S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS C ha p ter 13 Hyalohyphomycosis Elias J. Anaissie General description The mycoses encompassed in the hyalohyphomycosis group are very heterogeneous, with only the presence in tissues of hyaline hyphae (without pigment in the wall) as a common characteristic. This term is used as a counterpart to the term “phaeohyphomycosis,” in which fungi appear in tissues as septate but pigmented hyphae. The term “hyalohyphomycosis” is clinically useful when hyaline septate fungi are observed on histopathology without recovery of a pathogen. When the causative agent is recovered (e.g., Fusarium solani) a more specific term (fusariosis or infection by Fusarium spp.) should be used. By contrast with phaeohyphomycosis, in which four clinical syndromes are well characterized, hyalohyphomycosis does not have any characteristic clinical syndrome or entity. The number of organisms causing hyalohyphomycosis is increasing and includes Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., Scedosporium spp., Acremonium spp., and Paecilomyces spp.1-6 Other agents of hyalohyphomycosis include Aspergillus spp., Scopulariopsis spp., agents of keratomycosis, Basidiomycota spp., Schizophyllum commune, Beauvaria spp., Trichoderma spp., Chaectoconidium spp., Chrysosporium spp., Microascus spp., and others (Table 13-1). The disease caused by these pathogens is described in other chapters. Localized infections may occur among otherwise healthy individuals (usually following penetrating trauma), while disseminated infections tend to occur among severely immunocompromised patients such as those undergoing transplantation (stem cell or organ) and patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). In the immunosuppressed patient population, the outcome is closely related to the persistence of severe immunosuppression.7 Fusarium The genus Fusarium is a common soil saprophyte and important plant pathogen, which causes a broad spectrum of human disease, including mycotoxicosis, and infections, which can be superficial, locally invasive or disseminated.8 The most frequent cause of human infections is F. solani but F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. proliferatum, F. chlamydosporum, F. anthophilum, F. dimerum, F. sacchari, and F. verticillioides have also been implicated.9-13 Fusarium species possess several virulence factors, including the ability to produce mycotoxins such as trichothecenes, which suppress humoral and cellular immunity and may also cause tissue breakdown.14 In addition, Fusarium species have the ability to adhere to prosthetic material and to produce proteases and collagenases.15 Fusarium solani is the most virulent species.16 Practical mycology Fusarium spp. grow rapidly on many media (without cycloheximide which is inhibitory). On potato dextrose agar, Fusarium spp. produce white, lavender, pink, salmon or gray-colored colonies (which readily change in color) with velvety to cottony surfaces.17 Microscopically, the hyphae of Fusarium in tissue resemble those of Aspergillus spp.; the filaments are hyaline, septate, and 3–8 μm in diameter. They typically branch at acute and at right angles. The production of both fusoid macroconidia (hyaline, multicellular, banana-like clusters with foot cells at the base of the macroconidium) and microconidia (hyaline, unicellular, ovoid to cylindrical in slimy head or chains) are characteristic of the genus Fusarium (Fig. 13-1). If microconidia are present, the shape, number of cells (usually 1–3), and mode of cell formation (chains or false heads) are important in identification. Chlamydoconidia are sometimes present and appear singly, in clumps or in chains, and their walls may be rough or smooth.17 Fusarium can be distinguished from Acremonium by its curved, multicellular macroconidia, while Cylindrocarpon is distinguished from Fusarium by its straight to curved macroconidia which lack foot cells.18 The identification of Fusarium spp. may be difficult and is well described by Nelson et al.14 Epidemiology and clinical spectrum Fusarium species cause a broad spectrum of infections in humans, including superficial, locally invasive, and disseminated infection. The clinical form of fusariosis depends largely on the immune status of the host and the portal of entry of the infection.8 313 S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS Hyalohyphomycosis Table 13-1 Hyalohyphomycosis: spectrum of pathogens and infections Pathogen Normal host Immunosuppressed host Fusarium spp. - Keratitis - Endophthalmitis - Bone/joint infection - Skin infection - Onychomycosis - Mycetoma - Peritonitis (CAPD) - Mostly disseminated or sinopulmonary infection - Brain abscess - Skin lesions - Peritonitis Penicillium marneffei - Disseminated - Disseminated infection Scedosporium spp. - Keratitis - Sinusitis - Endophthalmitis - Central nervous system infection - Osteo/joint infection - Soft tissue infection - Pneumonia - Otitis - Disseminated infection - Sinusitis - Pneumonia - Brain abscess and meningitis Paecilomyces spp. - Sinusitis - Keratitis, orbital granuloma - Onychomycosis - Endocarditis - Skin infection - Endophthalmitis - Peritonitis (CAPD) - Disseminated infection - Pyelonephritis - Cellulitis - Pneumonia Acremonium spp. - Keratitis - Onychomycosis - Osteomyelitis, mycetoma - Central nervous system - Endophthalmitis - Peritonitis (CAPD) - Prosthetic valve endocarditis - Peritonitis - Cerebritis - Disseminated infection - Pneumonia - Dialysis-access fistula infection Scopulariopsis spp. - Keratitis - Otomycosis - Sinusitis - Prosthetic valve endocarditis - Skin lesions - Pneumonia Beauvaria spp. - Keratitis - Not described Chaectoconidium spp. - Skin lesions - Skin lesions Chrysosporium spp. - Keratitis - Osteomyelitis - Endocarditis - Disseminated infection - Sinusitis Likely organisms Unlikely organisms (Continued) 314 Fusarium Table 13-1 Hyalohyphomycosis: spectrum of pathogens and infections—cont’d Pathogen Normal host Immunosuppressed host Coniothyrium fuckelii - Not described - Liver infection Microascus spp. - Onychomycosis - Prosthetic valve endocarditis - Brain abscess - Sinusitis - Cutaneous granuloma Myriodontium keratinophilum - Sinusitis - Not described Neurospora sitophila - Endophthalmitis - Not described Scytalidium hyalinum - Skin infection - Onychomycosis - Subcutaneous infection Trichoderma spp. - Peritonitis (CAPD) - Pulmonary fungus ball - Not described* CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. *See text. Figure 13-1 Microscopic appearance of Fusarium spp., showing the typical banana-shaped macroconidia (courtesy of www.doctorfungus. org © 2007). Among immunocompetent hosts, keratitis and onychomycosis are the most common infections. Less frequently, the infection may occur as a result of skin breakdown, such as burns and wounds,19 or the presence of foreign bodies, such as keratitis in contact lens wearers20 at times causing outbreaks of fusarial keratitis.21 Peritonitis in patients receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis has also been described.22-24 Other infections in immunocompetent patients include sinusitis,25 pneumonia,26,27 thrombophlebitis,28 fungemia with or without organ involvement,19,29 endophthalmitis,30,31 septic arthritis,32 and osteomyelitis.33 Two outbreaks of fusarial keratitis were recently described in the United States (164 cases) and Singapore (66 cases). Case–control studies in the two populations of patients showed that keratitis was more likely to occur in patients who used a specific contact lens solution (ReNu with MoistureLock).34,35 Immunocompromised patients at high risk for fusariosis are those with prolonged and profound neutropenia and/or s evere T cell immunodeficiency.10 Unlike infection in the normal host, fusariosis in the immunocompromised population is typically invasive and disseminated.19 In patients with hematologic diseases, the infection occurs more frequently in neutropenic patients with acute leukemia.7 In the allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) population, the infection has a trimodal distribution with a first peak in the early posttransplant period (during neutropenia), followed by a peak at a median of 70 days after transplant among patients with acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) receiving corticosteroids, and a third peak >1 year after transplant during treatment for chronic extensive GvHD. Severe T cell immunodeficiency and not neutropenia is the major risk factor for fusariosis in these patients.36 The overall incidence of fusariosis is ~6 cases per 1000 HSCT: lowest (~1.5–2/1000) among autologous recipients, intermediate (~2.5–5/1000) in matched related and matched unrelated allogeneic recipients, and highest (20/1000) among recipients of mismatched related donor allogeneic HSCT.36 Locally invasive and usually late infections may also develop among solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients,37 but appear to be less common than among HSCT patients. The portals of entry include the paranasal sinuses,38,39 lungs,40,41 and skin.10,19 Airborne fusariosis is thought to be acquired by the inhalation of airborne fusarial conidia, as suggested by the occurrence of sinusitis and/or pneumonia in the absence of dissemination. The role of skin as a portal of entry is supported by the development of infection following skin breakdowns due to trauma (automobile accidents, bamboo), burns or onychomycosis in normal hosts,19 and the development of cellulitis (typically at sites of tissue breakdown such as toes and fingers) which may remain localized or lead to disseminated infection in immunocompromised patients.7,10 Given the ubiquity of Fusarium species in the environment, fusariosis may potentially be acquired in the community, as suggested by the presence of airborne fusarial conidia in outdoor air samples.10,42,43 In a prospective study, Fusarium species were recovered from a hospital water system (water, 315 S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS Pa tie nt :1 En 38 1 v 13 iro 70 nm en ta Pa l: tie nt :1 32 Pa 8 tie nt :1 37 En 9 v 13 iro 68 nm en En ta l: v 13 iron 70 m en Co ta l: nt ro l M Hyalohyphomycosis 23.1 Kb 6.557 Kb 4.361 Kb 2.027 Kb A B water storage tanks, shower and sink drains, shower heads and sink faucet aerators) and from hospital air and other environments (Fig. 13-2).43 Fusarium species were also present in the outdoor air. Showering and other water-related activities appeared to be an efficient mechanism for the dispersal of airborne fusarial conidia and transmission to the immunocompromised host, as shown by the close molecular relatedness between water and patients’ isolates. The genetic diversity of patients’ and environmental isolates of Fusarium oxysporum recovered from three locations in the United States was recently studied. Results indicated that a geographically widespread clonal lineage was responsible for >70% of all clinical isolates, and strains of this clonal lineage were genetically similar to those isolated from the water system of three US hospitals,44 further supporting the risk of nosocomial waterborne fusariosis. Clinical presentation Normal host Fusarium spp. may cause localized infections of the cornea (Fig. 13-3), skin, and nails in the normal host. Fusarial keratomycosis is usually the result of several factors: trauma and penetration 316 C Figure 13-2 Mouldy sink at a hospital in Houston, Texas. Culture was positive for Fusarium solani. (A) View from under the sink showing the mycelial growth around the cracked sink which was leaking water (arrow). (B) View from top showing mycelial growth (arrows) in the plumbing of the same sink. (C) Genetic relatedness between sink and patient isolate using restriction fragment length polymorphism. of the cornea by soil or plant material, lack of hygiene resulting in contamination of soft contact lenses, and local immunosuppression due to corticosteroid eye drops. Onychomycosis can also be caused by Fusarium spp. The typical clinical presentation is that of a distal subungual lesion in the toenails of females.45 Fusarium spp. may also cause superficial infections typical of dermatophytes, such as intertrigo,45 tinea pedis and hyperkeratitic plantar lesions.46 In addition, Fusarium spp. have been increasingly reported as a cause of non-dermatophyte skin infections.47 Other fusarial infections in normal hosts include surgical wound infections, ulcers and otitis media.14,48 Localized deep Fusarium infections are rare in nonimmunosuppressed individuals and occur following direct inoculation of various body sites. The different infections such as endophthalmitis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, pneumonia, brain abscess, cystitis, peritonitis and subcutaneous infections do not have a typical pattern suggestive of fusariosis. Immunosuppressed host The most common presentation of fusarial infection in immunosuppressed patients is persistent fever refractory to antibacterial and antifungal therapy. Other findings at presentation include sinusitis and/or rhinocerebral infection, cellulitis at the Fusarium Among patients undergoing SOT, fusarial infections tend to be more localized, occur later after transplantation and have a better outcome than among patients with hematologic cancer or recipients of bone marrow transplant (BMT).37 Diagnosis A B Figure 13-3 Fusarium fungal keratitis: (A) before treatment; (B) after resolution (courtesy of Richard Graybill MD). site of skin breakdown, endophthalmitis, painful skin lesions (Fig. 13-4), pneumonia, myositis, and infections of the central nervous system.3,8,38 Three types of cutaneous lesions can be observed: ecthyma-like lesions, target lesions consisting of the ecthyma-like lesions surrounded by a thin rim of erythema (rare), and multiple subcutaneous nodules, at times painful. It is possible that these cutaneous lesions represent, in fact, an evolution of the same lesions observed at different ages.19 In primary fusarial pneumonia, symptoms of pleuritic chest pain, fever, cough, and hemoptysis indistinguishable from pulmonary aspergillosis characterize the disease.3,10 The features of patients with disseminated infection are similar in many respects to those of patients with disseminated aspergillosis.3,10 Unlike aspergillosis, however, infection with Fusarium spp. is associated with a high incidence of skin and subcutaneous lesions and positive blood cultures.3,10 Overall mortality of fusarial infections in immunocompromised patients ranges from 50% to 90%.10 Persistence of severe immunosuppression is the most important factor related to poor outcome.7,36 The diagnosis of fusariosis depends on the clinical form of the disease. The clinical picture is not of help in the diagnosis of keratitis, since the clinical manifestations are similar regardless of etiology (bacteria, fungi). Culture of corneal scrapings (most frequent) or tissue biopsy is usually required for a definitive diagnosis. In patients with severe immunosuppression, the growth of a mould from the bloodstream and/or the presence of preceding or concomitant toe or finger cellulitis (Fig. 13-5) or cutaneous or subcutaneous lesions should raise the suspicion of fusarial infection.3,10 The radiologic findings of pulmonary fusarial infection range from non-specific infiltrates (most commonly) to nodular and/or cavitary lesions, depending on the timing of the study.3 The definitive diagnosis requires the isolation of Fusarium spp. from clinical specimens (blood, skin, sinuses, lungs, other). Culture identification is important because of the histopathologic similarities between Fusarium, Aspergillus, and other members of the hyalohyphophomycosis family. Like Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp. invade blood vessels, causing thrombosis and tissue infarction, and appear in tissues as acute branching septate hyphae.17 However, adventitious sporulation may be present in tissue,49 and the finding of hyphae and yeast-like structures together is highly suggestive of fusariosis in the high-risk population. In the absence of microbial growth, distinguishing fusariosis from other hyalohyphomycoses may be difficult, and requires the use of in situ hybridization in paraffin-embedded tissue specimens.50 Although the genus Fusarium can be identified by the production of hyaline, banana-shaped, multicellular macroconidia with a foot cell at the base, species identification is difficult and may require molecular methods. More recently, a commercially available PCRbased method was tested in 21 clinical isolates of Fusarium species and 5 ATCC isolates. Using sequencing identification as a gold standard, 7/9 different species were identified.51 The β1,3-d-glucan test is usually positive in invasive fusarial infections but cannot distinguish Fusarium from other fungal infections (Candida, Aspergillus, Trichosporon and others) which are also detected by the assay.52,53 However, a positive β1,3-d-glucan test and a negative galactomannan test in a high-risk patient with mould infection is highly suggestive of fusariosis. Prevention Because of the poor prognosis associated with fusariosis and the limited susceptibility of Fusarium spp. to antifungal agents, prevention of infection remains the cornerstone of management. In severely immunocompromised patients, every effort should be made to prevent patient exposure (e.g., by putting high-risk patients in rooms with an HEPA filter and positive pressure, avoiding contact with reservoirs of Fusarium spp., such as tap water,43 and/or cleaning showers prior to use by high-risk patients).54 317 S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS Hyalohyphomycosis A C B D Figure 13-4 Metastatic (secondary) skin lesions in fusariosis. (A) Papular, erythemato-violaceous lesions of disseminated fusariosis in a leukemic patient. Skin lesions in disseminated disease are papular, nodular, and painful. Central necrosis is frequent, giving the appearance of ecthyma gangrenosum. (B) Skin lesions at different sizes and ages: papulonodular lesions; one has progressed to ecthyma gangrenosum (large arrows); A occasionally, a target lesion is formed, with a thin rim of erythema surrounding the papular or nodular lesions (smaller, thin arrows). (C) Skin lesions are usually multiple. (D) Bullae may rarely be seen (reprinted with permission from Nucci & Anaissie. Clin Infect Dis 35:909, 2002). B Figure 13-5 Primary skin lesions in fusariosis. (A) Fusarial onychomycosis with periungual cellulitis spreading on the dorsum of the foot (arrows). (B) Cellulitis in the dorsum of the foot secondary to interdigital fusarial infection in a neutropenic patient with multiple myeloma after autologous HSCT. Note lymphangitic spread (arrows). (courtesy of Maria-Cecilia Dignani MD). 318 Penicillium Decreasing immunosuppression should be attempted in patients with prior history of Fusarium infection and can be achieved by a reduction in or discontinuation of immunosuppressive agents, shortening the duration of neutropenia (selection of non-myeloablative as opposed to myeloablative preparative regimens for allogeneic HSCT and the use of preemptive G-CSF or GM-CSF and dexametasoneelicited white blood cell transfusions).55,56 If the organism is available, antifungal susceptibility testing should be performed and antifungal prophylaxis with an agent active against the recovered fusarial strain should be considered. In addition, a thorough evaluation and treatment of skin lesions (particularly onychomycosis that serve as a portal of entry for fusariosis) should be done prior to commencing antineoplastic therapy.19 The skin may be the primary source of these life-threatening infections, usually at the site of preexisting onychomycosis or skin breakdown from a local infection, and typically presents as cellulitis in the severely immunocompromised patient (see Fig. 13-5), later spreading to cause disseminated disease. Hence, we recommend that patients with hematologic cancer who have onychomycosis or primary skin lesions following a trauma or a bite, such as a spider bite, and who are about to undergo cytotoxic chemotherapy and/or BMT be evaluated by a dermatologist to ascertain the nature of their onychomycosis or skin breakdown and rule out the presence of fusarial infection. In the presence of tissue breakdown, we also recommend that these patients avoid contact of the damaged tissue with tap water (usually contaminated with pathogenic moulds). Early therapy of localized disease (when present) is important to prevent progression to a more aggressive or disseminated infection. This therapy should include surgical debridement, topical natamycin, and probably systemic antifungal chemotherapy (see section on Treatment).10,41,57 Because of the risk of relapse in immunosuppressed patients with prior fusarial infections,39 secondary prophylaxis should be considered (IV amphotericin B or its lipid formulation, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole). In addition, consideration should be given to postponing cytotoxic therapy or using prophylactic G-CSF or GM-CSF stimulated granulocyte transfusions if delay in treating the underlying cancer is not possible.10,55,58 fungus may have a prolonged latency period. In one case, symptomatic infection developed 10 years after travel to Southeast Asia.64 Penicillium spp. other than marneffei can rarely cause disease among immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts.65,66 Practical mycology Penicillium spp. grow at 25°C on Sabouraud dextrose agar, Czapek agar and other mycologic media that lack cycloheximide. Colonies are initially white, change to a brownish red color and later to green or bluish green color. The colony surface appears flat and powdery.67 Penicillium marneffei should be incubated at 25°C and 37°C for 2 weeks to display dimorphism. The yeast phase (37°C) displays colonies that are white to tan, soft, and dry. Microscopically, the organism grows as a single yeast-like cell and reproduces by fission rather than budding. The round or oval or sometimes elongate cells (approximate diameter 3 μm) are septate. Elongated and septate sausage-like forms (length 8–13 μm) and short filaments may also be present. The most distinguishing characteristic of the mould phase (at 25°C) is the early presence of a red pigment that diffuses into the agar. The colonies start as pinkish-yellow and evolve into a bluishgreen color in the center with a white periphery. P. marneffei displays the characteristic brush-like conidia with terminal conidiophores that bear groups of 4–5 metulae supporting verticilis of 4–6 phialides (Fig. 13-6).67 Penicillium is differentiated from Scopulariopsis by the absence of a truncate base and from Paecilomyces by its phialides lacking long, pointed apical extensions.67 Incidence The incidence of P. marneffei infections, in both travelers and residents of endemic areas, has seen a dramatic rise as a result of the AIDS epidemic (approximately 25% of the AIDS patients living in Thailand are affected by this infection),68 but with the Penicillium Penicillium marneffei is the only Penicillium species (among more than 200) to cause significant human disease in healthy individuals. This thermally dimorphic organism is restricted to Asia (Southeast and Far East) where it is considered an indicator for AIDS. Regions reported to be endemic for P. marneffei infections include Indonesia, Laos, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Guangxi province of China.6,59 However, due to intensive migration, cases of infection due to P. marneffei outside this geographic area have been reported in people who traveled to these regions.60,61 This infection is the third most common opportunistic infection, after tuberculosis and cryptococcosis, in HIV-infected individuals who live in endemic regions.62 No definite route of transmission has been established, although the known natural carrier for the organism is the bamboo rat, and molecular studies have shown that humans and bamboo rats share genetically identical isolates.63 The Figure 13-6 Microscopic morphology of P. marneffei showing hyaline, smooth-walled conidiophores bearing terminal verticils of 3–5 metulae, each bearing 3–7 phialides. Conidia are globose to subglobose, 2–3 μm in diameter, smooth-walled and are produced in basipetal succession from the phialides (courtesy of www.doctorfungus.org © 2007). 319 S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS Hyalohyphomycosis reduction in transmission of HIV, concomitant decreases in the incidence of P. marneffei infection have been observed.6 Penicilliosis has also been reported in healthy as well as immunocompromised children and adults.59 No seasonal variation in the incidence of penicilliosis has been reported, except for one report suggesting a higher incidence during the rainy season in northern Thailand.69 Risk factors The major risk factors for the acquisition of infection are travel to or residence in endemic areas and severe immunosuppression secondary to AIDS or other conditions such as organ or stem cell transplantation, lymphoproliferative disorders, and corticosteroid therapy.6 Clinical presentation The lungs are the usual initial site of infection and the clinical manifestations are non-specific.70 Most affected individuals present with widespread infection closely resembling acute disseminated histoplasmosis.71-73 Disseminated infection usually presents with fever, marked weight loss, anemia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, generalized papular skin lesions (60–70%), cough (50%), lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly and may rapidly progress to death if untreated.6,59,62,74 Other cutaneous manifestations include necrotic papules, rash, acne-like pustules, and/or nodules and occur more commonly on the face, upper trunk, and extremities (Fig. 13-7). Molluscum contagiosum-like lesions tend to occur more commonly in HIV-infected patients and involve the palatal and pharyngeal regions.75 Other organs may be involved, including bone marrow, bowels, kidneys, pericardium, meninges, and others. A high index of suspicion should be maintained when a susceptible patient has papular molluscum contagiosum-like skin lesions and a non-specific febrile illness.76 Diagnosis A history of travel to an endemic area is of paramount importance. A rapid presumptive diagnosis can be made by microscopic examination using Giemsa, Wright stain, Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) or periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) on various specimens (see Fig. 13-7) (bone marrow, peripheral blood, and skin fluid). This microscopic examination will show the characteristic intracellular, septate, yeast-like cells. The diagnosis is confirmed by culture. Of note, the lysis centrifugation blood culturing method is very effective at recovering P. marneffei. The radiologic findings in pulmonary penicilliosis appear as reticulonodular, nodular, diffuse alveolar infiltrates and/or rarely cavitary associated with hemoptysis.70,77 Histopathologic findings depend on the patient’s immune status: granulomatous or suppurative in relatively immunocompetent patients, and necrotizing in severely immunocompromised hosts. The granulomatous reaction is usually found in the organs of the reticuloendothelial system, where histiocytes, lymphocytes, epithelioid plasma cells, and occasionally giant cells form the granuloma. As the histiocytic granulomas expand, releasing fungal cells and accumulating neutrophils, central abscesses eventually form. In immunosuppressed 320 atients, necrotic lesions are characterized by focal necrosis p surrounded by histiocytes engorged by the proliferating fungal cells. In all these histopathologic reactions, microscopic examination reveals yeast cells both within phagocytes (resembling Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum) and extracellularly (in which yeasts appear larger than the intracellular phase) (see Fig. 13-7).71 Various tests based on antigen and antibody detection and PCR-based methods have been developed for the diagnosis of P. marneffei infection. In general, these tests have good sensitivity and specificity.6,78 Secondary prevention Secondary prophylaxis with itraconazole 200 mg/day is indicated in HIV-infected patients with history of P. marneffei infection.62 Similar to other mycoses, discontinuation of prophylaxis after the introduction of highly efficient antiretroviral therapy is feasible.79 Scedosporium Scedosporium spp. are commonly isolated from rural soils, polluted waters, composts, and from manure of cattle and fowl. Infections are caused by two species: (1) Pseudallescheria boydii (perfect state) or Scedosporium apiospermum (imperfect state) and (2) Scedosporium prolificans (S. inflatum). Two forms of disease have been described: invasive tissue disease (both agents) and mycetoma (only P. boydii) (see Chapter 24 on cutaneous and subcutaneous fungal infections).80-82 Practical mycology On Sabouraud dextrose agar, the colonies grow rapidly, producing a white fluffy or tufted aerial mycelium, which later turns to a brownish gray color.83 Microscopically, the hyphae of P. boydii are hyaline. The conidia are borne singly or in small groups on elongate, simple or branched annelloconidia or laterally on hyphae (Fig. 13-8). Scedosporium prolificans can be differentiated from P. boydii by the inflated and swollen morphologic feature of the conidiogenous cells in the former. In addition, the growth of S. prolificans is inhibited by cycloheximide in mucosal agar.83 Unlike Sporothrix schenckii and Blastomyces dermatitidis, Scedosporium spp. do not convert to a yeast phase at 37°C on rich media. Incidence Serious Scedosporium infections have increased in the past few years among patients with hematologic malignancies, particularly those undergoing allogeneic BMT.2,82 These infections have also been reported to occur in patients with AIDS, after solid organ transplantation, and in patients with cystic fibrosis.84-86 Clinical presentation Infection by Scedosporium spp. may be secondary to inoculation of fungi after local trauma among otherwise healthy individuals, inhalation of fungal spores, ingestion of contaminated Scedosporium A B food, and with no apparent source.84 The clinical spectrum of infection in immunocompetent hosts includes keratitis, endophthalmitis, otitis, sinusitis, central nervous system infections, osteoarticular and soft tissue infections, and pneumonia after near drowning.87-93 In the setting of severe immunosuppression, deep-seated infections can particularly involve any organ with a predilection for skin (painful cutaneous nodules which may later become necrotic), sinuses, lungs, and central nervous system.2,80,85,88,94-104 In healthy individuals cerebral infection is secondary to contiguous spread from sinusitis,105 penetrating trauma106 or following near drowning in polluted water.90,107 In C Figure 13-7 Penicilliosis (P. marneffei). (A) Cutaneous lesions resulted from the dissemination of the fungus from the lungs. The patient’s underlying disease is AIDS (B) A Giemsa-stained touch smear showing the typical septate yeast-like cells of P. marneffei thst reproduce by fission (C) Fruiting head of Penicillium spp. showing a penicillus. The penicillus measures 100– 250 μm and consists of phialides and metulae that extend directly from the conidiophore (courtesy of www.doctorfungus.org © 2007). (courtesy of www.doctorfungus.org © 2007). (reproduced with permission from De la Maza LM, Pezzlo MT, Baron EJ. Color Atlas of Diagnostic Microbiology. Mosby, St Louis, 1997, p.142). immunocompromised patients, central nervous system infections tend to occur following hematogenous dissemination.88,9 5,97,108,109 The majority of cerebral infections have presented as a brain abscess but ventriculitis and meningitis have also been reported.106,109-111 Delayed treatment of brain abscesses due to P. boydii is associated with a high mortality rate (>75%).106,112 Pseudallescheria boydii can grow within poorly draining bronchi, lung cavity or paranasal sinuses without causing invasive disease,113 where the fungus ball is the only significant consequence of fungal colonization.114 Allergic bronchopulmonary disease has also been attributed to P. boydii infection.115,116 321 S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS Hyalohyphomycosis Figure 13-8 Scedosporium apiospermum. One-celled conidia developing from annellides. Phase contrast microscopy, 630× Scedosporium prolificans is distinguished from S. apiospermum by having basally swollen (inflated), flask-shaped annellides, slower colony development on nutrient agar media, and by not growing on media containing cycloheximide (actidione). (courtesy of www.doctorfungus.org © 2007). Diagnosis The radiographic findings of pulmonary infections show areas of nodularity, alveolar infiltrates or, most commonly, consolidation, which may evolve to cavitation.117-119 Identification of the fungus by culture is important because of the variable susceptibility of these fungi to amphotericin B and other antifungal agents. The organisms may be recovered in sterile fluid (rarely from blood) and from infected organs. Histopathologic findings are similar to those of aspergillosis, with the presence of acute branching hyphae, blood vessel invasion and thrombosis.104,120,121 eritonitis in dialysis patients, and cutaneous infections.123-128 p Disseminated infection, pneumonia, cellulitis, fungemia and pyelonephritis have been reported in immunosuppressed patients.129-134 The portal of entry involves breakdown of skin or mucous membranes and inhalation.5 Infections associated with contamination of fluids and air conditioning systems have been reported.126,135,136 Acremonium (Cephalosporium) Species of Acremonium are commonly found in soil, decaying vegetation, and decaying food. Practical mycology Paecilomyces spp. are isolated from soil and decaying plant material, and often implicated in decay of food products and cosmetics. Acremonium spp. have moderate growth on Sabouraud agar media without cycloheximide. The colonies are white-gray or rose in color, with a velvety to cottony surface.137 The conidia may be single-celled, in chains or in conidial masses, arising from short, unbranched, single, tapered phialides (Fig. 13-10).137 Practical mycology Clinical presentation Paecilomyces spp. grow rapidly on Sabouraud dextrose agar without cycloheximide. The colonies are at first floccose and white, then change color; the texture is wooly to powdery. Colonies of P. variotii are velvety and tan to olive-brown in color, while those of P. lilacinus are pink or vinaceous to lilac in color.122 Microscopically, the Paecilomyces spp. conidia are unicellular, can be ovoid or fusoid and can also form chains. Phialides have a swollen base and a long tapered neck (Fig. 13-9). Species reported to cause infections in humans include A. alabamensis, A. falciforme, A. kiliensis, A. roseogriseum, A. strictum, A. potroni, and A. recifei. This genus has long been recognized as an etiologic agent of nail and corneal infection, mycetoma, peritonitis and dialysis fistulae infection, osteomyelitis, meningitis following spinal anesthesia in a normal person, cerebritis in an intravenous drug abuser, endocarditis in a prosthetic valve operation, and a pulmonary infection in a child. Occasional deep Acremonium infections have been reported in patients with serious underlying medical conditions.1 Paecilomyces Clinical presentation The two most common species of Paecilomyces, P. lilacinus and variotii, are rarely pathogenic in humans. In normal hosts, these organisms have been implicated as etiologic agents of keratitis associated with corneal implants, endophthalmitis, endocarditis following valve replacement, sinusitis, and 322 Figure 13-9 Paecilomyces lilacinus. Conidiophores and conidia. Branching conidiophores with groups of phialides having characteristic long, tapering, conidia-bearing apices. Conidia in chains are elliptical (courtesy of www.doctorfungus.org © 2007). Scopulariopsis Scopulariopsis spp. are frequently isolated from soil. OTHER PATHOGENS Figure 13-10 Microscopic morphology of an Acremonium sp. showing long, hyaline, awl-shaped, simple, erect, phialides arising from hyphae or fascicles. Conidia are usually one-celled (ameroconidia), hyaline, globose to cylindrical, and mostly aggregated in slimy heads at the apex of each phialide (courtesy of www.doctorfungus.org © 2007). Practical mycology The most common species are S. brevicaulis and S. brumptii. Scopulariopsis brevicaulis produces rather rapidly growing colonies that are powdery, and tan to beige. The reverse side of the colony is usually tan with a brown center. Microscopically, the conidiogenous cells (annellides) are produced from unbranched or branched penicillate-like conidiophores. Conidia are in chains with the youngest conidium released from the annellide at the tip of the conidiophore. The conidia are thick-walled, round to lemon shaped, rough and spiny with hyaline or brown color (Fig. 13-11). Scopulariopsis can be distinguished from Penicillium by their pyriform conidia, typically with truncate bases. Clinical presentation Scopulariopsis brevicaulis rarely causes human infection. In healthy individuals this organism has been reported to cause onychomycosis,138,139 keratitis,140 otomycosis,141 invasive sinusitis,142 and prosthetic valve endocarditis.143,144 Invasive infections have been reported among immunocompromised patients (recipients of liver transplantation and patients with hematologic malignancies). These infections involved mainly soft tissues and lungs.145-152 Other pathogens Other rare pathogens known to cause opportunistic hyalohyphomycosis include the following. Amxiopsis (Ahanoascus) fulvescens and A. stericcoraria may resemble a dermatophyte infection. This keratinophilic fungus is found in soil.153 Arthrographis kalrae (Oidiodendron kalrai) is a dimorphic fungus found in soil. It was reported to cause invasive pansinusitis with central nervous system involvement in an AIDS patient, mycetoma in a healthy individual, and keratitis in a contact lens wearer.154-157 Figure 13-11 Scopulariopsis brevicaulis. Septate mycelium, with single, unbranched conidiophores or branched “penicillus-like” conidiophores. Annellides produce chains of lemon-shaped conidia (annelloconidia) with a rounded tip and truncate base. Potato glucose agar, 30°C, phasecontrast microscopy (courtesy of www.doctorfungus.org © 2007). Beauveria spp. can cause keratitis following invasive procedures on the eye.158-160 The management of this infection with medical treatment is usually unsuccessful and it requires surgery. Chaetoconidium spp. have been cultured from biopsy specimens of a skin lesion in a renal transplant patient treated with immunosuppressive therapy.161 Chrysosporium spp. have been reported to cause disseminated disease162-164 and invasive sinusitis165 among immunocompromised hosts. In healthy individuals these organisms may cause keratitis,166 pulmonary granulomas,167 endocarditis,168 and osteomyelitis.169 Amphotericin B and liposomal amphotericin B (Ambisome) have been associated with successful treatment.162,169 while itraconazole was associated with relapse in one case report.162 Coniothyrium fuckelii has been isolated from a patient with a liver infection and acute myelogenous leukemia.170 Microascus spp. very rarely cause onychomycosis.171 M. cinereus was reported to cause brain abscess in a BMT recipient,172 suppurative cutaneous granulomata in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease,173 and prosthetic valve endocarditis.174 Amphotericin B173 and Amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC) plus itraconazole172 were associated with response in one patient each. Myriodontium keratinophilum has been isolated from a frontal sinusitis secondary to nasal polyps.175 Neurospora sitophila has been isolated from a patient with endophthalmitis following cataract extraction.176 Phialemonium spp. were reported to cause disseminated infection in a child with burns,177 fungemia in cancer patients,178 HSCT recipients179 and in patients receiving hemodialysis,180,181 323 S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS Hyalohyphomycosis peritonitis in a recipient of renal transplantation,182 osteomyelitis after an injury,183 arthritis following intraarticular injection of corticosteroids,184 endocarditis,135,185,186 endophthalmitis,187,188 and cutaneous infection in a HSCT recipient.189 In vitro, this fungus is susceptible to amphotericin B, itraconazole, and fluconazole but resistant to flucytosine.178 The species reported to be pathogenic are P. obovatum and P.curvatum. Scytalidium hyalinum is usually isolated from skin and nail infections,190-192 especially in individuals from the Caribbean and West Africa.193 Six percent of coal miners in Nigeria were reported to have skin infection solely by this organism.194 In one immunocompromised patient, this organism was reported to cause a subcutaneous infection with multiple cyst formation.195 Two cases of tinea pedis responded to treatment with itraconazole.196 Scytalidium spp. have also been reported to cause keratitis197 and sinusitis in a lung transplant recipient.198 Trichoderma viride was reported to cause peritonitis in patients undergoing continuous peritoneal dialysis and invasive infections in immunocompromised patients, including neutropenic cancer patients and transplant recipients.199-204 Treatment Factors that influence the management of these emerging opportunists include the lack of standardized susceptibility testing, the limited correlation between in vitro antifungal susceptibility testing results and clinical outcome, the difficulty in making an early diagnosis, and the relative resistance to antifungal agents, especially in the setting of severe immunosuppression. In the normal host, surgery, local instillation of antifungal agents (such as intraarticular, intraocular, other),205,206 and systemic antifungal therapy may be curative.117,207,208 In the immunocompromised host, the critical factor for a favorable outcome is recovery from immunosuppression.7 In these patients, surgery is rarely an option because of severe thrombocytopenia.118,209,210 Thus, every effort should be made to prevent these infections in this patient population, and to enhance the status of the patient’s immune system when infection sets in, including, most importantly, tapering or discontinuation of immunosuppressive drugs. Treatment with granulocyte or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors (G-/GM-CSF) and CSF-stimulated white blood cells transfusions may also be considered.10,48,55,208,211,212 A summary of the strategies suggested to reverse immunosuppression is presented in Table 13-2. Antifungal therapy should be based on the known pattern of susceptibility of the offending pathogen (Table 13-3),10,208,213-215 and should be continued until resolution of all clinical and laboratory findings of infection and recovery from immunosuppression.38,57,68,73 Sometimes, successful therapy for fungal infections, especially moulds, may require a coordinated medical and surgical approach (Table 13-4). Specific infections Fusarium spp In general, localized infection is likely to benefit from surgical debridement, while disseminated infection requires the use of systemic agents and immunotherapy, when possible. Keratitis is usually treated with topical antifungal agents, and natamycin is the drug of choice.20 More recently, successful treatment 324 Table 13-2 Reversal of Immunosuppression •Discontinuation or dosage reduction of immunosuppressive drugs (such as corticosteroids, other) •Infusion of autologous stem cells if delayed marrow engraftment •Granulocyte transfusion (from donors treated with G-CSF or GM-CSF and dexametasone) •Administration of recombinant cytokines, particularly: -gra nulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factors (GM-CSF) -interferon-γ with topical and oral voriconazole has been reported.216 Localized skin lesions in immunocompromised patients deserve special attention. Since the skin may be the source for disseminated and frequently life-threatening fusarial infections, local debridement should be performed and topical antifungal agents (natamycin, amphotericin B) should be used, prior to commencing immunosuppressive therapies. Because of lack of clinical trials and the critical role of immune reconstitution in the outcome of fusariosis, the optimal treatment strategy for patients with severe fusarial infection remains unclear. The typical antifungal susceptibility profile of Fusarium spp. is that of relative resistance to most antifungal agents. However, F. solani and F. verticillioides are usually resistant to azoles and exhibit higher MICs for amphotericin B than other Fusarium spp. By contrast, F. oxysporum and F. moniliforme may be susceptible to voriconazole and posaconazole.217-225 High-dose amphotericin B, lipid-based amphotericin B formulations, and combinations of other antifungal agents with amphotericin B have been reported. The response rate to a lipid formulation of amphotericin B appeared superior to that of deoxycholate amphotericin B.7 Voriconazole and posaconazole have been used as salvage therapy, with acceptable response rates.226,227 Data on combination therapy for fusariosis are limited to a few case reports: caspofungin plus amphotericin B,228 amphotericin B plus voriconazole.229,230 amphotericin B and terbinafine,231 and voriconazole plus terbinafine.232 Given the scarcity of data and the potential publication bias, no solid recommendations can be provided. In addition to antifungal treatment, the optimal management of patients with fusariosis includes surgical debulking of infected tissues233 and removal of venous catheters in the occasional patient with confirmed catheter-related fusariosis.234 The role of G-CSF or GM-CSF stimulated granulocyte transfusions and interferon-γ in the adjuvant treatment of fusariosis is not established. However, given the poor prognosis of fusariosis, especially in persistently neutropenic patients, G-CSF and granulocyte transfusions are frequently used. In support, there are isolated case reports of the successful treatment of invasive fusariosis with a combination of medical treatment and some of these measures.235 Penicillium marneffei Amphotericin B has been used for the treatment of severe forms of systemic infection due to P. marneffei,76,236 whereas itraconazole is the preferred drug for treating moderately I-R S* I R I S* I-R Fusarium spp. Penicillium marneffei S. apiospermum S. prolificans Paecilomyces spp. Acremonium spp. Scopulariopsis spp.# R R I R R I-S R Flucytosine NT NT NT NT S NT R Echinocandins R R R R I-S I R Fluconazole R S** S* R S* S** R Itraconazole R S I-S R S S I-R Voriconazole R S S R S S I-R Posaconazole S, susceptible; I, intermediate; R, resistant; NT, not tested. *Drug of choice in severe infection. **Drug of choice in moderately severe infection, as an alternative agent or as a follow-up to 2 weeks of IV amphotericin B at the dose of 1 mg/kg/day. Secondary prophylaxis with itraconazole (200 mg/day) is recommended in patients with persistent immunosuppression. Topical natamycin useful for fusarial keratitis. #Terbinafine may be useful for superficial infection Modified from Yu VL, Merigan TC, Barriere SL (eds) Antimicrobial Therapy and Vaccine, 1999, p.1105. AMB, amphotericin B and its lipid formulations. AMB Pathogen Table 13-3 In vitro antifungal susceptibility and drug of choice for selected hyalohyphomycosis. TREATMENT 325 S E C T I O N T W O THE ORGANISMS Hyalohyphomycosis Table 13-4 Indications for Surgical Removal of Infected Tissue •Hemoptysis from a single cavitary lung lesion •Progressive cavitary lung lesion (unless multiple lesions are seen by CT scan) •Infiltration into the pericardium, great vessels or bronchi, bone or thoracic soft tissue despite antifungal treatment •Progressive and invasive sinusitis •Joint/bone infection •Endophthalmitis •Skin or nail infection prior to cytotoxic chemotherapy CT, computed tomography chest scan. s evere penicilliosis, and for long-term maintenance treatment after a course of amphotericin B.213,237,238 More recently, voriconazole (oral, or intravenous followed by oral) has been shown to be highly effective for the treatment of penicillinosis.239 Scedosporium spp In vitro and in vivo data show that S. apiospermum is resistant to amphotericin B and flucytosine and susceptible to itraconazole, voriconazole and posaconazole. By contrast, S. prolificans is resistant to both amphotericin B and azoles.218 Optimum management of infection due to S. apiospermum includes microbiologic documentation (since these organisms are histologically similar to Aspergillus species), and voriconazole or itraconazole.85,94,96,117 Surgical resection remains the key to a successful outcome if the lesions are localized (e.g., cavitating lung lesion, sinusitis, arthritis or osteomyelitis). The therapeutic outcome is usually poor in the setting of persistent immunosuppression. A combination of interferon-γ and antifungal therapy in a patient with granulomatous disease helped control disseminated infection.240 The outcome of S. prolificans infection is very poor, since no drug appears to be effective.85 Surgical debridement of infected tissue and recovery of immunosuppression appear to be the major means of halting progression of the infection.102,208 Anecdotal reports of successful treatment with voriconazole plus terbinafine have been published.88,232 Acremonium spp In vitro, Acremonium spp are susceptible to amphotericin B and the azoles, including itraconazole, voriconazole and posaconazole.1,241,242 Clinical data on treatment of infections by Acremonium spp. are limited to case reports. Successful clinical outcomes have been observed after treatment with amphotericin B, voriconazole and posaconazole.243-246 Surgery and catheter removal have also been reported as part of the successful management of these infections.246-248 Scopulariopsis spp Scopulariopsis spp. are usually resistant in vitro to antifungal agents including itraconazole, fluconazole, and flucytosine and somewhat susceptible to amphotericin B, miconazole and ketoconazole.249 Oral itraconazole and terbinafine and topical natamycin were reportedly effective in treating onychomycosis by this 326 organism.138,139 Invasive infections may require surgical and medical treatment and are frequently fatal.145,146,250 References 1.Guarro J, Gams W, Pujol I, Gene J. Acremonium species: new emerging fungal opportunists – in vitro antifungal susceptibilities and review. Clin Infect Dis 25:1222, 1997 2.Lamaris GA, Chamilos G, Lewis RE, et al. 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