Manual of catalogue system of company Bilsing Automation

Manual of catalogue system of company
Bilsing Automation
Created by: Miroslav Hanžl
01. 09. 2006
Catalogue system Bilsing Automation
Clients of Bilsing Group step to catalogue system through the client, which is created for
.NET Framework 2.0. It’s possible to start this client from web sites:
Customer conditions of catalogue client
Catalogue client can work in 2 basic modes, which are recognized in introductory filling
If user indicates anonymous login, catalogue client works in mode “mode view“. This mode is
determined for customers or for all users, which don’t have passwords into catalogue system.
In this mode can user browse and filter chapters, products and their volume numbers. He can
print or save products letter of appropriate product on disk in format JPG as well.
Work in catalogue system
User opens Internet Explorer, version 6.0 and enter web site Afterwards it will appear screen of internet sites of company Bilsing
Automation, see picture 1.
Picture 1
After selection of relevant branch of company Bilsing Automation will appear sites of this
branch, which are in the unified graphic format always. Catalogue system is activated by click
on left side menu on item Catalogue of components and next on submenu Catalogue. Now it
will appear on sites 2 basic icons. See picture 2.
Icon .NET serves to download or to start updating of operating system Windows on .NET
Framework 2.0. User has to implement this updating only in case of no installed .NET
Framework 2.0 in his system before. User implements this updating only once. User making
this updating on his computer has to have licence of Windows administrator.
Picture 2
User chooses icon Bilsing for start of catalogue client and now it will appear sites of
catalogue client, see picture 3.
Page of catalogue client informs user about last version of catalogue system. This page
supports update of existent operating system Windows .NET Framework 2.0 and print this
information on this page. For start of catalogue client click on button Run on this page.
Picture 3
Now it appears filling window into catalogue system. See picture 4.
Customer chooses selection Anonymous connection to catalogue. System will not request
login name or password. It switches into customer mode automatically, see Customer mode of
catalogue client. User chooses than location, where he is situated. Here are 2 basic locations
for selection: inside net Bilsing Automation Czech or outside net Bilsing Automation Czech.
This choice is related to security disposal with communication between client and server.
Press the button Login for continuing work with user, press the button Exit for finish.
Picture 4
After successful login into catalogue system it will appear basic work area. See picture 5.
Picture 5
Functions of catalogue client
Work with chapters – this function is provided by section called List of Chapters, which is
situated in left top part of working area. This section appears list of chapters, which are found
in catalogue system. By click on chapter title products are automatically loaded, which belong
in this chapter. Products are loaded into the list of products, which is located in the section
Products in Chapter in the left top part of working area.
It’s possible to filter chapters by the help of the button Find Chapter. After pressing this
button will appear a small window, in which can be wrote all titles or part of chapter, which
we need to filter. Window Find Chapter can be closed by press the button Escape and filter
will be finished. After pressing the button Enter system will try to found all chapters suitable
this criterion and will appear these chapters in the list of chapters. In this way it’s possible to
filter in already filtered lists. When we need to refresh original list of chapters and recall
required choice, we have to press the button Refresh Chapters. In case of no chapter doesn’t
match to requested filter, it will appear empty list of chapters. In this case we can load basic
list of chapters by the pressing the button Refresh Chapters.
Work with products – this function is provided by section called Products in Chapter. This
section is situated in the left down part of working area. Section includes list of products,
which belong to chapter selected by the user. By click on product is automatically loaded
product list in the format JPG and appears in the section Product List.
It’s possible to filter products by the help of the button Find Product. After pressing this
button will appear a small window, in which can be wrote all title or part of product - Product
Name or Part Number, which we need to filter. Filter will work with one of modes Part
Number or Product Name according to which column of products was clicked before click on
Find Product. Window Find Product can be closed by press the button Escape and filter will
be finished. After pressing the button Enter system will try to found all products suitable this
criterion and will appear these products in the list of products. In this way it’s possible to filter
in already filtered lists. When we need to refresh original list of products and recall required
choice, we have to press the button Refresh Product. In case of no product doesn’t match to
requested filter, it will appear empty list of product. In this case we can load basic list of
products by the pressing the button Refresh Product.
Work with product list – product list is displayed in right top part of working area of
catalogue client after mouse click on appropriate product in list of products. Product list is in
format JPG.
Function Print product list. This function serves to printing product list on initial printer of
operating system Windows.
Function Save product list. This function is determined to save product list in file in format
JPG. After pressing this button it will appear dialog window, from which we choose directory
and enter file title, in which we want to save chosen product list.