May 2015 Volume 38, No. 4 Berryville Presbyterian Church BERRYVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P.O. Box 46 123 W. Main Street Berryville, VA 22611 (540) 955-1096 [email protected] The Signpost Minister's Corner Have you ever met Charlie Do Right? No, I don’t suppose you have, mostly because he lives in Martinsburg at the Union Rescue Mission Shelter. I met him last Saturday when I, along with some of our youth, prepared breakfast at the shelter for its residents and guests during our 30 Hour Famine. Charlie has not always made the best decisions in life. He has made some mistakes and they have landed him in some uncomfortable circumstances and he still bears the scars and consequences of many of those mistakes. And yet Charlie has a smile that can light up a room at 6:00 in the morning. Charlie has a dignity that drew our teens around him so they could help him form the hamburger patties that would later become dinner for the residents of the shelter. We had finished preparing breakfast and I had stepped out into the dining area where I had the opportunity to meet some of the shelter’s Board of Directors. After about 20 minutes, I noticed all the kids had disappeared. I wondered where they were. When I walked back into the kitchen, I found them gathered around Charlie Do Right talking and laughing and making hamburger patties. If we saw Charlie today out and about we might expect him to ask us for assistance, and we might have some assumptions about what he would do with any assistance we gave him, but we would be wrong - for what we CHURCH SCHEDULE 8:30 AM - Early Worship 9:30 AM - Children’s Sunday School 9:45 AM - Adult Sunday School 10:30 AM - Fellowship 11:00 AM - Worship Inside this issue: Volunteers Sunday School Birthdays & Anniversaries [email protected] [email protected] Composed by: Donna Lanaghan [email protected] 4 Celebrations 5 Kids’ Pages 5, 6 Calendar (Continued on page 2) Pastor: Jonathan W. Bunker Editor: Cathy Dickey 2 3 Deadline for copy: The third Wednesday of each month prior to publication. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. 7 Page 2 The Signpost Ushers May Volunteers May 3, 17—Marna & Mike Swisher May 10—Charles & Grace Wakeley May 24, 31—Mark Shenk and Bob Brown Assisting Elders/Lay Readers 3 Jonathan Bunker Nursery 3 Megan Hicks 10 Chris Rosen 10 Sarah Miller 17 Jim Barb 17 Stacy Rosen 24 Emily Braithwaite 24 Blythe Tucker 31 Russ Heikes 31 Lynn Tuohig Minister’s Corner (from page 1) learned about Charlie Do Right is that he would be the first to offer us assistance. It’s why he gets up at 5:00 AM every morning while most of the others in the shelter are still curled up in bed, because he has found that the best way to be happy is to be helping someone else be happy. Have you ever met Charlie Do Right? No, I suppose you haven’t, but I hope that someday you will, because Charlie Do Right has a lot to teach us all. Peace and Blessings, Jonathan The deadline for the June issue is Wednesday, May 20th! Send your information in to bpresbch@ Check out the Signpost in color! Go to our website at to read our newsletter in color! May 2015 Page 3 National Day of Prayer On Thursday, May 7th at noon, you are invited to participate in a National Day of Prayer Service at the Gazebo in Rose Hill Park. All over our nation believers will gather at that hour to pray for our nation and world. Many of the local ministers will be participating in the service. You are encouraged to attend if able. Church Clean-up Day The Property Committee has scheduled a church grounds cleanup day for Saturday, May 9th , from 9-11. We will be straightening up, mulching our flower beds, along with light clean up inside. Please plan to join us, for many hands make for light work and lots of fun. Circle Meeting All women are invited to join us at our next Circle meeting on Monday, May 18th at 10:00 AM. We are studying the book of 2 Corinthians in the book Reconciling Paul. If you would like additional information, please see Patti Washington. News from Sunday School Spring has sprung! And with it, lots of enthusiasm from our youngest students. It's hard to believe that the year is nearly over - but this time next month we will be looking at our last class of the term. It's not too late to jump on board! Come and see what all the excitement is about! We will be celebrating our students, our teachers, and our fun year on June 7th at 9:30. We will all bring a dish and enjoy breakfast complete with Jonathan's famous and fabulous French Toast! That alone is well worth the trip to the church early that Sunday (or staying later, in case you've attended the 8:30 worship service). Please join us for the fun! Submitted by Cathy Dickey The Signpost Page 4 11 John Duke 21 Laura Ferrell 11 Lisa Kempler 16 Derek Samples (Ervin) 22 Sarah Beth Carter 12 Margaret Barb 17 Jaxen Dean Carter 23 Larry Kempler, Jr. 12 Ian Duckstein 17 Daniel Sheetz 24 Sabrina Joseph 12 Betsy Fields 18 Heidi Hardesty 25 Margaret Barthel 13 James Barb 19 Brooke Daniels 26 Erin Dickey Lloyd 16 Michael Kosiorek 20 Janet deTeran 29 Julie Harden 21 Randy & Lynn Touhig WATTS Fundraiser Opequon Presbyterian Church will be hosting a Drive-In Movie Night at their picnic shelter on Friday, May 8th, at 7:00 PM. They will air the Disney film “Finding Nemo”. Concessions will be on sale and donations to WATTS will be accepted. The church is located at 217 Opequon Church Lane in Winchester. Page 5 Special Celebrations Graduate Celebration: Join us on Sunday, May 17th, as we celebrate the accomplishments of our High School Graduates. We will honor them at the 11:00 AM worship service with a special presentation and then afterwards we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a Covered Dish Luncheon. Everyone is asked to bring one or two side dishes or salads to share; our Fellowship Committee will be providing the rest of the meal. Please plan to be with us. Confirmation Celebration: On Sunday, May 24th, we will receive the participants of our Confirmation Class into the life and ministry of our congregation at the 11:00 AM worship service. A reception in their honor will be held following the service. Please plan on joining us for worship that morning. VBS is Coming-Join us in ‘Everest Expedition’. Spread the word to your neighbors and friends— and even strangers—to join us July 13th-17th for our Vacation Bible School. Our VBS ends up being a highlight every year. Help us make this the biggest and best yet. We will need lots of volunteers. Come join in on the fun. Page 6 The Signpost May 2015 Berryville Presbyterian Church NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Berryville, Virginia Permit No. 3007 123 W. Main Street P. O. Box 46 Berryville, VA 22611 Phone: 540-955-1096 E-mail: [email protected] The Signpost May 2015 Service Opportunities In May and June, our Service Committee has two ways for you to help make a difference in our community: Clarke County Social Service Food Distribution: On May 14th and 15th, we will be participating in the Clarke County Social Service Food Distribution. On Thursday afternoon, we need volunteers to help pick up the food from the Blue Ridge Community Food Bank and unload it at Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church. It would be helpful to have volunteers who have pickup trucks to carry the food. On Friday, we need volunteers to gather at 8:00 AM to help prepare food orders and load them into the cars of the recipients. If you would like to help, please speak with Jonathan or Karla Atkins, the chair of our Service Committee. We will let you know specifics on the arrangements. FISH Clothes Closet: In June, we need volunteers to help staff the FISH Clothes Closet on Saturday mornings. FISH is a NonDenominational organization that provides services to needy individuals in Clarke County. If you are interested in helping out one Saturday Morning in June, please speak with Karla Atkins.
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