I - THE KINGSTON HATT.Y FREFMAV. KINGSTON. N. • . , THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 19.37. I F L A S H E S O F L I F E S K E T C H E D IN B R I E F H» AHMOCIATKI* [ HIGH PRKM , Notorial Hpanked Hartford, Conn . Sept 9 UP> Policemen Homer Gaouatte and Michael Toica didn't bother to take one reckle»« driver to court — they spanked him Instead The olTeniler Was flve>%ar-old Anthony Corona, who stepped on the Martyr "f nl« tirother'a car, „ o n , 1 i n g l t backward through"* yard ind acrota a itreet Into a parked automobile KAI.I.8 High Falla. Sept. 8—Mr. and Jlra. G Gerleck were in Kingston o n Friday. Mr. and Mra. J, Mendes of Brooklyn, w h o have apent the t u m m e r at t h e pariah house, h a \ e returned to their home. Croaa-word Pattern Dr. Hobart Agnew of Montclalr. West Hartford. Conn . Sept 9 N . J., tpent the week-end at the i/**> Mra. William f'ruttlng accih o m e of Mra. Sarah Agnew dentally found a new uae for Julius Weiss and Edward Turke cross-word puiilea. spent the week-end In this Ullage Looking at one without the aid Raymond Krom la convalescing of glasses she habitually wears, a t his home after a tonsil opera- Mrs Putting called a neighbor to tion in the Kingston Hospital on admire the new crochet pattern Krlday. she had found In the newspaper. Barney Kelly of New Jersey Is The neighbor set her right, but •spending a few days with his fam- Mrs Pruning decided to go ahead lly at El Cliff cottage. an> way. Now she has two holders On Thursday Mrs Clarence Le crocheted from cross-word puzrle Grand entertained a few of her pattern*- and very pretty they friends at her home are. too. Mr. and Mrs. Philip CountryPenny Wise man. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Countryman and family spent the Salem. Ore—Daniel A Johnson week-end at North Laketried to stop a bottle of milk from Miss Sara Frelnberg has left rolling out of his car He lost t o ppend the winter in New York. ' control of the machine The car Miss Miriam Krom has returned climbed a telephone pole guy wire from MIddletown where she spent and overturned a pleaaant vacation | Johnson was hurt, the automoMany of the gueata from Mo- : bile smashed. Ditto the milk bothonk Lake attended the services' tie. held at The Clove chapel on Sunday Pas* The Chicken, l*le«a* Mr and Mrs Andrews Has- j El Monte, Calif. —Six hundred hrouck of Kingston spent thejpounda of barbecued lion meat week-end at their camp in this vll- J w lll be served when 600 Lion Club l i g e and attended church service (members hold their sixth annual a t The Clove chapel. ; banquet here. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry DuBole and j For those not liking Hon meat, family of West Camp and Edward a chicken dinner will be substlKniffln of New Paltz were callers tuted j during (he pa*t week at the home j of Aea Clearwater W »re Cutter'* Cramp Dr. and Mrs Benjamin Lip-j Fountain, Colo.—Sheriff Sam R. ( achlti of Woodslde, L. I . spent j Deal and bis deputies began lookt h e week-end a* the home of Mrs. | n g for a thief with, a very sore i LJpschltz parents, Mr. and Mrs I wrist after Rancher N. L. Powers Jacob Felnberg. reported someone had removed a Miss Kathryn Krom has re-j mile-long stretch of three-strand turned t o Valley Stream after barbed wire fence from bla place. spending the summer- at the home Every strand was cut between of her mother, Mra. Luke Krom. each post. Deputy Sheriff M. J. Mr. and Mr*. Albert White of Vasseur estimated more than J,N e w Jersey are spending a few 000 cuts were made. d a y s at tbe home of Mr. and Mr*. Hiram Ghear. Mickey Mouse's antics have Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton and bean copied by Australian Abs o n s , Robert and Clayton, spent ortginies for ona of the corroboree ' t h e week-end with relatives in'dances, according to Michael Ter Poughkeepsie. ry, well-known explorer. Mrs. Otto Keith and children, J a m e s and Florence, of Long Isl a n d , are spending a few days with after spending their summer at the George Ghear. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred SheeMr. and Mrs. John O'Connor of lay. Brooklyn ara spending their vaMr. and Mrs. Richard Aiken of cation at their summer home in Fairview entertained their son this village. . | and family of Brooklyn over the Mrs. W. H Benjamin at"1 week-end. daughters, Ruth and Helen, of nd Helan, of Miss Kathryh Holcomb and siaYonkera spent Sunday a t the home U r > Dorothy, from Long Island, of Mri. Thomas Snyder, visited at the home of Mr. and O n Friday several relatives Mrs. A»a Clearwater on Sunday, gathered at the home of Frank VT.\ M r ; & n d M r , w u , o n orlesback R o o s a of Rock HU1 t o celebrate. a i l < i j 0 B n v a n Wagnen of Brookhla 65th birthday. Those present l y n a n d F r a n H H e r U o . o t B ethlew e r e Mr. and Mrs William Roosa. i h e m , P a , c a l l e d a t &tncre»t on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roosa and Mrs. g u n d a y afternoon L e w i s Elk of Union City. N. J Miss Kathryn Flynn haa reMrs. DeWItt Stokes and son,turned to her home In Jeraey City R a l p h , apent Sunday in Middle after spending the summer in H o n e visiting a t tbe h o m e of Mr. High Falla. aaoPfflrs. Ralph Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Van A ken Mr. and Mra. Charlea Mutschler of Krlpplebuab spent Sunday at and grandson, Felix, have re- the home of Mr. and Mrs. John C. turned to their home in Brooklyn Yeaple. 17 Cornell St. DAVIS BAKING POWDER 12-oz. can 12 A. * H. BAKING SODA I tb.pkg. 6 KETCHUP, Standard 14-oz. btl. 9 GRAPENUT FLAKES 7-oz. pkg. 10 INSTANT POSTUM 4-oz. can 23 BABY FOODS, Clapp'i 3 cans 23 PUFFED RICE 2 pkgs. 19 LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER 3 14-oz cans 10 COCOA, Baker'* or Henhey'i 8-oz. can 8 oraut rsMDAi MIOHT UNTIL • aATiaoat JUST OFF B' WAY—2 BLOCKS FROM THE KINGSTON WEST SHORE R.R. STATION —PRICES FOR THIS STORK ONLY— MIOHT CMTIX 10 FREE PARKING | KlUigStO] BTL. PILLSBURY'SBEST FLOUR FAMILY or PASTRY 24</2 lb. BAG 79 I Ml 24Ms n». BAG 40 oz. PKG. 90 SECONDS FROM PACKAGE TO OVEN DOZEN QUART SIZE SUNNYFIELD AMMONIA, A A P 32-oz. btl. 1 PUFFED WHEAT pkg. CL0ROX pt. btl. 1 DRANO, deans Drains 12-oz. can 2 IDEAL JARS.. doz. qts. 79c doz. pts. « BLUE TARGET JAR RINGS pkg. JELLY GLASSES, 1/3 pint s i z e . . . . doz. 3 BIRDSEYE MATCHES 6 boxes 2 SAL SODA 2!^-lb.pkg. CERTO Frail Pectin pnhT MINUTE TAPIOCA 96' FLOUR BISQUICK 25' 69' 55' MASON JARS 10' CIGARETTES PANCAKE FLOUR 3 25 SOUPS US 15 GREEN GIANT PEAS C 4 s*i Z5 TOMATOES 2 REANS TUNA FISH 15' PINEAPPLE 198-OZ. 1 O C DOZEN PT. SIZE 20-OZ. PKG. AUNT JEMIMA CAMELS LUCKY STRIKES CHESTERFIELDS OLD GOLDS 10^-ox. CANS CAMPBELL'S (Except Chicken and Tomato) 17 ox. $ ^C CAN BAKER'S COCOANUT 4-oz. pkg. 8c KRE-MEL DESSERTS 3 pkgs. 10c PURE EXTRACT, Rajah Van. 2-oz. btl. 19c PINK SALMON 16-oz. can 10c RED SALMON 12-oz. can 21c SARDINES, Imp. Boneless. . No.*/4can 10c PRESTO CAKE ROUR 44-oz. pkg. 27c DEL MONTE PEARS No. 2 can 15c GRAPEFRUIT 8-oz. can 6c NEW PACK STANDARD QUALITY 28 ox. 4 Q C FRIENDS or B . & M. Calif. Pea, Yellow Ere or Red Kidney CANS No. % CAN CHICKEN-OF-THE^EA CRUSHED or SLICED DEL MONTE iTTrE-l raV.-u' / , g B i S No. 2 ft CAN PAPER TOWELS, Scot or Red Cross roll CUT-RITE WAX PAPER... 125-ft. roll 1 FASTIDIA, Facial Tissue pkg. ORANGE JUICE, Sundine .. 12-oz. can 1 TOMATO JUICE, Campbell's 50-oz. tin 2 CRISCO 1-Ib. can 19c 3-lb. can 5 SPAGHETTI, Franco-Amer 3 can* 2 OLD MUNICH MALT 3-lb. can 4 CORNED BEEF 12-oz. can 1 j / ^7)etit^M6tiestioi, LS FINEST ELBERTAS MILK-FED, small sizes «• 23 PEACHES Full Bushel $1.89 6»»25' FOWL ft 21 OREGON ITALIANS PRUNES 3 HK- 23' POT ROAST REEF RED TOKAYS ft 16 31**. 25' LAMB FORES GRAPES. c CHICKENS FANCY-FOR ROASTING "> 33 SWEET POTATOES 10 «*• 25 ORANGES, Calif. Valencia* dot 39c • CABBAGE 10 lbs. 19c ROAST ol VEAL SHOULDER CUTS ft 19 DAISY HAMS ft 39 Dairy Suggestions FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Boned and Rolled If Desired From California 8UNNYFIELD All Meat — No Waste BUTTER EGGS FRESH CREAMERY ARMOUR'S CLUB DAISY CHEESE ib. 8-oi. SWISS GRUYERE, Imported .... PKO. MUENSTER CHEESE 25c Th. BORDEN'S CHATEAU and otters ?£ lettc KRAFTS VELVEETA and others Sialic BAVARIAN BAR SPREAD PKO. alafV PIMENTO CREAM - OLIVE CREAM KRAFTS and PINEAPPLE CREAM )Z 17c dixtd" haa the same delicious salty taste of Worcester Ismry Salt. Write for your tree copy of the new Worcester Salt cookbook. Within its stout moisture-proof cover are nearly 200 recipes for every day home use—ail tested, tasted and approved by Good Housekeeping. The kind of sensible, practical cookbook that even a bride can follow with ease. Just use the coupon below. Worcester Salt Co., America's eldest rimers a/ prnri salt, N e w York, U. S. A. T O PREVENT SIMPLE GOITRE 8 O'CLOCK RED CIRCLE F t I I I 6 4 page cookbook. Just write your aodress below and mail to „,..,. 4 . Worcetter Salt Co., 40 Worth Street, New York, U. S. A. Name. City,, • • • • • • • • «* WLISL «•»• WWmmmm . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( TIN 1-Ib. TIN CONDOR 1-Ib. TIN MAXWELL HOUSE 1-Ib. SANKA t r KAFFEE HAG TIN 1-lb. D&M0NTE TIN BEECH-NUT JJ} DELIVERED FRESH DAILY FROM OUR OWN MODERN, SANITARY BAKERY W H IX E SLICED or TJN8LICED A FULL OLA88 OP MILK MILK LOAF IN EVERY LOAP. SLICED PLAIN RYE • • • • • IDEAL FOR SANDWICHES CHOCK FULL OF RAISINS RAI SIN—sliced SANDWICH BUNS PARKER HOUSE ROLLS 20-oa LOAP 9c 20-ot. 10c LOAF 20-oi. He LOAF l«-o«. 12c LOAF J» 9c PKO. 12c of 12 WE HAVE A VARIETY OF BREADTOSUIT EVERT OCCASION - W W . W l ^ C^AU Untitled Document • Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com u. 29 *17 ft 19 2 °* 25 PORK CHOPS lb. 3 5 c FISH BEEF LIVER, Sliced ....ft.1 9 c ft.Hc COHACECHEESE ....ft.1 0 c HADDOCK h.isc BRAUNSWEKER ft.29c STEAK C O D . . . LANBUVERS Ib.21c HADDOCK FILLETS 1.17c A&P Bread and Rolls ......... ~— _ RIB CUTS FRESHLY GROUND GRADE "C" EVERY EGG GUARANTEED H o w can you be sure that tbe food your child eata contains sufficient iodine to protect him from goitre? There is only o n e wise precaution. T h e Council on Foods of the Americ a n Medical A s s o c i a t i o n states: 'Wtxtsitr ledittdSalt mtad daily at thm mmty taIt aw the tahle and ht ceakhtg richly smpplemtnts the iodine «/ diets deficient he that element and that kelps to protect ageintt simplegttitre." Don't risk your child's health. In. aisc o n Worcester /edited Salt—and o n l y Worcetter—for 'TFWwaaftrr /#- LAMB or VEAL CHOPS - ZZVz' HAMBURG STEAK c 2 "• 49 FRANKFURTERS 25c STEWING LAMB 25c l i ^ SOUPS, • < * Irinib 2 16-ot. cons 25c HELUIAN'S MAYONNAISE. 1f>«z. j»f 29e BEECH-NUT aTSUP fee. btL l i e BOCH-NUT PEANUT BUTTER feejtrl7e KRAFT FRENCH DRESSING 4-o7.]«r 8c SMAKERSALT 26**.,** U FAIRY SOAP, ma 3 c*|celll« WNSOorOXYDOL fee. pi* lie ™ J Y FLAKES Ige.pk,.l§c SALT,4Se**M 2 4 K * . pkfi. 3c M«YEA CORNfrARCHl.Ib.pkf. l i e "OWTC SPICE 12^.c«12c A "^CE 2 ^ 0 ^ 7r f ^ A ™ . Brti^UM 14-lb. pkg. 2ic UFTON'STEA,Y«iUW. .^Ib.i«3Sc
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