- Seapatrick Parish Church

Parish Magazine // May 2015
Seapatrick Parish
“Growing in God’s Love and Sharing it with Others”
Churches of Holy Trinity (Banbridge)
& St. Patrick’s (Seapatrick)
Pg. 3
Pg. 5
Pg. 7
From the Rector
Easter Vestry Report
Church Fete 2015
Pg. 9 Vestry Appointments
Pg. 13 Calendar of Services
Pg. 19 Mouse Makes
Ven. Roderic West, The Rectory, 63 Lurgan Road, BT32 4LY..........................Tel: 4062 2612
Curate Assistant:
Rev. Rosie Diffin, 26 Larchwood Avenue, BT32 3XH..........................................Tel: 4066 9086
Non Stipendary Minister (NSM):
Rev. Dr. Rory Corbett.................................................................................................... Tel: 4062 2744
Youth Ministry Co-ordinator:
Peter Graham...................................................................................................................... Tel: 4062 2744
Parish Office (Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm)
Esther Wheeler..................................................................................................................Tel: 4062 2744
Parish Office, Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, Banbridge, BT32 4AA... Tel: 4062 2744
Parish Email..................................................................................seapatrickparishoffice@gmail.com
Parish Website..........................................................................................................www.bchurch.co.uk
Diocesan Website................................................................................... www.downanddromore.org
Holy Trinity Organist............................................................................................Dr Stephen Timpany
St Patrick’s Organist....................................................................................................Mr Simon Hanna
Sexton........................................................................................................................Mr Trevor Anderson
Sunday Space Superintendent (Holy Trinty, Banbridge)................. Mr Clifford McSpadden
Sunday School Superintendent (St Patrick’s, Seapatrick).................................Mrs Enid Adair
Parish Records & Parish Magazine
If you are new to the Parish or if any of your details have changed (e.g. address,
phone number, etc.) please let the Parish Office know. Also if you know of someone
who is not currently receiving a Parish Magazine, but would like to do so, please
let us know. The Parish Office can be contacted on 4062 2744 or by email to
[email protected]
Freewill Offering - Envelopes & Standing Orders
Any parishioners who would like to have weekly Freewill Offering Envelopes or
would like information about giving to the church by Standing Order, please
contact the Parish Office. If you already have Freewill Offering Envelopes, please
remember to write the amount of your offering on the front of the envelope each
week. This greatly helps the Count Team and the Auditors.
From the Rector...
Greetings in the name of Christ
I was speaking to someone recently who told me
about buying tickets for a particular event that
she and her husband wanted to attend. They
marked the event on the calendar; then one day
they were talking about the event and decided to
check when it was happening. When they looked
at the calendar they discovered they had missed
the event, it had taken place the week before.
The couple were very disappointed, but there was
nothing they could do.
We can put lots of things in our diaries or calendars;
reminders about birthdays or anniversaries,
reminders about appointments and activities, but
it’s still possible to overlook them or miss them.
We’ve recently had two important days, two special
days, which we may not even have had to write
into our diaries/calendars – Good Friday and Easter.
Good Friday, the day we especially remember Jesus’
crucifixion and death and Easter Sunday when we
remember his glorious resurrection. Those days are
past and I hope we didn’t miss them and forget to
reflect on their significance.
Those important dates were in April this year and
there are also two important dates in May this
year; dates that may well be marked in our diaries/
calendars. Those dates are Ascension Thursday on
14 May and Pentecost on Sunday 24 May.
Jesus appeared to his disciples and followers on
a number of occasions during the forty days after
his resurrection; confirming that he really had risen
from the dead, and also preparing them for their
ministry in the future.
Then on the fortieth day after his resurrection he
led his disciples to a place called Bethany. When
seapatrick parish magazine
he was blessing them he ascended into heaven. He
returned to be with the Father. During his earthly
ministry Jesus had told his disciples that he had
been sent into the world by the Father and that he
would return to the Father. (John 16:28)
Through his death and resurrection Jesus had
completed the work he had come to the earth to
fulfil; through his death and resurrection he has
made forgiveness of sin and a restored relationship
with God available as a free gift to all who will
accept it. (John 3:16)
Jesus had completed his work on earth, so he
returned to the Father. This doesn’t mean that he
has taken early retirement and is taking things easy.
As part of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) he
is still active in the world, able to hear and answer
our prayers; and he intercedes on our behalf before
the throne of God.
Before Jesus ascended into heaven he promised
to send the Holy Spirit to be with, to be in his
followers; that promise was fulfilled ten days after
the ascension, on the Day of Pentecost, when the
Holy Spirit came on the first followers of Jesus
assuring them of God’s presence with them and
empowering and equipping them for the ministry
they were to fulfil (Acts 2).
When we respond to God’s love and trust in Jesus
as our Saviour, we too can know the presence and
power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Trust in Jesus,
live your life for him in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Easter Vestry Report
The Rector expressed his thanks and the thanks of the parish to all the people involved in
the ministry and mission of Church. He asked us to pray consistently and constantly for the
Church and the mission and ministry to which God has called us and is calling us.
He looked back over some of the events of the last year, including the Fete, the 24/7 prayer
initiative, the Coffee Morning for Kiwoko, the Christmas Tree Festival, the Lunch to Launch the
Year of Mission in January, the Women’s Breakfast in February with Mary Good, the Winning
Team in March with Paul Marshall and Bishop Ken Clarke, and Lyrics and Laughs in April. He
thanked everyone who had been involved in organising the events, helping at the events or
who attended the events.
He reminded people of the Mission 2015 Commitment Card which parishioners had the
opportunity to sign at the beginning of the year – ‘In the Year of Mission 2015, I willingly take
my place within the welcoming, worshipping and witnessing life of this church as we commit
to reaching beyond our walls with the Good News of Jesus Christ.’ Cards are still available in
the Church, please consider getting a card and signing it if you haven’t already signed one.
Looking forward, he spoke about 10 days of focussed Mission events in October beginning
on Friday 9.
As we continue in this Year of Mission, he encouraged, urged, and issued a challenge to
parishioners to read the Bible every day. And to make time to pray, to talk to God and listen
to God.
His second encouragement, or challenge to parishioners was to get into the habit of coming
to Church every Sunday and into the habit of inviting people to come to Church or other
events that are happening. Invite, invite, invite!
The third encouragement or challenge was in terms of finance. Basil Stewart (Hon Treasurer)
had already presented the accounts for the year in which he explained that although our
income increased by £10,574 - an increase of 6% in 2014; we still had a shortfall of £2,702,
but in reality our shortfall would have been £20,290 if it hadn’t been for a one-off additional
Gift Aid payment of £17,588. Even though our giving has increased we face challenges in the
year ahead. In addition to our ‘normal’ giving, parishioners have also contributed £12,048 to
the Building Fund during 2014; a further £13,895 was raised by the Christmas Tree Festival
making a total of £25.943 in the Building Fund.
In his address the Rector thanked God for the increase in giving and thanked all who
contribute for giving generously and asked that we pray for more. We ask God to pour out
more blessings on his people in this parish and community, we pray further increases in
giving as we move forward.
He referred to Malachi 3 in which God encourages his people to give generously. Giving
generously to God and his Church is one of the ways in which we open ourselves up to God’s
blessing. God says, ‘Test me and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour
out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’ Let’s give generously and
see what God will do. (Malachi 3:10)
The Rector concluded by encouraging and challenging all of us to take our mission statement
seriously. ‘Growing in God’s love and sharing it with others.’
seapatrick parish magazine
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Church Fete – Saturday 20th June 2015
Things continue to progress well in our preparations for the big day. Boxes are now at the
doors of both churches for donations of groceries for the Groceries Stall. Please support this,
but please check the Sell By Date of items before donating them. We will also be writing to all
our Sunday Space and Sunday School groups, as well as our Youth Organisations, to ask for
donations for the Grocery Stall. Our Craft Stall is being supported by the Knitting Club that meets in St Patrick’s Church Hall
every Thursday morning. Mary Mitchell is co-ordinating things for us and she would be
delighted to hear from others who could make items for this stall.
As usual our biggest issue on the day is Staffing. Alison Adams and Tracey Weir have written
to our key stall organisers and I know many have returned their forms. If you haven’t sent yours
back yet, please do so as soon as possible. We would still love to hear from anyone willing to
help out and if you can, then please contact either Alison or Tracey or leave your details with
Esther in the Parish Office.
Ann Lay at the Plant Stall has been working hard to get things ready. Many thanks to those
who assisted in re-potting plants and a special word of thanks to those who have taken
responsibility for bringing on the plants at their homes. If you can help nearer the time with
plants etc for the stall Ann would be delighted to hear from you.
Lorna Dawson is looking after the Cake and Bakery Stall this year. The Cake Stall is usually
the first stall to sell out each year, so please ladies and any competent gentlemen, bake
something for this stall. We will mention this again, but this stall is always very successful, so
come on and help out.
We will begin collecting and receiving items for the various stalls in early June, so now is the
time to look around your homes, identify your unwanted items and set them to one side. We
can’t accept mattresses, large wardrobes or old televisions. There are however many items
we will take, so if you are unsure, leave a message with Esther in the Parish Office and I will
contact you. If at all possible, hold on to the items until I confirm when they can be collected
or left into the Parish Hall. However if you really need something collected before that, leave
a message with Esther and I will be in touch.
The Second Hand Clothing Stall also raises a lot of money, so if you have any unwanted
clothing, please keep it for us. Remember we can always dispose of any unsold items and we
still get Cash for Clobber!
This is the 25th Anniversary of the Fete and the Committee are doing all we can to make this
one as successful as the others. We need your help and support so please do what you can
to help us.
That’s all for now, but please try and keep the 20th June free.
Robert Robinson - Fete Chairman
seapatrick parish magazine
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Appointments & Elections at the Easter Vestry 2015
Rectors’ Church Wardens:
People’s Church Wardens:
Holy Trinity
St Patrick’s
Holy Trinity
St Patrick’s
Mrs Diane Ruddock
Mr Neil Hamilton
Mr Peter Morton
Mr Craig Sneddon
Rector’s Glebe Warden:
Mr Norman Russell
People’s Glebe Warden:
Mr John Ewart
Select Vestry:
Mrs Alison Adams, Mr Trevor Anderson, Mr Herbie Barr
Mr Harry Carson, Mr Alwyn Graham, Mr John Heasley
Mrs Margaret Jones, Mr Guy Monteith, Mr Michael McCarter
Mr Basil Stewart, Mr Iain Weir, Mr David Wheeler
Tea and Treats for Former and Present
Mothers’ Union Members
Afternoon Tea will be served along with a little light entertainment on Wednesday 20th
May at 2.30pm in the Parish Hall. All members and former members are invited to this
get-together. Anyone requiring transport please contact Phyllis Burrell (4062 8464).
Our Annual Outing is to The Market Place Theatre, Armagh on Saturday 2nd May. Members
who have booked tickets should meet at the Parish Hall before 5pm.
A good turnout of members attended the Mothers’ Union Festival service in Shankill Parish,
Lurgan where we were encouraged and challenged by Bishop Pat Storey’s address. Thank
you to everyone who donated items for Women’s Aid and Hospital bags over the year.
Collections will resume in September.
Joan West
St. Patrick’s Ladies Guild We look forward to our visit to Banbridge Musical Society’s production of “ Annie Get Your
Gun “ in the Iveagh Movie Studio, Banbridge on Tuesday 12th May. Members are asked
to meet at 7pm at Iveagh Movie Studio, as the performance begins at 7.30pm sharp.
Sandra Donaldson
Refresh - a group for younger women
Visit to Hillsborough Castle Gardens
Thursday 14th May
Cost £3.50 (to be paid in advance to Lisa Whittle or the Parish Office)
Those going on this trip should meet in the carpark at Holy Trinity Church at 7pm sharp.
Refresh is a group for younger women, meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the
Coffee Lounge at the Parish Hall. Come along and join us or ring the Parish Office if you would
like more information.
Lisa Whittle seapatrick parish magazine
Men’s Society - For all men aged 18 and over
Annual Magical Mystery Tour – Saturday 23rd May
Departing from the carpark at Holy Trinity Church at 9.00 am Returning to Banbridge 7.30- 8.00 pm
Cost £35.00 Deposit of £20 to be paid by Monday 18th May to the Parish Office, David Wheeler
or David Adams.
All men over 18 years old are welcome. Please come along and join us or ring the
Parish Office if you want more information.
David Adams
Men’s Football Club
Wednesdays 8.15pm to 9.30pm
Our Men’s Football club meets every Wednesday in the Parish
Hall from 8.15pm. It’s open to all men aged 18 and over. If you
are interested, just come along to the Parish Hall any Wednesday
Roly Harwood
MONDAY CLUB – for all over 55’s
Our Annual General Meeting took place on Monday 13th April. Our Rector, Archdeacon
Roderic West was in attendance and our President, Mr Adrian Howlett, conducted the
meeting. The following were elected for the forthcoming year: Mr John Lunney was reelected as Chairman and Mrs Violet Lunney was re-elected as Treasurer. As there were no
nominations for Secretary, Mrs Maureen McCrory offered to help with this role, assisted
by Mrs Joan Howlett. After the Annual General Meeting we had a Bring & Buy Sale, along
with our usual tea and scones.
Our next meeting will be on Monday 11th May, when we will meet at 2pm at the Parish
Hall to go for Afternoon Tea in Gilberry Fayre for 2.30pm. We look forward to seeing you
all there, along with any new members that would like to come along.
New members will be made most welcome at the Monday Club.
contact the Parish Office if you would like to find out more.
John Lunney -Chairman
Christian Aid Week - 10th to 16th May
Collectors are urgently needed in the following areas during Christian Aid Week:
Pinley Crescent & Drive
Pinley Green & Meadows
Ashgrove Avenue
Weavers Meadow
Bleach Green
Bramblewood Drive
If you could help with this, please contact our Parish Christian Aid Co-ordinator,
Mrs Aileen Stewart on 4062 8810
Confirmation 2015
Our Confirmation service this year will be on Sunday 28th June at 6.30pm in Holy
Trinity Church, Banbridge followed by a Dessert Party in the Parish Hall. Please do
remember our candidates in prayer as they approach Confirmation and please come
along to the service to support them.
On the weekend of the 13th-15th March our Confirmation candidates joined 150 other
young people from across the Diocese for a very enjoyable weekend at Castlewellan
Castle. Tim Burns (the new Down & Dromore Diocesan Youth Officer) was the guest
speaker and he challenged us all on how important do we actually make Christ in our
lives, how we can pray and how we can read the Bible; and this was followed up by very
useful discussion groups. There was also ‘Bubble Football’, Laser Tag, a Disco, and the
annual Boys vs Girls Challenge, among many of the fun activities enjoyed by all!
Inspire - Our Youth Fellowship
Sunday nights in the Coffee Lounge in the Parish Hall
7pm-9pm for all those of Secondary School age
We’ve a great mix of food, fun and faith! Everyone of Secondary
School age is welcome, so if you haven’t been before or haven’t been in a while, you’re always
welcome at Inspire!
Friday nights in the Parish Hall
for all those of Primary School age from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Games, crafts, bible stories and lots more!
seapatrick parish magazine
Sunday Space
Coffee Morning for CMS Ireland - Sunday 17th May
We are holding a Coffee Morning to raise funds for CMS Ireland in the Parish Hall between
the morning services on 17th May from 10.45am to 11.15am. Please come along, give your
support and enjoy some delicious traybakes.
Creche on Sundays at Holy Trinity
There is a creche available at the 11.15am Service in Holy Trinity. Children for creche are
taken out to the Parish Hall part way through the service at the same time as those leaving
to go to Sunday Space. Parents are welcome to go out with their children to the creche.
Creche Rota – May
Tracey Tucker & Tracy MacFarlane
10th Cate Murdock & Sarah Kerrigan
Elaine Cromwell & Jenna McGregor
Joanne McKnight & Natalie McCart
31st Annette Bennett & Joanne McKee
More helpers are needed urgently for the Creche on a rota basis. If you feel this is
something you could do, then please speak to Pete Graham or Lisa Whittle or contact
the Parish Office. All helpers will need to be cleared through Access NI and the church’s
Safeguarding Trust procedures, unless this has already been done for you by Seapatrick
Sunday Space/School
All children, whatever their age, are welcome at Church with their parents/grandparents. At
Holy Trinity, children leave the 11.15am service at approximately 11.45am to go to Sunday
Space and at St Patrick’s, children leave the 10.00am service at approximately 10.30am to go
to Sunday School in St Patrick’s Church Hall. In St Patrick’s the first Sunday of the month is an
‘All-Age’ service and children remain in Church.
So come along and enjoy all that our Sunday Space and Sunday School have to offer! If
you would like any more information about either Sunday Space or Sunday School, please
contact Pete at the Parish Office.
Parent & Toddler Group
We meet in the Parish Hall at Holy Trinity on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am to
12.00pm. Please come along and join us – we would love to see you there. Contact the
Parish Office on 4062 2744 if you would like further information.
3rd May – The Fifth Sunday in Easter
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Morning Worship
Evening Prayer
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
10.00am All Age Service
6th May – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge)
Holy Communion
10th May – The Sixth Sunday in Easter
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
Morning Prayer
13th May – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge)
Holy Communion
17th May – The Seventh Sunday in Easter
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
with Holy Communion
Evening Prayer
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
Morning Prayer
20th May – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge)
Holy Communion
24th May – Pentecost (Whit Sunday)
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
Evening Prayer
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
Holy Communion
27th May – Wednesday (Holy Trinity, Banbridge)
Holy Communion
31st May – Trinity Sunday
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion
A creche is available at the 11.15am Service each Sunday
seapatrick parish magazine
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Rory and Denise Wilson
CMS Ireland Mission Partners
On Sunday 12th April we were delighted to
have Rory and Denise Wilson, CMS Ireland
Mission Partners join with us at our 9.45am,
10.00am and 11.15am services. Rory,
Denise and their young son Gideon are
based at Kiwoko Hospital in Uganda. They
shared with us about their life and work at
the hospital, which is based 1.5 hours north
of the capital Kampala. Kiwoko Hospital
serves over 500,000 patients on an annual
Both Rory and Denise thanked the Parish for their ongoing support and encouragement
and asked the Parish to remember the following in prayer:
Praise for God’s ongoing provision for the hospital’s work
For the Hospital Chaplains, Stephen and Frank and their mission team
For the management team of the hospital, especially Drs James and Peter
The ongoing nursing leadership training
The successful recruitment of a Business Manager to assist Rory in the overall
management of the hospital
For an increase in elective volunteers
The successful appointment of a P2 teacher for Gideon
Lyrics and Laughs
Our recent ‘Lyrics and Laughs’ concert was a great success with an evening packed full
of entertainment from members of Seapatrick Music Club, Holy Trinity Church Choir,
St. Patrick’s Church Choir and other talented parishioners. The evening’s programme
included sketches, music and poetry and was enjoyed by all who attended.
A big thank you to all involved in organising the evening and to all those who performed
as well. A special presentation was made on the night to Mr. Cecil Beck, recognising
his 50 years of service to the Parish where his roles have included Covenant Secretary,
Glebewarden, Count Supervisor, Parochial Nominator, Select Vestry member, Honorary
Auditor as well as being involved on the Fete Committee and his many years of service
on the Diocesan Synod. Presentations were also made to Mrs. Sadie Beck and to Mrs.
Josephine Scott in recognition of their work in the Parish especially their involvement
in co-ordinating the Flowers. (See the back page for some photographs from the evening)
seapatrick parish magazine
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Mr Gary Thompson
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Discover Hope
On Wednesday 1st April during our Holy Week Services, we had a special screening of
‘The Cross’ - a DVD introduced by Billy Graham. Through Billy’s own words as well as two
powerful life stories we discover the hope we have in the Cross.
This powerful video was produced as a result of family and friends asking Billy Graham
what he wanted for his 95th birthday. He indicated that he wanted to speak one more
time to as many people as possible across the world reminding us of the hope we find
in Jesus, our Saviour.
The Cross DVD includes the real life stories of two people, LeCrae and recording artist
Lacey Sturm, who experienced God’s love and forgiveness. Woven through these stories
is the bold and loving message from Billy Graham that Jesus is our one hope. In a world
which increasingly seems hopeless, this is a timely reminder that through Jesus we too
can have hope of being reconciled with God, the gift of love offered to us all.
If you missed the video, you can watch it for free online by going to the following website;
CMJ Ireland
Church’s Ministry among Jewish People – Ireland
Knockbreda Parish Hall, Saturday 30th May at 10am
Spring Meeting – Theme: Shavout/Pentecost
Speakers: Rev Desi Maxwell & Charles Gardner
For more information: www.cmjireland.net
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Flower Rota
May 2015
Flower Rota
Sunday 3rd May
Mrs Audrey Reid is now looking
after the Flower Rota for
Holy Trinity Church. Flowers can
be placed in the church as follows:
Sunday 10th May
Friday - 9.30am to 3.30pm
(Please ring the Parish Office first
to ensure the church is available)
Sunday 17th May
Saturdays 10.30am to 12pm
Other times by
special arrangement only –
please contact Audrey Reid.
Communion Table:
Communion Table:
Communion Table:
Sunday 24th May
Communion Table:
Sunday 31st May
Communion Table:
Mrs J West, The Rectory, Lurgan Road
Mr R Robinson, 17 Thornwood
Mrs N Cargin, 17 Iveagh Drive
Mrs M McCrory, 23 Bramblewood Manor
Mrs L MacCormac, 49 Whyte Acres
Mrs A Mooney, 21 Milfort Green
Mrs H Ferris, 49 Flough Road
Mrs T Hunter, 35 The Belfry, Dromore
Mrs M Barr, 29 Richmond Heights
Mrs A Monteith, 57 Ballyvalley Heights
Mrs B Robinson, 15 Rowan Glen
Mrs N White, 8 Listullyard Road
Mrs A Stewart, 12 Castle Lodge
Parishioners in Hospital
We can no longer be certain that hospitals will
provide us with notification of parishioners
who have been admitted. If you or any
parishioner you may know is in hospital,
please let us know by telephoning the
Parish Office or the Rectory.
Audrey’s contact details are:
T: 07850 212758
E: [email protected]
Knitting & Crochet
The Knitting &
Crochet Club meets in
St Patr ick ’s Church
Hall in Seapatrick on
Thursday mornings from 10.30am
to 12pm throughout the year. If
anyone would like any information
on the club, please contact the
Parish Office or speak to me or just
come along any Thursday morning.
You will be very welcome.
Mary Mitchell
Bell Ringers Needed for Holy Trinity Church
We urgently need bell ringers for Holy Trinity Church. No experience is necessary as
training will be given. If anyone would be interested in doing this or finding out more
about it, please contact the Parish Office.
seapatrick parish magazine
Tel: 028 406 28483
Parish Organisations
You will see below the list of our parish organisations and their various days and
times. For further information and contact details, please contact the Parish Office
on 4062 2744.
St Patrick’s Sunday School, the Ladies Guild and the Knitting & Crochet Club meet in
St Patrick’s Hall in Seapatrick. All other organisations meet in the Parish Hall at Holy
Trinity, Banbridge
Weekly – Children/Young People
Cub Scouts
Explorer Scouts
Brownies (A)
Brownies (B)
Senior Section Guides
Junior Badminton
Parent & Toddlers
Ready, Steady, Go (P1 – P7 age children)
Creche (Holy Trinity)
Sunday Space (Holy Trinity)
Sunday School (St Patrick’s)
Inspire (Yrs 8-14 in school)
Tues 6.00–7.00pm
Tues 7.00–8.00pm
Mon 6.30–8.00pm
Mon 8.00- 9.30pm
Mon 8.00-9.30pm
Thurs 5.30–6.30pm
Mon 6.30–8.00pm
Thurs 6.30–8.00pm
Tues 7.00-8.30pm
Tues 7.00-8.30pm
Sat 3.00-5.00pm
Wed 10.30 – 12.00pm
Fri 6.30 – 7.30pm
Sun 11.45 – 12.20pm
Sun 11.45 – 12.20pm
Sun 10.30 – 11.20am
Sun 7.00 – 9.00pm
Weekly – Over 18’s
Bowling Club
Knitting & Crochet Club
Senior Badminton
Thurs 7.45-10.00pm
Sun 10.45-11.30am Wed 8.15–9.30pm
Thurs 10.00-12.00pm
Tues 8.30-10.00pm
Monthly – Over 18’s
Ladies Guild (2ndTues)
Men’s Society(3rd Mon
Monday Club(2nd Mon)
Mothers Union(3rd Wed)
Refresh (Women’s Group) (2nd Thurs)
8.00 – 9.30pm
The deadline for articles for the June magazine is Sunday 17th May.
Please leave any articles into the Parish Office, drop them into the office
seapatrick parish magazine
Photos of the Presentations and
the Crowd at Lyric & Laughs