BELANGRIKE DATUMS!!! ALGEMENE INLIGTING FREE SOTHO LESSONS WEEKLY LESSONS IN SOTHO @ CHURCH EVERY MONDAY 17:30 - 19:00 JOIN US IF YOU CAN!!! PURPOSE: LOVING & COMMUNICATING THE GOOD NEWS IN SOTHO. SEE YOU THERE OR “KETLA O BONA MOO!” JUNXION NUUS... Hi almal. Dit is vir die Junxion jeug baie hartseer om die nuus oor te dra dat Summer ons gaan verlaat om die roeping in haar hart te volg van profetiese dans. Dis hartseer, maar ons is ook opgewonde vir haar en wens haar alle sterkte toe. Saam met Thomas beplan ons groot goed vir Vrydagaande ‘and beyond' en is baie opgewonde daaroor. Summer, thanks for everything. WE LOVE YOU. Ettiene en Annali (071 972 7352 / 073 279 9542) “Through love, helping individuals to discover their true identity and get GOD confidence.” Johan & Stienie Smith Senior Leaders Johan Smith: Danie v Niekerk: Kantoorure: Kerkkantoor: Faks: Email: Faceboek: Adres: Danie & Fred v Niekerk Associate Leaders 083 262 3169 / [email protected] 082 921 0495 / [email protected] Maandag - Vrydag 07:30 - 13:00 058 - 303 4604 / 0335 086 611 5952 [email protected] / Bethlehem Christian Centre Posbus 545, Bethlehem, 9700 Baie dankie aan almal wat al ‘n bydrae gemaak het. Indien julle enige navrae het, kontak Mari Rix 083 700 7202 of as julle nog ‘n bydrae wil doen, gebruik die volgende bankrekening: Care4All, Standard Bank, Spaarrek. 0147037107, Takkode 055033, Verw.: Babaprojek. Please make use of our website:, for the latest news, updates, messages and more!!! 17 May 2015 BIRTHDAYS Baie geluk aan die mense wat die week verjaar: 17de SarelVenter, 19de Adrian Agazzani, 30ste Conrad Wilken, Fred van Niekerk, 21ste Liesl Reyneke, 22ste Ettiene Bossert en 23ste Pieter Mojet. May you have a year were you will stand in awe of what God is doing for you and through you!! CARE4ALL - BABAPROJEK!!! Shane & Skye Pretorius Worship Leaders Louise ZIMBABWE UITREIK 4 - 11 Julie Indien julle wil saam gaan, kontak Danie van Niekerk by 082 921 0495 vir verdere inligting so gou as moontlik. BETHLEHEM CHRISTIAN CENTRE BETHLEHEM CHRISTENSENTRUM HERDERSBRIEF/PASTOR’S HEART Good morning. What a privilege it is to gather with you this morning in the presence of our loving Father! We have been so blessed these last few months as we encounter a steadily growing manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Last week we were so blessed as He just came and ministered to us through the worship, words of knowledge, through the prophetic and supernatural healings. May the Lord help us to keep a posture of gratitude as he blesses us with His manifest presence and goodness. If this is your first visit to Bethlehem Christian Centre, we would like to extend a special welcome to you. We are glad that you have joined us and please feel free to fill in a visitor’s card as we would love to connect with you. Once you have filled it in you can place it in the offering basket or in the box at the exit. As Danie mentioned last week, we are planning an outreach to Zimbabwe during the July holidays. He will again be giving information on the trip today. Please consider prayerfully whether or not you should be going. Previous outreaches that I had been able to join, was such a blessing, growing my ability to take risk and seeing how God wanted to use me to make a difference in other people’s lives. If you want to join the team, speak to Danie afterwards or call Louise at the office at 058 303 4604. We have been trusting the Lord for a considerable time now for someone to step forward and take responsibility for the Children’s Church ministry. This morning I am really grateful to be able to announce that four moms have stepped up and said they truly believe that, for this season, they will lead the children’s ministry. I praise God as the body of Christ becomes manifest and as that happens, the world is blessed. Thank you Mari, Ria, Anelda and Fred for volunteering. May the Lord lead you and may you see a huge harvest on the seed you put into the children’s lives. Stienie and I are really excited because our two eldest sons, Lou and Sebastian, who have been attending the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding California, will be returning home at the end of the month for the summer break. Each time we speak with them we are so aware of the huge growth that has taken place and we look forward with excitement and anticipation to not only see what has been imparted to them but also for us as spiritual family to receive from them. We are so grateful for the support that we have received from you as a family in this time, that they were attending the school. The new member’s class is running well. The group is so big that we have decided to divide it into two so that we get to know each other well. I want to ask you as congregation to keep on praying that we as leaders would accurately receive the new members into our family. It is such an important foundation in the bigger picture of taking up our calling in our town and region. We have had numerous testimonies about last week’s celebration as well as a few other additional testimonies. This morning my heart is full of wonder at God’s goodness! We are going to give time for the sharing of testimonies and then we will be pouring our gratitude back to God through extravagant praise and worship! May you encounter God this morning as never before and may you have a blessed week. Blessings Johan and Stienie. DECLARATION: Together with this house I passionately pursue God's presence through extravagant praise and intimate worship, at home, at work and at play. We advance God’s Kingdom by releasing His manifest presence - touching, impacting and redeeming homes, regions and the nations. This house is a safe, loving environment. I am accepted. I can be honest and transparent. As I live out my unique identity, I am encouraged to grow, to take risk and am allowed to make mistakes. I engage in the vision of this house by giving my time and resources. I actively engage the values of this house of Servanthood, Love, Joy, Generosity, Honour, Worship, Integrity and Humility. WENGEDAGTE VAN DIE WEEK!!! EK HET GESONDE LANGTERMYN VERHOUDINGS (Oorwin diskonneksie) “As ‘n mens in die geloof bly staan wanneer jy in die versoeking kom, kan jy gelukkig wees, want dit is soos die Here ons toets. En as ‘n mens die toets slaag, sal die Here hom die ewige lewe gee, want dit is die kroon wat Hy beloof het aan almal wat Hom liefhet.” – Jak 1:12 Ek onthou dat ek as ‘n jong Christen gebid het, “Here, ek wil ‘n Godsman wees!” Hy het gesê, “Goed, trou en hê ‘n familie. Dit sal vir jou meer beteken op die langeduur as wat Bybelskool ooit sal wees.” Christen volwassenheid word duideliker wanneer ons onsself gee vir langtermyn verhoudings in familile, kerk en orals. Dit is nie dat ek die belangrikheid van Christen lering of teologiese skole afskiet nie, maar bediening berus nie hoofsaaklik op wat ons weet nie. Dit kom van wie ons is. Dit is waarvan Jakobus praat in Jak 1:12. Wanneer ons die bybelse ‘sleutels’ vind vir die uitdagings wat die lewe bied (om versoekings te weerstaan), ontvang ons ‘n kroon van lewe. Tradisionele denke sê dat dit iets is wat ons in die hemel gaan ontvang, maar ek glo dit is meer as dit – dit is die vermoë om lewe in te blaas in die areas waar ons oorwinning behaal het. Ons bediening van LEWE na ander toe is nie die oordrag van inligting nie, maar dit is om geïmparteerde genade (grace) oor te dra in die areas waarin ons oorwinning gesmaak het, sodat ander makliker oorwinnend kan lewe. Dit is veral die waarheid in ons verhoudings. Ons moet besef dat suksesvolle, langtermyn verhoudings ‘n mikpunt vir ons almal moet wees om reg te kry om genade in te imparteer (i.e. die kroon van LEWE). Hierdie mense in ons lewe kan die egtheid van ons Christenwees bevestig, maar so ook sal ons gesonde uitlewe van hierdie verhoudings die nodige kroon van lewe gee om weer weg te kan gee. Ons besef dat daar verhoudings kan wees wat skipbreuk ly wat nie ons skuld is nie, maar om die sleutels tot langtermyn hartskonneksies met mense na te volg, sal meer doen vir ons persoonlike groei en bedieningsinvloed as wat ons enigsins kan besef. Dit is meer belangrik as Bybelskool.
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