FEBRUARY 8, 2015 If you are visiting today, thank you for being our guest. We would love to meet you in the Andrew Welcome Center for coffee and a gift after the service. We trust you will be encouraged in our worship service and that your heart will be drawn closer to Christ as a result of the time you’ve shared with us here at Bethel. MORNING SERVICE 10:30 AM Welcome, Announcements, and Prayer Hymn 239 In Christ Alone Choir Honored, Glorified, Exalted Hymn 38 Blessed Be The Name Hymn Behold Our God Offering Katie VanderKooi Hymn 144 Day By Day Testimony in Song – Mixed Octet We Preach Christ Message Steve Pettit, President of BJU EVENING SERVICE 6:00 PM Welcome, Announcements, and Prayer Men’s Quartet Zion’s Walls Chorus 620 Rejoice In The Lord, Always 4th-6th Grades Children’s Choir Choir and Hymn of the Month Come, Behold The Wondrous Mystery Offertory Jonathan Panlilio Hymn 343 Rescue The Perishing Message Steve Pettit, President of BJU IN THE BOOKSTORE: Are you in need of encouragement to seek after God with your whole heart? In A Place of Quiet Rest, Nancy Leigh DeMoss shares from her heart and life how a daily devotional time can change your relationship with Jesus forever. The God of the universe created us for fellowship with Himself! We realize this and even long for that sweet intimacy with God, but it often seems out of reach. Yet even in the busyness of daily life, we hear those whispers calling us to sit at Jesus’ feet. Stop in today and save forty percent on this book of encouragement. Today, we welcome Steve Pettit, President of Bob Jones University to Bethel. He will be speaking in the morning and evening services and will also speak to our SCS teens in Chapel tomorrow at 9 a.m. Now is the time to return the TLC Crisis Pregnancy Center baby bottles. The bottles can be returned to the Information Desk or the church office anytime this week. Thank you for your support. You are invited to attend the Senior Recital of Riley Cummings and Angela Chen. Angela and Riley are seniors at Schaumburg Christian School. The recital is in the auditorium on Thursday, February 12, at 7 p.m. SERMON NOTES Steve Pettit, President of Bob Jones University Title: ____________________________________ Scripture: ________________________________ ___________________________________________________ A shower is planned for the BBC Nurseries! Invitations are available at the Ladies Table in the lobby. The nursery is registered at Target as Bethel Baptist Church. Gifts and donations should be dropped off in the church lobby on next Sunday, February 15, or on Sunday, February 22. ___________________________________________________ Open enrollment for the 2015/2016 school year at SCS has begun. Enroll your student before March 2 and receive a $60 discount. For more information, call the school office at 847-885-3230 x 3020. ___________________________________________________ Good Grief, Charlie Brown will be performed by 3rd and 4th grade ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ classes of SCS on Friday, February 20, at 7 p.m. Come join us for an exciting evening of fun and entertainment. ___________________________________________________ Widows Together With God have a meeting planned for Saturday, ___________________________________________________ February 21, at 10 a.m. in the Michael Room. Please speak with Sharon Connor or Rachel Whisnant for more information. Mr. & Mrs. David Jaspers request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Katie Elizabeth, to Gary Parker as they unite in marriage on Saturday, February 21, at 1:30 p.m. at Ridgewood Baptist Church, Joliet. Please confirm your RSVP at the Information Desk today. Missionary Eric & Christine Mossman will be with us on March 1. If you would like to host a meal for them, please speak to Kathy Mayer. On March 12, L.I.F.T. will be putting together care packages for our college kids. We would love for you to get involved by donating the items to send to them. A list of items needed is available at the Ladies Table. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ George and Barbara Manseau would like to thank everyone for the many kind expressions of sympathy, prayers, and cards received from the Bethel family upon the passing of George’s mother. Please continue to pray for the Manseau family during these difficult days. ___________________________________________________ The Wednesday night dinner begins at 5 p.m. this Wednesday. All meals are $2/person or $10/family. The menu for February 11: Personal Pan Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni), Salad, Drink, and Cookie. ___________________________________________________ WEEKLY AND YEAR-TO-DATE GIVING Weekly Budgeted Giving $29,471 Year-to-Date Budget $884,135 Actual Giving (1/25) $28,869 Year-to-Date Actual $822,339 __________________________ Surplus (Deficit) (1/25) ($53,602) Surplus(Deficit)(1/25)($ 61,796) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
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