WOODWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL MAY 2015 Smarter Balanced Assessments and Washington Measurement of Student Progress (MSP) May 4-15, 28, 29 The Woodward staff members are dedicated to the task of helping your child master the skills that are assessed by the new Smarter Balanced Assessments and the state MSP test in science. We want to give them an opportunity to test under optimal conditions. Families also play an important role in helping students be successful during these tests. We appreciate your support by ensuring that your child is rested and in attendance during the entire testing period. Please help us by not scheduling any appointments for your child during the testing time. While there will be time for “make-ups” the following week we are able to provide optimal testing conditions during the regular testing schedule. The state scores each test or portion of the test not completed as zero, which is reflected on the student’s score and the school’s cumulative report. Released items, practice tests and other information regarding these important assessment can be found at the following website: http://www.k12.wa.us/ assessment/StateTesting/ THANK YOU so much for your support and assistance as we do our best to provide our students with the best opportunity to really “show what they know” on these important tests. Here’s to a GREAT testing period! If you have questions about the tests, please call or email our testing coordinator, Patti Beer. Testing window details: May 4-8 ELA Smarter Balanced Testing in grades 7 & 8 May 11-15 Math Smarter Balanced Testing in grades 7 & 8 May 28-29 Science MSP testing in grade 8 only On May 28, students will meet on a block schedule with periods 1/3/5. On May 29, students will follow a similar schedule for periods 2/4/6. We will have this schedule posted on our web site. This will be of particular importance to our part-time students. THANK YOU PARENTS & COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS!! UPCOMING EVENTS TESTING May 4-15, 28, 29 TEACHER APPRECIATION May 4-8 PTO MEETING May 14 9:30 AM SBC MEETING May 20 3:30 PM CULTURE FAIR May 21 MEMORIAL DAY May 25 NO SCHOOL Woodward is one of the best middle schools in the state thanks to our fine volunteer force. Our talented and caring volunteers make a positive difference in the lives and success of our students and staff. Woodward volunteers generously put in countless hours of service to our school. There is no more worthy INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT endeavor than people giving of their time for the children of their community. On behalf of all of us at FIELD TRIPS Woodward, we thank and appreciate our fantastic volunteers. Woodward volunteers will be honored at our June 11th PTO meeting with a brunch provided by our Woodward Staff. The meeting starts at 9:30 AM and May 28 and 29 is in the Woodward Staff Room. Please join us so we can say thanks in person! TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK MAY 4-8 We will be recognizing teachers and other certificated employees for their contributions to the education and development of our students. Please join in this celebration by sending a note or email to teachers, counselors, or others who have made a difference in your child’s life. Thanks for helping us celebrate our Woodward Staff! Our PTO will provide a luncheon for teachers on May 8 th. THANKS TO WINDERMERE REAL ESTATE OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND We would like to thank Windermere of BI for their support in providing funding for our Homework Club and our Read Naturally program. We have over 200 students taking advantage of this opportunity to receive additional support in their learning. Community support is one of the reasons Woodward is able to provide our students with an excellent education. Mike Florian Principal PLAN AHEAD 8th GRADE BANQUET June 6 6-10 PM PTO/VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION BRUNCH June 11 BHS GRADUATION June 13 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL June 17 HALF DAY PTO NEWS We are rapidly approaching the end of the school year and our students have planned their schedules for the next school year. To help parents prepare for their students going to high school, we invite you to attend the May PTO general meeting where Kristin Haizlip will be our guest speaker. She will have information to help you and your student transition to BHS. Also, Kirsten Fitzgerald, PTSO co-president, will tell us about the BHS PTSO and how you can be involved there. We hope to see you there. So much helpful information will be presented! Bainbridge Schools Foundation will begin their spring fundraising soon. Please consider donating. BSF is able to fund items with your donations that aren’t in the school budget or PTO budget. Your support is greatly appreciated. 8th Grade Banquet will be here before you know it! Volunteers can still get involved – contact Julie Davis or Karen Hall. If your student has not purchased a ticket—do that soon! We want to have everyone there. Scholarships are available if needed. We hope to see you on Thursday, May 14th at 9:30 in the teacher’s lounge for our PTO meeting! Don’t miss the transition to high school topic! Michele Blackford WMS PTO President Proposed Woodward Middle School PTO Board Slate for 2015-16 President: Lisa White Immediate Past President: Michele Blackford Treasurer: Sarah Barnes Secretary: Carolyn Westphal Volunteer Coordinator: Suzanne Fisher/Sandra Allen Fallapalooza Fundraiser: Stephanie Aichele/Nicole Wingfield Site Council: Brandi Bispham Grants Coordinator: Beth Tomers PTO Committee Chairs: Non Voting positions. Escripts: Sherry Cibula 8th Grade Banquet 2015: Emily Teran Teacher Luncheon: OPEN Web Site Updating: Sandra Allen Caring Fund Chair: OPEN Wonderful Wildcats Chair: OPEN We will be electing our new Board at our June 11th meeting. Anyone who is interested in filling the vacant positions should contact me in advance and plan on attending the May PTO meeting. We have been lucky enough to have many returning Board members continue to volunteer their time on behalf of the WMS students and staff but new volunteers are always welcome. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming involved in our Woodward community or PTO, please do not hesitate to contact me. PTO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR!! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES _____Fallapalooza (October) _____Sweatshirt and picture distribution _____Band Concerts _____Health Screening _____Tutoring _____Book Fair _____Staff Appreciation Luncheon _____Geography Bee graders _____Editors: Classroom and/or Culture Fair _____Culture Fair Set Up _____Eighth Grade Banquet _____End of Year Class chaperone Picnic/BBQ _____Welcoming Committee (welcome new parents to the island) _____Registration (End of August) _____Path Monitor _____After School Dismissal Monitor (Daily 2:55-3:15 PM) _____CALL ME ANYTIME NAME___________________________________ PHONE #__________________________ EMAIL___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ STUDENT’S NAME________________________________________ GRADE (circle) 7 8 ___ EIGHTH GRADE BANQUET NEWS Spring is in the air and the 8th grade Banquet is just around the corner! If you have not registered and paid for your 8th grader to attend the Banquet, please do so by May 10th. Our food committee needs to have a head count for the dinner portion of the evening, and we can only spend what ticket sales generate! If you still haven’t purchased your student’s ticket, please do so as soon as possible. Tickets may be purchased either online (see link on WMS and WMS PTO websites), or by dropping your check for $55, with your child’s name on it, in the payment box at the attendance window. Please remember that scholarships are also available through the counselor’s office. Thanks to all parents who have already purchased tickets! We also send a very warm thank you to the parents who have donated to this event while purchasing tickets! Be advised that you only need a ticket for your student. Parents do not attend this event unless they have volunteered in advance for a specific job that requires that they are in attendance the night of the Banquet. Please contact Trish Franznick at [email protected] with any questions. BANQUET INVITATIONS: All registered students will be receiving an on-line printable invitation. Please look for this in your email in mid-May. We will also be sending out specific information about the evening, as well as a request for food preferences (vegetarian, food allergies, etc.). CHILDHOOD AND SLIDE SHOW PHOTOS: Margaret Hanacek and Janet Usellis and their committee are busy creating the collage of childhood photos, which will be displayed in the Commons in mid-May. Katy and Ted Klinkenberg are putting together a fabulous slideshow to be shown during the Banquet. Thanks to everyone for getting their photos submitted! SONG REQUESTS FOR DJ: Students can now submit song requests for the night of the Banquet by putting them in the box sitting at Mrs. Mar’s attendance window. Please let your child know that the box is there, so they can start requesting their favorite songs! **Please note that while we will make our best effort to honor requests, we can’t guarantee that all songs requested will be played at the Banquet.** DRESS CODE: A reminder that the Banquet is not a formal dance, rather a dinner with entertainment and dancing among friends. The attire for the evening is dressy, but not formal. For girls, skirts or dresses must be mid-thigh or longer ---- at least to the fingertips. Dresses or tops should have a discreet neckline no lower than 4 inches (a hand’s width) from the base of the neck. Straps on dresses may be spaghetti or halter style and strapless dresses are acceptable if they meet the neckline requirement. Midriffs and undergarments must be covered at all times. For safety reasons, shoes need to be worn at all times and as a result, we recommend that heels be no higher than 2 inches. If your child does not think that they will be able to wear heels for the entire 4 hours, please have them bring an extra pair of flats to change into. For boys, a nice shirt and pants are appropriate, suits and ties are optional. There will be a check-in area for items such as coats, sweaters, purses, extra pair of comfortable shoes, cameras, etc. Backpacks and large bags are not allowed. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THE COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND PARENT VOLUNTEERS WHO HAVE BEEN WORKING DILIGENTLY FOR MONTHS TO MAKE THIS BANQUET A MEMORABLE EVENT FOR OUR 8TH GRADERS! If you have any questions, please contact Julie Davis at [email protected] or Karen Hall at [email protected]. VOLUNTEER THANK YOU!!! PLAN AHEAD!! Woodward staff would like to invite all of our volunteers to a brunch during the June 11th PTO meeting. This will be our small way to say thank you to all of you who give countless hours to our staff, students, and school!! Volunteers do not necessarily have the time: they just have the heart. ~Elizabeth Andrew NEEDED: SITE BASE COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES We are in need of a 7th grade SBC parent representative for the 2015-2016 school year. If you feel this is a position you would like to hold please email your qualifications and information about yourself to [email protected]. CHAPERONES NEEDED Chaperones are needed for the 7th grade science field trip on Tuesday, May 19 from 8 AM to 2 PM. Volunteers will supervise small groups of students as they visit Fay Bainbridge and Restoration Point. The students will participate in a scavenger hunt to explore the geological formation of the island. Much of the time will be spent on sandy and rocky beaches. If you would like to volunteer please make sure you are on our approved Volunteer List. If not print out the paperwork on-line and give to Beth Guy in the main office. along with your son/ daughter’s name, She will process the information. Please contact Scott Orness if you would like to volunteer. [email protected] or 206.780.4539 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH APRIL 2015 8th GRADE Hannah Lee and Alex Loleas 7th GRADE Jack Dutt and Emily Parks Honorable Mention 8th Grade: Charlie Bullock, Natalia Clermont, Lucy Hanacek, Kashmira Irani, Patrick Ledoux, Sara Mattes, Samantha Parr, and Gabe Roth Honorable Mention 7th Grade: Steven Albergeine, Jack Bennett, Kyra Coupland, Maya Dorsey, Emily Guthrie, Parker Hutchinson, Zoe Magnuson, Lucas Nalley, Madeline Sherry, Samantha Sherwood, Paige Tomer, Sofia Trail, Hannah Wakefield, and Elliott Weyand SUMMER READING CNN has an article titled How to Keep Kids Reading Through the Summer. It includes practical suggestions along with titles of recent books. The link to this article is: http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/27/living/anna-quindlen-raising-readers/index.html?iref=allsearch Print copies are available in the main office and in the library. LIBRARY NEWS The Fault in Our Stars is the Evergreen Teen Award 2015 winner! Thanks for participating in our reading challenge. Next year’s list is out and on our website. Parents, if you haven’t read these books, you’re missing out on some fun stories! Please remind students to return textbooks when they are finished with them—some of the novels get “lost” in bedrooms and backpacks. We hope Library materials will be used as much as possible, but please return or renew when due. Summer checkouts will be allowed for students in good standing. The Library Update is still in progress. Thanks to those of you who donated to our Funds4Books campaign. We will most likely be able to buy 60-70 new books. If you or your student has book recommendations, please contact Mr. Patrick. SAFETY REMINDER... ... to parents to NOT pick up or drop off your students at the North side of the school. We have school buses coming and going during those times and it could be very dangerous. Thanks for your cooperation! BUILDER’S CLUB Builders Club members continue to make progress on their last major project of the year: pet blankets for Winslow Animal Clinic. We are grateful to Ms Fulgham for her instruction and materials. Builders Club members have completed several successful collection projects this year: UNICEF funds to fight maternal and neonatal tetanus; warm socks stuffed with chocolates and jokes for the homeless; and a large food drive for Helpline House. We are grateful to these students for giving up their sleep to come in before school and WORK, and we are equally grateful to the parents who drove them. We know that these altruistic and generous habits will last a lifetime EARTH SCIENCE In addition to picking up litter island wide on Earth Day, Woodward students boxed up and sent in over 1,000 foil juice and expired water pouches to TerraCycle, and 300 dried up markers to Terracycle. Our students continue to sort their compost, recycle, and trash at lunchtime, and with considerably less resistance. We appreciate their efforts to reduce the methane produced when food decomposes anaerobically in landfills. This quote is from the EPA website: "Methane (CH4) is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas emitted in the United States from human activities. In 2013, CH4 accounted for about 10% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities." SCHOOL LUNCH Bainbridge Island School District Food & Nutrition Services We have almost made it! The end of the school year is right around the corner. Food & Nutrition Services is trying to clear up any debts before the end of the year. So please be sure that your student has sufficient funds in their accounts for lunch. All remaining balances in students’ accounts at the end of the school year will be carried over to next year. No charging will be allowed beginning on June 1…. (Students may use their accounts but if their balance is less than the lunch amount, they will not be able to charge the lunch.) If you have any questions regarding students’ account, please contact your school food service cashier or the Food & Nutrition Services office (206) 842–2908. Thanks for buying school lunch, Food & Nutrition Services.
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