April newsletter - Be Well

Exclusively for Health Advocate Members
April 2015
Help is Here
Healthy solutions for your entire family
Getting the Right Care
Learn about how we can help you inside >>
The Right Help When You Need It
Leave It to Us
When it comes to who is looking after our medical care, we all want
to have health professionals who are the “right fit” for us. Whether
it’s a primary care physician for our routine care, or a specialist
to treat a chronic condition, we want to make sure our health
practitioners have both the right expertise and are responsive to
our concerns. Bouncing from doctor to doctor to find a suitable
fit can be costly and distressful, and may even jeopardize our
health in some cases.
In this edition, you will learn how Health Advocate can help you get
the right care from the start, and help you make the most of your
visits with your healthcare providers.
Help is Just a Phone Call Away
Is Your Doctor the “Right One”?
We can help
Your doctor should…
Having a physician with good credentials is essential
to getting quality treatment. But studies show that your
doctor’s bedside manner – how he or she interacts
with you – can greatly impact your health. This includes
aiding your efforts to lose weight, lower blood pressure
or manage pain.
• Be pleasant. Start your interactions with a handshake,
a smile, a sense of courtesy and good eye contact.
• Be concerned. Meet your explanation of symptoms
with empathy, concern, and good listening skills.
• Be patient. Take as much time as needed to answer
your questions—allowing you to feel assured
and supported.
Selecting a doctor who you can trust is one of the
most important decisions you can make! Is it time to
make a switch? Your Personal Health Advocate can help
you find a new doctor in your plan’s network and help
schedule the appointment!
Massachusetts General Hospital Study, 2014
April 2015 |
New Diagnosis… Now What?
We’ll Find a Second Opinion
You just received a serious diagnosis and the doctor recommends
surgery. Is this the best course of action for you? Securing a
second opinion—and even a third, if needed—can help confirm a
diagnosis or may result in a treatment course that is less invasive
or costly. Your Personal Health Advocate can help you get a
second opinion and guide you through the entire process to help
you make the right decisions.
Here are the key steps we will take:
1. Conduct in-depth research to identify qualified
in-network physicians who can best evaluate
your condition
2. Communicate directly with the consulting
physician to ensure that your needs will be met
3. Review the providers’ experience with you
4. Inform about any tests and treatments
Your Personal Health Advocate:
• Unlimited access, 24/7 support
• Help with a wide range of healthcare and
insurance-related issues
• Typically registered nurses, supported by
medical directors and benefits and claims
• Saves you time, money and worry
How we can help:
• Find the right providers; secure second
5. Help schedule the consulting appointment,
facilitate the transfer of the medical records,
discuss pre-visit testing and coverage
• Explain conditions; research latest
6. If desired, help facilitate involvement of your
doctor in the choice of the consulting physicians
• Resolve claims issues; clarify benefits
Just Call. We’ll find the right doctors for
informed decisions.
• Help schedule appointments and tests
...and more
Expanded family coverage:
Eligible employees, their spouses, dependent
children, parents and parents-in-law are all
eligible to use the program.
Be Prepared for Dr. Visits!
Ask the Right Questions
Ever left a doctor’s office confused?
Next time, come armed with questions!
With your FREE online Health Advocate
Medical Visit Checklist Builder, you’ll have
a customized list of reminder questions
to bring with you!
To use it is easy as 1-2-3.
Simply log on to the Health Advocate member website.
1. Click on the Medical Checklist button
2. Answer a few questions about your upcoming visit
3. Click submit
You’ll have a list of questions for a wide range of appointment
types that you can print and take with you to your doctor visit.
Health Advocate can be accessed 24/7. Normal
business hours are Monday-Friday, between
8 am and 12 am, Eastern Time. Staff is available
for assistance after hours and on weekends.
April 2015 |
Take your healthcare with you!
Moving to a new vicinity may mean you will have to find all new healthcare providers
and services for yourself and family members. And, if it’s because of a job change, it
may also mean changes in your health benefits. Your Personal Health Advocate can
help you transition your health so you can rest assured you will have the right care at
the right time. We can help:
My elderly mom now
lives with me and her
doctor prescribed a
hospital bed for our
home. Can you find
out if it’s covered
under Medicare?
ine up in-network doctors, dentists and
 L
Yes. In general, hospital beds
and other medical equipment are
covered by Medicare if medically
necessary and the doctor and
supplier participate in Medicare.
We can explain what’s covered
under your mother’s Medicare
plan and the out-of-pocket
costs. We can also locate a
Medicare-approved supplier
and coordinate any necessary
paperwork between the supplier
and Medicare.
other specialists
 Schedule appointments
ind in-network hospitals and
 F
pharmacies near your new home
acilitate the transfer of medical records
 F
rovide you with a list of urgent care centers in case of emergency
 P
 Explain any changes to your benefits
ocate eldercare resources or other caregiving services
 L
ind resources for special needs like in-home care,
 F
rehabilitation, counseling, etc.
Don’t leave your health behind! We’ll take care of the transition.
What’s your coverage
question? Call us.
Real people, Real stories
“The Health Advocate Nurse helped me
get the right provider for my injury.”
When Jack hurt his lower leg and foot from running,
he didn’t know what type of doctor he should see.
He called Health Advocate to find a doctor in his
network. Based on the description of his symptoms,
the Personal Health Advocate, a Registered Nurse,
explained that an orthopedist would be the best choice
to evaluate and treat him. She found a doctor and set up
the appointment. Helping Jack understand the source of
his problem and the right doctor for his needs saved him
time and money.
April 2015 |
Your Health Advocate website:
Expert help 24/7
Your Health Advocate member website is packed with
important information about your Health Advocate benefit.
 Download our “Get Started Guide”
to better understand the program
 Watch our member video
 Access articles and videos about a
variety of health and wellness topics
Find Us, Follow Us,
Connect with Us
For more important health updates and wellness tips, or to share your
own thoughts and tips follow us online!
Question of the month:
What are you or a family member doing to get the right care?
Tweet us your answers using #NewYearNewMe
Here’s what a member had to say about last month’s question regarding
steps taken to protect future health:
“I scheduled check-ups for me, my husband, and kids and we
also recently splurged for a family membership to the local Y.”
Help is Just a Phone Call Away
Health Advocate is not affiliated with any insurance or third party provider. Health Advocate
complies with all government privacy standards. Health Advocate does not replace health
insurance coverage, provide medical care or recommend treatment.
©2015 Health Advocate, Inc. HA-CM-1501003-4NL APR