61502 MAKEUP_Layout 1 25/03/2015 13:40 Page 1 For further information please contact: Phil Kids Administrator [email protected] ‘Singing brings us all together’ Children’s Choir Tel: 07792 448929 AFFIX STAMP HERE Phil Kids Recruitment PO Box 2044 BT4 9DR Recruitment Workshops for P4 Come and Join Us! More information about Belfast Philharmonic Choirs can be found on our website: www.belfastphilharmonic.org.uk Inland Revenue Charity number: XN45888 Phil Kids has an association with the National Youth Choir of Scotland which provides opportunities for staff development, training and support. ‘I get a real buzz from singing’ 61502 MAKEUP_Layout 1 25/03/2015 12:57 Page 2 Concerts We usually have a Winter and Summer concert for parents, relatives and friends. Sometimes other performances take place with Belfast Philharmonic Choir and the Ulster Orchestra. This year Phil Kids performed at the Arts and Business Awards Ceremony. Membership Fee There is an annual membership subscription for all members of the choir. For session 2015-2016 this will be £110 for new members. This can be paid in instalments. Belfast Philharmonic Society also receives funding from other sources. Our Choir Phil Kids was founded in 2006 by Belfast Philharmonic Society with assistance from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and now has 320 members in four choirs from ages 8 to 18 years old. Our enthusiastic and expert staff provide great singing experiences that are both fun and develop musical skills. Singing together helps us: • • • make new friends boost confidence build social skills The choir encourages us to sing to the best of our ability. We like to sing for fun, learn to read music and develop good pitching and rhythm skills using the Kodaly method. Come and meet us! Please use application form attached, specific time slots will be allocated Workshop Application Form Please indicate your preference with an X as appropriate Tuesday 19th May 5.30pm – 7.30pm Thursday 21st May 5.30pm – 7.30pm Either Tuesday or Thursday Recruitment Workshops: Tuesday 19th May & Thursday 21st May St. Bride’s Hall, Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast BT9 6FP Workshops will last approximately 30 minutes – you will be given a specific time slot to attend What happens at a recruitment workshop? Please print in BLOCK CAPITALS Our free half hour workshops are a fun and informal way to try out singing with others. Groups of about 15 children will take part in some simple singing games for 30 minutes. Staff will identify those who can pay attention and sing clearly in tune. Child’s Name: Approximately 80 children will be offered a place in the choir from the total number applying. School: Gender: Male Female Date of Birth: Home Address: What Happens at Choir? In the first year, choir meets for an hour every week during term time on Tuesday evenings 5.00 – 6.00pm in St. Bride’s Hall, Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast. Children learn and sing together with others the same age. Post Code: Email*: Being part of Phil Kids isn’t just about singing in a group, our musicianship programme developed by the National Youth Choir of Scotland (based on Kodaly methodology) teaches us pitching, rhythm, sound production and to read music. Home Tel: Parent’s Name: What is the Awards Programme? Our awards programme has three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. This charts choir members’ development as they work towards goals providing a real sense of achievement. Rehearsal and concert behaviour is also taken into consideration. Award badges will be presented on completion of each stage. A Gold level pass is equivalent to ABRSM Grade 5 Theory. ‘Singing makes me feel happy’ Mob: If possible please email all the requested details above to: [email protected] Forms may be downloaded from: www.belfastphilharmonic.org.uk/phil_kids ‘It is the most natural thing in the world to sing for joy, to sing for love and to sing for sadness’ Christopher Bell, Phil Kids founder or post to: Phil Kids Recruitment PO Box 2044, Belfast, BT4 9DR Closing date Monday 11th May 2015 * All communication will be by email
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