TOLL BRIDGE PROGRAM OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING MATERIALS April 17, 2015 CALTRANS BAY AREA TOLL AUTHORITY CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Letter of Transmittal TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: April 10, 2015 FR: Program Management Team (PMT) RE: TBPOC Meeting Materials Packet – April 17, 2015 Herewith is the TBPOC Meeting Materials Packet for the April 17h meeting. The packet includes memoranda and reports that will be presented at the meeting. Contents is provided following the Agenda to help locate specific topics. A Table of Table of Contents INDEX TAB AGENDA ITEM 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 TBPOC MEETING April 17 2015 DESCRIPTION EXECUTIVE SESSION a. SAS Outstanding Work b. YBITS 2 Contract CHAIR’S REPORT CONSENT CALENDAR a. TBPOC Regular/Urgent Meeting Minutes 1. TBPOC March 5, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes* 2. TBPOC March 19, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes* 3. TBPOC April 1, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes* PROGRAM ISSUES a. Capital Outlay Support Update** b. Risk Management Update* c. East Span Permits* SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE UPDATES a. YBITS 2 Contract Project Update* b. Pier E3 Demolition Contract and Permits Update* c. SAS Contract* 1. Project Update** 2. East Anchorage PWS Anchor Rod Clearance* OTHER BUSINESS a. Report on matters discussed and actions taken at Urgent Meeting b. Report on matters discussed and actions taken during Executive Session 7 7 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT * Attachments ** Attachments to be sent out under separate cover Final Agenda TBPOC REGULAR MEETING April 17, 2015 Executive Session (DCR): 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Regular Session (CT Boardroom): 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM 1120 N Street, Sacramento, CA Dial-in Number: 1(866) 803-2146; Access Code: 2474385 Item Number/ Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. SAS Outstanding Work b. YBITS 2 Contract CHAIR’S REPORT 7. Time S. Heminger, BATA CONSENT CALENDAR a. TBPOC Regular/ Urgent Meeting Minutes 1. TBPOC March 5, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes* 2. TBPOC March 19, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes* 3. TBPOC April 1, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes* PROGRAM ISSUES a. Capital Outlay Support Update** b. Risk Management Update* c. East Span Permits* SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE UPDATES a. YBITS 2 Contract Project Update* b. Pier E3 Demolition Contract and Permits Update* c. SAS Contract* 1. Project Update** 2. East Anchorage PWS Anchor Rod Clearance* 6. Presenter OTHER BUSINESS a. Report on matters discussed and actions taken at Urgent Meeting b. Report on matters discussed and actions taken during Executive Session GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Information A. Fremier, BATA 5 min Approval Dan McElhinney, CT Steve Whipple, CT/ R. Foley, CT Stefan Galvez, CT 10 min 10 min Approval Information 10 min Information D. Vilcheck, CT Dan McElhinney, CT/ Stefan Galvez, CT 5 min 5 min Information Information Dan McElhinney, CT/ 30 min Information B. Maroney, CT NA NA NA S. Heminger, BATA 5 min Information Next TBPOC Regular Meeting: May 11, 2015 (TBD) * Attachments **Attachments to be sent under separate cover Desired Outcome Accessibility and Title VI: TBPOC provides services/accommodations upon request to persons with disabilities and individuals who are limited-English proficient who wish to address Committee matters. For accommodations or translations assistance, please call the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) at 510.817.5757 or 510.817.5769 for TDD/TTY. We require three working days' notice to accommodate your request. Acceso y el Titulo VI: El TBPOC puede proveer asistencia/facilitar la comunicacion a las personas discapacitadas y los individuos con conocimiento limitado del ingles quienes quieran dirigirse a la Comité. Para solicitar asistencia, por favor llame a la Comisiớn Metropolitano de Transporte (MTC) al numero 510.817.5757 o al 510.817.5769 para TDD/TTY. Requerimos que solicite asistencia con tres dias habiles de anticipacion para poderle proveer asistencia. Meeting Conduct: In the event that any public meeting conducted by TBPOC is willfully interrupted or disrupted by a person or by a group or groups of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible, the Chair may order the removal of those individuals who are willfully disrupting the meeting. Such individuals may be subject to arrest. If order cannot be restored by such removal, the members of the committee may direct that the meeting room be cleared (except for representatives of the press or other news media not participating in the disturbance), and the session may continue on matters appearing on the agenda. Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) FR: Dan McElhinney, Caltrans Chief Deputy District 4 Director/ Brian Maroney, SFOBB Project Chief Engineer , Caltrans RE: Agenda No. - 1a DATE: April 10, 2015 Item- Self‐Anchored Suspension (SAS) Outstanding Work Recommendation: For Information Only Cost: NA Schedule Impacts: NA Discussion: An update on the Self‐Anchored Suspension (SAS) contract close out strategy will be provided at the TBPOC April 17th meeting executive session. 1 of 1 Item 1a_SAS_memo-17Apr15.doc Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: FR: Steven Whipple, SFOBB Principal Construction Manager, Caltrans/ Deanna Vilcheck, SFOBB Area Construction Manager RE: Agenda No. - 1b April 10, 2015 Item- Yerba Buena Island Transition Span (YBITS) 2 Update Recommendation: For Information Only Cost: NA Schedule Impacts: NA Discussion: The Department will provide an update on the Yerba Buena Island Transition Span (YBITS) 2 contract and the on-going contract change order discussions. Attachments: NA 1 of 1 Item 1b_YBITS2_memo-17Apr15.doc ITEM 2: CHAIR’S REPORT Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: FR: Andrew Fremier, Deputy Executive Director, Operations, MTC/BATA RE: Agenda No. - 3a1 April 10, 2015 Item- TBPOC March 5, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes Recommendation: NA Cost: NA Schedule: NA Discussion: The Program Management Team has reviewed and requests TBPOC approval of the March 5, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes. 1 of 1 Item 3a1_Memo-17Apr15-v0.doc TBPOC REGULAR MEETING MINUTES March 5, 2015, 10:00am – 2:30pm Pier 7, Mission Bay Office, 325 Burma Road, Oakland, CA Attendees: TBPOC Members: Steve Heminger (Chair), Malcolm Dougherty, Will Kempton PMT Members: Dan McElhinney, Andrew Fremier, Stephen Maller Participants: Ade Akinsanya, Rosalynn Chongchaikit, Rich Foley, Peter Lee, Brian Maroney, Bijan Sartipi, Deanna Vilcheck, Bill Casey, Karen Wang, Stefan Galvez, Leah Robinson-Leach, Gary Thomas Convened: 1:50 PM 1. Items EXECUTIVE SESSION Action a. SFOBB Self-Anchored Suspension (SAS) Outstanding Work 2. CHAIR’S REPORT The Chair thanked the Department for the tour of the new bridge earlier in the day. The Chair discussed proposed AB 1284 legislation by Assembly Member Baker that would make the TBPOC subject to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. TBPOC Regular/Urgent Meeting Minutes 1. TBPOC December 19, 2014 Minutes* 2. TBPOC January 27, 2015 Minutes* 3. TBPOC February 6, 2015 Minutes* 4. TBPOC February 19, 2015 Minutes* 4. The Chair requested that the PMT draft a letter addressed to Assembly Member Baker on the topic that TBPOC will continue to conduct open public meetings for the remaining years the TBPOC oversees the last of the projects of the Toll Bridge Program. The TBPOC APPROVED the Consent Calendar, as presented. PROGRAM ISSUES a. Capital Outlay Support (COS) Update** Dan McElhinney, Caltrans District 4 Chief Deputy District Director, presented an overall work plan for fiscal 1 of 7 TBPOC_030515MtgMin-final.docx (Continued) Items year 2014-15 with updated expenditure data now available thru January 2015. Discussion included March 2015 unanticipated work related to the SAS tower anchor rod grouting issue and the continual evaluation of COS budget impact for the current fiscal year. It was noted that the COS budget risks ahead include the on-going METS A&E rod investigation. Dan McElhinney said he would return next month with a COS update and forecast of SAS tower anchor rod investigation capital outlay and COS costs. The Department is currently tracking the $41.4M budget. There is no action required by the POC at today’s March meeting. b. Risk Management Update** Rich Foley, SFOBB Risk Manager, presented a risk management process update. An extensive risk assessment is underway to include scope, schedule, and capital outlay/support cost impacts for a range of project risks to develop an updated risk register and a review of the overall program funding and expenditures for the current and future fiscal years. Challenges going forward included project close-out, ongoing SAS, YBITS2, Marine Foundations and 504/288 demolition work. o Pier E3 will have a separate risk register including an updated estimate for the conventional method of marine foundation removal and recognizing the implosion risk opportunity. o The Department will focus on the mitigation effort moving forward with risk assessment process. The approach to assessing risks will be adjusted to account for various variables including optimistic and pessimistic potential outcomes. Action Dan McElhinney to provide a COS update and forecast of SAS tower anchor rod investigation CO and COS next month. The Chair asked for the Department to look at possibilities within the existing overall Toll Bridge Program budget to address risks due to unanticipated work. Rich Foley will provide a comprehensive risk update next quarter. 2 of 7 TBPOC_030515MtgMin-final.docx (Continued) 5. Items SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE UPDATES a. YBITS 2 Update** Deanna Vilcheck, SFOBB Area Construction Manager, provided an update on the latest construction activities and progress on the YBITS 2 contract. It was noted that the gate at the end of the bike path will stop public access to the island. Andrew Fremier, BATA Deputy Executive Director, reported they are currently circulating a contract to support their staff in the conceptual planning of the temporary improvements around the gate area for public weekend use when there is no construction activity. Improvements will also provide for bike and pedestrian protection during the week when construction activity is present. Action Deanna Vilcheck will present an updated schedule and contract change order as part of the YBITS 2 update for the next April TBPOC meeting. b. Pier E3 Demolition Permits Update** Stefan Galvez, Caltrans District 4 Chief Office of Environmental Analysis, provided an update on the Pier E3 Demolition Permits. Preliminary meetings have been completed and detailed packages are under development to request various agency approvals of the Pier E3 Demonstration project. o Will Kempton, CTC Executive Director, inquired if they would process the revalidation of the environmental document ahead of receiving any permits. Stefan Galvez responded that once they have the Biological Opinion from NOAA fisheries they can do the revalidation. o Stefan Galvez said the permits are on the critical path and if they are not approved by July/August, the project will have to wait another year. o There was discussion about engaging the Tri-Agency Partnership executive 3 of 7 TBPOC_030515MtgMin-final.docx (Continued) Items level forums to coordinate resource agencies for expedient resolution of permits for the Pier E3 demonstration project. Action c. 504/288 Demolition Bid Open Update** Bob Finney, Caltrans District 4 Deputy District Director Construction presented the results of the recent 504/288 Demolition Bid Opening. The lowest bid came in at $69,470,000 from C California Engineering Contractors/Silverado Joint Venture. o Work is anticipated to start as early as May 2015. o The Chair inquired about the demolition methodology. Bob Finney responded the Department is still reviewing the bids and the different methods provided by each contractor. o The engineer’s estimate was $93M. The risk for the bids ranged from -$11M and + $24M in risk. d. SAS Update** Brian Maroney, Toll Bridge Deputy Program Manager, presented an update on the SAS remaining contract items including tower seismic anchor rods grouting procedures field progress and lab activities. o Discussion items included: complimentary system of rods and dowels in the tower; various stages of protection of rods during construction; water sample testing (absence of bay water); tower base grout status verification; field cleaning operation; verification testing of tower rods; rod removal and testing program; microcracks; corrosion modeling; tower pull back operations (lasting about 1 year) in Sept 2011; and a comparison of Seismic Demands with Varying Anchor Rod Configurations. Department (Malcolm/Stefan) will follow up on process to engage the Tri-Agency Partnership executive level forums. Staff to provide a presentation on the proposed demolition methodology at a future TBPOC meeting. 4 of 7 TBPOC_030515MtgMin-final.docx (Continued) o o o o o o o o o Items Malcolm Dougherty inquired if the recent testing on the rods were more thorough than the QA required in the contract documents. Brian Maroney confirmed the recent testing was beyond contract specifications and the mechanical testing results are all within contract compliance. The Chair requested for Caltrans to perform investigation of the current condition of the anchor rods through ultrasonic testing (UT) inspection. Will Kempton and Malcolm Dougherty concurred with the statement. The Chair inquired if the micro-cracks could lead to fracture, Brian Maroney did not expect the micro-cracks to propagate. Brian Maroney will return in the next month with more information. The Chair asked if there was water at the tower when a rod was removed in 2013 and if any corrosion was observed. Bill Casey, Caltrans SAS Resident Engineer, confirmed the rods were in standing water but no corrosion was observed. The Chair inquired about dehumidification and other techniques to keep the holes dry. Brian Maroney discussed the various options to keep the holes dry. The Chair inquired if the Peer Review is involved in the review of the tower seismic anchor rods. Brian Maroney responded he would like them to be on board as soon as possible and has a proposal in process to do so. Will Kempton asked for more information and actions taken in regards to the missing QA documents. Will Kempton requested if the residue and stains on the structure could be cleaned up so future observations would be more noticeable. Bill Casey confirmed this could be done. Malcolm Dougherty concurred with this request. Malcolm Dougherty summarized his Action Caltrans Construction/METS to perform investigation of the current condition of all tower anchor rods through UT inspection in response to the Chair’s request. CT Construction will provide pictures around the base of the tower in 2013 when an initial rod was removed for testing. Construction will have residue and stains on the SAS cleaned. 5 of 7 TBPOC_030515MtgMin-final.docx (Continued) Items concurrence to further investigate the second rod removed, perform additional scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis on rod 136-2-3. The requested for the Department to consider extracting a third rod for testing. o The Chair requested Seismic Safety Peer Review Panel confirmation on the decision to not grout the inspection holes of the tower anchor rods. 6. Action Brian Maroney to obtain concurrence from Seismic Peer Review Panel on the proposed decision of not grouting the tower anchor rod inspection holes. OTHER BUSINESS a. Report on matters discussed and actions taken at Urgent Meeting NA b. Report on matters discussed and actions taken during Executive Session o The Chair reported that they discussed the outstanding work on the SAS and no action was taken. 7. Next TBPOC Meeting The next TBPOC regular meeting is scheduled on April 17, 2015 at Sacramento. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT There was a public comment about the misaligned main cable PWS anchor rods that presented last May 2014 and the outstanding request for information on how the issue was resolved. The Chair requested staff to include the item on the agenda for the next TBPOC meeting in April. Information will be on the web for those unable to attend. * Reference memo provided in the TBPOC March 5th TBPOC Packet **Reference supplemental information in the TBPOC March 5th TBPOC Supplemental Packet Adjourned: 4:15 PM 6 of 7 TBPOC_030515MtgMin-final.docx (Continued) TBPOC REGULAR MEETING MINUTES March 5, 2015, 10:00am – 2:30pm APPROVED BY: ______________________________________ STEVE HEMINGER, TBPOC Chair Executive Director, Bay Area Toll Authority ______________ Date ______________________________________ ______________ WILL KEMPTON Date Executive Director, California Transportation Commission ______________________________________ MALCOLM DOUGHERTY Director, California Department of Transportation ______________ Date 7 of 7 TBPOC_030515MtgMin-final.docx Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: FR: Andrew Fremier, Deputy Executive Director, Operations, MTC/BATA RE: Agenda No. - 3a2 April 10, 2015 Item- TBPOC March 19, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes Recommendation: NA Cost: NA Schedule: NA Discussion: The Program Management Team has reviewed and requests TBPOC approval of the March 19, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes. 1 of 1 Item 3a2_Memo-17Apr15-v0.doc TBPOC URGENT MEETING MINUTES March 19, 2015, 9:00am – 10:00am Attendees: TBPOC Members: Steve Heminger (Chair), Malcolm Dougherty, Will Kempton (not present) PMT Members: Andrew Fremier, Dan McElhinney, Stephen Maller Participants: Peter Lee, Brian Maroney, Leah Robinson-Leach, Rosalynn Chongchaikit, Ade Akinsanya, Chris Traina, Trish Stoops Convened: 9:55 AM 1. Items EXECUTIVE SESSION Action a. SFOBB Self-Anchored Suspension (SAS) Closeout Strategy b. Pier E3 Demolition CMGC Contract 2. REGULAR SESSION a. Response Letter to Assembly Member Baker Andrew Fremier, Deputy Executive Director BATA, presented a draft letter including comments from the Secretary of Transportation included in the supplemental TBPOC packet. Malcolm Dougherty, Director, California Department of Transportation, wanted to be sure all of the Secretary’s comments were addressed and motioned to delegate to the Chair for editorial corrections and finalize for signature. Approved, item was delegated to the Chair to finalize for TBPOC signature. Vote was 2-0. Will Kempton, Executive Director, California Transportation Commission was not present. b. 504/288 Superstructure Dismantling Contract Bid Protest Steven Whipple, District 4 Division Chief SFOBB, DOE, provided an update on the bid protest presented by Golden 1 of 3 TBPOC_031915_CCMin-final.docx (Continued) 5. Items State Bridge, CT has processed the protest and the protest was found without merit. The contract was awarded to CEC. The Chair inquired what actions may be taken by a bidder unsatisfied with the bid protest resolution. Steve Whipple said if that were the case the bidder would need to file suit against Department in court. Steve Whipple also mentioned that the Department has not discussed the protest with Golden State Bridge. The Chair inquired when the contractor would start mobilization. Bill Casey responded it could be as early as the summer. OTHER BUSINESS a. Report on matters discussed and actions taken at Urgent Meeting NA Action b. Report on matters discussed and actions taken during Executive Session The Chair reported that the Executive Session discussed SAS closeout strategy and Pier E3 demo contract negotiations and no action was taken. The next TBPOC regular meeting is on April 17, 2015, in Sacramento, 1:00pm – 4:00pm. 6. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment received. Adjourned: 10:00 AM 2 of 3 TBPOC_031915_CCMin-final.docx (Continued) TBPOC URGENT MEETING MINUTES March 19, 2015, 9:00am – 10:00am APPROVED BY: ______________________________________ STEVE HEMINGER, TBPOC Chair Executive Director, Bay Area Toll Authority ______________ Date ______________________________________ WILL KEMPTON Executive Director, California Transportation Commission ______________ Date ______________________________________ MALCOLM DOUGHERTY Director, California Department of Transportation ______________ Date 3 of 3 TBPOC_031915_CCMin-final.docx Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: FR: Andrew Fremier, Deputy Executive Director, Operations, MTC/BATA RE: Agenda No. - 3a3 April 10, 2015 Item- TBPOC April 1, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes Recommendation: NA Cost: NA Schedule: NA Discussion: The Program Management Team has reviewed and requests TBPOC approval of the April 1, 2015 Urgent Meeting Minutes. 1 of 1 Item 3a3_Memo-17Apr15-v0.doc TBPOC URGENT MEETING MINUTES April 1, 2015, 2:00pm – 3:00pm Attendees: TBPOC Members: Steve Heminger (Chair), Malcolm Dougherty, Will Kempton PMT Members: Andrew Fremier, Dan McElhinney, Stephen Maller Participants: Leah Robinson-Leach, Rosalynn Chongchaikit Convened: 2:58 PM 1. Items EXECUTIVE SESSION Action a. SFOBB Self-Anchored Suspension (SAS) Closeout Strategy b. Pier E3 Demolition CMGC Contract 2. OTHER BUSINESS a. Report on matters discussed and actions taken at Urgent Meeting NA b. Report on matters discussed and actions taken during Executive Session The Chair reported on two approvals that occurred in the Executive Session. o The TBPOC authorized staff to perform additional testing on tower foundation seismic anchor rods not to exceed $1M. As a part of SAS contract issues, this was a funding approval to initiate further testing and peer reviews. Caltrans to develop a full testing plan with scope, updated cost estimates, and timelines to be presented at the next TBPOC meeting. o The TBPOC authorized staff to finalize negotiations with Kiewit/Manson A Joint Venture on the Pier E3 Demolition 1 of 2 TBPOC_040115_CCMin-final.docx (Continued) 3. Items CMGC Contract, and if an agreement is reached award the contract to demolish the pier E3 foundation in part through the use of underwater controlled implosions. The next TBPOC regular meeting is on April 17, 2015, in Sacramento, 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Action GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment received. Adjourned: 3:00 PM TBPOC URGENT MEETING MINUTES April 1, 2015, 2:00pm – 3:00pm APPROVED BY: ______________________________________ STEVE HEMINGER, TBPOC Chair Executive Director, Bay Area Toll Authority ______________ Date ______________________________________ WILL KEMPTON Executive Director, California Transportation Commission ______________ Date ______________________________________ MALCOLM DOUGHERTY Director, California Department of Transportation ______________ Date 2 of 2 TBPOC_040115_CCMin-final.docx ITEMȱ4:ȱȱPROGRAMȱISSUESȱ a.ȱCapitalȱOutlayȱSupportȱ(COS)ȱMitigationȱ Plan**ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ **Attachmentsȱtoȱbeȱsentȱunderȱseparateȱcoverȱ ȱ Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: FR: Steven Whipple, SFOBB Principal Construction Manager, Caltrans/ April 10, 2015 Rich Foley, SFOBB Risk Manager , Caltrans RE: Agenda No. - 4b Item- Risk Management Update Recommendation: Information Cost: Various risks retired and risks confirmed Schedule: Various risks retired and risks confirmed Discussion: As presented at the March 5, 2015, TBPOC meeting, the project team initiated an extensive risk assessment to include scope, schedule, and capital outlay/support cost impacts for a range of project risks to develop an updated risk register for all East Span contracts. The assessment included the SAS tower anchor rods grouting work, the SAS contract close out completion date, the island YBITS2 contracts and adjacent ramp work, the Pier E3 Demolition CMGC contract issues, the remaining demolition contracts and related environmental mitigation issues. Once updated, the risk management plan will be reviewed as part of the overall program funding and expenditures evaluation for the current and future fiscal years, then presented for consideration by the TBPOC for risk management and budget management in May 2015. Attachment(s): Risk Management Slide Presentation 1 of 1 Item 4b_Memo-RM-17Apr15-v2.doc TBPOC Briefing Risk Management Update Mid-First Quarter 2015 Preliminary Findings • 504/2885 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Contractor’s Bid Below Engineers’ Estimate - $23.5M (25% Decrease) Risks associated with Bid Opening – Retired - $13.1M (25% Decrease) Schedule Risks associated with Start of Work Reduced (Included in Above) Contract Executed April, 7, 2015 No Real Change to Contract Risks – Await Conversations with Contractor YBITS 2 – Schedule Delays and Cost Risks Confirmed from Risk Register 1. Reconcile Past Delays (Pile Driving & Internal Guying) – In Pending CCO Log 1. 2. Environmental Window Differing Site Condition 2. Re-Sequence On-Ramp Construction – Coordination Issue 1. 2. Maintains Traffic on Island for Coast Guard Contractor Has access from North Side 3. Coordination with Coast Guard 1. 2. Potential Re-sequence of Work Request to Perform Future Work Sooner 4. Bike Path Belvedere Cantilever Beam Modifications/Bike Path Railing Changes 1. 2. Risk to Budget Authorized in May 2014 Overseas Fabrication – COS Considerations 5. Ramp/Bike Path Opening Still Trending Dec 2015– Could be as late as April 2016 6. COS and Capitol Considerations Under Discussion Preliminary Findings • Marine Foundations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Revised Engineers’ Estimate for Conventional Removal (Excludes E3) - $254M Revised Engineers’ Estimate for Implosion Alternative (Excludes E3) - $160M Pier E3 Demonstration – Agreement Reached with Contractor Results of Demonstration Needed to Schedule Future Work Potential Mitigation for Long Fin Smelt Summary of Bridge Removal Contracts 1. Cantilever (Included in YBITS2) 2. 504/288 1. Budget Established 3. Marine Foundation Pier E3 Demonstration 1. 2. 3. Allocation to be discussed today June 2015 – Start Work Permit Amendment August 2015 4. Removal of Remaining Foundations 1. Awaiting Results of Demonstration Preliminary Findings Corridor Risk Register 1. Cable Traveler – Removed from Corridor Register (Toll Bridge Maintenance Item) 2. Additional De-Humidification at Tower Base Added Project Closeout 1. YBITS 1 – Expected Q2 2015 2. OTD 2 – In Plant Establishment Through Q3 2014 3. SAS – Contract Closeout Discussion Ongoing Project Risk Management Memorandum TO: FR: RE: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: April 10, 2015 Stefan Galvez, Chief, Office of Environmental Analysis Agenda No. Item- 4c SFOBB East Span Permits Recommendation: Information Cost: TBD Schedule: TBD Discussion: A number of resource agency regulatory permits and authorizations have been issued for the SFOBB Project. These permits were originally issued in 2001, shortly after the approval of the final Environmental Impact Statement for the project. These permits and authorizations have been amended on numerous occasions throughout the life of the SFOBB project. In the interest of keeping these permits current, the attached table outlines the permits and authorizations by agency and the current expiration dates. Several of the permits have been issued for the life of the project. 1 of 1 Item 4c_Memo-EastSpanPermits-17Apr15-v0.doc Project Permits and Expiration Dates San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge (SFOBB) East Span Seismic Safety Project (SFOBB Project) The following table shows the environmental permits that have been issued to the SFOBB Project from state and federal regulatory agencies and their expiration dates – if included. SFOBB Project Permits that do include an expiration date may be extended as needed by renewal or amendment. Agency Acronym Permit Type Expiration BCDC Major Permit 3/1/2020 CDFW Incidental Take Permit (ITP) 6/30/2018 NMFS Biological Opinion (BO) and Supplemental BOs Project Completion S.F. Bay Conservation and Development Commission California Department of Fish and Wildlife National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA S.F Regional Water Quality Control Board RWQCB U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS BO and Supplemental BOs Project Completion U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS Special Purpose: Relocate (nests) 3/31/2015** U.S. Coast Guard USCG Bridge Permit 12/31/2019 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE Individual Permit 1/20/2022 Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) Section 401 Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) 1/7/2015* Project Completion * IHAs need yearly renewal. Latest NOAA IHA expired on 1/7/2015. IHA Renewal for SFOBB Project was transmitted 12/15/2014 and is expected to be issued by NOAA on 5/28/2015. There is no IHA coverage for the SFOBB Project until a renewal is issued, but pile driving work may continue with increased marine mammal monitoring. The IHA renewal addresses pile driving and is not expected to inhibit work for Pier E3. **USFWS Special Purpose Permit renewal was transmitted 1/7/2015. The existing Special Purpose Permit remains in effect until renewal is issued by USFWS. TBPOC Item 4c (East Span Permit) attachment Last Updated: 4/8/15 Memorandum TO: FR: RE: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: April 10, 2015 Deanna Vilcheck, SFOBB Area Construction Manager Agenda No. Item- 5a Yerba Buena Island Transition Span (YBITS) 2 Update Recommendation: Information Cost: NA Schedule: NA Discussion: The Department plans to provide an update on the latest construction activities and progress on the YBITS 2 contract during the April 17h TBPOC meeting. 1 of 1 Item 5a_Memo-YBITS2Update_17Apr15.docx Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) FR: Dan McElhinney, Chief Deputy District 4 Director of Caltrans / Stefan Galvez, Chief, Office of Environmental Analysis RE: Agenda No. Item- DATE: April 10, 2015 5b Pier E3 Demolition Contract and Permits Update Recommendation: Information Cost: TBD Schedule: TBD Discussion: Pier E3 Demolition Contract The TBPOC authorized staff on April 1 to finalize negotiations with Kiewit/Manson, A Joint Venture, on the Pier E3 Demolition CMGC Contract, and if an agreement is reached award the contract to demolish the pier E3 foundation in part through the use of underwater controlled implosions. The contract award process is still pending as of the preparation of this summary. The Department, with concurrence from the PMT, recommended on April 1 for TBPOC approval the Pier E3 Demolition CMGC project proposed capital outlay budget for contract allotment and an identified amount in the risk reserve. This final contract budget will be based on a work items estimate from the contractor, and estimates for supplemental work, state furnished materials, risks and contingency to complete the E3 demolition. This proposed contract budget will be taken from the existing TBPOC approved forecasted budget ($107.1M) for the Marine Foundation contracts, per the 2014 Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit 4th Quarterly Report (released February 2015). While the risk of incomplete implosion underwater debris removal and/or permit non-approval for implosion activities as contained in the Risk Registry have a low probability, the Department wishes to point out that the additional work and 1 of 2 Item 5b_Memo-E3_17Apr15-v1.doc Memorandum resultant schedule delays if these risks occur may impact the contract cost significantly. Since April 1, the Department has progressed in resolving costs with the contractor as per the CMGC procurement process and remains on schedule for a Contract Approval in April 2015. Pier E3 Demolition Underwater Implosion Plan Permit Update - Elevating Issues: At the request of the TBPOC, a review of the previous resolution process found that the “Tri-Agency group” was formed during early construction permitting in the early 2000s to advance issues of multiple interest that may arise to its member agencies (the former Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, Natural Resources Agency, California Environmental Protection Agency). The “TriAgency group” process was last initiated over a decade ago. Caltrans staff is currently working with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to determine the need to mitigate for the potential take of state threatened longfin smelt. Any delays in decisions from CDFW may impact the Pier E3 contract schedule delaying work up to a year. Caltrans staff has drafted an issue memo for a potential discussion between the Secretaries of Transportation and Resources agencies by early May 2015 as needed. - Permit updates: Caltrans staff has submitted application packages to all state and federal regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed Pier E3 removal. Agencies include: - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Marine Fisheries Service - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - U.S. Coast Guard - California Department of Fish and Wildlife - San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission - Regional Water Quality Control Board Permits are expected by July 2015. Permit non-approval for implosion activities will result in additional contract work and schedule delays that will impact the contract cost significantly. 2 of 2 Item 5b_Memo-E3_17Apr15-v1.doc Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: FR: Dan McElhinney, Chief Deputy District 4 Director of Caltrans / Brian Maroney, SFOBB Project Chief Engineer , Caltrans RE: Agenda No. - 5c1 April 10, 2015 Item- Self-Anchored Suspension Span (SAS) Project Update Recommendation: For Information Only Cost: Potential cost impacts to be determined. Schedule Impacts: Potential schedule impacts to be determined. Discussion: The Department will present an update on the SFOBB East Span SAS contract remaining work by contractor American Bridge/Fluor Enterprises, Inc., A Joint Venture, including the tower seismic anchor rod grout work, related field and lab testing activities, and final project database and documents. Attachments: None 1 of 1 Item 5c1_Memo-SASUpdate-17Apr15-v1.doc Memorandum TO: Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee (TBPOC) DATE: FR: Brian Maroney, SFOBB Project Chief Engineer , Caltrans RE: Agenda No. - 5c2 April 10, 2015 Item- East Anchorage PWS Anchor Rod Clearance Recommendation: For Information Only Cost: NA Schedule Impacts: NA Discussion: Please find attached the presentation given to the external and independent Toll Bridge Seismic Safety Peer Review Panel (TBSSPRP) on the topic of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge (SFOBB SAS) east end anchorage rod-toanchorage plate clearances. The design team, the construction team and the TBSSPRP are satisfied that the final conditions of the construction meet or exceed the requirements of the project. To fully meet the 2 mm clearance requirements based upon dynamic structural analyses detailed field measurements were conducted followed by repositioning of anchor rods or cutting material from the anchor plate at necessary locations. As a result, a total of 41 rods were adjusted and in one case a plate was cored in order to meet the 2mm clearance requirements. Attachments: SFOBB – SAS Anchor Plate/Anchor Rod Clearance Study 1 of 1 Item 5c2_Memo-SAS-PWSAnchor-17Apr15-v1.doc SFOBB – SAS Anchor Plate / Anchor Rod Clearance Study SSPRP D t June Date J 26 26, 2014 1 East Anchorage Plan, Elevation 2 PWS Anchor Rod at Anchor Plate — Elevation Original Design Current Dimensions ((at Contractor’s Request) q ) 3 PWS Anchor Rod at Anchor Plate — Plan Original Design Current Dimensions ((at Contractor’s Request) q ) 4 PWS Anchor Rod in Contact with Anchor Plate — Elevation 5 Anchor Rods and Anchor Blocks appear to have shifted during Strand Sag Adjustment As load was released anchor blocks could slide, due to slippage of wooden blocking and swaying of jacking system Paint Repair at location of wooden blocking 6 Anchor Rods and Anchor Blocks appear to have shifted Paint P i t scraped dd due tto block movement Rod Washer closer to one side 7 Field Conditions Anchor Rods in Contact (Based on CT Survey) E Line 14 W Line 11 Total 25 (of 274) 8 “W” Line Clearance Measurements 9 “E” Line Clearance Measurements 10 Dynamic Evaluations Hand calculations Dynamic D i A Analysis l i Independent Design Check (IDC) 11 Dynamic Analysis Assumptions Program: ADINA Boundaryy Conditions: PWS strand pinned at east saddle PWS rods fixed at the anchorage Multiple support excitation Response at each end extracted from 6 different global analyses of SEE Damping: Rayleigh Damping at 1.5% and 2.5% for the f d fundamental l ffrequency Detailed representation of the masses: PWS strands, anchor rods, rods sockets Strand pretensioned to DL tension 12 Dynamic Analysis Model 13 Dynamic Analysis Results — Unrestrained Case Displacement p Envelope p for Strand Displacement p Envelope p at Anchorage g Hand Calculation estimates peak displacement to be 62 mm. 14 Dynamic Analysis Results — Unrestrained Case Envelope of Moments for Rod Snapshot of Moment @ Peak 15 Dynamic Analysis Results — Restrained Case Envelope of Moments for Rod Snapshot of Moment @ Contact 16 Dynamic Analysis Results — Summary 3mm Seismic Drift of Rod at Anchor Plate Total Axial Stress of 0.36Fu 10kN-m Bending Moment at Anchor Nut (Unrestrained) Additional 0.16Fu Total T t lR Rod d St Stress off 0 0.52Fu 52F 8.5kN-m Bending Moment at Anchor Nut (with Contact) Additional 0 0.12Fu 12Fu Total Rod Stress of 0.48Fu 17 Independent Design Check Program: CSI Bridge Anchor Rod / Anchor Plate Interface Unrestrained Restrained R t i d Pi Pinned d Restrained with gap: 0 mm above 1.5 mm above 0 mm below 1.5 mm below 18 IDC — Dynamic Drift Envelope (Unrestrained) 3.2mm 77mm Displacement Envelope for Strand 19 Independent Design Check Results — Summary 3mm Seismic Drift of Rod at Anchor Plate Total Axial Stress of 0.36Fu 16kN-m Bending Moment at Anchor Nut (Unrestrained) Additional 0.30Fu Total T t lR Rod d St Stress off 0 0.59Fu 59F 15.3kN-m Bending Moment at Anchor Nut (with Contact) Additional 0 0.29Fu 29Fu Total Rod Stress of 0.59Fu 20 Comparison of Results Dynamic Analysis Independent Design Check 21 Summary Service Demands DL Axial Stress = 0.29 Fu DL + LL Axial Stress = 0.32 Fu Seismic Demands Displacement off Anchor Rod at Anchor Plate = 3 mm DL + EQ Axial Stress = 0.36 Fu DL + EQ Bending Stress = 0.24 Fu Peak Total Rod Stress 1 2 3 = 0.60 Fu Peak Total Seismic stress demand may occur at Section 1, 2 or 3 22 Summary Seismic Demands Shear in Anchor Rod Bearing at Anchor PL = 32 kN (0.01 Fu) = 20 kN (Results in blunting of the rod thread) In an FEM model a force of 20 kN was applied to one rod thread in contact with the anchor plate Bolt in Contact with Anchor Plate Plastic Strain in Rod Thread 23 Conclusions No Concern with SEE Demands even if Gap is Less than 3mm However, for Rods in Contact the Permanent Bending Stresses are Unknown Therefore, Therefore Rods in Contact shall be Re-centered to Achieve NO CONTACT 24 Alternatives Considered by Design JV A. Do Nothing Not acceptable for rods in contact B B. I Insert t Soft S ft or Ductile D til Shims Shi N t possible Not ibl ffor rods d iin contact t t C. Grind or Core Anchor Plate Possible but may not clear stiffeners D. Tie Back Strands Permanently Introduces permanent bending E. Shift Bearing Blocks and Rods Has potential to sway during jacking, as h happened dd during i strand t d adjustment dj t t F. Shift Anchor Rods Only Good solution G. Damping May reduce seismic demand but does not address permanent bending 25 Contractor’s Proposals Jacking (Option E) Coring (Option C) Jacking (Option F) 26 Recommended Solution (Alternate F) Lift off Anchor Rod by jacking against bearing plate Available Clearance is 8 mm and up to 16 mm 27 ITEM 6: OTHER BUSINESS a. Report on matters discussed and actions taken at Urgent Meeting b. Report on matters discussed and actions taken during Executive Session ITEM 7: GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT
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