Parish Magazine // April 2015 Seapatrick Parish “Growing in God’s Love and Sharing it with Others” Churches of Holy Trinity (Banbridge) & St. Patrick’s (Seapatrick) Discover Hope Pg. 3 Pg. 5 Pg. 7 From the Rector Holy Week Services Lyrics & Laughs Pg. 10 Annual Easter Vestry Pg. 13 Calendar of Services Pg. 19 Mouse Makes Curate Assistant: Rev. Rosie Diffin, 26 Larchwood Avenue, BT32 3XH..........................................Tel: 4066 9086 From the Rector... Non Stipendary Minister (NSM): Rev. Dr. Rory Corbett.................................................................................................... Tel: 4062 2744 Greetings in the name of Christ Rector: Ven. Roderic West, The Rectory, 63 Lurgan Road, BT32 4LY..........................Tel: 4062 2612 Youth Ministry Co-ordinator: Peter Graham...................................................................................................................... Tel: 4062 2744 Parish Office (Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm) Esther Wheeler..................................................................................................................Tel: 4062 2744 Parish Office, Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, Banbridge, BT32 4AA... Tel: 4062 2744 Parish Parish Website........................................................................................... Diocesan Website................................................................................... Holy Trinity Organist............................................................................................Dr Stephen Timpany St Patrick’s Organist....................................................................................................Mr Simon Hanna Sexton........................................................................................................................Mr Trevor Anderson Sunday Space Superintendent (Holy Trinty, Banbridge)................. Mr Clifford McSpadden Sunday School Superintendent (St Patrick’s, Seapatrick).................................Mrs Enid Adair Parish Records & Parish Magazine If you are new to the Parish or if any of your details have changed (e.g. address, phone number, etc.) please let the Parish Office know. Also if you know of someone who is not currently receiving a Parish Magazine, but would like to do so, please let us know. The Parish Office can be contacted on 4062 2744 or by email to [email protected] Freewill Offering - Envelopes & Standing Orders Any parishioners who would like to have weekly Freewill Offering Envelopes or would like information about giving to the church by Standing Order, please contact the Parish Office. If you already have Freewill Offering Envelopes, please remember to write the amount of your offering on the front of the envelope each week. This greatly helps the Count Team and the Auditors. 02 In the early 1970s a New Zealand Prime Minister called Norman Kirk spoke about what he believed people wanted – ‘someone to love, somewhere to live, somewhere to work and something to hope for.’ The BBC has picked up on that quote and have produced four Panorama programmes linked to each of the four themes. The final programme was about something to hope for. The dramatic events of Good Friday were so devastating for the disciples and all who had become followers of Jesus, they thought it was all over, that there was nothing to hope for. Although Jesus had talked to his disciples about his crucifixion and death they hadn’t really understood or grasped what he had said. Jesus had received an amazing welcome when he rode a donkey into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday. People were excited, there was a sense of anticipation and expectation, a sense of hope; but by the following Friday (Good Friday) Jerusalem became a place of betrayal, condemnation, torture and death. The disciples’ hopes seemed to have been dashed. Jesus was arrested in the garden where he was praying, he was brought before the Jewish ruling council who decided he deserved to die; it was Friday, but Sunday was coming. He was brought to Pilate who condemned him to death; it was Friday, but Sunday was coming. He was mocked and beaten; it was Friday, but Sunday was coming. seapatrick parish magazine He was taken to Calvary, he was nailed to a cross, he suffered and died; it was Friday, but Sunday was coming. His body was taken down from the cross and placed in the tomb; it was Friday, but Sunday was coming. ‘Hope seemed to have faded; it was Friday, but Sunday came. The stone had been rolled away from the entrance to the tomb; the tomb was empty. The angel told the disciples, who went to the tomb, that God had raised Jesus from the dead. Suddenly, there was fresh hope; hope not only for the disciples, but hope for us and for others.’ The message of Easter is a message of hope. He is not here! He is risen! Everything had changed. He who knew no sin became sin for us, he paid the penalty for our sin; forgiveness and a restored relationship with God is now possible for all who put their trust in Jesus as their Saviour. The message of Easter is a message of hope; those who are followers of Jesus are assured that he will never leave us or forsake us. The message of Easter is a message of hope, hope for this life and hope for eternity. Discover that hope, live with an awareness of that hope. Roderic 03 Hope for you! 10.00am St Patrick’s Church, Seapatrick 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Banbridge Monday 30 March Hope in the Upper Room Tuesday 31 March Hope in the Garden Wednesday 1 April Discover Hope (DVD) Thursday 2 April Hope in the Courtyard Good Friday 3 April Hope in the Cross DISCOVER HOPE THIS EASTER WITH BILLY GRAHAM Short DVD with Real Life Stories Join us to view ‘The Cross’ DVD Wednesday 1st April 10.00am - St Patrick’s Church, Seapatrick 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Banbridge Come and bring someone with you. Good Friday 10.00am Hope in the Cross St Patrick’s, Seapatrick 10.30am Morning Worship - Informal Service followed by Easter Egg hunt & refreshments Holy Trinity, Banbridge 12.00pm An Hour at the Cross A service of readings, reflections & hymns Holy Trinity, Banbridge 7.30pm Hope in the Cross Holy Trinity, Banbridge Easter Sunday 04 Holy Trinity Banbridge 6.00am Sunrise Service in the grounds of Holy Trinity (Followed by breakfast in the Parish Hall) 8.30am Holy Communion 9.45am Holy Communion 11.15am Morning Worship 6.30pm Service of Readings and Hymns St Patrick’s, Seapatrick 10.00am Holy Communion seapatrick parish magazine 05 TM WINDOWS FREE ESTIMATES • PVC Windows & Doors • Replacement double glazed units • PVC facia, soffit & guttering • Replace handles, hinges & locks to existing windows. Contact: Tony McCreanor Mobile: 0776 288 2471 Lyrics and Laughs An evening of entertainment from some of our local talent! Thursday 16th April in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Banbridge. Doors open at 7pm, starts at 7:30pm sharp. On Thursday 16th April the Parish will be having an evening of entertainment featuring a variety of performances from some of our local talent. This event will be a great opportunity to come along and enjoy a night’s entertainment as well as light refreshments in the interlude. We aim to be finished for 9:45pm. Tickets will be £5 with a special rate for families. Please keep the date free. Church Fete – Saturday 20th June 2015 Citizen and Rotary Watches Quality Jewellery - Diamond Rings Personal Service on all Repairs Plans for our 25th Annual Fete continue to go well. Once again I am very pleased to be able to confirm that Robert Gordon and Donald Moore have agreed to sponsor the Church Fete and the School Competition. Both Robert and Donald have been very generous in their support and we are very grateful to them both. The Fete committee have been working tirelessly to make this year’s event as successful as previous years and we need your support to help us. Alison Adams will be looking after personnel issues this year. On the day of the Fete upwards of 250 parishioners are needed to help staff the various stalls. She will be writing out shortly to our key stall organisers who will in turn enlist the help of various individuals to help staff their stall. If you are asked and are free, please say yes. We would like the completed forms to be returned to Alison or the Parish Office as soon as possible. If you are free on the day and would like to help, but are not already listed as a fete helper, please leave your name at the Parish Office. If you are new to the Parish this is a great way to meet new friends and take part in a very hectic, but very rewarding day. I mentioned in my last article about needing sugar for making chutneys, jam etc. We have had a good response, but a few more bags would be grealy appreciated. I also mentioned that I would like to hear from anyone who could help with bringing on bedding plants. If you could help out in this way, please leave your name with Esther in the Parish Office and I will contact you. It will soon be time to identify those items in your roof space, garage and homes which you no longer need. Please set them aside. I will outline in the coming weeks when we can collect them or when they can be left in the parish hall. That’s all for now but please try and keep the 20th June free. Robert Robinson - Fete Chairman 06 seapatrick parish magazine 07 ANDREW BENNETT PLUMBING AND HEATING • All types of plumbing and heating maintenance • Domestic and commercial installations • Plumbing and heating contracts • All makes of oil and gas high efficiency condensing Zedbuk ‘A’ rated boilers supplied and installed • Boiler Grant Work • Insurance work undertaken • Bathroom and En-suite make-overs supplied and installed. All tradesmen provided • Solar hot water installations • Central heating power flushing • Disabled showering adaptions supplied and installed Tel: 028 4062 4082 Mobile: 07742 593 487 Rory and Denise Wilson – CMS Ireland Mission Partners, Kiwoko Hospital, Uganda - Sunday 12th April Rory and Denise Wilson, along with their young son, Gideon, are CMS Ireland Mission Partners working in Kiwoko Hospital, Uganda. Rory is the hospital’s Medical Superintendent and Denise is involved in teaching the students of the nurse training school. They will be home for a short time over the Easter period and will be here with us in church on Sunday 12th April, when they will be able to tell us about their work at Kiowoko and bring us up to date with the latest developments. Spring Fashion Tips at Mothers’ Union We look forward to an exciting evening on Wednesday 15th April at 8.00pm in the Parish Hall when Shakila Simpson will demonstrate the best way to wear accessories with the latest fashions. There will also be an opportunity to purchase bags, scarves and jewellery. All ladies welcome. Ladies serving supper are Bernie Dawson, Ella Brown, Georgie Anderson and Rosemary Allen. Joan West St. Patrick’s Ladies Guild Our April meeting is on Tuesday 14th at 8pm in St Patrick’s Church Hall, Seapatrick when we will have Sharon Weir with us. She will give us a short talk and show us some armchair aerobic moves. After the meeting we will have our annual AGM. Anyone intending to go on our outing to the Banbridge Musical Society show in May is asked to bring the entrance fee of £11 to the April meeting. Sandra Donaldson Refresh - a group for younger women Refresh is a group for younger women, meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Coffee Lounge at the Parish Hall. Come along and join us or ring the Parish Office if you would like more information. We have no meeting in April, but members are asked to attend the Holy Week Service in Holy Trinity at 7.30pm on Thursday 2nd April. In May we are planning to go to Hillsborough for a tour of Hillsborough Castle and Gardens. More information on this will follow in next month’s Parish Magazine. Lisa Whittle 08 seapatrick parish magazine 09 Annual Easter Vestry Our Annual Easter Vestry will be held in the Parish Hall at Holy Trinity on Tuesday 21st April at 8pm. All registered Vestry Members are encouraged to attend. Men’s Society - For all men aged 18 and over At a recent meeting of the Men’s Society we had a talk given by Timothy Morton (son of one of our churchwardens, Peter Morton) and his colleagues from Love 146. Love 146 is an International Charity which raises awareness of Human Trafficking and Slavery and supplies safe houses for victims in high risk countries. The talk covered all aspects of this worldwide criminal industry, from prostitution to slavery. It included some harrowing examples, three of which related to Northern Ireland, one a local girl. It came as a surprise just how close to home this is, with 45 trafficking victims being released, mostly from slavery, in Northern Ireland last year alone. Next meeting of the Men’s Society – we will be attending the Holy Week Service in Holy Trinity on Monday 30th March at 7.30pm. There is no meeting in April. Magical Mystery Tour - Saturday, 23rd May. Full details and times to follow. Our Men’s Society meets at 8pm on the third Monday of each month in the Coffee Lounge at the Parish Hall. We have guest speakers, coffee/tea and chat and we go on outings a couple of times a year. All men over 18 years old are welcome. Please come along and join us or ring the Parish Office if you want more information. David Adams Men’s Football Club Wednesdays 8.15pm to 9.30pm Our Men’s Football club meets every Wednesday in the Parish Hall from 8.15pm. It’s open to all men aged 18 and over. If you are interested, just come along to the Parish Hall any Wednesday evening. Roly Harwood MONDAY CLUB – for all over 55’s Our next meeting will be on Monday 13th April from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Parish Hall. New members will be made most welcome. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to find out more about the Club. John Lunney -Chairman 10 1st Banbridge Guide Unit – Fund Raising Evening for International Camp Friday 27th April 8pm – 10.30pm in the Parish Hall Chloe Weir from our Senior Guides has been selected to attend an International Guide and Scout Camp in Mexico this Summer. As part of the fundraising towards the camp Chloe will be hosting a social for young people (11-18 years old) in the Parish Hall at Holy Trinity on Friday 27th April from 8pm-10.30pm. The cost will be £5 per person and the entertainment will be provided by Eternity Socials - there will also be a tuck shop! You don’t have to be a member of our Guide or Scout units to come along. All 11-18 year olds are welcome. Inspire - Our Youth Fellowship Sunday nights 7pm-9pm for all those of Secondary School age As Spring beckons we in Inspire have had a busy few months, some of our members are considering Confirmation this year, our Bible Study group continues to grow in strength and we have begun a new series looking at the people Jesus met and how these were life-changing experiences, where their lives were never the same again! We discovered how Simeon and Anna were overjoyed to meet the newly born Saviour, how a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus came to meet Jesus late one night and how Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well in Sychar and how her life changed dramatically! We’d love to have more young people join us on a Sunday night, just ask any of the ones who go to Inspire and they’ll tell you what you’re missing out on! We’ve a great mix of food, fun and faith! So if you haven’t been before or haven’t been in a while, you’re always welcome at Inspire! Pete Friday nights for all those of Primary School age from 6:30pm-7:30pm Ready Steady Go has had a great year so far with loads of new games, cool crafts, super stories and lots, lots more! This term some of the leaders have shared their favourite Bible stories and what they mean to them each week. Now it’s the children’s turn to share their favourite Bible story with the group and then helping them to share the Bible with their friends and family too! Ready Steady Go is open to all those of Primary School age, we’d love to have them along! We’re off on 3rd and 10th April for the Easter holidays, starting back on Friday 17th April seapatrick parish magazine 11 There is a creche available at the 11.15am Service in Holy Trinity. Children for creche are taken out to the Parish Hall part way through the service at the same time as those leaving to go to Sunday Space. Parents are welcome to go out with their children to the creche. Creche Rota – April 5th Easter Sunday - No Creche 12th Tracy MacFarlane & Tracey Tucker 19th Sara Hillis & Julie McCreanor 26th Oonagh Alway & Caroline McMullan More helpers are needed urgently for the Creche on a rota basis. If you feel this is something you could do, then please speak to Pete Graham or Lisa Whittle or contact the Parish Office. All helpers will need to be cleared through Access NI and the church’s Safeguarding Trust procedures, unless this has already been done for you by Seapatrick Parish. Sunday Space/School All children, whatever their age, are welcome at Church with their parents/grandparents. At Holy Trinity, children leave the 11.15am service at approximately 11.45am to go to Sunday Space and at St Patrick’s, children leave the 10.00am service at approximately 10.30am to go to Sunday School in St Patrick’s Church Hall. In St Patrick’s the first Sunday of the month is an ‘All-Age’ service and children remain in Church. Sunday Space and Sunday School will restart on Sunday 12th April after a short Easter break. So come along and enjoy all that our Sunday Space and Sunday School have to offer! If you would like any more information about either Sunday Space or Sunday School, please contact Pete at the Parish Office. Parent & Toddler Group We meet in the Parish Hall at Holy Trinity on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am to 12.00pm. Please come along and join us – we would love to see you there. Contact the Parish Office on 4062 2744 if you would like further information. Easter Holidays: There will be no Toddler Group on Wednesday 1st & 8th April due to the Easter holidays. We start back again on Wednesday 15th April. Have a lovely Easter break. CALENDAR FOR april Creche on Sundays at Holy Trinity See Page 5 for details of all our Holy Week Services 5th April – Easter Sunday Holy Trinity, Banbridge 8.30am Holy Communion 9.45am Holy Communion 11.15am Morning Worship 6.30pm Service of Readings and Hymns St Patrick’s, Seapatrick 10.00am Holy Communion 8th April – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge) 10.30am Holy Communion 12th April – The Second Sunday of Easter Holy Trinity, Banbridge 8.30am Holy Communion 9.45am Morning Prayer 11.15am Morning Worship 6.30pm Compline St Patrick’s, Seapatrick 10.00am Morning Prayer 15th April – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge) 10.30am Holy Communion 19th April – The Third Sunday of Easter Holy Trinity, Banbridge 8.30am Holy Communion 9.45am Morning Prayer 11.15am Morning Worship with Holy Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer St Patrick’s, Seapatrick 10.00am Morning Worship 22nd April – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge) 10.30am Holy Communion 26th April – The Fourth Sunday of Easter Holy Trinity, Banbridge 8.30am Holy Communion 9.45am Morning Prayer 11.15am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Prayer St Patrick’s, Seapatrick 10.00am Holy Communion 29th April – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge) 10.30am Holy Communion A creche is available at the 11.15am Service each Sunday 12 seapatrick parish magazine 13 MENS & WOMENS OUTDOOR & LIFESTYLE CLOTHING Kilbroney Adventure Camps 2015 Following on from the very successful Kilbroney Adventure Camps last Summer, applications are open for this year’s camps held at the newly refurbished Kilbroney Centre in Rostrevor. Spaces are limited and sell out very quickly so please get in touch with Pete at the Parish Office if you would like more information or to book a place. (NEW!) Kilbroney J.A.M. Camp - Saturday 15th August to Monday 17th August 2015 For all those going into P6 and P7 in September 2015 Price: £49 per person (includes all food, accommodation, activities and camp T-shirt) Kilbroney Junior Camp – Sunday 9th August to Friday 14th August 2015 For all young people going into Years 8, 9 or 10 in September 2015 Price: £135 per person (includes all food, accommodation, activities and camp T-shirt) Kilbroney Senior Camp – Sunday 2nd August to Friday 7th August 2015 For all young people going into Years 11, 12 and 13 in September 2015 Price: £135 per person (includes all food, accommodation, activities and camp T-shirt) Discount available for local walking groups and for Duke of Edinburgh Award participants. Ask for details. The Crossroad The road was hard, no turning back, The way ordained by mighty God. ‘Your will, not mine’ was all He said, As humbly down that path He trod. LOWEST PRICES IN NORTHERN IRELAND GUARANTEED PORTADOWN (028) 38398800 BANBRIDGE (028) 40662223 14 The crowd that cheered Him once with palms Began to shout for Him to die, They chose Barabbas in his stead And with one voice cried ‘Crucify!’ Between two thieves on Calvary’s hill They put to death the Prince of Life. One cried for help, the other cursed - The first was promised Paradise. This promise now is for us all: Christ gave His life to set us free. The Cross divides, it always will The question is: what side are we? By Megan Carter seapatrick parish magazine 15 WILLIAM BELL & CO. EST. 1880 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 23 KENLIS STREET, BANBRIDGE Members of British Institute of Embalmers. Family Owned Business. Private Rest Rooms - Funeral Church Modern Fleet of Vehicles Horse Drawn Hearse Available on Request Golden Charter Pre-paid Funeral Plans Telephone: Banbridge (028) 4066 2266. Fax: (028) 4062 8693 [email protected] Out West A devout cowboy lost his Bible while he was mending fences out on the range. Three weeks later a cow walked up carrying the Bible in its mouth. The cowboy couldn’t believe his eyes. He took the book out of the cow’s mouth, raised his eyes heavenward, and exclaimed, “It’s a miracle!” “Not really,” said the cow. “Your name was written inside the cover.” Acknowledgement The Rector and Select Vestry gratefully acknowledge the following sum received from relations and friends in lieu of flowers to mark the passing of loved ones. Such donations are greatly appreciated. Mr William John Beattie 7 Dickson Park, Seapatrick £455 New Wine Ireland Summer Conference 2015 - Sligo 12th to 17th July Bookings for the New Wine Ireland Annual Conference in Sligo are now open and any bookings made by 29th May will receive 10% discount. Further information on New Wine and the Summer Conference is available from their website (, from the Rector or from the Parish Office. Leaflets are also available at the back of church. Bookings and payment can be made directly via their website. 16 18th Feb 24th Feb 24th Feb 17th Mar funerals Martha McIlhatton Brendan Burns Pauline McChesney John McDowell Castlebromwich, England 40 Dickson Park Fairlawns Nursing Home 57 Brookfield Avenue 22nd Feb Baptisms Jade Logie Mulligan 59 Dickson Park 17th March Weddings Lauren Arlow and Chea Codd seapatrick parish magazine 17 DEAN LOFT SOFTWARE The name in print you can trust since 1948 Business Forms, Stationery Leaflets, NCR Sets, Books & Pads Envelopes, Flyers Wedding Stationery, Programmes Newsletters and Brochures All Types of Printing Unit 9, Banbridge Enterprise Centre Scarva Road Industrial Estate, Scarva Road, Banbridge Co. Down BT32 3QD 028 4066 0390 Incorporating the REVIEW PRESS Ltd. 18 For all your computer requirements 42 Kenlis Street, Banbridge BT32 3LL Phone/Fax: 028 4062 4067 Mobile: 07775 811 375 Programming, Computers, Upgrades, Components, PC Clinic, Networking, Servers, Laptops, Ink seapatrick parish magazine 19 Flower Rota April 2015 James Minnis & Son Please see page 15 for details of changes to Flower Rota arrangements Family Funeral Directors & MEMORIAL MASONS CARING IS AT THE HEART OF OUR APPROACH Family Sunday 5th April Communion Table: Mrs M Currie, 25 Reilly Park As members of the National Association of Funeral Directors for over 25 years we abide by a strict code of practice. Communion Table: Baptistry: Porch: Mrs V Jess, 4 Churchview Drive Mrs P Chambers, 22 Reilly Street Mrs D Morrow, 1 Larchwood Avenue • Funeral Home • 24 Hour Service • Daimler Fleet Sunday 19th April Personal supervision of James W. Minnis B.Sc. & John S.W. Minnis Dip.F.A Pre-arranged Funeral Plans with security of N.A.F.D. Also Age UK ‘Bann House’, 33 Castlewellan Road, Banbridge, Co. Down BT32 4JQ Telephone: 028 4062 5985 T Sweeps Sunday 12th April Communion Table: Baptistry: Porch: Mrs A Watson, 98 Chinauley Park Miss E Derby, 29 Forthill Green Mrs J Cochrane, 70 Bannview Road Sunday 26th April Communion Table: Porch: Mrs G Gourley, 9 Bannview Heights Mrs J McBride, 15 Kiloanin Crescent Traditional Chimney Sweep Telephone Terry Gault: 07879 436 646 A clean chimney is a safe chimney! Parishioners in Hospital We can no longer be certain that hospitals will provide us with notification of parishioners who have been admitted. If you or any parishioner you may know is in hospital, please let us know by telephoning the Parish Office or the Rectory. Bowling Club Thursdays 7.45pm to 10pm Our Bowling Club meets every Thursday evening in the Parish Hall. During the year, as well as our practice evenings in the hall, we compete in matches against other local church clubs. New members would be made most welcome – you don’t have to have had any prior experience or own your own bowls to get started. If you think you would be interested or would like to find our more, contact the Parish Office or speak to me.. Glenys Haire Knitting & Crochet Club The Knitting & Crochet Club meets in St Patr ick ’s Church Hall in Seapatrick on Thursday mornings from 10.30am to 12pm throughout the year. If anyone would like any information on the club, please contact the Parish Office or speak to me or just come along any Thursday morning. You will be very welcome. Mary Mitchell Bell Ringers Needed for Holy Trinity Church We urgently need bell ringers for Holy Trinity Church. No experience is necessary as training will be given. If anyone would be interested in doing this or finding out more about it, please contact the Parish Office. 20 seapatrick parish magazine 21 Parish Organisations You will see below the list of our parish organisations and their various days and times. For further information and contact details, please contact the Parish Office on 4062 2744. St Patrick’s Sunday School, the Ladies Guild and the Knitting & Crochet Club meet in St Patrick’s Hall in Seapatrick. All other organisations meet in the Parish Hall at Holy Trinity, Banbridge Weekly – Children/Young People Day/Time TILES • BATHROOMS • WOODEN FLOORING • BLINDS ALL TYPES OF WORK UNDERTAKEN TILING • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL • JOINERY PROPERTY MAINTENANCE • PROJECT MANAGEMENT 12 MONTH GUARANTEE ON ALL WORKS 71 BRIDGE STREET, BANBRIDGE, BT32 3JL Tel: 028 406 28483 22 Squirrels Beavers Cub Scouts Scouts Explorer Scouts Rainbows Brownies (A) Brownies (B) Guides Senior Section Guides Junior Badminton Parent & Toddlers Ready, Steady, Go (P1 – P7 age children) Creche (Holy Trinity) Sunday Space (Holy Trinity) Sunday School (St Patrick’s) Inspire (Yrs 8-14 in school) Tues 6.00–7.00pm Tues 7.00–8.00pm Mon 6.30–8.00pm Mon 8.00- 9.30pm Mon 8.00-9.30pm Thurs 5.30–6.30pm Mon 6.30–8.00pm Thurs 6.30–8.00pm Tues 7.00-8.30pm Tues 7.00-8.30pm Sat 3.00-5.00pm Wed 10.30 – 12.00pm Fri 6.30 – 7.30pm Sun 11.45 – 12.20pm Sun 11.45 – 12.20pm Sun 10.30 – 11.20am Sun 7.00 – 9.00pm Weekly – Over 18’s Bowling Club Choir Football Knitting & Crochet Club Senior Badminton Thurs 7.45-10.00pm Sun 10.45-11.30am Wed 8.15–9.30pm Thurs 10.00-12.00pm Tues 8.30-10.00pm Monthly – Over 18’s Ladies Guild (2ndTues) Men’s Society(3rd Mon Monday Club(2nd Mon) Mothers Union(3rd Wed) Refresh (Women’s Group) (2nd Thurs) Don’t Forget 8.00–9.30pm 8.00–9.30pm 2.30-4.30pm 8.00–9.30pm 8.00 – 9.30pm The deadline for articles for the April magazine is Sunday 12th April. postbox Please leave any articles into the Parish Office, drop them into the office patrickpar office@sea – address email office the to them send or seapatrick parish magazine 23 The Winning Team some Photos from Our Evening with Paul Marshall
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