2015 Art on the Atlanta BeltLine Sponsorship Packet ART ON THE ATLANTA BELTLINE PROGRAMS & HISTORY 2015 Temporary Exhibition Art on the Atlanta BeltLine, the largest temporary public art exhibition in the southeast, returns this fall for its sixth consecutive year. The exhibit will run September through November and feature the work of hundreds of visual and performing artists. Selected installations include sculpture, dance, murals, theater, outdoor concerts, parades, performance art, and more. Art on the Atlanta BeltLine turns the paved and interim hiking trails along the Atlanta BeltLine corridor into a linear gallery, exemplifying the transformative nature of Atlanta’s largest redevelopment program; a free museum of public art and performance. Over 300 muralists, sculptors, performers, and more participated in the 2013 exhibition, and the numbers keep growing. There has been more than a 40% increase in funded art since the project’s inception, proving that there is a demand for public art in Atlanta. Learn more at art.beltline.org Community Reach // Estimated Attendance for 2014 Lantern Parade •23,000+ // Social Media • Facebook: 40,400+ fans • Twitter: 33,900+ followers • Instagram: 5,100+ followers • Mobile Apps: 5,500+ downloads // E-Newsletter • General List: 21,800+ subscribers // beltline.org • 424,228 Visits • 275,591 Unique Visits • 62.6% New Visitor • 37.4% Returning Visitor • 1,309,932 Page views • 3.09 Views Per Unique Visitor • Avg. Time On Page: 00:03:04 // art.beltline.org • 66,902 Sessions • 50,291 Users • 114,009 Page views • 98,603 Unique page views • 1.70 Pages per Session • 74.4% New Visitor / 25.6% Returning • Average Time Spent on Page: 00:01:40 Statistics reflect 2014 usage History of Art on the Atlanta BeltLine From the first exhibition in 2010, Art on the Atlanta BeltLine has positioned emerging and established Atlanta artists side-byside, providing a platform for public art and community dialogue. Selections are made by a panel of art administrators, critics, community representatives, and professional artists and performers. The exhibition runs from September through November, featuring visual installations and performances. Year over year, the number of projects has increased, as well as the popularity of the exhibition. The Eastside Trail is expected to play host to more than one million visitors annually. Art on the Atlanta BeltLine is an effort made possible by a working group of volunteers. The project draws visitors to the Atlanta BeltLine as a key component of the project, and showcases the continuing progress and success of one of the most transformative revitalization efforts ever undertaken in the southeast. About the Atlanta BeltLine The Atlanta BeltLine is a sustainable transportation and redevelopment project that will provide a network of public parks, multi-use trails, and transit along a historic 22-mile railroad corridor circling downtown and connecting many neighborhoods directly to each other. The Atlanta BeltLine is a living, breathing part of our community and is transforming the city with a combination of rail, trail, greenspace, housing and art. It will ultimately connect 45 intown neighborhoods, provide first and last mile connectivity for regional transportation initiatives, and put Atlanta on a path to 21st century economic growth and sustainability. Sponsorship Benefits AND DETAILS Recognition as title sponsor (Art on the Atlanta BeltLine presented by [your company] ) in all communications and materials Presenting Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Patron √ Name and logo placement: Mailings Logo Logo Logo Name Name Name Printed map distributed at events and neighborhood festivals Logo Logo Logo Logo Name Name Recognition on signs in featured Atlanta BeltLine segments Logo Logo Logo Logo Name Name Logo + Link Logo + Link Logo + Link Logo Logo Name √ √ √ √ √ TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Promotion: Website Recognition Twitter and Facebook postings Media Promotion Press Releases √ Local radio interviews √ Recognition in e-newsletters to art enthusiasts √ √ 40 people 20 people √ √ √ 3 Months 2 Months 1 Month Feature Article Recognition Recognition Recognition 10 8 6 √ √ √ Includes Breakfast or Lunch √ √ $30,000 $15,000 $20,000 value TBD Art on the Atlanta BeltLine Events: Private latern making workshop Invitation to VIP Preview of Art on the Atlanta BeltLine 08/29/15 √ √ 6 4 2 √ √ √ $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $15,000 value $10,000 value $5,000 value $2,500 value Year-Long Benefits: Opportunity to place a collateral piece in Atlanta BeltLine Tour Packets Recognition in members-only newsletter The Loop Atlanta BeltLine Member Discount Card Invitation to annual donor appreciation event Private Atlanta BeltLine BusTour for 30 Guests CASH SPONSOR IN-KIND SPONSOR In-kind contributions must be budget relieving for sponsorship credit. Sponsorship AGREEMENT (________________________________________) agrees to provide a financial sponsorship for Art on the Atlanta BeltLine. As a sponsor, I understand I will receive the applicable sponsorship opportunities described in this packet and agree to provide digital art work for all promotional advertising. I further understand that these opportunities will not be valid until this agreement is signed and my check has been issued to and accepted by the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership. I am pleased to sponsor Art on the Atlanta BeltLine as a (please check box at right): Please send this completed form to: Atlanta BeltLine Partnership Attn: Rob Brawner 250 Williams Street NW, Suite 2115 Atlanta, GA 30303 [email protected] 404.446.4405 Presenting CASH SPONSOR IN-KIND SPONSOR $30,000 Platinum Gold Silver $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $20,000 Value $15,000 Value $10,000 Value Bronze Patron $2,500 $1,000 $5,000 Value $2,500 Value Name for Recognition_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City ___________________________ State ________Zip Code_________________________________ Representative Name_______________________________________________________Title___________________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________Phone Number/Fax________________________________________________________________ Authorized Sponsor Signature _______________________________________________________________Date_________________________________________ Payment Information o A check payable to the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership is enclosed. o I would like to pay by VISA/Master Card/AMEX (circle one): Card#_____________________________________________________ Exp Date_____________________ Security Code______________________________ Name on Card___________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________________________________ ___ Sponsorship proposals can be customized to your specific needs! If none of these packages sounds just right to you, please contact Rob Brawner, Deptuty Executive Director for the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership. See left for contact info.
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