Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Publication patterns in complete bibliographic data (all scientific journals and books) at all Norwegian universities Gunnar Sivertsen Norsk institutt for studier av forskning og utdanning (NIFU-STEP) Page 1 Contents: Data: A short presentation of the “Norwegian Model” for research documentation Field differences in publication patterns Comparable institutions A closer look at publication channels outside of ISI journals Size, concentration and internationality of some humanistic disciplines Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 1 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 The model was developed 2003-2004 by the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (“Rektorkollegiet”). Implemented by the Government in 2005 The Norwegian Higher Education Sector: The task: 15,000 researchers… Collect complete, standardized, verifiable and analyzable data for all publications! 8,000 scientific and scholarly publications annually… From theology to geology, from internal medicine to international relations, from macroeconomics to nano technology… Weight the publications in a comparable way that at the same time stimulates research of good quality! Six universities and forty other HE institutions with different missions and subject areas… Make the sector agree on the model! Delimitation of publication data by definition Definition A scientific or scholarly publication must: 1. present new insight 2. in a form that allows the research findings to be verified and/or used in new research activity 3. in a language and with a distribution that makes the publication accessible for a relevant audience 4. in a publication channel with peer review Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 2 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Three main publication types 1) Article in ISSN-title 2) Article in ISBN-title 3) ISBN-title Channel Type E.g. scientific article in Nature or scholarly ISBNtitle on Oxford University Press. Import from bibliographic data sources to the common institutional documentation system in order to facilitate more complete data NORART: Norske tidsskriftartikler Researcher as author Researcher as employee Institutional documentation system Publication Reference in IR system Researcher as reader Data collection = Import verified by author + Additional bibliographic data supplied by author Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 3 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 From ISI From Norart Dynamic authority records of scholarly ISSN-titles og ISBN-publishers 15 827 ISSN-titles og 819 bookpublishers so far 0001-9887 Africa Today CABI Publishing 0001-9909 African Affairs Cambridge University Press 1062-4783 African American Review 0263-0338 African Archaeological Review Cappelen Akademisk Forlag 0001-9933 African Arts Carfax Publishing 1017-6772 African Development Review Carl Heymanns Verlag 0145-2258 African Economic History 1021-3589 African Entomology Carlsson bokförlag 1472-5843 African Identities Catholic University of America Press 1684-5315 African Journal of Biotechnology Central European University Press 1021-9730 African Journal of Crop Science 0141-6707 African Journal of Ecology 1438-7890 African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management 1684-5378 African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition 1015-8618 African Journal of Neurological Sciences 0065-4000 African Literature Today Channel View Publications Chinese University Press Christian Ejlers´s Forlag Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 4 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Exclusion of publications in local channels Publications in local publication channels are not counted in the budgeting model. The level of a publication channel is defined by its mix of authors. Level: Definition: International Authors from several countries; international language(s) National More than 2/3 of the authors are from the same country Local More than 2/3 of the authors are from the same institution Fractionalized publication counts A publication by two or more authors is fractionalized among the authors and their institutions Publication Author 1 Institution A Author 2 Institution B Institution C Author 3 Institution C Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 5 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Publication channels on two quality levels Level 2 consists of specific publication channels nominated by the national councils in each field of research. These publication channels may not publish more than 20 per cent of the publications in the field. Level 2: 20 % of the publications are given higher points Level 1: 80% of the publications are given normal points Publication points for the budgets Publication type Level 1 Level 2 Article in ISSN-title 1 3 Article in ISBN-title 0,7 1 5 8 ISBN-title Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 6 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Data for this presentation Publications from 2005 and 2006 combined Sums of fractionalized publications Simple weights: 1 article (ISSN or ISBN) = 1 publication 1 book (ISBN title) = 5 publications Assignment of publications to fields of research and disciplines Journal categories for ISSN articles Author’s affiliation and/or contents of the book for ISBN articles and books Page 13 Contents: Data: A short presentation of the “Norwegian Model” for research documentation Field differences in publication patterns Comparable institutions A closer look at publication channels outside of ISI journals Size, concentration and internationality of some humanistic disciplines Page 14 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 7 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Total output at the University of Oslo 2005-2006 by publication type 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ISI ISSNarticles Non-ISI ISSNarticles Page 15 ISBNarticles ISBN-titles Field of research and publication type: The total HE sector 3500 ISBNtitles 3000 2500 ISBNarticles 2000 1500 Non-ISI ISSNarticles 1000 ISI ISSNarticles 500 0 H i it an um es w La al ci So i Sc g ci ci re on in ti lS lS ca a er a a c h r e c t i u u l n in gi at Ed ea Cl N H En Page 16 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 8 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Field of research and publication type: The total HE sector 100 % ISBNtitles 80 % ISBNarticles 60 % Non-ISI ISSNarticles 40 % 20 % ISI ISSNarticles 0% H i it an um es i i i n g re Sc Sc Sc io in l ca at er a al al i c h r e c c i u u lt n in gi So at Ed ea Cl N H En w La Page 17 Field of research and language of publications Foreign Norwegian Engineering Natural Sci Clinical Sci Health Care Education Social Sci Law Humanities 0 1000 Page 18 2000 3000 4000 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 9 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Contents: Data: A short presentation of the “Norwegian Model” for research documentation Field differences in publication patterns Comparable institutions A closer look at publication channels outside of ISI journals Size, concentration and internationality of some humanistic disciplines Page 19 ISI-data versus complete data: A comparison of the faculties for the Humanities and for Medicine at the University of Oslo 600 500 400 Fac Hum Fac Med 300 200 100 0 Research personell ISI publications All publications (Norw. Model) Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 10 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Research activity measured by publication output at 7 Norwegian universities and 45 other HE institutions 25 % 5000 Publications Level 2 (%) 4500 20 % 4000 3500 15 % 3000 2500 10 % 2000 1500 5% 1000 500 0% 0 Oslo Trondheim Bergen Tromsø Page 21 Ås Stavanger Agder Other 45 Institutional specializations 100 % Engineering 90 % 80 % Natural Sciences 70 % Clinical Sciences 60 % Health Care 50 % Education 40 % 30 % Social Sciences 20 % Law 10 % Humanities Page 22 de r A g St av . Å s sø Tr om B er ge n er s th . O 45 Tr on dh O sl o 0% Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 11 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Specialization profile of the University of Bergen (Shares of all publications in the Norwegian HE sector) Engineering Natural Sci Clinical Sci Health Care Education Social Sci Law Humanities 0 % 5 % 10 % Page 23 15 % 20 % 25 % 30 % The institutional profile of Slavic studies Oslo Tromsø Slavic Studies Humanities Bergen Trondheim 0% 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 12 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Contents: Data: A short presentation of the “Norwegian Model” for research documentation Field differences in publication patterns Comparable institutions A closer look at publication channels outside of ISI journals Size, concentration and internationality of some humanistic disciplines Page 25 Number of channels and publications by language 8000 7000 Channels Publications 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Norw L Foreign L Norw L Foreign L Publ Publisher Journals Journals Page 26 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 13 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 30 journals (among 4,300) publish 14 per cent of the articles Lecture Notes in Computer Science Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift Arr. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning Lov og rett: Norsk juridisk tidsskrift Økonomisk forum Spesialpedagogikk Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift Historisk Tidsskrift Aquaculture IEEE Proceedings : (CDC) Norsk Medietidsskrift MarIus Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift Physical Review B Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke Kirke og kultur Elsevier IFAC Publications Edda Heimen Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift Physical Review Letters Agora Sosiologisk Tidsskrift Vård i Norden 0 50 Page 27 100 150 200 250 30 publishers (among 388) publish 68 per cent of all publications in books Universitetsforlaget Fagbokforlaget Tapir Akademisk Forlag Gyldendal Akademisk Cappelen Akademisk Forlag Unipub forlag Høyskoleforlaget Novus Forlag Springer Verlag Pax Forlag Det Norske Samlaget Abstrakt forlag Routledge IEEE Computer Society Aschehoug & Co Peter Lang Elsevier Cambridge University Press Oplandske Bokforlag IEEE conference proceedings Oxford University Press Wiley - IEEE press Ashgate Taylor & Francis Spartacus Walter de Gruyter Springer Publishing ACM Press Edward Elgar Publishing Brill Academic Publishers 0 100 Page 28 200 300 400 500 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 14 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Book ”market shares” of Universitetsforlaget Law Clinical Sci Education Health Care Social Sci Humanities Natural Sci Engineering 0% 5% Page 29 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 % The 16 most frequent journals in Geosciences (ISI journals in blue) Title Norwegian Journal of Geology Geophysical Research Letters Journal of Geophysical Research Marine and Petroleum Geology ICES Journal of Marine Science Geophysics Quaternary Science Reviews Science of the Total Environment Annales Geophysicae The Holocene Earth and Planetary Science Letters Deep-Sea Research. Part II Marine Geology Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie Chemosphere Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research Page 30 Level 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 Publications 16,8 16,7 16,3 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,1 10,9 9,7 8,9 7,1 5,9 5,8 1 1 1 5,5 5,5 5,3 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 15 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 The 16 most frequent journals in Dentistry (ISI journals in blue) Title Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende Acta Odontologica Scandinavica European Journal of Oral Sciences International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Journal of Clinical Periodontology Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Journal of Periodontology European Journal of Orthodontics Tandläkartidningen Oral Diseases Archives of Oral Biology Journal of Dental Research Clinical Oral Investigations Community Dental Health American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Journal of Periodontal Research Page 31 Level 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Publications 45,8 11,4 8,8 4,7 3,7 3,6 3,6 3,5 3,5 3,2 3,0 2,4 2,3 1 1 2,3 2,3 1 2,1 The 16 most frequent journals in Economics (ISI journals in blue) Title Økonomisk forum Ecological Economics Scandinavian Journal of Economics Applied Economics Environmental and Resource Economics European Economic Review Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Journal of Development Economics Journal of International Economics European Journal of Political Economy Land Economics Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Environment and Development Economics Economics Letters Entrepreneurship and Regional Development World Development Page 32 Level 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 Publications 39,5 6,8 6,5 5,6 4,7 4,6 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,1 3,0 1 1 2 3,0 3,0 2,6 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 16 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 The 16 most frequent journals in Linguistics (ISI journals in blue) Title Nordic Journal of Linguistics Lingua NOWELE (Odense) International Journal of Applied Linguistics Visible Language Arkiv för nordisk filologi Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning Forum : International Journal of Interpretation and Translation Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée Journal of Pragmatics LSP and Professional Communication Theoretical Linguistics Cognitive Linguistics Journal of Linguistics Language Linguistic Association of Korea Journal Page 33 Level 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Publications 6,0 6,0 5,0 5,0 4,5 4,0 3,3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2 2 1 2,0 1,5 1,0 The 16 most frequent journals in Sociology (ISI journals in blue) Title Sosiologisk Tidsskrift Sosiologi i dag Sosiologisk Årbok Acta Sociologica Journal of Risk Research Ethnic and Racial Studies European Journal of Social Theory Sociological Review European Sociological Review Leisure Studies Sociologisk forskning Journal of Critical Realism Sociologia Ruralis International Journal of Social Research Methodology Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Social Indicators Research Page 34 Level 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 Publications 27,0 22,3 9,0 5,0 4,9 3,0 2,5 2,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,5 1 1 1 1,3 1,3 1,2 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 17 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 The 16 most frequent journals in Anthropology (ISI journals in blue) Title Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift Childhood Anthropological Theory European Journal of Cultural Studies Bulletin of Latin American Research Medical Anthropology Quarterly Social Analysis: Journal of Cultural and Social Practice Anthropology of East Europe Review Lianes Visual Anthropology Human Ecology Maritime Anthropological Studies Anthropology Today Oceania Nueva Antropologia Medical Anthropology Page 35 Level 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Publications 36,3 4,0 3,0 2,5 2,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,2 1,0 1,0 2 1 1 1,0 1,0 1,0 The 16 most frequent journals in Law (ISI journals in blue) Title Lov og rett: Norsk juridisk tidsskrift MarIus Tidsskrift for familierett, arverett og barnevernrettslige spørsmål Nordisk tidsskrift for menneskerettigheter Jussens venner Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt Kritisk juss Tidsskrift for strafferett Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap Tidsskrift for erstatningsrett Skatterett Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab International Journal on Minority and Group Rights Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift NIR : Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret Page 36 Level 1 1 Publications 41,0 31,5 1 2 1 19,5 19,2 19,0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 17,0 16,3 14,0 13,5 11,0 10,0 9,0 9,0 2 2 1 7,0 6,0 6,0 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 18 Royal School of LIS, Copenhagen, Denmark 13-14 Sept 2007 Contents: Data: A short presentation of the “Norwegian Model” for research documentation Field differences in publication patterns Comparable institutions A closer look at publication channels outside of ISI journals Size, concentration and internationality of some humanistic disciplines Page 37 Size, concentration and internationality of some humanistic disciplines 600 100 % 90 % 500 80 % 70 % 400 60 % 300 50 % Publications 200 Univ % 40 % 30 % Foreign lang % 20 % 100 10 % 0% Th eo lo gy N or an di d c re la li g ng io ua n ge an d lit H is to P ry hi M lo ed s ia op an hy Li d ng C om uis m tics un ic at A io rc n ha E e ol ng og li s y h S tu C om di es pa ra G tiv er e m an lit C A S l si tu an ass di i es ca an lS d t Af ric udi es an St ud S la ie vi s c S tu di es 0 Page 38 Presented at the 12th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy ( 19
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