CITY OF BELLEVILLE OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) PLEASE NOTE: BID REGISTRATION Bid Registration is provided to assist in the issuance of any addenda (via fax or email), should the need arise. Prospective Bidders are required to register and to also check City’s Website site for any addenda that may have been issued prior to submission of their final bid submission. The City of Belleville Purchasing Services is not responsible for the Bidder's failure to register for updates or addenda to the originally posted Bid; it is the Bidder’s responsibility. Page 1 of 19 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) CITY OF BELLEVILLE ___________________________________ OFFER TO PURCHASE DATE OF ISSUE: 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) CONTACT Kim Westerveld, Property Management Corporate Services Department T: (613) 967-3200 Ext. 3800 F: (613) 967-3206 E: [email protected] May 5, 2015 SUBMISSION DATE: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 @ 1:00 p.m., local time. CLOSING LOCATION Finance Department City of Belleville City Hall, 169 Front Street, Belleville, ON K8N 2Y8 Attn: Ms. Yasmina Jamal, Purchasing Supervisor T (613) 968-6481 – 3301/3203 F (613) 967-3206 Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 19 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Bid Registration 1 Cover Page 2 Table of Contents 3 Key Data Sheet 4 Specifications/Details 5 Form of Tender : 6-7 Bidder’s Responsibilities 8-9 Special Provisions and site visit information 10-11 General Conditions 12-14 Offer to Purchase 15-18 Label 19 Page 3 of 19 INFORMATION TO BIDDERS – KEY DATA SHEET THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) Tender For The Corporation of the City of Belleville. Property Location: 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON. Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) Closing Date: Bids to be delivered to: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 @ 1:00 p.m., local time. Yasmina Jamal, Purchasing Supervisor st City Hall, 169 Front Street, 1 Floor Belleville, Ontario, Canada K8N 2Y8 Tel. No. (613) 968-6481 Faxed or electronically sent bids will NOT be accepted. Opening: Inquiries: Immediately following closing time. Ms. Kimberley Westerveld Property Management (627) 967-3200 ext. 3800 Email: [email protected] MOE Approvals Not Applicable. Bid Deposit: Mandatory A certified cheque or a money requirement and order or a bank draft made must be included payable to the City of Belleville with the bid in the amount of $1,000.00. submission. Page 4 of 19 REQUIRED THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) SPECIFICATIONS/DETAILS: 1. The purpose of this tender is to obtain Offers to Purchase for the Sale of property owned by The Corporation of the City of Belleville on 315 Church Street, Belleville, Ontario in the City of Belleville, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, in accordance with the attached terms and conditions of the Offer to Purchase. 2. Bidders are required to submit the following data with their tender. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL RESULT IN THE TENDER BEING REJECTED. a. Two (2) Executed copies of the Offer to Purchase. b. Bid Deposit in the amount of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars), payable to The Corporation of the City of Belleville. 3. OFFER TO PURCHASE: The Offer to Purchase must be completed in full, signed, and returned in a sealed envelope with the label provided, clearly marked with the name and address of the Responder. Facsimiles and/or electronic bids will not be accepted. 4. PERMITS/SERVICES: Bidders are advised to seek the comments of the Chief Building Official, Mr. Ted Marecak at telephone no. 627-967-3200, Extension 3406 with respect to the availability of permits for the subject site. All permits and fees required by the governing authorities for all trades connected with respect to this tender shall be procured and paid for by the successful bidder. 5. ZONING AND OFFICIAL PLAN: The Official Plan provides a land use designation as City Center and under the Zoning ByLaw is Community Facility. Bidders are advised to confirm the Zoning and Permitted uses from Mr. Art McKay, Manager of Policy Planning at telephone no. (627) 967-3200, Extension 3222. Page 5 of 19 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE TENDER FORM OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) ______________________________________________________________________________ Tenders are invited by the Finance Department, City Hall, first floor, Belleville, Ontario, K8N 2Y8, until 1:00 p.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located on the counter in the Finance Department (which time will be deemed to be taken as conclusive of the time), on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I/We, the undersigned, ________________________________________________________________ with business premises at ______________________________________________________________ having carefully read and considered the conditions and specifications for offer to purchase the property at 315 Church Street, City of Belleville, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario do hereby offer to purchase the property mentioned herein as specified and described herein to The Corporation of the City of Belleville for the following: Amount: $________________ Harmonized Sales Tax: $________________ TOTAL AMOUNT: $________________ ***Please note: Total Amount to be transferred to the Offer to Purchase Form attached. ______________________________________________________________________________ THE HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER OR ANY PART OF ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Page 6 of 19 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE TENDER FORM OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) ______________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF PERSON/COMPANY: _______________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________ NAME OF THE SIGNING OFFICER: ____________________________________________ TITLE: ____________________________________________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: __________________________ FAX NO.: _____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________ H.S.T. Registration No. _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Person signing must be authorized to sign on behalf of the company/Individual represented, and to bind the Company/Individual to statements made in response to this contract. ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE, THIS ___________ DAY OF ____________________, 2015. ___________________________________ MAYOR _______________________________ CITY CLERK Page 7 of 19 BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY: 1. OFFER TO PURCHASE: This Offer to Purchase must be completed in full, signed, and returned in a sealed envelope with the label provided, clearly marked with the name and address of the Bidder. 2. BID DEPOSIT: A certified Cheque, Money Order or Bank Draft made payable to the City of Belleville is to be attached to the bid submission in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). Bid deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned as soon as the Offer to Purchase has been approved by The Corporation of the City of Belleville. The bid deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained by the City and credited as part of the purchase price on completion of the project. 3. SITE VISIT: a) Each bidder must visit the site before submitting their Offer and must satisfy himself/herself by personal examination as to the local conditions to be met with. No claim shall be allowed at any time after submission of the tender that there was any misunderstanding of the terms and conditions of the Offer to Purchase. b) Failure to make the necessary examinations or investigations shall not be accepted as an excuse for any default on the part of the bidder to fulfil in every detail all the requirements of the said Offer to Purchase or be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever or for an extension of time. 4. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all tenders. 5. CONTACT PERSON: All questions respecting this tender call/offer to purchase should be directed to Kim Westerveld, Property Management, telephone (613) 967-3200 ext. 3800, Email: [email protected] 6. CORPORATE SEAL: An Offer to Purchase by or on behalf of a Corporation must bear the Corporate Seal or alternatively an authorized signing offer must state that he/she has authority to bind the Corporation. 7. 8. Tenders are to remain firm for acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of tender closing date. The acceptance and award of the tender and execution of the Offer to Purchase is subject to approval by City Council. Page 8 of 19 BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY: 9. It is the expectation of the Corporation of the City of Belleville that tenders will approximate market value of the property. In the event tenders fail to adequately reflect market value (to be determined in the sole discretion of the Corporation of the City of Belleville), the Corporation of the City of Belleville shall in its sole discretion have the right to refuse all tenders and in its discretion re-tender or sell according to some other means. 10. Council approval will be subject to the provisions of Section 275 of the Municipal Act, Restricted Acts after Nomination Day. 11. CLOSING OF SALE: Closing of the sale will be within sixty (60) days of award by The Corporation of the City of Belleville, as approved by having passed an appropriate by-law in that regard. Page 9 of 19 CONDITIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. 2. The City of Belleville reserves the right to terminate all or any portion of this Acceptance Agreement at any time. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT AND REGULATIONS: The successful bidder agrees to adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. 3. 4. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: a) All information obtained by the Bidder in connection with this Request for Tender is the property of the City of Belleville. The information shall be treated as confidential and not be used for any purpose other than for replying to this Request for Quotation. Bidders who declare confidentiality of their bid are advised that the City is required to adhere to the requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. b) Bidders shall disclose any potential conflict of interest. ADDENDA a) Questions during bidding (deadline for questions). Should a Bidder have any questions or need further clarification, he/she should contact the City’s representative, named in this document. Questions will only be received until 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 to enable the City to prepare an addendum (if any). Questions received after 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 may not be acknowledged nor answered. All questions pertaining to this Offer to Purchase should be submitted in writing, by no later than Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 4:30 p.m., to the following e-mail addresses: Ms. Kim Westerveld, Property Management Department, email address: [email protected] Also a copy of all questions must be emailed to: Purchasing Services – Email address: [email protected]. b) If a Bidder discovers any inconsistency, discrepancy, ambiguity, errors, or omissions in this Offer to Purchase, it must notify the City's Purchasing Supervisor, who may, if necessary, send written addenda to all Bidders. Page 10 of 19 5. c) When it becomes necessary to revise, delete, substitute or add to the bid documents after release, the Purchasing Supervisor will issue an addendum. d) A copy of each addendum shall be forwarded by fax or email or by mail, by the Purchasing Supervisor or her designate, to all Bidders registered on the distribution list. e) Addendum sent by fax is accompanied by a “Verification of Receipt” document to be returned promptly by fax to the Purchasing Supervisor. This is for the Bidders’ protection. f) All Bidders must acknowledge addendum by attaching a signed copy of this addendum to their respective bid documents. Failure to do so may result in rejection of the bid. g) The City may, at any time, make and stipulate changes to this Offer to Purchase. h) The City may provide additional information, clarification or modification by written addenda. All addenda shall be incorporated into and become part of this Offer to Purchase. The City shall not be bound by oral or other information, explanations or clarifications not contained in written addenda. i) If the addendum is prepared too late to allow notification by mail prior to the closing time, in addition to faxing the addendum, each prospective Bidder shall be contacted by the Purchasing Supervisor or her designate, to advise of the addendum and the closing date may be extended. In all cases, when an addendum is issued, it is desirable to give prior notice of the mailing to the prospective Bidders. j) Any Addenda, if required, will only be issued to those Bidders who have preregistered as a bid taker. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Bidders are assumed to have made themselves familiar with, and will abide by the Federal, Provincial, Municipal Laws, Rules and Regulations including amendments thereto, which are applicable and in any way affect the work, and no plea of misunderstanding will be considered on account of ignorance thereof. Bidders shall carefully examine and study all of the documentation in order to satisfy themselves by examination as to all conditions affecting the scope of work to fulfill the contract. Page 11 of 19 CONDITIONS GENERAL: 1. All questions respecting this tender call/offer to purchase should be directed to call should be directed to Kim Westerveld, Property Management Services, telephone (613) 967-3200 ext. 3800. Email: [email protected] 2. TAXES: Harmonized Sales Tax is applicable but shall not be included in the amount bid. 3. Telephone, electronic or facsimile tenders will not be accepted. 4. WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURE: 4.1 Tenders may only be withdrawn prior to the closing date upon providing a written request. 4.2 The bidder who has submitted a response may request that the bid be withdrawn. Adjustments or corrections to a bid already submitted will not be allowed. The withdrawal will be allowed if the request is made by mail, fax or in person, directly to the Purchasing Coordinator or his/her designate, before closing time, and only if verification of source is possible. Telephone requests will not be considered. 4.3 When a withdrawal request is made in person, the requester shall sign a withdrawal form confirming the request. When requests are made my mail or fax, they shall be confirmed by telephone prior to acceptance. 4.4 Bids confirmed as withdrawn prior to closing time shall be returned unopened. 4.5 The withdrawal of a bid does not disqualify a bidder from submitting another bid on the same contract provided it is submitted prior to closing date and time. 4.6 Withdrawal requests received after the closing will not be allowed. 5. Tenders will be opened and read publicly and bidders may be present or be represented at all openings. 6. The Bidder declares that this tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other person or persons making a tender for the same goods and services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 7. The City of Belleville is not liable for any costs incurred by the Bidder in responding to this tender. 8. a) Responses or notations to a Tender call/offer to purchase which provides a condition of sale or any other attachment which alters the conditions or specifications, or makes it subordinate, may be cause for rejection, at the option of the City of Belleville. b) Points required or intended to be made to reflect changes herein shall be clearly set out in a separate letter, which shall be appended hereto. Page 12 of 19 CONDITIONS GENERAL: (Cont'd) 9. Tenders having any erasures or corrections shall be initialed by the Bidder in ink. tenders shall be typewritten or filled in with pen and ink and bids shall be signed in ink. All 10. a) The City of Belleville reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders, in whole or in part, to waive irregularities, minor variances and technicalities as determined suitable in the opinion of the City of Belleville. b) The successful Bidder will be notified subsequent to the acceptance of such tender by the City of Belleville. Such notification will be dispatched as promptly as possible from the date set for closing. 11. No extra charges will be permitted unless written authorization is obtained from the City of Belleville. 12. In the event of any discrepancy between the unit price and the extension(s), the unit price shall govern. a) The total price and payment is to be shown and made in Canadian Funds; 13. The Bidder agrees to hold the City of Belleville harmless from any and all liability, loss, expense, action or suit occasioned by any malfunction of the goods and services provided. 14. The successful Bidder will not, without the written consent of the City of Belleville, make any assignment or any subcontract for the sale of property hereby bid on. 15. Should the Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the conditions and specifications, or should he/she be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall notify the Purchasing Supervisor, who may, if necessary, send written addenda to all Bidders. 16. The submission of a signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale to the City of Belleville shall be deemed to constitute an "Irrevocable Offer" which may be accepted, at the option of the City of Belleville, by: a) c) written acknowledgement of acceptance, and/or contract in writing and upon such acceptance of the terms, responsibilities, and specifications herein set forth shall be confirmed and binding upon the City of Belleville and the Bidder. Page 13 of 19 CONDITIONS GENERAL: (Cont'd) 17. The failure of either party at any time to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way affect his/her right thereafter to enforce such provision or to seek damages for the breach thereof. Successful Bidders, including those outside the Province of Ontario, agree that the rights of all parties shall be governed by the laws of Ontario. It is agreed between the parties that neither party shall be held responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform his/her undertakings hereunder when such delay or failure is due to fires, strikes, floods, acts of God or the Queen's enemies, lawful acts of public authorities, or delays or defaults caused by common carriers, which cannot reasonably be foreseen or provided against. 18. The submission of a tender shall be deemed proof that the Bidder has satisfied himself/herself as to all the provisions of the tender, all the conditions which may be encountered, or any other matter which may be referred to in the tender, and no claims will be entertained by the City of Belleville based on the assertion by the Bidder that he/she was uninformed as to any of the requirements of the tender. 19. In case of default of the Bidder, the City of Belleville reserves the right to accept any other offer to purchase. The Bidder agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Belleville and all Municipal officers, employees, servants and agents; officers, employees, servants and agents of its Boards and Commissions and volunteers, from all claims, costs, actions, suits, damages or expenses which may arise by reason of the execution of his/her tender or the performance of any of the terms of his/her tender or in any way incidental to the tender. 20. This indemnification shall also apply in respect of any claims for injuries or damages that may be sustained by the Bidder or any of his/her employees during the performance and fulfillment of this tender. Should the City of Belleville receive any demand or claim arising out of the performance of this tender, the Bidder shall pay to the City of Belleville such claims. The Bidder shall also pay to the City of Belleville any demand, cost, charge, damages or expenses which may be paid or incurred by the City of Belleville or any of its servants, officers or agents in settlement of or on account of the payment for any loss, damages or expenses payable by the City of Belleville or its officers, servants and agents, and any monies payable by the Bidder under the terms and conditions of this tender may be deducted from monies payable under this tender which are then remaining in the possession of the City of Belleville on account of this tender, and to any court of competent jurisdiction as monies paid on behalf of the Bidder. 21. a) Bidders must use the tender form furnished by the City of Belleville. Failure to comply shall cause the tender to be rejected. b) Tender submissions, properly endorsed and sealed in an envelope with the label provided for the purpose and clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Finance Department, City Hall, first floor, 169 front Street, Belleville, Ontario, K8N 2Y8, until 1:00 p.m., local time, as recorded on the time clock located on the counter in the Finance Department (which time will be deemed to be taken as conclusive of the time) on Wednesday, May 13, 2015. c) Tenders must be submitted by the specified time of closing to receive consideration of acceptance. Late bid submission will not be accepted. Page 14 of 19 OFFER TO PURCHASE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE I/WE ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (hereinafter call the Purchaser) hereby agree to and with The Corporation of the City of Belleville (hereinafter called the Vendor) to PURCHASE all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the City of Belleville, County of Hastings and being more particularly described as follows: 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) For the sum of ____________________________________________Dollars ($______________) Payable as follows: ______________________________Dollars ($_______) certified cheque or bank draft on the date hereof as a deposit and the balance, subject to adjustments, on the date of closing, subject to the following: CONDITIONS: The Purchaser acknowledges that the Vendor has not made, does not make and shall not be required to provide any representations or warranties of any kind with respect to whether the property and processes and undertakings performed thereon have been and are in compliance with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and orders and whether the property is suitable for any specific use including and without limitation to any construction or development. The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that the Vendor shall not be liable for any damage or loss whatsoever arising out of or pursuant to any claims in respect to the foregoing. Provided the title is good and free from all encumbrances except as to registered restrictions or covenants that run with the land. The Purchaser is to be allowed twenty days before the date of closing hereof to examine the title at his/her (or its/their, as the case may be) own expense. If within that time any valid objection to title is made in writing to the Vendor, which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove and which the Purchaser will not waive, this Agreement shall notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, be null and void, and the deposit shall be returned by the Vendor without interest and the Vendor shall not be liable for any cost of damages. Save as to any valid objection so made within such time, the Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the title of the Vendor to the land and premises. Page 15 of 19 OFFER TO PURCHASE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) Page 2 CONDITIONS: cont’d. This transaction is to be completed within sixty (60) days following the approval of the Corporation of the City of Belleville as indicated by the passage of an appropriate by-law, on which date vacant possession is to be given to the Purchaser, unless otherwise provided in writing. Unearned Fire Insurance Premiums, Fuel, Rentals, Taxes, Local Improvements and Utility Rates are to be adjusted and allowed to date of possession or closing whichever shall first occur. This Agreement, when accepted, shall be subject to the approval of the Corporation of the City of Belleville as evidenced by an appropriate by-law to that effect. If this transaction is subject to Harmonized Sales Taxes (H.S.T.) then such H.S.T. shall be in addition to and not included in the purchase price and H.S.T. shall be collected and remitted in accordance with applicable legislation. If the transaction is not subject to HST the Vendor agrees to certify on or before closing that the sale of the property is not subject to HST. The Purchaser acknowledges having inspected the property prior to submitting this Offer to Purchase. The lands and premises shall be and remain at the risk of the Vendor until closing and in the event of damage to the premises the Purchaser may either have the proceeds of any Insurance applicable and complete the purchase, or may cancel the Agreement and have all monies paid returned without interest. Any bid shall be irrevocable by the purchaser until approved by the Corporation of the City of Belleville as evidenced by an appropriate by-law enacted by the Corporation of the City of Belleville to that effect. Should the City of Belleville fail to consent to this transaction, this Agreement shall be null and void and of no effect. Page 16 of 19 OFFER TO PURCHASE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) Page 3 CONDITIONS: cont’d. Given under my/our hand and seal, (or, in Witness whereof the Purchaser hereto has hereunto caused to be affixed its’ corporate seal attested by the hands of its’ proper signing officers, as the case may be), this _____ day of ________________, 2015. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of WITNESS SIGNATURE PURCHASER SIGNATURE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE City Clerk Mayor Page 17 of 19 (Please Print or Type) OFFER TO PURCHASE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) Page 4 PURCHASER’S NAME: ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE/ZIP CODE: ___________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ________________________ FAX NUMBER: ________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ HST REGISTRATION #: ______________________________________________________________ NAME OF PURCHASER’S SOLICITOR: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: _____________________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE/ZIP CODE ____________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: __________________ FAX NUMBER: _______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ DATE: _____________________________________________________________________ Page 18 of 19 SUBMISSION LABEL CITY OF BELLEVILLE OFFER TO PURCHASE 315 Church Street, Belleville, ON Part of lot 39 east side of Church Street, Government Plan, Part of Lot F Plan 213 Thurlow, Part of Lane Plan 213 (closed), Part 1 of 21R-10570 and Part 1 of 21R-13787 in the City of Belleville being all of the PIN 40514-0019 (LT) Legal Name of Bidder Ms. Yasmina Jamal, Purchasing Supervisor The Corporation of The City of Belleville 169 Front Street Belleville, Ontario K8N 2Y8 Page 19 of 19
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