Friday, October 12 9:00 10:15 10: 30 11: 45 Handmade Wardrobe with Mena Trott L Shapes and Angles with Faith & Kati S, P, F, $ Metal Frame Pouch with Kelly Bowser Creative Fabric Selection with Jeni Baker L Foundation Paper Piecing with Lee & Elizabeth Zippers 101 with Sara Lawson S, P, F, $ S, $ 11: 45 1:15 1:15 3:15 3:30 5:30 Bags L: Lecture S, F, C, $ Serger Ruffle Scarf with Baby Lock R, C Creative Journey with John Adams L Serger Pillow Case with Baby Lock R, C Creative Journey with Rachel Howard L Lunch Precision Piecing with Amy Ellis Lounge Pants with Jana Nielson “E” or “i” Case with Heather Scrimsher English Paper Piecing with Katy Jones L S, $ S, P, F, C, $ R, P, F, C, $ S, $ Geared for Guys with Emily Herrick Mini Quilt with Curves with Christina Lane Idea Pouch with Michelle Webster Maxi Skirt with Leanne Barlow Pattern Making for Childrenswear with Carrie Lundell L S, F, C, $ S, F, C, $ R, P, F, C, $ L Photography with Vanessa Hewell Garments S: Hands on Sewing Sewing, etc. R: Hands on Serger Blogging & SM P: Prep work required Quilting F: Bring Fabric with you Creative Journey C: Complete Project Saturday, October 13 9:00 10:15 Website Design with Melissa Esplin L Shapes and Angles with Faith & Kati S, P, F, $ Special Occassion Sewing with Sarai Mitnick L Serger Pillow Case with Baby Lock R, C Creative Journey with Amanda Herring L 10: 30 11: 45 Finishing Details with Anna Graham L Foundation Paper Piecing with Lee & Elizabeth S, P, F, $ Metal Frame Pouch with Kelly Bowser S, F, C,$ Serger Ruffle Scarf with Baby Lock R, C Creative Journey with Lindsay Connor L 11: 45 1:15 1:15 3:15 3:30 5:30 6:00 8:00 Lunch Successful Blogging with Tauni Everett Mini Quilt with Curves with Christina Lane Ship Shape Tote with Alexia Abegg Maxi Skirt with Leanne Barlow L S, F, C, $ S, P, F, C, $ R, P, F, C, $ Fabric Design with Thomas Knauer Knit Top with Sunni Standing Perfect Pockets with Deborah Moebes “E” or “i” Case with Heather Scrimsher Advanced Bag Construction with Sara Lawson L S, P, F, C, $ S, $ R, P, F, C, $ L Farewell Dinner Lecture Classes - L We have two classrooms set up to accommodate larger lecture classes. Our largest room can hold up to 200 students, while the smaller room will seat 50 students. Bring Fabric with you - F We want you to leave with projects that you’ll love, so we want to make sure you use fabric that you love. See class details for type and quantity of fabric necessary. Sewing Classes - S All sewing classes (except Katy’s English Paper Piecing class) will be taught on BabyLock sewing machines. Complete Project - C These classes are designed so that you can go home with a finished project! Our teachers are experts, but can’t foresee all problems and delays. If you don’t finish in class, there will be open sewing in the evenings for you to wrap things up. Come prepared to sew! *The Serger Pillowcase class creates a finished pillowcase. You may keep your pillowcase or donate it to Primary Children’s Medical Center. Serger Classes - R All of the sergers will be provided by BabyLock. These classes are designed for those who have little to no serger experience, but will be just as fun for those who are more seasoned serger sewists. These classes will not specifically cover threading and adjusting your serger, but are aimed at providing you with experience and ideas for serger projects. Prep Work Required - P Some sewing classes require some preparation at home (or Thursday night in your hotel room). The teachers have asked that you have some steps finished ahead of time so that you can accomplish more in class. The type of prep work varies by class, from printed pattern assembly to fabric cutting. See class details for more information. Workshop Fee All classes with a “$” will have a $5 Workshop Fee. This will be charged at the time of class selection. Class Size In an effort to keep the classes personal and to give teachers a chance to interact with students, we are keeping the classes fairly small. Below are the number or spots available for classes in each room Ballroom C : 200 students Idaho Room : 29 students Wyoming Room : 29 students Flagstaff Room : 29 students Tucson Room ; 49 students Friday, October 12 | 9:00 am - 10:15 am Handmade Wardrobe – L Metal Frame Pouch – S, F, C, $ Mena Trott from The Sew Weekly Ballroom C Have you ever wanted to sew your own wardrobe but have managed to come up with a ton of excuses why it’s an impossible endeavor? In this session, we’ll cut through those excuses and leave you inspired and ready to start sewing yourself some fabulous garments. Kelly Bowser from KelbySews Wyoming Room Making metal frame pouches is a snap! This class will take you from start to finish. We will discuss different frame shapes and how to make your own pattern. Then we will get to work making one! Working with an 8×3 frame, you’ll learn all the tricks to creating a pouch or purse of your own. Shapes and Angles – S, P, F, $ Serger Ruffle Scarf – R, C Kati Spencer from From the Blue Chair & Faith Jones from Fresh Lemons Quilts Idaho Room This quilting class will focus on skills and techniques needed to machine piece shapes including diamonds, triangles, and hexagons. Students will learn how to cut these shapes with a standard quilting ruler and successfully piece and match seams. Instruction will also be provided on Y-seams and partial seams. Some previous quilting experience will be helpful. Baby Lock Flagstaff Room Did you know you could whip up a trendy scarf on your serger in no time? Discover how easy it is to create ruffles by changing a few quick settings on your machine. Once you have the technique down you can add ruffles to any project you want! Creative Journey – L John Adams of Quilt Dad Tucson Room Friday, October 12 | 10:30 am - 11:45 am Creative Fabric Selection – L Zippers! – S, $ Jeni Baker from In Color Order Ballroom C Sara Lawson from Sew Sweetness Wyoming Room Ready to mix things up and move beyond sewing with single fabric collections? In this class, you’ll learn how to put together unique color and fabric schemes for your quilting and sewing projects! Let’s take the fear out of color! From color wheel basics to scale, pattern, and color scheme building, we’ll get you thinking about fabric and color in a different way! Fear the zipper no more! Practice hands-on techniques to install the zipper in 3 different ways: install a top zip (as for a zippered pouch), a zippered panel (such as for a bag panel or a pillow cover), and a zippered pocket for a bag. Also, we’ll talk about installing an invisible zipper using the regular zipper foot on your machine, which can be used in bags and garments. Foundation Paper Piecing - S, P, F, $ Serger Pillowcase – R, C Elizabeth Dackson from Don’t Call Me Betsy and Lee Heinrich from Freshly Pieced Idaho Room Baby Lock Flagstaff Room Learn how to use a serger to create quick and professional pillowcases. You may keep your pillowcase or donate it with the Sewing Summit 2012 group donation to Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City. In this class, attendees will learn the basics of foundation piecing. Stars, string blocks, “picture” blocks, and pinpointaccurate seams of all types are within reach with this technique! In this hands-on class, Lee and Elizabeth will take attendees through the process of creating a basic string block, as well as a more complex foundation-pieced pattern such as a star. There will be time for practice and asking your foundation-piecing questions as well. Creative Journey – L Rachel Howard from Family Ever After Tucson Room Rachel Howard shares her sewing and blogging journey in this casual and intimate classroom setting. Learn all the details on how to set up and host a blogging series/contest, such as her popular sewing competition “Sew-vivor.” Rachel will share her tips on building an online community, discuss her balancing act, and will happily answer any questions you have! Friday, October 12 | 1:15 pm - 3:15 pm Photography – L Lounge Pants – S, P, F, C, $ Vanessa Hewell from Little Big Girl Studio Ballroom C Whether you need better product shots for your shop or want those “wow” photos of your kids in the outfits you made for your next blog post, this class is for you! Learn how to get great photos of your creations within your own home/yard without having to break the bank. I’ll share with you lots of tips and tricks including improving your composition, how to utilize available light, how to create interesting backdrops, getting the most from your camera, and more! All skill levels and camera types {point & shoot/DSLR} are welcome. Jana Nielson from Izzy & Ivy Designs Wyoming Room A pair of comfy lounge pants is a staple in everyone’s wardrobe. In this class we will make the perfect pair of lounge pants, going step by step through cutting the fabric and finishing them with an elastic and draw string waste band. Wear them for late night sewing and lazy mornings. Go home with the skills to make more at home in any fabric you want! Precision Piecing – S, $ Amy Ellis from Amy’s Creative Side Idaho Room Love the idea of quilting, but not sure where to start? Join me as we start at the very beginning – rotary cutter basics, accurate 1/4” seams, strip piecing, chain piecing, pressing and trimming. You’ll also learn about the anatomy of a quilt, quilting vocabulary, and be set on a path to finish your first quilt. We will put all these new skills to the test with a mini quilt top I’ve designed just for beginners! An ‘e’ or ‘i’ Case – R, P, F, C, $ Heather Scrimsher from Fiberosity Flagstaff Room If you have an e-reader, Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhone, Android, tablet or any similar device that is woefully unprotected, this is the class for you! We will be hands-on in a classroom full of amazing Babylock sergers. During the class, we will be both embellishing fabric using decorative thread and constructing “cheater” mini quilts that will become a case for any one of these technology wonders. You will leave with a finished case for any of these gadgets and if you are not a gadget person, this case will also conveniently fit a steno pad or small sketchbook. English Paper Piecing – S, $ Katy Jones from I’m a Ginger Monkey Tucson Room In this introduction to English Paper Piecing, Katy will talk you through the basics, from where to get paper templates, to how to cut and baste fabrics and assembly. We will look at effective fussy cutting to enhance your work, and how one block can look different with simple fabric placement changes. Katy will show you examples of work using a variety of different shapes, and by the end of class you will have made a start on your own English Paper Pieced project. Suitable for both absolute beginners and those that may have tried hexagons are looking to branch out into something a little different. Friday, October 12 | 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Geared For Guys – L Idea Pouch – S, F, C, $ Emily Herrick from Crazy Old Lady Quilts Ballroom C ‘Geared for Guys’ takes a closer look at an area in the quilting world that stumps all of us. This class will focus on giving you the confidence you need to step outside of your quilting box to make a quilt for that special guy in your life that is not only functional but on that he will LOVE too. We’ll talk about color, fabric selection, choosing a design and machine quilting styles. Based on my new book by the same title. Michelle Webster from Michelle Patterns Wyoming Room Carry your ideas one handy pouch and free up some space in your head! This special pouch is designed to carry an XLarge Moleskine Cahier (or iPad!). There is one main pouch for a journal, plus a second pleated pouch on the front. The pleated front pouch makes it simple to get inside the pouch and allows it to expand. A divided pen slip pocket is built into the back of the pleated front pouch, so you always have favorite writing/drawing tools with you. While we stitch up our pouches I’ll talk about some of my favorite sewing tips for sewing small items. These tips will include some tricks I use for almost every accessory project. We’ll also cover additional trimming techniques to make handling multiple layers of fabric/interfacing/padding easier and allowing for better-finished results. Curves Mini Quilt – S, F, C, $ Christina Lane from The Sometimes Crafter Idaho Room Learn to precisely piece curves and turn them into a miniquilt. This class will focus on working with curves, from cutting to piecing, with special tips and tricks along the way and the different options available. Once the blocks are completed, discussion will move to sandwiching and quilting, as well as binding options and instruction to complete your mini. This class is suitable for intermediate sewists with at least a basic understanding of piecing and quilting, but little to no knowledge of piecing curves. Jersey Maxi Skirt – R, P, F, C, $ Leanne Barlow from Elle Apparel Flagstaff Room Students in this class you will be able to walk away their very own custom maxi skirt, complete with a fold down yoga waistband. Maxi skirts are a great on trend fashion staple this summer, so why not make one! You don’t have to be an advanced sewer to make this skirt, and every student in my class will get to sew with a Baby Lock serger. With a few measurements and some straight seams, I will help guide you to creating the most comfortable skirt ever! Patternmaking Skills for Childrenswear – L Carrie Lundell from This Mama Makes Stuff Tucson Room In this class you will learn tricks and tips for creating perfectly imperfect patterns for childrenswear while learning to avoid classic patternmaking pitfalls from a Type B personality teacher. Not only will you leave with the skills to create garments that fit beautifully, you will leave with the ability to translate style ideas to finished product, opening up a world of design possibilities. Basic garment construction skills required to get the most out of the class. Type A’s welcome as long as you can deal with “eyeballing it”, “good enough” and “freehanding”. Saturday, October 13 | 9:00 am - 10:15 am Website Design – L Special Occasion Sewing - L Melissa Esplin from I Still Love You Ballroom C Paying a graphic designer is fantastic when you have the spare change, but a good design doesn’t have to be expensive or elusive. Learn from graphic designer and fellow sewist, Melissa Esplin, the key elements of good blog design and the resourced available for you to achieve it on your own sites and within your own budget. Sarai Mitnick from Colette Patterns Wyoming Room Holiday season is coming, and with it the perfect excuse to sew yourself something really amazing to wear. If you're intimidated by special occasion sewing or don't know where to begin, this talk will guide you through planning and creating your dream dress. We'll talk about classic types of dresses and gowns, designing your dress, working with fine fabrics such as silks, specialty techniques for things like velvet and lace, structure and support, and adding details. Whether you're tackling your own wedding dress or just want an amazing dress for the office holiday soiree, you'll come away with the ability to manage a wonderfully creative and challenging sewing project. Shapes and Angles – S, P, F, $ Kati Spencer from From the Blue Chair & Faith Jones from Fresh Lemons Quilts Idaho Room This quilting class will focus on skills and techniques needed to machine piece shapes including diamonds, triangles, and hexagons. Students will learn how to cut these shapes with a standard quilting ruler and successfully piece and match seams. Instruction will also be provided on Y-seams and partial seams. Some previous quilting experience helpful. Serger Pillowcase – R, C Baby Lock Flagstaff Room Learn how to use a serger to create quick and professional pillowcases. You may keep your pillowcase or donate it with the Sewing Summit 2012 group donation to Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City. Creative Journey – L Amanda Herring from The Quilted Fish Tucson Room After many life adventures, Amanda finally decided to “run with scissors.” She began running her own business designing quilting patterns in 2008. From there she jumped into designing fabric for Riley Blake (with 6 collections to date!) and has 3 lines of scrapbook paper. Amanda loves to inspire and motivate others. In this session she will share how she ended up doing what she loves – running with scissors! Saturday, October 13 | 10: 30 am – 11:45 am Finishing Details - L Metal Frame Pouch – S, F, C, $ Anna Graham from Noodlehead Ballroom C It's all in the details....piping, bias tape, trims, linings, tags, stamping, patchwork. Discover, branch out, and add that special touch to your next project. Take something basic and add a twist - make it uniquely you. This lecture style class will inspire you to get sewing and make all your projects 'you'. Enjoy the possibilities and put your creativity to the test. Just because a pattern or project is shown a certain way doesn't mean you can't add your stamp on it! Kelly Bowser from KelbySews Wyoming Room Making metal frame pouches is a snap! This class will take you from start to finish. We will discuss different frame shapes and how to make your own pattern. Then we will get to work making one! Working with an 8×3 frame, you’ll learn all the tricks to creating a pouch or purse of your own. Foundation Paper Piecing - S, P, F, $ Elizabeth Dackson from Don’t Call Me Betsy and Lee Heinrich from Freshly Pieced Idaho Room In this class, attendees will learn the basics of foundation piecing. Stars, string blocks, “picture” blocks, and pinpointaccurate seams of all types are within reach with this technique! In this hands-on class, Lee and Elizabeth will take attendees through the process of creating a basic string block, as well as a more complex foundation-pieced pattern such as a star. There will be time for practice and asking your foundation-piecing questions as well. Serger Ruffle Scarf – R, C Baby Lock Flagstaff Room Did you know you could whip up a trendy scarf on your serger in no time? Discover how easy it is to create ruffles by changing a few quick settings on your machine. Once you have the technique down you can add ruffles to any project you want! Creative Journey – L Lindsay Conner from Craft Buds Tucson Room Have you ever wanted to make a go of crafting as a career? To satisfy the growing passion for her craft blogs and sewing projects, Lindsay discusses how she went from a cubicle dweller for a major book publisher to a selfemployed crafter and writer. There's no step-by-step plan for finding a fulfilling, creative career, and facing rejection/disappointment is often a part of the process. Regardless, this session invites you to write your own creative story with tips and advice from someone else that is on the journey. Saturday, October 13 | 1:15 pm – 3:15 pm Successful Blogging – L Tauni Everett from SNAP! Conference Ballroom C With more than two blogs created per second, how can you make yours stand out in the crowd? Learn the principles used to grow a successful blog that keeps on going, despite being in a crowded market. Learn the importance of defining your blog's identity, as well as social media basics that will help you grow and how to snag those elusive sponsors. Ship Shape Tote – S, P, F, C, $ Alexia Abegg from Green Bee Patterns Wyoming Room In this fun bag class we will be sewing through most of the steps of the Ship Shape tote from Green Bee Patterns. You will learn basic bag construction using fusible interfacing, magnetic snap installation, and how to make professional looking bag handles. We will also have a trunk show at the end of class to show creative variations of this simple pattern. Curves Mini Quilt – S, F, C, $ Christina Lane from The Sometimes Crafter Idaho Room Learn to precisely piece curves and turn them into a miniquilt. This class will focus on working with curves, from cutting to piecing, with special tips and tricks along the way and the different options available. Once the blocks are completed, discussion will move to sandwiching and quilting, as well as binding options and instruction to complete your mini. This class is suitable for intermediate sewists with at least a basic understanding of piecing and quilting, but little to no knowledge of piecing curves. Jersey Maxi Skirt – R, P, F, C, $ Leanne Barlow from Elle Apparel Flagstaff Room Students in this class you will be able to walk away their very own custom maxi skirt, complete with a fold down yoga waistband. Maxi skirts are a great on trend fashion staple this summer, so why not make one! You don’t have to be an advanced sewer to make this skirt, and every student in my class will get to sew with a Baby Lock serger. With a few measurements and some straight seams, I will help guide you to creating the most comfortable skirt ever! Saturday, October 13 | 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Why Fabric – L Thomas Knauer from Thomas Knauer Sews Ballroom C Starting with the first inkling of an idea, this class will walk through the development of a fabric collection, exploring the conceptual and aesthetic considerations that go into creating a line of fabric. The class will emphasize issues of generating ideas, color, scale, and cohesion, though technical issues and the practicalities of the business will also be discussed. Make ‘n’ Take Knit Top – S, P, F, C, $ Sunni Standing from A Fashionable Stitch Idaho Room This class is dedicated to sewing up a perfect basic tee for yourself! Armed with the Sewaholic's Renfrew T-shirt pattern, we'll go from cut to finish, learning the ins and outs of working with knits. We'll be learning how to handle and stitch up knits using a basic sewing machine, get a perfect fit, plus tips and tricks on how to modify your pattern to create several different versatile styles. You'll walk away with knowledge on knits, a stylish, finished t-shirt and a pattern to go home and make up several more. Geared towards beginning and intermediate sewists, you're sure to have fun with a sprinkling of style to boot! Perfect Pockets – S, $ Deborah Moebes from Whipstitch Wyoming Room Secretly, I think everything should have pockets, and I do mean everything: clothes and handbags and quilts and crafty things. All of it is better when there’s a bitty little pocket there to spice it up. In this hands-on class, learn to make seven styles of pocket: patch, in two styles; flap; in-seam; zippered; bound/slash; welt; and cutaway hip. You’ll meet some unusual variations of each style, and learn two of them in-depth during the workshop! Leave with your finished reference samples along with a mini-workbook and templates to guide you as you create these pockets on your own once you get back home. You’ll be ready for pocket madness! An ‘e’ or ‘i’ Case – R, P, F, C, $ Heather Scrimsher from Fiberosity Flagstaff Room If you have an e-reader, Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhone, Android, tablet or any similar device that is woefully unprotected, this is the class for you! We will be hands-on in a classroom full of amazing Babylock sergers. During the class, we will be both embellishing fabric using decorative thread and constructing “cheater” mini quilts that will become a case for any one of these technology wonders. You will leave with a finished case for any of these gadgets and if you are not a gadget person, this case will also conveniently fit a steno pad or small sketchbook. Advanced Bag Construction – L Sara Lawson from Sew Sweetness Tucson Room Have you already accomplished sewing up a simple tote bag? Then take your bag making to the next level! Learn about 7 different interfacings that will give your bags structure and shape. You will also be taught a whole bag of tricks to give your purses a professional, store-bought look, including: darts, gussets, grommets, attaching fabric or leather handles, using a variety of purse hardware, adding piping, pockets (from simple to 3-dimensional), how to insert magnetic snaps and purse feet, and a variety of ways to use the zipper. Supply Lists & Preparation – Bags Supply Lists & Preparation – Garments *Ship Shape Tote with Alexia *Lounge Pants with Jana - 1/2 yard 42" wide medium weight quilting cotton exterior fabric A - 3/4 yard 42" wide medium weight quilting cotton exterior fabric B and handles - 1 yard 42" wide medium weight quilting cotton lining fabric *Metal Frame Pouch with Kelly - 1 Fat Quarter quilting weight cotton exterior fabric - 1 Fat Quarter quilting weight cotton lining fabric *Idea Pouch with Michelle - 2/3 yard 42" wide medium weight quilting cotton exterior fabric - 2/3 yard 42" wide medium weight quilting cotton lining fabric - 2 - 7/8” buttons - 1 yd. 1/4" ribbon or cording *An “e” or “I” Case with Heather - 2 - 5" strip x WOF Color A - 4 - 2"x10" Color A - 4 - 4"x22" strip of various colors - 3 yards 44” or 60” wide quilting weight fabric *Please pre treat/wash your fabrics exactly as you plan to treat/wash them once your pants are made - Print and assemble the pattern from the Simplicty website: - Tips for assembling print patterns can be found at a.squared.w *Maxi Skirt with Leanne - 2.5 - 3 yards of jersey knit fabric *Please pre treat/wash your fabrics exactly as you plan to treat/wash them once your skirt is made to ensure your skirt won't shrink after it has been completed! Jersey knit fabric suggestions: Look for a jersey knit that has a nice drape to it. A 95% rayon / 5% spandex blend works great, or a cotton/poly blend as well. Make sure your knit isn't too see through and try to avoid knits with a high percentage of lycra since this will cause the edges to roll when cut, making it very difficult to work with. *Make ‘n Take Knit Top with Sunni - 1/4" wide twill tape or fusible stay tape, one package - 45"wide: 2.5 yards; 60" wide: 1.75 yards Knit Fabric Supply Lists and Preparation - Quilting *Foundation Paper Piecing with Lee & Elizabeth Color A: *Curves Mini Quilt with Christina Background: 8 - 3.5" x 7" 2 - 1" x 3 1/4" 2 - 1" x 3 3/4" 10 - 4" x 4" 4 - 3 3/4" x 3 3/4" 2 - 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" Color B: 8 - 4" x 4" Print A: 2 - 3 1/4" x 3 1/4" 2 - 4" x 4" Color D: 4 - 4" x 10" Color C: 4 - 4" x 10" - 45-50 string scraps, 1" - 2.5" inches wide, and 3" - 10" long. Various prints to coordinate with Print A: 8 - 4" x 4" squares Backing: 1 - 20" x 20" square (bigger size than final mini) Binding: 2 - 2" x 40" strips of fabric (Cut from WOF yardage) *Shapes & Angles with Faith & Kati - 18 - 5" diameter hexagons (accuquilt go! size) - 18 - 4" 45 degree diamonds Cutting tutorials on Kati's blog: - 32 - 1.75" x 5.25" rectangles in various colors/prints - 8 - 4" x 4" squares in neutral color/print - 20 - 4" equilateral triangles (60 degree triangles) Cutting tutorial on Faith's blog: *English Paper Piecing with Katy US letter size piece of template plastic OR Spring Carnival template set from Katy’s etsy shop:
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