious.
It is intense.
It is a blast!
It will make a difference in your life forever.
If you want to grow in Biblical knowledge and leadership, experience ministry alongside a world-class staff, and
make life-long friendships and memories, BCSMIP is the place for you. Check it out, pray about it, and let us know
when you’ve ready.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Ann Black
Life Development Pastor
[email protected] / 843.280.1270
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To be considered for admission, all of the following must be submitted to the Barefoot Church School of Ministry
office by application deadline: May 31, 2015.
The Barefoot Church School of Ministry application must be filled out legibly and in its entirety.
A 60-second video telling us why you want to be a part of BCSMIP.
$25 non-refundable application fee.
An interview will be scheduled after the information for the application process is completed and turned
in to us.
Submit to:
Barefoot Church
Attn: Ann Black
701 Main St
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Send 60-second video to: [email protected]
Ministry Teams and descriptions are listed on page 1 of this packet (choose your top three choices
starting with your #1 choice.)
#1___________________________ #2___________________________ #3___________________________
Street Address__________________________________________________________________________
City_____________________________ State______________________ Zip Code____________________
Home#_____________________________________ Cell#_________________________________________
Birthdate _____/_____/________ Age__________
Male__________ Female__________
Last High School Attended ________________________________________ State________________
Date Graduated______/______/________
Name of College___________________________________________________ State________________
Did you receive a degree? Yes____ No____ Degree Achieved ______________________________________
Name of College___________________________________________________ State________________
Did you receive a degree? Yes____ No____ Degree Achieved ______________________________________
Name of College___________________________________________________ State________________
Did you receive a degree? Yes____ No____ Degree Achieved ______________________________________
If degrees were not achieved state reason_________________________________________________________
Barefoot Church School of Ministry Internship Program
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Name of Company______________________________________________ How Long Employed____________
Supervisor’s Name____________________________________________ Phone #________________________
Supervisor’s Email___________________________________________________________________________
Name of Company______________________________________________ How Long Employed____________
Supervisor’s Name____________________________________________ Phone #________________________
Supervisor’s Email___________________________________________________________________________
Name of Company______________________________________________ How Long Employed____________
Supervisor’s Name____________________________________________ Phone #________________________
Supervisor’s Email___________________________________________________________________________
Twitter Handle___________________________________ Facebook Url________________________________
Name________________________________________________________ Relationship__________________
Phone #__________________________________________
List three people who will vouch for your character
1. Name____________________________________________________ Relationship___________________
Phone #__________________________ Email__________________________________________________
2. Name____________________________________________________ Relationship___________________
Phone #__________________________ Email__________________________________________________
3. Name____________________________________________________ Relationship___________________
Phone #__________________________ Email__________________________________________________
What extracurricular activities are you involved in? What do you like to do for fun?
What religious or secular organizations have you/do you follow, retweet, like, or hashtag?
What formal or informal trainings, conferences, seminars, etc., have you had? This can include religious
and secular programs:
Barefoot Church School of Ministry Internship Program
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I understand that if I am admitted to the Internship Program, Barefoot Church reserves the right to disqualify me
from the Internship Program for any reason it deems appropriate. I hereby release and hold Barefoot Church
harmless from all claims arising under this application. I further understand that a criminal record check will be
conducted on me and I consent to any such check.
I accept and agree to the information in this packet and statement above and agree to adhere to the requirements
of the Barefoot Church School of Ministry Internship program
______Yes ______No
Potential Intern Signature_________________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_______
Use this space to tell us any additional information you would like us to know about you. This is your
opportunity to brag:
If you have questions, please contact Ann Black: [email protected] / 843.280.1270
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