1 Warranwood Primary School www.warranwood.vic.edu.au Term 4, Week 6 Thursday 13th November, 2014 WHAT’S ON? November 18 19 24 27 28 This week’s Principal Awards Foundation Production Foundation Production Parents Assoc meeting Keyboard concert @ lunchtime 2015 Foundation Orientation Congratulations to this week’s recipients: December 1 2 5 7 9 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 Christmas Celebration Night @ 7pm Whole school transition at 2-3pm Twilight Market Karate Group Christmas break-up Foundation Orientation Whole school transition Piano and keyboard concert at lunchtime School Christmas Disco Year 6 Graduation at Potters Receptions Years 5 and 6 Colman Park Excursion Croydon Indoor sports for Graduates Years 5 and 6 Christmas Party break up Graduation lunch in the park Last day of Term 4. School finishes at 1.30pm Antony D FR Jordan M 5/6M Emily D 5/6D Kaylee L 5/6D Joel W 5/6T Louise W 5/6T Zoe T 5/6T Alex R 5/6T Thomas G 5/6T Jake S 5/6P Max S 5/6P Holly K FS Bailey H 1/2P Holly T 1/2D Kayla Mc 1/2J Nina S 1/2P Hugo W 1/2M Same O 3/4A Ned M 3/4H Rica P 3/4B CJ D 3/4B Hayden T 3/4B Principal GENEROSITY! Over the last couple of weeks we have seen amazing generosity from both the adults and the students in our community. 1. BRADY’S GAME CHALLENGE Brady’s decision to help out the Royal Children’s Hospital by organising donations of games for his fellow patients has brought attention from our local community, the RCH community (check out our Facebook page and the link to the RCH Facebook page) and the wider community through the Leader newspaper. http://tinyurl.com/kswveaj After Brady spoke at assembly on Monday lots of students have brought in (new) games to support his wonderful idea. Donations can still be brought to the office or through [email protected] 2 2. ADIDAS FUN RUN Our Adidas fun run has resulted in approximately $8,000 being raised for the school. Such a fantastic effort from everyone in the community!! This sort of generosity is what helps out places like the RCH but also our own community. As a result of such fundraising efforts we are able to do a wide range of things such as provide up to date computer equipment for our students, paint the school and continue to employ the services of our wonderful Student Welfare Officer Mia Sartori. Thank you again to the parents who organised and helped out on the day! And to our wonderful students who have done a fantastic job in finding sponsors. TWILIGHT MARKET This year’s Twilight Market is turning out to be a huge event! There will be entertainment, prizes, children’s activities and 50 market and food stalls! As well as the great opportunity for an early Christmas celebration it is the ideal event for Christmas shopping!! Any assistance on the evening will also be most welcome – check out the flyer that came home today and appears later in this newsletter! And of course we are having a sausage sizzle and cake stall for the election on November 29!! Busy! Thank you Warranwood! Assistant Principal Reporting Week This week all teachers have had an opportunity to spend a day writing reports whilst students are at specialist classes. This time is important to make sure we provide accurate, real and timely feedback to both parents and students. Thank you to all staff for their hard work. 3 Transition We provide a range of opportunities to support students in their transitions from one class to another or another year level. Each year level designs a program for classes and three sessions are run to introduce students to the following level and provide interaction with students and staff. The first of these in-house sessions will be on Friday 21st November. Students will work in mixed groups with a range of staff. Some areas of the school have been lucky enough to do some additional sessions such as the year 1s completing junior gym activities with the foundation students helping to prepare the younger students moving into year 1. Parents can support their children through transition by speaking positively about the future and modelling that if something isn’t working we look at strategies to improve things, that is we problem solve. Farewell to Rosemary At next Monday morning’s assembly we will be having a presentation to Rosemary Falzon, our retiring canteen manager, from the School Council. Please come along and bid her a fond farewell. Sue Term 4 Taiko News…. This term will be a busy one for our talented Taiko drummers. I hope you can catch one of their performances in and around the school in the coming weeks! CHRISTMAS CONCERT -Monday December 1st 7pm- Year 5 & 6 taiko teams TWILIGHT MARKET -Friday December 5th 7pm- Year 6 Warrior Daiko ASSEMBLY AWARD PRESENTATION -Monday December 8th 9am-Year 5 & 6 taiko teams Please note that Year 4 Taiko auditions will be held on Wednesday 10th December at 1pm. We are looking forward to selecting a new taiko team for next year. Tanya Barlow Japanese Teacher ICT Co-ordinator PRESENTATION TIME!!!!!! N.S.W. University ENGLISH TEST Over the past few months students at Warranwood have been participating and competing in many competitions. We have had science, computer skills and spelling challenges taking place across both Middle and Senior Schools. To acknowledge the excellent performances and achievements of our students all awards from Merit to Distinction will be presented to the students at assembly this week, Monday 17 th November to acknowledge these great efforts. We have returned only the scoring information sheet for those who have received awards and the certificate will be presented at assembly. All other participation certificates and information sheets have been returned to students to take home. Please feel free to come along and take a happy snap of the presentation to your loved one. Well done everyone. Shane Harrop Wellbeing and Enrichment Coordinator 4 Library: A friendly reminder that all Library books are due back in the Library on the 01/12/2014. If students or parents have any problems accessing the library, I am available Tues, Wed, and Thursday. Please don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Kim Barlow. Library. PARENTS ASSOCIATION REPORT Fun Run The huge task of the spread sheet to organise the ordering of the chosen prizes for every student has started. If you have not put in your forms and money, please ensure they are in by tomorrow. Election Day Cake Stall The plate is coming home on Monday. The challenge is out to entice our local voters with your piece de resistance. Saturday 29th November - Election Day BBQ Friday 5th December - Twilight Market Friday 12th December - Christmas Disco Canteen News Canteen is now open for over the counter sales on a Wednesday, there are no lunch orders available on this day. A reminder, Tomato Sauce now comes in a squeezable sachet at a cost of 15c per sachet. It’s been a busy few weeks in the canteen – lot’s of making and baking! It’s great to see the students trying new items from the menu. We have been sending out Chicken Ceasar salads, healthy wraps and lot’s of Nachos! We have 2 new flavours of Bellis Bars – Raspberry and Pine Lime. Due to a supplier issue we are currently experiencing a shortage on Quench Spring Water Drinks. We are currently out of stock and hoping to receive a new delivery on Friday. If we still have no stock I will refund your child’s money and they can come to the canteen to choose a replacement drink. We are offering some SIZZLING SUMMER $5- Meal Deals until the end of Term 4. ~ Meal Deal 1~ Hot Dog with a BIG M Chocolate or Strawberry milk and a Homemade Choc Chip Mini Muffin $5.00 ~ Meal Deal 2~ Cheeseburger with a BIG M Chocolate or Strawberry milk and a Quelch Stick $5.00 ~ Meal Deal 3~ Hawaiian or Margarita Pizza with a BIG M Chocolate or Strawberry milk and a Quelch Stick $5.00 5 Canteen Roster, Term 4, 2014 If you are unable to attend canteen on the day you are rostered please contact me in advance. On 0419 387 370. Friday, 14 November Connie Panagiotopoulos Jody Oakley Cara Mooney Shauna McIntosh Monday, 17 November Sylda Jones Tuesday, 18 November Jacqui Coia Wednesday, 19 November Matoula Gatsoulis Canteen Closed Thursday, 20 November Joanne Hales Friday, 21 November Leigh Church Monday, 24 November Jo Aikman Tuesday, 25 November Sharna Evans Wednesday, 26 November Lisa Marshall Kerrin Naismith Kelly Gersh Canteen Closed Thursday, 27 November Barb Fehring Peter Getz Ron Hudson Friday, 28 November Tanya Ellard Sam Ireland Liz McGinley Monday, 1 December Carol Sandison Jacqui Coia Tuesday, 2 December Jenni Carey Sonia Greaves Wednesday, 3 December Canteen Closed Thursday, 4 December Di Jelinek Friday, 5 December Kim Durose Monday, 8 December Terri McKinnon Tuesday, 9 December Matoula Gatsoulis Wednesday, 10 December Andrea Moran Charlotte Alexander Canteen Closed Thursday, 11 December Maggie Slane Darcy O'connor Friday, 12 December Tania Cullen Hall Sylda Jones Kelly Gersh Sharron Weight Monday, 15 December Tuesday, 16 December Wednesday, 17 December No lunch orders available this week only over the counter sales at recess and lunch Thursday, 18 December Friday, 19 December Canteen Closed Regards Megan Parker Sundaes on a Wednesday We had a fantastic response yesterday. The student school leaders lead the charge at the canteen and sold 80 sundaes in 15 minutes!!! To Olivia, Camryn, Jackson and Alex job well done. 6 7 Community Announcements…..
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