Spring, 2015

A Birthright Story of Three Generations
Is a ministry
treating all women and
babies as sacred..
Loves babies to life, one
mother and baby at a time..
Gives it’s services free of
charge, a tax-exempt,
charitable organization.
BIRTHRIGHT accepts no
government funding.
Page 2
Current Volunteers
Board of Directors
Alice Sebra Crochets for
Spring Wish List
Page 3
Ghana Update
Request for Volunteers
Mission Statement
Special Request
Page 4
Tribute to Kath McCartney
Page 5
Memorials and Honorariums
Gift-Matching Corporations
Page 6
Help Form
Office Hours
The phone rang in the Birthright Office; the caller had a strange question.
She wondered if when I look out the window, I saw a bus stop. I said no, but years
ago, our office was on the eighth floor, and we could see a bus stop then.
She then told me: she was only 16, thirty years ago, when she found herself
pregnant. She lived in Edmonton, but not wanting too tell her family, she took a bus
to Vancouver (750 miles), to stay with a friend. However, the wild partying atmosphere at her friend’s made her uncomfortable. So, the next day, after leaving a thank
you note, she called a taxi and left. She had nowhere to go, so she directed the
driver to take her downtown. Then she asked the driver to leave her at a random bus
stop. By amazing ‘coincidence,’ it was the bus stop across from our Birthright office. As she sat there with her suitcase, pondering what to do, the volunteer, looking
out the window, saw her and thought she was a runaway. After she finished her
shift, the volunteer went to the bus stop and spoke to the girl, offering to take her
home. There after a warm meal, the girl told the volunteer her dilemma. The next
day, the volunteer took the girl to a home run by the Salvation Army. Soon after,
she was transferred to Calgary (600 miles). She had a baby boy whom she placed
for adoption.
Fast forward thirty years: the caller, Nancy, is 46, married, and has two teenage
sons. She had spent the summer bonding with them, and for the first time, told them
of their older brother. It was then she realized she had not thanked the volunteer—
hence the phone call. Nancy could not remember the volunteer’s name.
A week later, Nancy called again. She had redeemed some airline points, and
was coming to our annual Birthright Conference to tell her story. Another amazing
‘coincidence’ was, a long-lost address book surfaced this week. In it was the volunteer’s name. Sarah, the volunteer had retired because of poor health, but was going
to attend the Conference.
The day of the Conference, Nancy appeared. She told her story to the visibly
touched audience. Then she went to Sarah, gave her a big hug and a kiss, and
thanked her. There was not a dry eye in the room.
Nancy emailed me: she found her son. He was married, had a daughter, and
they were expecting a second child. He was studying to be a doctor. Another email
arrived weeks later: a photo of Nancy reunited with her son and granddaughter.
BIRTHRIGHT of West Chester is an entirely volunteer organization
with no paid staff. All of the help we are able to offer our mothers
comes from our amazing volunteers and our wonderful donors.
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Sally Austin
Therese Bentley
Kathleen Bradlee
Anne Callahan
Dawn Dawson
Joanne Dearlove
Mary Ann Dignen
Ann Downs
Rosemarie Duane
Carol Falgiano
Linda Fantom
Kerry Farrell
Peggy Gottschall
Anne Hall
Peg Harsh
Mary Lou Higgins
Suzanne Kitz
Laurie Koehn
Christine Mackrell
Elaine Merhar
Patty Obrecht
Ann Pohl
Kristi Russell
Emily Scarola
Kay Shaw
Mila Solanet
Laura Stevenson
Mary Ellen Tighe
Maggie Vazquez
Barbara Wilson
Alice Sebra is a retired school teacher who taught for 39 years. She taught math, science,
and religion at St. Anastasia’s School in Newtown Square for 19 of those years. She and her
husband, now deceased, had five children, four boys and one girl. The children and their
families all live in the area with their 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Alice and her husband were avid Eagles football fans, and enjoyed watching all of their children’s activities. Alice likes to read books for herself and to read to her grandchildren.
What is amazing about Alice is that she learned to crochet at the age of nine and has never
stopped. She crochets blankets, baby sweaters, hats, booties and many other items. Recently she donated many blankets, baby outfits, and children’s books to Birthright of West
Chester. She has also donated baby items to other pregnancy care centers.
While Alice is confined to a wheelchair due to a stroke, she still likes to give back to her
community. She crochets whenever she can, and she will crochet as long as there is yarn
available. She asks that anyone who has extra skeins or part skeins of pastel color yarn,
please give them to our Birthright Office at 112 S. High Street in West Chester. We will
make sure Alice gets them so she can continue this generous work of hers.
Some of the wonderful baby items Alice crocheted for Birthright
Peggy Gottschall
Medical Director
Dr. A. Joseph Woodring, MD
Board of Directors
Therese Bentley
Joanne Dearlove
Ann Downs
Jack Finley
Cathy Samoylo
Mike Squyres
Our Spring Wish List
Spring and Summer Baby Clothes 0-12 months
Spring and Summer Maternity Clothes, all sizes
Yoga-type Pants
Size 2 and 3 Diapers
Crib Sheets
Ourbirthright - Ghana
We bring you greetings from Ghana in West Africa. Our doors are open to women and teenagers to help them choose life for their unborn babies.
We recently received a call from the Birthright hotline located in Atlanta, GA. A young woman living in Ghana emailed them for
help. She was unsure if she could have her baby because she was facing so many obstacles. We immediately took the information from
the Hotline staff and called the young woman. This young lady lived 6 hours from our office and had no transportation. She had no
medical care and no support from her family. Over the next few weeks we were able to get her prenatal care and working on safe housing. We will continue to stay in touch with her for as long as she needs our friendship and help.
The entire country of Ghana has only one pregnancy care office. As a developing nation with no social services, there is tremendous
need. When women contact us, we offer them all the same services as a Birthright Office in the US does: free pregnancy tests, medical
information, maternity clothes, parenting materials, and such. All of this is necessary, but it is usually our love and concern for them
that makes the biggest difference in their lives.
All our services are free so we must rely on donations to support our work. When you give to Ourbirthright – Ghana, you offer each of
our volunteer staff a healthy dose of encouragement. It tells us that you are in this work with us. This speaks volumes when the days are
difficult, and we wonder how we will reach the women who need our support. Thank you; you are appreciated. Your labor in the Lord
is not in vain.
Doris Asante, Director of Ourbirthright - Ghana
Financial gifts may be sent to the West Chester Birthright office designated for Ghana, 112 S. High Street West Chester, PA 19382.
Please send clothing donations to Doris 75 Freedom Trail Road New Castle, DE 19720
BIRTHRIGHT needs volunteers who are committed to the spirit of nurturing life, dedicated to the
belief that women and babies are important, able to be a friend without passing judgment, and caring
and helpful in a positive tangible way.
Birthright’s mission is to offer non-judgmental, compassionate support to
encourage women to continue their pregnancies. Birthright treats each woman as
an individual who deserves kindness and respect, as well as gives personal
attention to her unique situation. Birthright is an interfaith, all-volunteer, non-profit
agency—one of 500 chapters worldwide. It is completely dependent on donations
for support. Birthright is a recognized IRS C(3) Charity.
We have a special need at the moment:
Your used shopping bags and baby shower bags. ****
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Kath McCartney- Tribute to a Dedicated Volunteer
Kath McCartney was a committed and wonderful volunteer at Birthright of West Chester. We mourn her passing
this past September 27th. We would like to honor her with a few words about the kind of person she was and the
loving qualities she exemplified.
Kath’s sister-in-law, Kay Shaw, had started volunteering at Birthright in 2003. (Kay is also a great volunteer!) In
2006, Kath told Kay that she was going to volunteer at Birthright. Kay recalls that Kath didn’t really discuss her
decision. Kath’s way was not to elaborate on things in great detail. Kath tended to listen, state her opinion simply
and, then just proceed to get the job done. This was her way at Birthright as well.
Kath’s motivation to participate in the work at Birthright came from her immense love of family and children. Told
as a young woman that she could not have children, she proceeded to have six and loved being a mother to all. Her
pride in her family, including 7 grandchildren, was tremendous.
Kath’s dedication to children continued with her service at Birthright. The women who came to the office responded well to her caring manner. Children, in particular, found her easy to approach. Kath also enjoyed her
work at Birthright for the friendships she made with the other volunteers.
Kath’s dedication to Birthright was truly remarkable. After breaking her hip, not once but twice, all her friends at
Birthright were amazed to find her just showing up at the office , with no fan-fare or notice, after only four weeks.
Nothing kept Kath down; she never wanted anyone to fuss about her. And after a serious illness with great complications, Kath continued to volunteer at Birthright despite being in a wheel chair. She was happy to come and provide a smiling face and supportive voice to all – clients and volunteers. She celebrated one’s good news and never
forgot to ask in her quiet, calm way about a concern heavy on one’s heart.
Everyone at Birthright is grateful to have known Kath. She is truly missed. Our sympathy to Kath’s beautiful family, particularly as this first Mother’s Day approaches.
There were many memorial donations made in Kath’s honor including:
Mike & Pat Markowski
Mr. & Mrs.John Naber
Linda Fantom
Mrs. E. Buckley
Sue Kitz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miles
Mr.& Mrs. Kevin Burke & Family
Mr. Richard Bernstein
Villa Maria Academy
Michelle & Jim Mattson
Ann Downs
Bob & Peg Gottschall
Ms. Kathleen Barrett
Joan Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John Samoylo
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Parsons
Villa Maria Academy High School
Jason Bologna & Maria Carrillo
John Reilly
Katayoun Copeland
Karen S. Marston
Sally Austin
Elaine Merhar
Floyd & Elizabeth Pachella
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sturman
Mr. & Mrs. James Maguire
Jennifer Hussey
Mrs. Rosemarie Fritz
Diane Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pearson
American Auto Wash Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harkins
Kay Shaw
Bill & Laura Bauer
Terri, Jay, Patrick, Colleen & Megh
Gerald Makoid
Bea Witzler
Therese Bentley
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Rice
Mr. & Mrs. James Connell
Carole Hussey
MEMORIALS for Loved Ones
With sincere gratitude we acknowledge the family and friends who have made a gift in memory of
their deceased loved ones. Birthright is able to give love and hope to mothers in need because of the
generosity of our friends.
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
Gianna Mashett
Henry Tenaglio
Sean McCormick
Msgr. Thomas Scanlon
Joan Golub
Fred & Rita Bachman
Frank Christenson
Nicholas Casaccio
Miriam Keon Staten
Santiago Monge
Jack Manning
Joseph & Virginia Shea
Marilyn Dixon
Joan Golub
Sr. Betty Ann Meade
St. Patrick’s Knight of Columbus Council 13490
Albert Golub
Albert Golub
Albert Golub
Albert Golub
Mr. & Mrs. Clemens Arlinghaus
Madeline Christenson
Albert Golub
Kathleen Jordan (her aunt)
Judith Bonifacino (her son-in-law)
Margaret Manning (her husband)
Rev. James Shea (his parents)
Richard R. Dixon(his wife)
Albert Golub (his wife)
Albert Golub
Birthright & Joan Herald
Jody Lawrence
James & Jane Dukovic
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Whalen
Carol Pfeifle
Ann Downs
The Malinowski Family
Dr. John Gottschall
Elaine Merhar
Ann Downs
Beth Hallanan
Beth Hallanan
Beth Hallanan
Rich & Mary Colsher
William Mark Schachinger
Ms. Carol Clark
Nancy Seeberger & Tom (in honor of 6o years of memories)
Ms. Beatrice Lock
Pat & Kim Henry (her sister)
The Allen Family Charitable Trust
Peg & Bob Gottschall
Peg & Bob Gottschall
Mr. & Mrs. David Wascak
Michael Downs (his mother)
Ms. Jane Petner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Manley
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fow (on her 50th birthday)
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Torchiana (on her 50th Birthday)
Al & Mary Liz Heumann (on their 50th Wedding Anniversary)
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Stallard (to honor his birth)
American Charities
Boeing EC Fund
Combined Federal
General Electric
Merck Partnership for
Prudential Foundation
Birthright of West Chester has been Encouraging Moms to
Have Their Babies for 30 years!
United Way
Verizon Foundation
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Non-Profit Org
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West Chester, PA
Permit No. 378
112 S. High Street
West Chester, PA 19382
“It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth, and
the right of every child to be
……...Birthright Charter
BIRTHRIGHT of West Chester is an entirely volunteer organization with no paid staff. All of the help we
are able to offer our mothers comes from our amazing volunteers and our wonderful donors.
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Office Hours
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
National 24 hour Hotline:
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
West Chester
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
United Way Donor Option
# 03825
9:00 AM to 12 Noon
10:00 AM to 12 Noon
Evenings by Appointment
Printed by The Chambers Group 610-993-8686