Scoil Mhuire na nGrdst, Bdal Guala, Co. Chorcai. Belgooly Central School, Belgooly, Co. Cork. Roll No:19672H Principal: Diarmuid Hennessy Deputy Principal: Gerardine O'Connor Telephone: 021 4770712 Email: belgool)[email protected] Website: I t/1 r/14 Dear Parents/Guardians, We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for your co-operation returning Enrolment September 2015 forms to the office and for forwarding monies requested in respect of: o Pttpil Personal Accident Insurance 2014/2015 (€8 per child) c Non-Book Rental Scheme 2014/2015 participants (€10 per child) o Music Project - Everyday Sounds & Music Making (All classes - €4 per/ child or €8 per/family) . Cork County Library Music Workshop (€6 per child - 5th clctss only) o Lifetime Lab Bus (€6 per child - 5'h & 6'h classes only) Any outstanding amount in respect of same is now due and your co-operation in this regard is appreciated. Parents'Association Summer 2014 Cleaning Contribution (€70 per family) is currently being collected. The school is grateful for your on-going support. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION DATES 2015 The parish First Holy Communion ceremony will take place in St. Joseph's Church, Riverstick on Saturday, l6 May at I l.00am. We have been advised by the Cork Diocesan Office that the parish Confirmation ceremony (for sixth class pupils) will take place in St. Joseph's Church, Riverstick on Monday, 23 March 2015 at 10.30am. DISCOVERY SCIENCE FESTIVAL _ 3'd & 4h CIESSSS As part of the school Science curriculum third & fourth classqs will be attending the Discovery Science Festival in Cork City Hall on Tuesdcty, 18 November. This is the focus of Science Week lreland 2014 in Cork and the biggest event in the region promoting interest in science, engineering and technology to young people. The exhibition and workshop will give pupils an opportunity to leam about science and themes such as electronics and light. The Parents'Associatio,rz is kindly covering the cost of entry fee (i.e. €3.50 p/pupil). The cost of the tnp bV bus is €6.00 per pupil. Friday,28 November is designated date for final Coilection of money. For ease of palment and to assist with administration, the school is piloting an e-payment facility in respect of this money collection. Families in 3'd & 4ft class will receive a text tomorrow, Wednesday, with related payment advice details. Pupils in 3'd & 4n class have a related note containing additional infitrmation in their school bags tonight. FOOD DADES PROGRAMME As part of the school's health promotion efforts, there is an opportunity to engage with the Food Dudes programme. This initiative aims to encourage children to eat more fiuit and vegetables both in school and at home. It is ultimately designed to enable children to enjoy eating healthy diets, and to create a healthy eating culture within schools. A note with further details will be distributed later in the week. PARENT/TEACHER MEETINGS A previously advised, Parent/Teacher meetings will be held on Thttrsday, 20th & Friday 2l't November. Children will finish and leave school at 2.00pm on Thursday and at l2 noon on Friday. The usual school bus provision will operate at these times. Appointment times were distributed to pupils just before the mid-term break. /Over... ... /Cont'd...... Page 2 CHO OL WE BSITE (uaa. f e ko olylrs. sco iln Our school website features many of our exciting last half-term's activities - Lifetime Lab visit, Cork County Council Music Workshop, European Mobility Week, Everyday Sounds & Music Making project, Ldna gCrann, Metalwork of the Bronze Age, Sciath na Scol Football 2014 tpdates and the pupils' impressive Art Gallery. In addition, it includes school information and educational related links you may find useful e.g. school calendar 201412015, booklists 201412015, parents' section, previous Home/School notes 2014. We would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who attends to our school website during the year. Mrs. Finn plays a pivotal role in facilitating this valuable communication medium. S SCHOOL GARDEN The fine Autumn prompted a busy couple of months in the school garden. Planting beds were prepared and barley and oats have been planted. It was decided to plant cereal crops this year to bring to life the history and heritage of Belgooly's former distillery. Many local families would have worked in the mill, still a prominent feature in the village, or in related services and local farming families would have grown the necessary crops. Several fruit, ornamental and native tress have been planted on school grounds over the past few weeks. All these efforts will add to the school experience for current and future pupils and their families and help make a historical connection with local industries. We are very grateful to all our 'Garden Angels' for your time and effort and to Ms. Moynihan for co-ordinating these activities. WELL DONE & CONGRATALATIONS o To the followingprtze winners in the recent Positive Ageing Competition -Kate O'Callaghan (S.D, Kate Cusack (SJ.) & Patrick Heery (R.1) o Ld na gCrann (09/10/14) - This event presented a great opportunity for the pupils to learn more about and to develop an appreciation of their immediate school environment. Heritage in School visitor, Teddy Cook (Environmentalist) visited on the day and shared a great deal of knowledge with the First & Second classes. Thanks to all involved for the day and to our Social Environmental & Scientific Education Coordinator, Mrs. Hickey, for highlighting this important area. o Sciath na Scol (Football 2014/2015) - Well done to our sports coordinator, Ms. Murphy, all our football coaches and staff for taking sixth class boys and girls to fixtures last half-tenn. A great experience for the pupils and the boys' team reached the semi-final stage, playing Ovens NS . Many thanks to our Parents' Association volunteers who ensure that the school's sports bibs are o o . . o cleaned on a regular basis. Road Safety Month (October) - Many thanks for your continuing support and cooperation in terms of road safety within the school environs. The pupils will have an opportunity to explore this theme fuither during November as a visitor from the Road Safety Authority will visit all classes 'Manners Matter' Month (October) - A great success throughout the school. A significant life-skill for the pupils and everyone's continuing efforts are much appreciated. Confi.rmation 2015 preparations featured throughout October. Well done to sixth class, Ms. Murphy, Mrs. Sugrue and Mrs. O'Connor. The school community enjoyed a recent celebration on Monday, 20 October to mark our Digital Schools of Distinction Award. Well done to everyone (all staff, pupils and parents) who contributed to the day. Many thanks to our Parents' Association for organising a bewitching Halloween party for our junior pupils just before the mid-term break SOME APCOMING EVENTS o Scoil Mhuire na nGrdst Parents' Association Table Quiz - Friday, 21 November at 8.30pm in The Huntsman, Belgooly (€20 per table). Should you wish to pre-book a table, please text Tina Hayes (087 e776e06) o Do This In Memory Mass (First Holy Communicants 2015) - Sunday, 23 November at 11.30am, St. Joseph's Church, Riverstick o Bag packing at Supervalu, Kinsale on Saturday, 29 November - volunteers required, please support Yours faithfully, Diarmuid Hennessy, School Principal Scoil Mhuire na nGrdst, Bdal Guala, Principal: Diarmuid Hennessy Deputy Principal: Gerardine O'Connor Co. Chorcai. Belgooly Central School, Belgooly, Co. Cork. Roll No:19672H Telephone: 021 4770712 Email: [email protected] Website: I t/1 1/14 Dear Parents/Guardians, 3'd & 4h Class Discovery Science Trip ePuyment Facility (Pilot Basis) The school is piloting an Aladdin ePayment system to parents/guardians of children in 3'd & 4d'class in respect of their forthcoming trip to the Discovery Science Exhibition 2014 at City Hall on Tuesday, 18 November. The cost of tliis t"p by bus is €6.00 per pupil. Friday, 28 November is designated date tbr final collection of money. The school uses the Aladdin software service for administrative purposes and the ePayment system will give you access from an internet browser on your computer, phone or tablet to make secure paynents to the school using your credit or debit card. The purpose of the ePayment system is to facilitate the easier paimrent of school money collections for parent/guardians and to reduce the amount of cash and cheques being sent into our school in line with recent Central Bank directives. Aladdin uses state of the ar1 security to safeguard information entered by you and the school and data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish data protection laws. Normal debit and credit card usage costs will apply. Families in 3'd & 4m class will receive a text message tomorrow containing your payment access link. This will bring you to a parort payment page which will contain payment details requested for your child's forthcoming science excursion. You will require a phone with internet access or, altematively, you can type the related link in an intemet browser on a computer to make an ePayment. Once you have completed your payment (€6.00 per child), you will be issued with a reference number. Please quote this reference number in any queries you may have as regards this payment with the school. We hope that you will find the Aladdin ePaSrments facility useful. There is also the option, if you wish, of fbrwarding the money to your child's class teacher. Yours faithfully, Diarmuid Hennessy School Principal
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