Traditional Service - Bethel Lutheran Church

Bethel Lutheran Church
607 6 Street N., Wahpeton, North Dakota 58075
(701) 642-4472 Fax: (701) 642-2477
Bethel Lutheran Mission Statement
Bethel Lutheran Church is a community of believers called by God to invite all people into a living relationship with Jesus Christ, build them up in the faith, and send
them out to be witnesses in word and deed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What does it mean when the pastor welcomes us to worship? It means
Bethel Lutheran Church family extends a special welcome to those who are single,
married, or divorced. It means we want to welcome the filthy rich as well as the dirt
poor and all in-between. We want to welcome those children who are crying or soon
will be. It means you are welcome if you can sing like an angel or plan to lip synch
your way through every hymn. You are welcome here if you’re “just browsing,” just
woke up or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you’re more Lutheran than Old Martin or haven’t been to worship in who knows how long. We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but have not grown up yet as well as to teenagers who
are growing up too fast. We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists,
tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, and junk-food eaters. We welcome those
who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems or
you’re down in the dumps or if you don’t like “organized religion” because we’ve
been there too. If you blew all your offering money at the casino, you are welcome
here. We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, work too hard,
don’t work, can’t spell, or because Grandma is in town and guilted you into going to
worship. We welcome those who are inked, pierced or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your
throat as a kid or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We follow a
strange and wonderful Lord who welcomes everyone so we at Bethel strive to do the
In other words… WE WELCOME YOU!
In Service Today
Communion Assist:
Coffee Hour:
Rev. Julé Ballinger; Rev. Erika Buller; Rev. Jim Gustafson
All baptized members of Christ’s Church
Mary Jane Pauly
Terry & Suzanne Pehl; Keath & Cindy Borchert
Ione Muralt
Sonja Christensen; Donna Marohl
Kathy Johnson; Rikki Townsend
Sunday, 9:00 —168
Wednesday, 6:30 pm —19
*Narrative Lectionary Worship resources Copyright© 2015 Clergy Stuff
Psalm of Praise
July 5, 2015
Time after Pentecost
Welcome and Announcements
Confession and Forgiveness
“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
pg. 94-96
ELW #858
L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
C: And also with you
Hymn of Praise
“Glory to God. . .”
pg 203
pg 204
*Prayer of the Day
L: Let us pray… Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!
You have done so many things that we cannot do. Your goodness
extends even beyond our ability to see. Receive our praise for all
that you do and for all that you are! Amen.
Psalm 146
Children’s Message
Pastor Erika Buller
Special Music
Cyndy Gustafson
Pastor Erika Buller
Hymn of the Day
“When Peace Like a River”
ELW #785
“O Beautiful for Spacious Skies”
ELW #888
(received during the hymn)
(The “noisy offering” will benefit the Food Pantry)
“We Give Thee but Thine Own”
Apostles’ Creed
ELW #686
pg. 105
Remember to Pray for . . .
Healing: Mark Loock (hospice)
Warren Stokes
Cora Lovdokken
Sharon Bjerkager
Charlie Bellmore
Prayers of the People
Sharing of the Peace
Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
L: Go in peace. Serve the Lord. Be the love.
C: Thanks be to God.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen.
Communion (Processional)
(All who believe in Christ’s presence in the sacrament are welcome to the Lord’s Table. Communion will be distributed in a continuous fashion. Please come forward using the side aisles
and return to your seat by way of the middle aisle. Gluten free wafers available, tell the Pastor at the altar. Please indicate if you prefer grape juice instead of wine.)
Communion Hymns (sung during communion distribution)
“You Satisfy the Hungry Heart”
ELW #484
“Eat This Bread”
ELW #472
Adam Loepp
Leona Hektner
Phyllis Folstad
Adam Erickson
Melvin Manock
Millie Putman
Doug Skarp
Carol Manock
Joan Bliss
Michelle Eberhardt
Madeline Miller
Richard Arenstein
Morris Dimmer (brother of Paul Dimmer)
Pat Holdeman (sister of Cyndy Gustafson)
Rodney Wurgler (father of Cheri Berge)
Jan Townsend (mother of Jay Townsend)
Ernie Mekash (father of Colleen Krohn)
Irene Metzen (grandmother of Stacy Owens)
Preston Young
Becky Shay (aunt of Jay Townsend)
Martin Deichert (brother-in-law of Linda Miller)
Kimberly Schadewald (friend of Katie Skelton)
Cameren Nelson (grandson of Charlie & Jan Bellmore)
Hunter Oehlke (grandson of Paul & Char Oehlke)
Andrea Christensen (daughter-in-law of Sonja Christensen)
Nursing Home Residents & Shut-Ins; Richland & Wilkin County Jail Inmates
Military: George Erickson—air force—assigned overseas
Add or update prayer list by notifying the church office (642-4472). Thanks.
Altar flowers in memory of Kenneth Putman
given by Millie Putman