FREE PATTERN ALICE IN WONDERLAND DUSTER designed by Rosemary Drysdale SIZES X-Small (Small, Medium, Large, XL) MATERIALS 5 (6, 7, 8, 9) skeins Tahki Yarns DONEGAL TWEED, 100% pure new wool (3.5oz/100g; 183yds/167m) in color #813 blue heather One pair size 8 (5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE Cable needle (cn) Four buttons, ⅝”/6mm diameter Yarn needle KNITTED MEASUREMENTS Bust 33 (37, 40, 44, 50½)”/ 84 (94, 101.5, 112.5, 128.5) cm Length 29½ (30, 31½, 32, 33½)”/ 75 (76, 80, 81, 85) cm GAUGE 18 sts and 24 rows = 4”/10 cm in Lace Stitch and Cable Pattern TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS K2tog Knit 2 together (dec) – Knit 2 sts tog through the front loops. Ssk Slip, slip, knit (dec) – Slip 2 sts, one at a time KNITWISE to RH needle, return the sts to LH needle in the turned position and knit them together through the back loops. PATTERN STITCHES Reverse Stockinette Stitch (Rev St st) Purl on RS, knit on WS. Stockinette Stitch (St st) Knit on RS, purl on WS. K1, P1 Rib (multiple of 2 sts + 1) Lace Stitch (worked over 7 sts) Row 1 (RS) K1, k2tog, yo, k2, p2. © 2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc. Row 2 K2, p5. Row 3 K2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, p2. Row 4 K2, p5. Repeat Rows 1-4 for Lace st. Cable Pattern (worked over 8 sts) Row 1 (RS) Slip 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k1, k2 from cn, k1, slip 1 st to cn and hold in front, k1, k1 from cn, p2. Row 2 K2, p6. Row 3 K6, p2. Row 4 K2, p6. Repeat Rows 1-4 for Cable Pattern. BACK Cast on 99 (107, 114, 122, 129) sts. Row 1 (RS) P2 (6, 2, 6, 2) for Rev St st, beginning with Row 1, [work Lace Stitch over 7 sts, work Cable Pattern over 8 sts] 6 (6, 7, 7, 8) times, work Lace Stitch over 7 sts, p0 (4, 0, 4, 0) for Rev St st. Work in patterns as est until piece measures 13” from beg, end with a WS row. Shape Waist Decrease Row (RS) Change to work in K1, p1 rib, dec 22 (22, 25, 27, 28) evenly spaced – 77 (85, 89, 95, 101) sts. Work in K1, p1 rib for 4½”, end with a WS row, dec 1 (1, 0, 0, 1) st on last row – 76 (84, 89, 95, 100) sts. Begin Patterns Row 1 (RS) K3 (7, 2, 5, 0), p2, beginning with Row 1, [work Cable Pattern over 8 sts, work Lace Stitch over 7 sts] 4 (4, 5, 5, 6) times, work Cable Pattern over 8 sts, k3 (7, 2, 5, 0). Work as est, keeping first and last sts in St st, until piece measures 3½ (3½, 4½, 4½, 5½)” from rib section, end with a WS row. Shape Armholes Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 2 sts at beg of next 2 (4, 2, 4, 2) rows – 60 (64, 73, 75, 84) sts. Dec 1 st each side every other row 10 (12, 9, 10, 7) times – 40 (40, 55, 55, 70) sts. Work even until Armhole measures 7 (7½, 8, 8½, 9)”, end with a WS row. Shape Neck Mark center 16 (16, 31, 31, 32) sts for Neck. Work to marked center sts, join second ball of yarn and bind off center 16 (16, 31, 31, 32) sts, work to end of row. Working both sides at same time with separate balls of yarn, bind off 2 sts from each Neck edge once – 10 (10, 10, 10, 17) sts each side. Work until Armhole measures 8½ (9, 9½, 10, 10½)”. Bind off. LEFT FRONT Cast on 49 (57, 64, 72, 79) sts. Row 1 (RS) P2, beginning with Row 1, [work Cable Pattern over 8 sts, work Lace Stitch over 7 sts,] 3 (3, 4, 4, 5) times, work Cable Pattern over 8 sts 0 (1, 0, 1, 0) time, p2. Work in patterns as est until piece measures 13” from beg, end with a WS row. Shape Waist Decrease Row (RS) Change to work in K1, p1 rib, dec 12 (16, 13, 15, 14) sts evenly spaced – 37 (41, 51, 57, 65) sts. Work in K1, p1 rib for 4½”, end with a WS row, dec 0 (0, 0, 0, 1) st on last row – 37 (41, 51, 57, 64) sts. Begin Patterns Row 1 (RS) K3 (1, 2, 0, 0), p2, beginning with Row 1, [work Cable Pattern over 8 sts, Lace Stitch over 7 sts] 2 (2, 3, 3, 4) times, work Cable Pattern over 8 sts 0 (1, 0, 1, 0) time, p2. Work as est until piece measures 3½ (3½, 4½, 4½, 5½)” from rib section, end with a WS row. Shape Armholes Bind off 3 sts at beg of RS row twice, then 2 sts at beg of next RS row 1 (2, 1, 2, 1) times – 29 (31, 43, 47, 56) sts. Dec 1 st at side edge every other row 10 (12, 9, 13, 7) times – 19 (19, 34, 34, 49) sts. Work even until Armhole measures 3 (3½, 4, 4½, 5)”, end with a RS row. Shape Neck Bind off 6 sts at beg of WS row 1 (1, 3, 3, 4) times, then 3 sts at beg of WS rows 1 (1, 2, 2, 2) times, dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 0 (0, 0, 0, 2) times – 10 (10, 10, 10, 17) sts. Work until Armhole measures 8½ (9, 9½, 10, 10½)”. Bind off. RIGHT FRONT Cast on 49 (57, 64, 72, 79) sts. Row 1 (RS) P4, beginning with Row 1, work Cable Pattern over 8 sts 0 (1, 0, 1, 0) time, [work Lace Stitch over 7 sts, work Cable Pattern over 8 sts] 3 (3, 4, 4, 5) times. Work as for LEFT FRONT, reversing shaping. FINISHING Block pieces to measurements. Sew Shoulder seams. Armhole Edging With right side facing, join yarn at side seam, pick up and knit 102 (108, 114, 120, 126) sts around Armhole edge. Bind off knitwise. Repeat around second Armhole edge. Sew side and Armhole Edging seams. © 2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc. 8½ (9, 9½, 10, 10½)" 1½" #8 Back 4½" 13" 5½" 4½" #8 Left Front 3½ (3½, 4½, 4½, 5½)" 17 (19, 20, 21, 22½)" 22 (23, 25, 27, 28)" 8½ (9, 9½, 10, 10½)" ABBREVIATIONS begbegin(ning) cmcentimeter decdecrease(d)(s)(ing) estestablish(ed)(ing) kknit LHleft-hand mmmillimeters p purl RHright-hand RS right side st(s) stitch(es) togtogether WS wrong side yo yarn over 4½ (4½, 7½, 7½, 7½)" 29½ (30, 31½, 32, 33½)" Neck Edging With right side facing, join yarn at RIGHT FRONT Neck edge, pick up and knit 98 (98, 128, 128, 158) sts evenly around Neck. Bind off knitwise. Buttonband With right side facing, pick up and knit 101 (105, 109, 113, 117) sts evenly along LEFT FRONT edge from Neck edge to lower edge. Knit 1 row on WS. Bind off purlwise. Mark for 4 buttons evenly spaced with first at beginning of Rib Waist section and last ½” from Neck edge. Buttonhole Band With right side facing, pick up and knit 101 (105, 109, 113, 117) sts evenly along RIGHT FRONT edge from lower edge to Neck edge. Buttonhole Row *Knit to where marked for Button, yo, k2tog; repeat from * across. Bind off purlwise. Sew buttons opposite Buttonholes. Weave in ends. 3½ (3½, 4½, 4½, 5½)" 2 (2, 2, 2, 3½)" 13" 8 (9, 11, 12, 14)" 11 (12½, 14, 16, 17½)" © 2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.
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