Beeliar Bulletin Principal: Pam Pollard Primary 24 March 2015 For Your Calendar Wednesday 25 March Toddler Tales 9.00am Library Thursday 26 March Assembly TA9 Friday 27 March Beeliar Beginnings Wednesday 1 April Lakeland Senior High School’s Music Spectacular Thursday 2 April Free Dress Day Last Day of Term 1 Tuesday 21 April First Day Term 2 for students ANZAC DAY SERVICE Friday 24 April 9.15am in the covered assembly area. All families are welcome. Uniform shop Uniform winter pre order please return to the front office by April 3 2015 Attachments School Banking Uniform Winter pre order form NAPLAN ( Years 3 & 5) 86 The Grange, BEELIAR WA Canteen: 9437 6594 LDC: 9437 5905 Website: From the Principal Dear Parents and Carers On the Parent Information Night a number of parents approached the school about soap dispensers in the Year 1-6 toilets. We have found that having soap in the toilets can create some dangerous situations for the students, for example when the soap is dropped on the floor etc. As an alternative to soap, the school is providing bottles of sanitiser to each classroom. Children will be encouraged to wash their hands with water and then use the sanitiser as they re-enter their classroom. This practice will commence on Monday 16 March. In addition, teachers are happy for children to keep wet wipes or their own sanitiser in their tray or school bag for personal use. NAPLAN This year NAPLAN tests in the areas of Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy will be conducted in Week 4 of Term 2 for all students in Years 3 and 5. Further details of the testing can be found in the pamphlet for the parents of Year 3 and 5 students that is accompanying this newsletter. I encourage you to read the information carefully so that together we can support the students with these tests. Australian Curriculum Over the past four years schools and teachers across Australia have been becoming familiar with a new national curriculum in English, mathematics, science and history. It is the first time that all states and territories have worked from the same curriculum. Most of the English, mathematics and science is similar to what we have been doing while history is quite different as it has not been a discrete learning area for a long time. Over the next four newsletters we will publish a little about each of these learning areas for you. At the end of Semester One we will report against these areas using the Australian Standards. I will explain closer to the reports going home what this means in terms of the reports. You can be very proud of the teachers at Beeliar Primary School in how they have taken on the new national curriculum. It has been a lot of work for them but they have engaged in learning the new curriculum with open minds and a lot of effort. The school has done such a great job that we have been helping other teachers across the state with the implementation of the English curriculum. School Attendance Over the last year or so, there have been articles published on school attendance. Many focus on the importance of regular attendance during the terms and express concerns about the number of families who were withdrawing children for holidays during school terms. Students do have their learning programs disrupted through non-attendance and it does make a difference to their learning if they miss any schooling. Every minute of instructional time counts and we would urge all families to please reconsider taking children out of school for holidays during school term time. Lakeland Senior High School Students (LSHS) Beeliar Primary School works very closely with Lakelands SHS to sustain the great relationship we have built between both our schools. Many past students return to our school to assist our students in a variety of activities. This year we welcome three students from LSHS as they complete their work placements at our school every Thursday. We welcome Mitchell Parmenter (past student) who will be working with Adam Batt in the Physical Education program, Sarah Jane Bennet, who will be working in Kindergarten, TA 19 and Hannah Barkell who will be working in Year 6, TA 16. It is great to have these students in our school spending time with our students. Shining our spotlight on…... SUMMER CARNIVAL Last Friday, Beeliar Primary School participated in the first interschool event in our new Cockburn Central School Sports Association. We entered five teams; two for basketball and one each for volleyball, cricket and tee-ball. We trained for six solid weeks during our Senior Sport sessions but the students gave up many of their lunches and recesses to fit in some extra practice. Beeliar competed extremely well all day and in all sports. The tee-ball and volleyball teams had a hard slog but did not stop trying all day long. Special mentions go to Eli, Jack and Alexander and also to Georgia, Paris and Joanna for the volleyball. Big thanks for the support of Miss Gaspar and Miss Kaman for guiding these two teams. Cricket managed to square their ledger for the day at 2 and 2. They did have some fierce competition for the day in Yangebup and Aubin Grove. Some notable performers were both Billy's, Jordan and Kurt. Thanks to Mr Gillett for organising our team for the day. Talk about saving the best till last. Our basketball teams finished both first and second on the day. They were just incredible and competed like superstars all day. Even though they all worked admirably as teams, the names that spring to mind as great team players and passers of the ball were Matt, Jesse, Michael R, Ryan, Abbie and Dylan L. I would like to thank Mrs Lynden and Mr Anderton for their support on the day in ensuring our teams were well managed. Overall, it was a great start for us and we walked out of it with some huge success stories and not just from our wins. We grew so much as a school and as a tightknit interschool team. We are thoroughly looking forward to both the cross country and the winter carnival in Term 2. AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM AT BEELIAR PRIMARY SCHOOL Australian Curriculum: The Australian Curriculum is a national curriculum for schools in all states and territories of Australia, from Kindergarten to Year 12, and is currently being developed by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. Beeliar, like all Western Australian schools, has been implementing the Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics, Science and History for a number of years. This year, all schools will be reporting against the Australian Curriculum rather than the Western Australian Curriculum as has been past practice. This will include our Pre-primary classes. English: The English curriculum K-12 is designed to foster and create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. The curriculum is aimed at helping young people develop the knowledge and skills needed to achieve success in their learning journey as they move through their school years. In many instances English activities will be integrated with many other learning areas to engage students imaginatively and critically. Although the curriculum is divided into Language, Literacy and Literature, student achievement will continue to be reported against the modes of reading and viewing, writing, speaking and listening. All teachers work closely with their teaching partners to deliver a balanced comprehensive curriculum. Parents are very welcome to come and chat about the changes to the curriculum and the impact on planning, programming and teaching. I felt good because we did a very good job at doing our assembly. We practiced very hard. Ngaro I think the class went really good and Kaylee and Greer played their parts well. Kaylee was Mean Jean and Greer was Katie Sue. I think that we were very good at it Nathan because we listened very carefully. Greer Our play was adapted from a book called “Mean Jean the Recess Queen”. Mean Jean was a really mean person, played by Kaylee. She then met Katie Sue, played by Greer and they became friends. At the end of the play Mean Jean was no longer mean because Katie Sue showed her how to be kind. Merit Certificate Recipients Harloh TA8 Jack TA13 Ella TA13 Lara TA12 Madison TA12 Zac TA9 Morrison TA9 Emmalyne TA16 Phillip TA16 Charlie TA15 Debbie TA15 Zhai TA11 Riley TA11 Taylor TA23 Bella TA23 Kirra TA5 Arman TA5 Douglas TA1 Keira TA1 Zaylah TA22 TA20 Jordana TA20 Sarah TA2 Mikayla TA2 Levi TA3 Tura TA18 Samuel TA4 Georgia TA6 Billy TA6 Zachary TA7 Lucas TA21 Elise TA21 Jemima Virtue of the Month Think about what GRATITUDE means to you. What are you grateful for? Design a poster that we can use to promote the virtue of gratitude. Posters can be given to Mrs Gasmier in TA 16 or put in the poster box in the front office. Please have all posters in by WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Melody Beattie GRATITUDE April is a special month this year as it is the 100 year anniversary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli. The ANZAC spirit is an important part of our Australian culture. It embodies mateship, courage, respect and honour: all of the virtues that we believe in at Beeliar. So for April this year our virtue is GRATITUDE. As a school we are grateful for our history, and grateful for the country we live in, its freedom, its beauty, and its opportunities. So think about what gratitude means to you. What are you grateful for? Design a poster that we can use to promote the virtue of gratitude. Sarah Gasmier Stand Tall Coordinator LSHS Schools Music Spectacular (formerly Evening on the Green) The Schools Music Spectacular is scheduled for Wednesday 1 April at the Mt Pleasant Baptist Community College. Tickets are $5.00 and still available from the front offices of LSHS or Beeliar Primary School. All are welcome to attend. It really is a great night out. Please note: There are no door sales. From the P&C... THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! As you may be aware, our fantastic Canteen Manager Michelle is leaving to try her hand at gardening. Michelle has been with us for four years and helped with two fetes, heaps of discos and all things P&C. Michelle, the P&C will forever be in your debt. You’ve turned the canteen around and made it a vibrant, exciting and welcoming place for students, parents and teachers. Your “can-do” and “will-do” attitude is amazing. Nothing has been too much trouble. We are going to miss you Michelle. It’s been great having you on the P&C’s team and we take comfort knowing you won’t be far away . So students, parents and teachers please pop past the canteen Tuesday, Thursday or Friday and give Michelle a big thank you and cheerio as she finishes up this term. NEW CANTEEN MANAGER And as one Manager leaves we have another excited Manager eager to work with us and our beautiful community at Beeliar Primary School. Please welcome Rosie Johnson, as our new manager. You will see Rosie around the canteen in these last two weeks of school. Please come and say hello and make her feel welcome. Rosie comes to us with a chef background and we look forward to what she will bring to our awesome canteen. CAR PARK RAFFLE Don’t forget to have your raffle form into the front office by 3pm Wednesday for your chance to win the car park raffle. The raffle will be drawn at the assembly on Thursday. Good luck to everyone who has entered. EASTER RAFFLE Don’t forget colouring in sheets are due too by 3pm Wednesday 25th March. Prizes have been kindly donated by Darren King from Gateway Residential. BANKING The Commonwealth Bank Representative will be coming to school on Thursday 26 th March to sign up any new accounts. If you have been waiting to join school banking then Thursday 26th is your opportunity to do so. She will be here before and after assembly to sign you up. She will also be bringing a friend so stop past and say hi! See the flyer attached to this newsletter. SAVE THE DATES! Here are the upcoming P&C events. Mark them in your diary now so you don’t miss out . TERM 1 Easter Colouring in Raffle Due: Wednesday 25th March Drawn: Thursday 26th March Due: Wednesday 25th March Drawn: Thursday 26th March Car Park Raffle TERM 2 Mother’s Day Stall, Car Park Raffle for Term 3, Disco and Quiz night on 22/5/15. Next P&C Meeting Tuesday 12 May at 7pm in the Staff Room. All Welcome. P&C: ECU Practicum students - Welcome To Beeliar Primary School We continue the strong partnership that we have established with Edith Curtin University by inviting their students into our school to develop their skills and learn their craft from our fabulous teachers. You will be seeing the students from ECU throughout the year in many of our classrooms. TA TA8 TA7 TA6 Kindy B Kindy A STUDENT Sarah Fyfe Rebecca Lord Shannon McGuire Lachlan Chapman TA TA20 TA1 STUDENT Tess Hickman Alexandra Sakalidis TA14 Natasha Raman Beth Smith Tegan Dickson Tracy Allen Lauren Ebert-Day TA16 Bianca Sangali
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