Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 Curriculum vitae of Dr.Javed Ahmed Ujan Assistant Professor on Tenure Track System Department of Zoology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan. Postal Code: 66020 Telephone: (0092) 3033786156 Website: Email: [email protected] Born in Pakistan on September 18, 1985 Pakistani National Education 2008-2012 Ph.D. Animal Sciences (Animal Genetics / Molecular Genetics): Department of Animal Sciences & Technology, Northwest A&F University of China 2007 M.Sc. Biology (Animal Sciences): Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan 2004 B.Sc. Microbiology: Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan Scholarships and Honors 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2008-12 2006 2005-07 2002-04 2001-02 “Young Scientist Award” by International Union for Biological Sciences, SuZhou, China Third Position for Academic Research Speech Competition held at Northwest A&F University, China Excellent International Research Student Award of 2011 by Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China Excellent Correspondent for International Students at Northwest A&F University, China Best Researcher Award of “National Beef Cattle Improving Centre” at Yangling Shaanxi,China First Prize of Excellent Papers for year 2011 by International School, Northwest A&F University, China Cultural Exchange Scholarship (CSC) mutually funded by Government of Pakistan and Government of China for pursing the PhD at China Second Position in Speech Competition during M.Sc, In the Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid -i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC) Talent Scholarship at Masters Level, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan Shah Abdul Latif University-Merit-Cum-Poverty Scholarship Second Position in Local Board Examination at Intermediate level 1 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 2001-02 Third Position in Inter College debate Competition at Intermediate level Government degree Science College Gambat, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan Professional Positions 2014 Warden, Sachal Sarmast Hostel for Boys at SAL University, Pakistan 2013-todate Assistant Professor on Tenure Track System (TTS) in the department of Zoology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur 2013 Incharge Chairman for department of Zoology for one month (Feb.2013). 2012-13 Assistant Professor on the HEC Project of Interim Placement of Fresh PhDs, (IPFP) in the department of Zoology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur 2011 Visiting PhD Student, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2008-11 Lecturer on adjunct and temporary basis in Foreign Scholars‟ program at “National Beef Cattle Improvement Centre, Northwest A&F University”, China 2005-08 Part time lecturer at Progressive Educational Academy Shahzad Town Islamabad, Pakistan” Professional Societies (last 05 years) 2014-todate Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science 2013-todate Member, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2013- todate Life Time Member of Zoological Society of Pakistan 2012-todate Member, Academy of Sciences for Third World Countries 2011-todate International Society of Zoological Sciences 2011-todate Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China 2010-todate Member, Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society APCBEES (Registered no.: 52577283-001-07-10-2). 2009-todate Member of American Society for Animal Sciences 2008-todate Beef Cattle Improvement Centre in Yangling, Shaanxi712100, China Academic Reviewer 2014-todate Reviewer, Molecular Biology Reports, Netherlands Journal 2012-todate Reviewer, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (Repbulic Of Croatia) 2011-todate Reviewer, Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society APCBEES Currently completed Research project As a Principal Investigator (PI) 2012-13 No: PM-IPFP/HRD/HEC/2012/3560. Molecular marker optimization and utilization for determining the SNPs in MyoD gene family & their associations with meat quality traits in Sindhi indigenous cattle‟s. 0.5 Million PKR-PI-Dr.Javed Ahmed Ujan 2 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 Previous Grant Support As a PhD research student worked in the following Research Projects of my Supervisor. 1. China, National 973 programs (2006CB102105) 2. China, National Eleventh five year Science &Technology support program of Shaanxi Province (2006BAD01A10-3) 3. National „„863‟‟ Program of China (2006AA10Z1A1, 2008AA101010, and 2010AA10Z101) 4. Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team (IRT0940) 500,000 RMB 5. The „„13115‟‟ Scientific and Technological Innovation Program of Shaanxi Province (2007ZDCY- 01) Teaching Experience at Department of Zoology, Shah Abdul Latif University BS/M.Sc Classes 2014 2014 2013 2012-14 2012-13 Zool 511(3+1): Developmental Biology Zool 507(3+1): Genetics Zool 416(3+1): Animal form & Function. Zool 500(3+1): Cell & Molecular Biology. Zool : Immunology(3+1). Zool 320 (3+1): Principles of Animal Life. Zool 412(3+1): Animal Diversity. Note: General number of enrolled students for BS-Part I&II is 80, whereas for BS-Part III, IV, M.Sc previous and M.Sc Final is 120. M.Phil/MS Classes 2012-14 2014 Zool 709 (4): Molecular Genetics Zool 704(4): Endocrinology PhD Classes 2013-14 2014 Zool Zool (4): Advances in Developmental biology (4): Biotechnology HEC Approved Supervisor Since 2013 , im working as a HEC Approved PhD Supervisor in the Department of Zoology, Shah Abdul latif University, Khairpur and Produced following (02) MS/M. Phil students. 1. Mr.Tanveer Ahmed Soomro 2. Ms. Maria Khushbakht 3 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 3. Following students are enrolled to undertake their PhD and M. Phil work under my supervision: 1. M.Yunis Jogi-PhD 2. Gh. Jaffar Kanhar-PhD (Co-Supervisor) 3. Mr.Tanveer Ahmed Soomro 4. Ms.Maria Sahotra 5. Ms. Abida Awan 6. Ms.Samia Sarki 7. Abdul Maitlo 8. Shahid Ali Jakhrani Technical Expertise Genetic Analysis of Human Abnormalities Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Poly Acryl amide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Marker-Assisted Selection in cattle for candidate genes controlling the meat quality & production traits PCR_SSCP Technology for screening the meat quality genes and association analysis RT-PCR technology for gene expression and molecular characterization of MyoD family genes Molecular Data Analysis and Interpretation by using computer software‟s Statistical-analytical tools such as SPSS and MEGA Blast. Languages and Computer Skills 1. English (Excellent), Chinese (Excellent), Urdu (Excellent), Sindhi (Excellent) 2. MS Office, Research software‟s and Hardware Other Curricular and Co-Curricular activities 1. General Secretary, Society for Animal Sciences. (Regd.), Faculty of Bio-sciences, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan during 2005-2007. 2. TV Drama Actor: Chinese play- Tang bo ku dian qiu xiang (唐伯虎点秋香).Performed at Northwest A& F University, Yangling China (September 2009). 3. AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW TO THE CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL at Beijing and was simultaneously broadcasted throught Pakistan and whole world on FM 93, 1422MWand is available at (Embasidar of Pakistan at China Dr Masood Khan directed the Naveed Chohan for Interview due to outstanding and excellent performance awards from Northwest A&F University,China. 4 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 Collaborations 1. Prof. Dr.Zanlinsen, Director / Dean, College of Animal Sciences, Northwest A&F University, China 2. Dr.Abdul Hameed, Principal Scientific Officer, Institute of Biomedical & Genetic Engineering, Islamabad, Pakistan 3. Dr.Wahid Bux Jatoi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pakistan 4. Dr.Hadi Bux Bozidar, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan 5. Prof. Dr.Yasmeen Faiz Kazi, Dean Faculty of Natural Sciences, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pakistan 6. Prof. Dr. Pir Bux Ghumero, Department of Microbiology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pakistan 7. Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Khanhar, Department of Microbiology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pakistan Invited Lectures (last 05 years) conferences 2015 35th International Congress of Zoology, International, to be held at Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of Karachi, Pakistan from March 1-4, 2015. Zoology, Accepted for March 2015. 2014 4th International Conference on Environmental, Biomedical and Biotechnology (ICEBB), Nottingham, United Kingdom, July 4-5. 2013 Applications of Molecular Biology in Agriculture and Medicine,Which was held On August 20-22, 2013 at Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan 2012 The 31st IUBS General Assembly and Conference on Biological Sciences and Bioindustry.(International society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS) & China National committee for International Union of Biological Sciences (CCIUBS) at SuZhou, China, 5-9 July, 2012. 2012 2nd Realtime PCR Workshop, held at University Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan during 4th-7th September. 2012 Bio-Vision Alexandria .Nxt 2012, organized by the Academy of Sciences developing World (TWAS) and Arab regional office (TWAS-ARO) and Centre for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP) at the Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, 21-22 April. 5 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 2011 19th Animal Science Days Symposium in Primston,Croatia was held from September 19-September23. 2011 International Conference o n Asia Agriculture and Animal (IPCBEE), this was held on July 03 -04 at HongKong. 2011 International Workshop on Beef Cattle Improvement and Industrialization Which was held on May 8-10 at Yangling,Shaanxi, China. International/National Conferences/Workshops Participated 2011 International Conference On “Animal Embryo Breeding and Development Planning” 6 t h -7 t h April, 2011, Organized B y Collage of Animal Sciences & Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shanxi, And P.R.China. 2011 International Training Course: New trends and Methodology in Animal ecology & Conservation Biology (August 15-Setember 5,20111).orgainzed by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Beijing,China 2010 International Training Workshop On “Technology And Utilization of Biomass Gasification” From September 1, 2011 To September 20, at Liaoning Institute Of Energy Resources, P.R.China. 2010 International Workshop On “Lipid Metabolism In Beef Cattle Adipose Tissue Differentiation During Growth ”October 28-30, 2010 Organized B y Coll ege Of Animal Sciences & Technology, Northwest A&F Universit y, Yangling , Shanxi, And P.R.China. 2010 International Workshop On “The Nutritional Management Of Dairy and Feed Lot Cattle” November26-24 Organized B y Collage Of Animal Sciences & Technology, Northwest A&F Universit y, Yangling, Shanxi, And P.R.China. 2010 International Training Workshop On Agricultural Environment Controlling Techniques” From Aug 19 t h To Sep 7 t h , at Yangling International Exchange Centre, P.R.China. 2009 International Training Workshop On “Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine” From Jul y 15,2009 To August 3, 6 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 at Lanzhoou Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Pharmaceutical, C AAS, P.R. China. International Training On “Biosecurit y And Food Safet y 2008 Enhancement Program” During February/March, b y Dr. Aftab Iqbal ,Visiting Higher Education Commision Professor at Quaid -IAzam University Islamabad Pakistan. 2008 International Thematic Workshop On “Nano-Medicine: The Use of Nano Particals In Medical Diagnostics” From 13th -20th March, Jointly Organized by OIC, Comstech & Higher Education Commission (HEC) held at Comstech Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2008 International Workshop On “Bioethics Education In Pakistan: “Necessit y Or Luxury” From 27th -29th Mar Jointly Organized By Oic, Comstech & Higher Education Commision (Hec) Held At Comsats Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan. Publications [1] Javed Ahmed Ujan, Abdul Hameed, Yasmeen Faiz Kazi, Abdul M. Shaikh, Aziz Ahmed Ujan, Identification of Novel SNPs and Evaluation of Allelic Frequencies of MyoD Gene in Pakistani cattle breeds, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 35th Pakistan Congress of ZoologyMarch1 -4, 2015. [2] Tanveer Ahmed Soomro, Javed Ahmed Ujan, Maria Sahortra, Association Between Aging, Apoptosis And Related Dysregulations, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 11, November-2014. [3] Tanveer Ahmed Soomro, Javed Ahmed Ujan, Maria Sahortra, Yasmeen Faiz Kazi Biological warfare and Bioterrorism, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Volume 5, Issue 12,December-2014 [4] Javed A. Ujan, Abdul M. Shaikh, Abdul W. Jatoi, and Miandad Zardari. (2014). Identification of the SNPs in MyoD Gene and Their Associations in Pakistani Indigenous Cattle’s. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 2014 7 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 [5] Ujan. J. A, Zan, L. S, Wei. Shengjuan, C. ADOLIGBE. Wang, H.B. (2011). Meat tenderness and water holding capacity are associated with a 959 A G mutation in the MyoG gene of Chinese indigenous cattle. A.J.Biotech Vol. 10(29), PP. 5654-5660. SCI [6] Ujan. J. A, Zan, L. S, Ujan. S. A, Wang.H.B. (2011). Back fat thickness and meat tenderness are associated with a 526 T→A mutation in the exon1 promoter region of the MyF-5 gene in Chinese Bos tarus. Genet. Mol. Res. 10 (4): 3070-3079 (2011). SCI Impact factor :1.03 [7] Ujan. J. A, Zan, L. S, S. A. Ujan. H .B. Wang. (2011). Association between polymorphism of MyF-5 gene with meat quality traits in indigenous Chinese cattle breeds. 2011 International Conference on Asia Agriculture and Animal IPCBEE vol.13 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapoore. Impact factor :0.56 [8] J.A. Ujan, L.S. Zan, Shengjuan Wei, H.B. Wang, C. ADOLIGBE, S.A.Ujan. (2011). Genetic polymorphism of MyoG gene and its relationship with meat quality traits in Chinese cattle population. 2011 International Workshop on beef cattle improvement and industrialization in China. Vol :( 1), 159-167.Organized by NWSUAF and NBCIC during may 8-10, 2011. [9] Ujan. J. A, Zan, L. S, Ujan. S. A, Wang. H. B. (2011). The effect of Myogenic factor 5 polymorphism on the meat quality in Chinese Bost Taurus Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus.Vol:6(4).373-377.SCI Impact Factor: 0.76 [10] Ujan. J. A, Zan, L. S, Wang .H.B, ADOLIGBE .C, Wang. H.C, Biao .S.F. Xin, Z. (2011). Lack of an association between single nucleotide polymorphism in the bovine Myogenic Determination (MyoD1) gene and meat quality traits in Qinchuan cattle. Genet. Mol. Res. 10 (2): 2213-2222 (2011). SCI Impact factor :1.03 [11] Gao Li, Ujan.Javed.Ahmed, Zan linsen, Huangpu.Yifan, Xue mei, camus. (2011). A Novel Polymorphism of Resistin Gene and Its Association with Meat Quality Traits in Chinese Bos taurus. A.J.Biotech. Vol. 10(57), pp. 12252-12256. SCI Impact factor :0.56 [12] Ying-Ying Zhang, Lin-Sen Zan, Hong-Bao Wang, Ya-Ping Xin, C. M. Adoligbe and J. A.Ujan Effect of sex on meat quality characteristics of Qinchuan cattle. A.J.Biotech Vol. 9 (28), pp. 4504-4509, 12 July, 2010. SCI Impact factor :0.56 [13] ADOLIGBE .C, Zan, L. S, Wang .H.B, Ujan.J.A. (2011). A novel polymorphism of GDF10 gene and its association with body measurement traits in Chinese indigenous cattle. Genet. Mol. Res. 10 (2): 988-995. SCI Impact factor: 1.03 [14] Wei.Shengjuan, Zan, L. S, Ujan. Javed. Ahmed, and Yang ,Yanjie. (2011). Novel polymorphism in the fifth exon of the bovine FTO gene are related to backfat thickness and longissimus muscle area in five Chinese native cattle breed types. A.J.Biotech Vol. 10(15), pp. 2820-2824. SCI Impact factor: 0.56 8 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 [15] C. Adoligbe, Linsen Zan, S. Farougou, Hongbao Wang & J. A. Ujjan. Bovine GDF10 gene polymorphism analysis and its association with body measurement traits in Chinese indigenous cattle. Mol Biol Rep. DOI 10.1007/s11033-011-1188-1. SCI Impact factor: 2.5 [16] Wang Hongcheng, Zan Linsen , Song Fubiao,Wang Hongbao, Ujan.J.A, Zhong Xin, Xin Yaping. (2011).The Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Microsatellite Loci in Qinchuan Cattle. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 27(11):10-14. [17] W.Q. Tian, H.C. Wang, F.B. Song, L.S. Zan, H. Wang, H.B. Wang, Y.P. Xin and J.A. Ujan. (2011). Association between a single nucleotide polymorphism in the bovine chemerin gene and carcass traits in Qinchuan cattle. Genet. Mol. Res. 10 (4): 2833-2840 (2011). SCI Impact factor: 1.03 [18] Wang Hongcheng, Zan, Linsen. Song Fubiao, Ujan J. A, Zhong Xin and Xin Yaping. (2011).The Analysis of Gentic Diversity of Microsatellite Loci in Qinchuan Cattle. Vol. 27(11), PP. 10-14. Chinese language Published International papers: Author has also published 05 international articles at Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi,China [1] Wo de zhong guo liu xue sheng huo-bei zhao ji man man lai! 我的中国留学生活——别着急,慢慢来! 西北农林科技大学校报 贾伟德 2010年 3月 5 日 [2] liu xue xi nong shou huo duo 留学西农收获多 西北农林科技大学校报贾伟德 2011年1月13日 [3] Wo zai nong lin ke ji da xue guo zhong guo nian de gu shi 我在农林科技大学过中国年的故事) 西北农林科技大学校报贾伟德 2011年2月2日 [4] 让风筝飞得更高、更远 rang feng zheng fei de gen gao gen yuan 西北农林科技大学国际学院 贾伟德2011年04月15日 [5] 2010-2011 xue nian du xue sheng xian jin biao zhang ji xinnian yin yue hui 2010- 2011学年度学生先进表彰暨新年音乐会 西北农林科技大学国际学院 贾伟德 2011 年 12 月 21 日 9 Curriculum vitae 16-08-14 Names of Referees 1. Prof. Dr. Zanlinsen, Vice Dean College Of Animal Sciences & Technology, Northwest A&F Universit y And Director Of National Beef Cattle Improvement Centre In Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China Yangling, Shanxi, And P.R.China. Email: [email protected] Tel: +86- 2987091923 Fax: +86- 2987092164 2. Prof. Dr. Yasmin Faiz Kazi , Dean faculty of Natural Sciences, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur mirs , Sindh, Pakistan Email: [email protected] Tel: +92- 2439280078 10
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