PASTOR’S PAGE Dear Fellow Disciples at Bethlehem, Three things this month: a transition, a possibility, and a prayer. 1. A Transition Pastor Melanie Haack is resigning as visitation pastor effective July 1, 2015. She has been part-time at St. James, Bradner for several years, quarter-time with us since 2011, and in the last few years has been serving also at St. Mark’s, Bowling Green. An opportunity has emerged for her to increase her time at St. Mark’s and she has gladly accepted their offer. Please see page 3 of this newsletter for Pastor Melanie’s resignation letter and plans for this transition. Goodbyes are important! In the near future, I will need all the help I can get with our ongoing visitation ministry. The good news is that the church has wrestled with this need before and has wisdom for us. Read Acts 6:1-7. 2. A Possibility We have an exciting possibility to prayerfully consider: being a supervisory site for a pastoral intern for this coming fall and next program year (late August 2015 – August 2016). In late April, I was contacted by Pastor Cathy Schibler, assistant to our Bishop, about Bethlehem being an internship site for a local pastoral intern for 2015-2016. After praying about this possibility personally and with the Congregation Council, it is now time for us to consider it as a congregation. On pages 4-6 of this newsletter, you will find lots of information to read. It is important to note that Bethlehem (as a congregation) and I (as a supervisor) were sought out by those who guide our local seminary students and that Bethlehem is considered to be an ideal congregation for this intern candidate. I have asked our vision and mission team to be in prayer about this for a few weeks and I personally have been praying as well. The idea was presented to the congregation council on May 19 and we would like to invite the congregation to consider this possibility. I invite you to read the attached documents and to prayerfully consider how the Holy Spirit is leading Bethlehem. We will have open forums for questions and conversation in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, June 7 and Sunday, June 14 following morning worship. On Sunday, June 21, 2015, following morning worship, we will have a congregational meeting for the sole purpose of deciding whether or not we should more forward with this seminary internship possibility. 3. A Prayer Both this transition and this possibility invite us to practice what we have been encouraging all year: the spiritual practice of praying to seek God’s guidance daily. I invite your prayers over these things as we discern how the Holy Spirit is guiding us. As you pray, please read Acts 6:1-7 and Ephesians 4:1-16. Then watch this video that Pastor Jim Miller shared with me: (Lesson 1: Ordered Ministry). It comes from the Presbyterian tribe, but will be helpful to us as well. In Christ, Pastor Matt Musteric Page 1 - June/July 2015 Our Vision: Called by the Holy Spirit, we are a fully-devoted fellowship of believers, called to grow as disciples and sent to make disciples, who are engaged in spiritual growth by: 1. PRAYING daily 3. WORSHIPING weekly (from May) FOR HEALING AND HOPE (Members): Karen O’Brien, Karen Williams, Gay Holcomb, Earl Matthews, Virginia Shammo, Mary Vestal, Beverly Bockbrader FOR HEALING AND HOPE (Family and friends): Pastor Bridgett Clark, Bill Pylant, Mary Selma Marten, Phyllis Knopp, Jennie Lemaster, Lorrain Ross, Deb Omler, Sarah (Witker) Rupert This June and July we will be making our way through the book of Nehemiah and listening for God’s Word to us. 4. Connecting regularly in SMALL GROUPS IN CELEBRATION OF THE BIRTH of Aubree Grace Wasserman PRISCILLA CIRCLE will meet on Monday, June 8, 7 p.m., in the church lounge. FOR THE BAPTIZED: Talissah Dann SUNDAY EVENINGS, in the Fellowship Hall, after the 6 p.m. meal, we are studying the book “Love as a Way of Life” by Chapman. FOR THE GRIEVING: For the families of Hazel Ellis, Glen Dierksheide FOR ALL YOUTH; FOR OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN; FOR OUR CHURCH FOR OUR BISHOPS: Marcus Lohrmann, Elizabeth Eaton FOR LOCAL MISSIONS: After School Youth Club, Snack Pack Program, Good Samaritan Fund, Community Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, The Linen Closet MEN’S BIBLE STUDY and prayer group meets at First United Presbyterian (106 Perry St.), every Thursday at 7 p.m. MARY CIRCLE meets at First United Presbyterian (106 Perry St.) on the third Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY with prayer and breakfast meets at First United Presbyterian (106 Perry St.) the first and third Saturdays at 10 a.m. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER meets every Tuesday at Barb Forbe’s house (OPV, 806 Rose Court) at 7 p.m. 2. Reading the BIBLE daily If you wish to form your own small group, please let the office know so we can share this information with others. 5. GIVING generously June 1: Proverbs 1 June 2: Proverbs 2 June 3: Proverbs 3 June 4: Proverbs 4 June 5: Proverbs 5 June 6: Proverbs 6 June 7: Nehemiah 1:1-11 June 8: Proverbs 7 June 9: Proverbs 8 June 10: Proverbs 9 June 11: Proverbs 10 June 12: Proverbs 11 June 13: Proverbs 12 June 14: Nehemiah 2:1-10 June 15: Proverbs 13 June 16: Proverbs 14 June 17: Proverbs 15 June 18: Proverbs 16 June 19: Proverbs 17 June 20: Proverbs 18 June 21: Nehemiah 2:10-20 June 22: Proverbs 19 June 23: Proverbs 20 June 24: Proverbs 21 June 25: Proverbs 22 June 26: Proverbs 23 June 27: Proverbs 24 June 28: Nehemiah 4:1-23 June 29: Proverbs 25 June 30: Proverbs 26 3. WORSHIPING weekly Worship Attendance (includes evenings): Maundy Thursday: 118 Good Friday: 108 Easter Vigil: 43 April 5 (Easter): 423 April 12: 212 April 19: 200 April 26: 189 May 3: 124 May 10: 194 May 17 (Confirmation): 294 Bethlehem’s Financial Giving as of April 2015: General Fund Income (Year-to-date) Budget Actual Difference $112,260 $104,956 ($7,304) Benevolence Fund (Year-to-date) Actual Difference Budget $13,332 $19,421 $4,089 6. SERVING Others (YTD) Community Food Pantry: 115 family visits Food Vouchers to IGA given out: 108 Good Samaritan Fund: helped 19 families Sack Lunch: 179 lunches with bottled water Snack Pack (weekend food): helped 190 families 7. WITNESSING at every opportunity Have you had spiritual conversations with your neighbors lately? Whom are you inviting to worship? Bible study? Page 2 - June/July 2015 Pastor Melanie will be Saying Goodbye May 18, 2015 Greetings in the Name of Christ! I’m writing to let you know I’m ending my service as your Visitation Pastor effective July 1. Just for your information: I’ll continue to be your neighbor. My ministry with St. James in Bradner continues and I’ll be expanding my hours of ministry at St. Mark’s, Bowling Green—a little closer to my home. Since 2011, I’ve treasured the opportunity to get to know you in so many ways. I’ve been blessed by you as Christ has blessed us all: • It’s been a great joy to get to know the many homebound and nursing care members, and share the Sacrament, conversation and love, including those at our monthly Lutheran service at Otterbein; • I’ve prayed with and for the many who were hospitalized and was relieved when they bounced back to health and returned home; • I’ve walked with the grieving; • I’ve gotten to know so many of you around Bethlehem during the activities that make Bethlehem as alive as ever and; • I’ve been inspired by the warm and expanding family of the 5:00 p.m. Sunday service. I’ve been privileged to share the Word and Sacrament at this service as well as many meals after. Bethlehem is blessed to have a large and energetic group of leaders. Keep up the faithful work! I want to thank the council for their visionary leadership, the staff for their hard work, often behind the scenes, and their creative ways of expanding the ministry of Christ in Pemberville. Mostly I want to thank Pastor Matt Musteric for his never ending positive attitude and energy. He has remained focused on teaching us all how to grow in faith: through prayer, Scripture, the Sacraments, the Word, gathering through worship, cooperating with local churches and teaching us how we can live as Disciples of Christ in the 21st Century. He lives out what he teaches. I will be praying for you now and in the future and I look forward to running into each other in our mutual neighborhoods of Pemberville, Bradner and Bowling Green. You might even run into me at the Pemberville Fair this summer. I’m sure I’ll be there. Pastor Melanie Haack Please join me in giving thanks for Pastor Melanie’s ministry among us! We have tentatively scheduled her farewell to be Sunday, June 28, 2015, following the 5 pm evening worship service. -Pastor Matt In the meantime, you can send her cards and good wishes: Pastor Melanie Haack 1629 Juniper Drive, Apt. #79 Bowling Green, OH 43402 Page 3 - June/July 2015 What is a Seminary Intern? At Luther Seminary, internship is a core learning component in the formation of pastors and Christian Public Leaders. An internship provides leadership experience under the supervision of a pastor who serves as the student’s contextual educator and exemplar in pastoral ministry. Its dual aim is (a) a developmental process of vocational formation and (b) growth in competence in the various skills of ministry practice. During internship, the student will serve in the role of a pastoral intern, engage in the full range of ministry and professional experiences, hone knowledge and skills in proclaiming God's promise in a variety of ways, join in the work of forming new communities, and/or equipping existing communities to love and serve their neighbors. As part of internship, students will complete a major project that deepens learning of particular leadership skills. These projects could include areas such as administration, leadership, stewardship, conflict resolution, revitalization, and ecumenism. Whatever the area of focus, the project will be designed to support the ministry of the congregation, its connection the surrounding community and will enhance the learning goals of the intern. Interns are expected to have opportunities to participate in the full breadth of pastoral ministry – preaching, teaching (adult, youth and children) pastoral care, worship leadership and planning, administration and finances, program planning and implementation, evangelism, and so on. The intern meets weekly with the supervising pastor to talk about ministry leadership, theological reflection and the development of pastoral identity and skills. This is separate from the more regular check-ins about event planning, preaching schedule, calendaring and so on. It is also expected that there will be a committee of five to eight congregational members who meet monthly with the intern. Committee members, who have been invited by the supervising pastor to serve in this role, agree to serve as a place of support and hospitality to the intern (and their family) and to offer timely and productive feedback. This feedback takes place conversations with the intern and by way of two written evaluations at the midpoint and at the end of the internship year. Committee members can expect to learn, grow and at times struggle together as you help the intern and each other develop your unique ministry in the context of the congregation and your own lives. Throughout the year, the seminary staff member assigned to oversee the internship will read the online learning goals, project proposal and report, as well as the evaluations from the intern, supervisor and internship committee. There will also be opportunities for phone or Skype check-ins with the intern and supervisor, as well as with the internship committee (if desired) during the year. Luther Seminary and the Contextual Learning staff welcome the opportunity to partner with congregations that are willing to serve as a teaching site, offering opportunities and experiences for a student to learn and lead in ministry. Page 4 - June/July 2015 Internship Cost Summary for 2015-2016 Stipend: $16,800 ($1,400/mo) Car/Mileage: IRS standard rate. Work Expenses: By agreement between supervisor and intern. Cluster Meetings: Cost borne by congregation. New Supervisor Workshop: Done as a conference call or online forum FICA: $1,285. Travel Pool: $500 – billed by Luther Seminary after the internship begins (this is paid by all congregations regardless of whether the intern is moving for the internship year). Admin Fee: $1000 – billed by Luther Seminary after the internship begins Total Cost (excluding reimbursed mileage & work expenses) : $19,585 Read More About It You can read more details about what a seminary insternship is at Luther Seminary's web pages: Luther Seminary Main Internship Site Application Process Basic Expectations of Internship Sites Financial Matters The Lay Internship Committee The Lay Internship Committee Guide (PDF): Lay_Committee_Guide.pdf Page 5 - June/July 2015 Intern Candidate Eric Johnson Greetings in Christ! My name is Eric Johnson and I am a candidate for Ordained Ministry of Word and Sacrament in the ELCA and a student at Luther Seminary in the Distributive Learning program. I am excited about the possibility of serving as intern pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church! I have spent my entire life here in Northwest Ohio and am a graduate of Bowling Green State University with a degree in communication. Prior to seminary, I worked in the private sector in sales, marketing, and management for three companies: Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Sysco Food Services, and Fifth Third Bank. While these careers were a blessing to me, I have known since I was 18 that I was called to occupational ministry. I come from a diverse faith background, having grown up Presbyterian, leaving the church at 15, coming back to faith and serving as a volunteer with Young Life after high school, and being involved in youth and young adult ministry in more Evangelical settings. When I began my current position as Director of College Ministry at Threshold Church, I was challenged for the first time to become more theologically grounded. Over time, I found myself very much at home within the Lutheran tradition, which led to discernment regarding ordination and eventual entrance into the candidacy process. Along the way, I met an amazing woman of God who would become my wife. Laura and I have been married for almost five years and have two beautiful daughters, Emma (two years old) and Leah (3 months old). Laura is a fourth grade teacher in Perrysburg at Toth Elementary and was raised in the Methodist tradition. Throughout our marriage, we have served as partners in ministry. Laura is a great support and encouragement to me, as well as being an incredible mommy to our girls. Without her, I would not be the man I am today, and I am so blessed that God brought us together. In ministry, I am passionate about seeing God’s people live into their baptismal identities, grow as disciples in the context of community, and participate in God’s mission in the world. I love to preach as well as sit with others in discernment over how God is speaking into their lives and how they will faithfully respond. I am particularly interested at this stage of my life in ministry amongst families and how the Church might foster family faith formation, both in the congregational setting as well as in the home. I am hopeful that there will be opportunities during internship to lean into this interest in a way that will bless the congregation I am serving. Thank you again for this opportunity to share more about myself and my journey. I look forward to the possibility of future conversations! In Christ, Eric Johnson Page 6 - June/July 2015 VBS GROW VBS TRAINING will be held on May 30, at 9 a.m., or June 4, at 7 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in helping please attend one of the above meetings. MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST/BIBLE STUDY All men of the congregation & community are invited to participate. Contact: Don Gerke (419-287-3873) We will meet on Saturday, June 6, at 7 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. We will not meet in July or August. Vacation Bible School 2015 June 8-12 8:30-11:45 a.m. Come follow Jesus through his hometown of Nazareth this summer at Bethlehem! We’ll meet Jesus’ mother, learn about his childhood, and follow him to see God working in our own lives every day. Bible stories, great music, snacks, crafts, games and service projects will help us learn more about Jesus and share his love with everyone we meet. Please bring a plain white t-shirt to decorate, and a baby item to donate to the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center. Register online at: Parish Ed will be having a meeting Wednesday, June 3, at 6 p.m. to discuss the 2015 Christmas program. Anyone interested is invited to attend. We will be discussing/deciding: Who? What? Where? When? Please bring your thoughts and ideas. SIGN UP FOR COFFEE HOUR HOST Please visit: to sign-up. A hard copy of this sign-up sheet is available at church in the hallway, if you want to check it when at church. You may also call Marlene Meyer at 419-287-4671 or the church office to get your name put on the list. Thank you for your willingness to serve and support this fellowship opportunity! NEWSLETTERS 2015 High School Graduates From Woodmore: From Eastwood: Sierra Corns Todd Eisenhour James Gentry Jonathan Heckman, Timothy Hoodlebrink Julie Barbee Zachary Jacoby Katelyn Lang Rebecca Lang If you wish to be able to read your newsletter online please let the office know and we will remove you from our post office mailing list. We will email you the link to the newsletter every month where you can read it online or print it off. There will be no attachments. Please email the office if you wish to receive the newsletter this way: [email protected]. Thank you. Page 7 - June/July 2015 SERVE COUNCIL APRIL 21, 2015 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women BLCW KNOTTING DATES: Join us in tying blankets for Lutheran World Relief and local nursing homes on Tuesdays, June 23 and July 28, at 9 a.m., in the basement. BOARD MEETING: No meetings in June or July. WE COLLECT: Knit Crosheen thread, used eyeglasses, used hearing aids, UPC codes, cell phones, and more. Please look in the BLCW handbook for more information. COLLECTIONS of items can be dropped off in the Mission Action Center (room 111). PRICELESS PANCAKES Serving FREE pancakes on Saturday, June 27 and July 25, from 8-11 a.m. at First United Presbyterian Church in Pemberville (106 Perry St.). Carry outs available. Share fellowship and a free meal. Volunteers needed! All you need to do is show up at the next event, before 8 a.m., and help with carry outs, taking orders, serving, making batter and helping where ever needed! Pemberville Fair Booth & Float It’s time to begin planning for the fair. We will be sponsoring a booth in the commercial tent this year. If you have any information you would like displayed or pictures we can include in our digital frame slideshow of recent events, please contact Cheryl in the office. We also will need some volunteers to run some activities at the table during the fair. Anyone interested in building/entering a float in the grand parade should contact Cheryl for more details. We would like to form a group to work on this. Ideas, supplies, and manpower needed. You may sign-up online at, at church, or by calling the church office. DEVOTIONS: Pastor Matt asked for prayer concerns and led prayer; broke into small groups for book discussion CONSENT CALENDAR (FYI) ITEMS: Emergency Shelter Designations: Pemberville Elementary School Otterbein Portage Valley Operation Pack a Suitcase, Boyk Family: Honduras Any donated items must be at Bethlehem by May 10 to be sent with group in May. May calendar reviewed by all present. Pastor Matt on vacation May 2-10. Pastor Melanie to cover. Travis Ford taking a group to Just Pancakes at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Downtown Toledo to serve pancakes, leaving Bethlehem at 7:00 am, May 2, 2015. Confirmation Sunday - May 17 Summer Session Sunday School starts May 31, 2015 (We will be studying the book of Nehemiah.) Theme is “Stirred up by the Holy Spirit”. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, families are invited to participate in the lessons. NEW BUSINESS: Global Mission Prayer Team Proposal: Would like to use money for mission support in Rwanda -no extra cost. Team has money and is actively collecting each quarter using existing envelopes. Estimated collection $2,000 annually. Motion by Paulette Bresler and second by Neil Karns. ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit Michigan Proposal Request by Mackenzie Albright: Request made by Mackenzie Albright to attend ELCA retreat to cover expenses. Stefany recommended, Ken Finley made a motion to pay $325 for registration; second by Linda Gerwin. OLD BUSINESS: Synod Assembly Voting Members (3) May 15-16: Pastor Matt, Jane Kohlenberg going, and two others. Scholarship Proposal by for Active Graduating Seniors: Stefany Jacoby discussed motion that was tabled last month for a one time scholarship for active graduating seniors to receive $200 for college after submittal of an application and youth leaders to decide recipients each year. Intent of scholarship is to keep connection between church and youth that are pursuing higher education. Money could be used from Schuerman Schroeder Fund. Youth receiving money will need to fill out and submit application and be prepared to discuss discipleship growth or continuing faith journey at church or “temple talk.” Motion to accept by Stefany Jacoby; second by Ken Finley. Council representation made for the following committees: Parish Education - Stefany Jacoby Hospitality - Neil Karns Faith in Action - Still needed Good Samaritan/Food Pantry - Larry Titkemeier attended committee meeting Music - Larry Titkemeier Investment - Matt Oestreich Closed with the Lord’s Prayer and group recited the Mission Statement. Respectfully submitted by Linda Black for Beth McCowin, Council Secretary Page 8 - June/July 2015 GIVE Gifts in memory of... Designated Funds: Memorial Fund unless marked. B=Building; CI=Capital Improvement; G=General; M=Music; R=Radio; W=World Hunger HAZEL ELLIS Anna Louise and Janet Witker M/M Ron Geisbuhler M/M Bob Dierker M/M John Bresler & Family M/M Nigel Davies Tom Geisbuhler and Terri Ahle M/M Dale Melcher Carolyn Borcherding M//M Vincent Harsanje M/M Ray Kohlenberg M/M Bill McCowin On a average, women in Africa walk more than three miles a day to fetch clean water for their families. A five gallon container weighs 40 pounds when full. By investing in clean water that is readily accessible, children around the world can thrive. In June and July we will have a "Living Water Station" set up near our lounge where we will explore ways to help provide clean water to people in developing countries. SNACK PACK BAGS We packed weekend food for the months of September 2014 through May 2015, delivered, then sent home through the schools to participating families. This school year we packed a total of 352 bags. Grace’s Place ~ Luckey, Ohio Grace’s Place is a new free-store at 246 Main Street in Luckey. They offer free coffee, free household goods and free clothing for both children and adults. They are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Volunteers and assistance is needed to support this ministry. Organizers are looking for sorters, counter staff and hospitality hosts. Donations of clothing, household goods and money to help cover operations and other needs can be made during their business hours or by calling Grace Lutheran Church at 419-833-2146. Bethlehem again received recognition at the Synod Assembly for being one of the top churches in Mission Support for the Synod for 2014. During the conference they shared that their budget is being challenged. They have made severe cuts in their organization and in order to continue the good work they are doing, they asked if each congregation gave $100 more per month ($1,200 per year) for Mission Support they would reach their budget for 2015. Forty Nine percent of our Benevolence funds for Mission Support stays at the synod level, and 51% goes to the ELCA national office. There are many projects that at the congregation level won't make a difference but when we together put the funds to work it can do great things. If you might be interested in electronic giving, please talk to me. We have a few members who are making their contributions to the church in that way. It makes it easy and consistent. Remember as we go into summer, attendance seems to decline, but the church expenses do not stop, so please consider your gifts to the church even if you don't attend on any particular Sunday. ~Jane Kohlenberg Annual Ice Cream Social At Lutheran Home at Toledo (131 N Wheeling St.) Wednesday, June 10, from 4-7 p.m. Dessert Donations needed, please contact Diane Cline at 419-724-1738. Desserts must be brought to the facility by 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19, and taken into the coffee shop. Flowers and Radio Broadcast Flower and Radio Broadcast sign up sheets are in the hallway, on a clipboard, outside the offices. They are on separate sheets, so if you wish to sign up for both on the same date you will need to check two places. FLOWERS ($33): July 19 September 13, 20, 27 October 4 Page 9 - June/July 2015 RADIO ($75): July 19 August 23 September 6, 20, 27 CONNECT Mud Hens Family Outing Saturday, July 11 Join us and the Mud Hens for a "Back To The Future" double header! The first game begins at 5 p.m. and will feature the Mud Hens playing in throw back 1980s style jerseys with retro game effects. An American Style Dinner Buffet including hamburgers, hotdogs and all the fixings will be served 6:30-8 p.m. The second game will begin at approximately 7 p.m. and will feature the Mud Hens in futuristic jerseys with other futuristic effects. End your evening with the post game fireworks! Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for children 10 and under and includes one or both games. Sign-up to your on the clipboards outside the office, or online at: Please leave payment in church office, or send to: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, PO Box 344, Pemberville, OH 43450 h Thank you for all the kind words, prayers, cards, memorials and food extended to us during Hazel Ellis’ journey home to God. Visits, prayers and communion from Pastor Matt and Pastor Melanie were deeply appreciated. Thank you. We are truly blessed. ~ Judy and John Keiser; Brian and Jenny Keiser; Greg, Karen, Emily and Morgan Keiser and Christopher Keiser. h Thanks to the BLCW (women of the church) for the sweet “Dots” of remembrance and the handmade book marker. ~Jane Westerhaus h Thank you to the BLCW for your beautiful gift and visit. They were very much appreciated. ~Ardella Rolf h Thank you to Pastor Matt and Pastor Melanie for your visits to the hospital and to Wood Haven. I enjoyed them very much. ~Ardella Rolf h Thank you to the BLCW for the gift of “Dots.” The message was very encouraging, the gum drops are a way to my heart and the pen will be used to work lots of crossword puzzles. Thanks for blessing me and may God bless all of your as you do His work. ~ Jim Alexander. GO HENS! h Thank you for reaching out to touch the lives of CAMPERSHIPS: This year we have a total of eight students attending Christian camps through our campership program. Pray for these youth while they take time away this summer to draw closer to God. h Thank you for your recent gift of $1221 to the Lutheran POP TABS FOR RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Nicholas Kissell, of Pemberville Troop #344, has gifted Bethlehem with a pop tab collection bin. Nicholas has Kearns Sayre Syndrome, a mitochondrial disease, which has led him and his family to use and understand the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) ministry. Wanting to support this cause and help other families in times of illness crisis, Nick decided to lead a group of scouts to make pop tab donation collection bins and put them in community buildings to raise awareness and gather support for RMH for his Eagle project. Nick has delivered our bin, which right now, is located outside the kitchen near our recycle bins. (During the winter, it may find an alternate home to accommodate coats.) Remember to save those tabs at all the BBQs and graduation parties you attend this summer. Let's see how fast we can fill the bin! Thank you Nick! individuals. We deeply appreciate your recent gift of $1851 for the Toledo Lutheran Social Service Ministries. ~Nancy Yunker Homes Society General Fund. Your sharing warms my heart and brings back so many fond memories. You are a true gift from God! ~Dr. Jim Dumke h Thank you to everyone who donated food for this program and to Sandy Abke and the Volunteers at the Senior Center for packing lunches this winter. Together, we provided 324 meals for the homeless this winter through St. Paul’s Community Center in Toledo. We will pack lunches again in September. h Parish Ed wishes to thank our faithful Sunday School teaching staff: Natalie Schuerman, Rebecca Lang, Jennifer Lang, Katelyn Lang, Linda Black, Marilyn Linkey, Abbey Smith, Susan Lang, Pam Frankfather, Paulette Bresler, Pastor Matt, Becky Buchman, Travis Ford and Lisa Kohlenberg. Also, special thanks to Lisa Ruck and Jacob Henry for providing music for our openings. Your time, effort, and commitment to the education of our children are appreciated! h Thank you for your recent gift of $1024 to Luther Home of Mercy. What a huge witness and encouragement you are in ministry! ~Rev. Donald Wukotich Page 10 - June/July 2015 June Memory Verse for June Bible verse: Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. June’s Mission Action project Items for Lutheran World Relief Fabric Kits Please include the following items in each Fabric Kit: Two pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (no knits or 100% polyester). Fabric should have no stains or holes and be cut into pieces measuring: 2 yards of 60” wide fabric, or 3 yards of 44” or 45” wide fabric, or 4 yards of 36” wide fabric Two spools of matching general purpose thread, 250-300 yards. Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed. Fold and roll each piece separately (rolling thread inside one piece of fabric), bundle together and tie with a piece of yarn, sturdy string, ribbon or strip of fabric. Do not enclose fabric kit or contents in a plastic bag. B ethlehem L utheran C hurch W omen ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED TO THE CIRCLE MEETING: Priscilla Circle: Monday, June 8, 7 p.m. Bible Study: Becky Buchman Devotions: Paulette Bresler The purpose of this gathering is to share God’s word and fellowship with one another. Please come any time, nothing special is required. Dress is casual. Bible study materials are provided. A small offering is collected if you feel able to give. You are invited to an Open House Eleanor Rolf will be celebrating her 100th birthday on Sunday, June 21, 2015. You are invited to an open house held at the Bowlus Life Center at Otterbein Portage Valley from 2:30-4 p.m. Eleanor has been a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church since her birth on June 18, 1915. She now resides at 803 Rose Court, Pemberville, Ohio. No gifts please. Please place items in the tubs in the Mission Center (room 111) or at the Cedar Street entrance, marked Mission Action Projects. Thank you for your support! Blood Pressure Sunday Sunday, June 14, 30 minutes before and after the 9 a.m. service, with Nurse April. June 80+ Birthdays THANK YOU TO THOSE SERVING IN JUNE Acolytes, 9 a.m. Bryce Downey, Samantha Rost 9 a.m. Worship Usher: Hunter Shiffler Altar Flowers Wilma Rolf, Mickey Gerwin Altar Guild Barb Emch, Megan Hummel Office Window Service Org. (Funerals) Use this list to send a card or give a greeting… June 4: June 10: June 14: June 28: June 29: Doris Rahe June 8: Richard Beeker Robert Bruning June 12: Carol Beeker Arlene Layman June 18: Eleanor Rolf Dorothy Karns Beverly Bockbrader, Ruth Sander Volunteer needed Mickey Gerwin, Ruth Peters If your 80+ birthday is not included here, we don’t have that information, please call the office. Page 11 - June/July 2015 Bethlehem Lutheran Church June 2015 Sunday Praying to seek God’s guidance daily. 220 Cedar Street, PO Box 344, Pemberville, OH 43450 Phone: 419-287-4182 Email: [email protected] Church Office Hours: M-F, 9am-2pm y Senior Center: M-F, 10am-2pm, FH y Extended Care: 6:30am-6pm Monday Tuesday 1 Page 12 - June/July 2015 7 8 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:30am Open Forum for Intern 5pm Contemporary Worship 7pm Priscilla Circle, Lounge Wednesday Thursday 2 3 4 7pm Worship & Music 10am Communion at OPV 7pm Praise Team, FH 9 10 11 Friday 5 Saturday 6 7am Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study, FH 12 13 7pm Praise Team, FH VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - HOMETOWN NAZARETH - 8:30-11:45 A.M. 14 9am Worship Blood Pressures, lounge 10:20am Sunday School 10:30am Open Forum for Intern 5pm Contemporary Worship 6:15pm 4H 15 16 7pm Vision and Mission 7pm Council Meeting 21 22 23 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 10:30am Congregational Mtg 5pm Contemporary Worship 28 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 5pm Contemporary Worship 6pm Pr. Melanie’s Farewell 6:15pm 4H 9am Knotting, basement 17 24 18 19 20 7pm Praise Team, FH 5pm Wedding rehearsal 3pm Wedding 25 26 27 7pm Praise Team, FH Evening rehearsal 8-11am Priceless Pancakes Presbyterian Church, Pemb 2pm Blessing of Marriage 29 30 Mission Statement Transformed by the crucified and risen Jesus we are a loving community of disciples making disciples. KEY: ASYC: After School Youth Club BLCW-Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women FH-Fellowship Hall FUPC-First United Presby. OPV-Otterbein-Portage Valley July Memory Verse for July Bible verse: Matthew 4:19 And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people." July Mission Action project Items for Cocoon Shelter The Cocoon Shelter is committed to providing safe emergency housing to battered women and their children in Wood County at no cost. Due to the changing needs and limited storage of the facility, money will be collected during a “noisy offering” at all church services in July and donated for shelter operations. St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green, manages a car donation and furniture bank for women of this shelter. Call St. Mark’s (419-3536675) if you have items to share. Attention Women of the Church! The BLCW's Mission Growth committee announces the first of the annual prayer breakfasts. Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 11, starting at 9 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. We are pleased to have Pastor Melanie Haack as our study leader. Bring your Bibles; other materials will be provided. What happens at a prayer breakfast? We will have a light breakfast, a Bible study and closing prayer. Remembering that daily Bible reading is in our Vision Statement, here is a great opportunity to have breakfast, good fellowship and scriptural study. Plan to attend! Blood Pressure Sunday Sunday, July 12, 30 minutes before and after the 9 a.m. service, with Nurse April. Reading the BIBLE daily July 1: Proverbs 27 July 2: Proverbs 28 July 3: Proverbs 29 July 4: Proverbs 30 July 5: Nehemiah 5:1-13 July 6: Proverbs 31 July 7: Ephesians 1 July 8: Ephesians 2 July 9: Ephesians 3 July 10: Ephesians 4 July 11: Ephesians 5 July 12: Nehemiah 6:1-19 July 13: Ephesians 6 July 14: Ezra 1 July 15: Ezra 2 July 16: Ezra 3 Podiatry Clinics July 17: Ezra 4 July 18: Ezra 5 July 19: Nehemiah 8:1-18 July 20: Ezra 6 July 21: Ezra 7 July 22: Ezra 8 July 23: Ezra 9 July 24: Ezra 10 July 25: Nehemiah 1 July 26: Nehemiah 9:1-21 July 27: Nehemiah 2 July 28: Nehemiah 3 July 29: Nehemiah 4 July 30: Nehemiah 5 July 31: Nehemiah 6 by Maumee Bay Foot & Ankle Specialists Pemberville Area Senior Center Wednesdays, July 1, 11 a.m. in Bethlehem’s Fellowship Hall Call Sandy at 419-287-4109 to be added to the schedule Use this list to send a card or give a greeting… July 80+ Birthdays THANK YOU TO THOSE SERVING IN JULY Acolytes, 9 a.m. Ross Beaverson, Volunteer needed 9 a.m. Worship Usher: Lilly Schuerman Altar Flowers Altar Guild Office Window Service Org. (Funerals) Faye Schuerman Karen Godfrey, Sharon Nigh July 3: July 6: July 14: July 18: July 26: Mary Vestal Donna Beeker, Doug Wegman Ed Aring, Alton Beeker Eleanor Long July 19: Lois Henline Jane Westerhaus July 27: Hazel Ellis Vacation Bible School Barb Emch, Marilyn Linkey If your 80+ birthday is not included here, we don’t have that information, please call the office. Page 13 - June/July 2015 Bethlehem Lutheran Church July 2015 Sunday Church Office Hours: M-F, 9am-2pm y Senior Center: M-F, 10am-2pm, FH y Extended Care: 6:30am-6pm Monday Praying to seek God’s guidance daily. 5 220 Cedar Street, PO Box 344, Pemberville, OH 43450 Phone: 419-287-4182 Email: [email protected] Tuesday Mission Statement Transformed by the crucified and risen Jesus we are a loving community of disciples making disciples. 6 7 Wednesday Thursday 1 2 10am Communion at OPV 7pm Praise Team, FH 8 9 Page 14 - June/July 2015 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 5pm Contemporary Worship Friday Saturday 3 4 10 11 7pm Praise Team, FH INDEPENDENCE DAY 9:30am-Noon BLCW Prayer Breakfast, FH 5pm Mud Hens outing Pastor Matt, vacation 12 13 14 15 9am Worship Blood Pressures, lounge 10:20am Sunday School 5pm Contemporary Worship 6:15pm 4H 19 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 5pm Contemporary Worship 6:15pm 4H 17 18 24 25 7pm Praise Team, FH 20 9am Worship 10:20am Sunday School 5pm Contemporary Worship 26 16 21 22 7pm Council Meeting 27 28 9am Knotting, basement 23 9am Newsletter Assembly FH 7pm Praise Team, FH 29 30 7pm Praise Team, FH Pastor Matt, vacation 8-11am Priceless Pancakes Presbyterian Church, Pemb 31 Aug. 1 ASYC: After School Youth Club BLCW: Church Women FH-Fellowship Hall FUPC-First United Presby. OPV-Otterbein-Portage Valley Here is a list of our homebound members. Please use this list to send a card or make a visit (please call first). If your name or phone number is not included here please call the church office and let us know your information. ROBERT “RED” & CAROL BEEKER 257 South Street, Pemberville 43450 Phone: 419-287-3335 BEVERLY BOCKBRADER 609 Water Street, Pemberville 43450 Phone: 419-287-4383 HELEN BUSHMAN 412 Maple Street, Pemberville Phone: 419-287-4797 ROBERTA CAJKA 20431 Layman Road, Bowling Green 43402 Phone: 419-833-2416 BRUCE EHMKE 16276 Chamberlain Rd., Bowling Green 43402 Phone: 419-352-0466 MARGE EHMKE Waterford at Levis Commons 7100 S Wilkinson Way #338, Perrysburg 43551 Phone: 419-874-2294 HAZEL ELLIS Wood Haven, 1965 E Gypsy Lane, Room 206 Bowling Green 43402 Phone: 419-353-8411 LOIS HENLINE Otterbein Portage Valley, Apt. 718 20311 Pemberville Rd., Pemberville Phone: 419-833-2083 DONNA HISER 1627 Juniper Driver, Apt. 65, BG 43402 Phone: 419-352-7193 GAY HOLCOMB Otterbein Portage Valley, Room 115 20311 Pemberville Rd., Pemberville Phone: 419-833-9475 HOMER JOHNSON Sterling House of Bowling Green, Room 20 121 North Wintergarden Road, BG 43402 DOROTHY KRUMNOW 611 S Main Street, Gibsonburg 43431 Phone: 419-637-7772 BOB LADD 210 Vine Street, Pemberville 43450 Phone: 419-287-4546 AILEEN MARTEN Heritage Corner Health Care 1069 Klotz Road, Bowling Green 43402 EARL MATTHEWS 172 Hickory St., Pemberville 43450 JOHN MICHEL Otterbein Portage Valley, Room 117 20311 Pemberville Rd., Pemberville Phone: 419-833-1303 DORIS RAHE Otterbein Portage Valley, Room 113 20311 Pemberville Rd., Pemberville MAE RIFE Wood Haven, 1965 E Gypsy Lane Bowling Green 43402 ARDELLA ROLF Wood Haven, 1965 E Gypsy Lane Bowling Green, 43402 ELEANOR ROLF Otterbein Portage Valley 803 Rose Court, Pemberville Phone: 419-575-6756 RUTH SANDER Otterbein Portage Valley, Room 127 20311 Pemberville Rd., Pemberville Phone: 419-833-1110 VIRGINIA SHAMMO Otterbein Portage Valley, Room 118 ANNA SMEARSOLL Genoa Care Center, 300 Cherry Street #47, Genoa 43430 Phone: 419-855-3657 BETTY WESTERHAUS Wood Haven Health Care 1965 E Gypsy Lane Room 207, BG 43402 LOIS WIEGMAN Otterbein Portage Valley, Room 111 20311 Pemberville Rd., Pemberville Phone: 419-833-2244 Page 15 - June/July 2015 Bethlehem Lutheran Church PO Box 344 Pemberville, OH 43450 Issue 06-2015 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PEMBERVILLE OH PERMIT #1 RETURN Service Requested Dated material, do not delay Bethlehem Star Bethlehem Lutheran Church Pastor Matthew Musteric Visitation Pastor Melanie Haack June & July 2015 Transformed by the crucified and risen Jesus we are a loving community of disciples making disciples. 419-287-4182 Office hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., M-F [email protected] Radio: WFRO 99.1 FM, Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday School for all ages: 10:20 a.m. Page 16 - June/July 2015
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