SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (SIP) - Bishop Walsh Catholic School

Bishop Walsh Catholic School,
part of the John Paul II Multi-Academy.
Bishop Walsh Catholic School, Spring 2015 to Spring 2016.
School Improvement Aims.
Aim 1: ‘To love and serve the Lord’, through understanding and working with our local, national and global communities.
Aim 2: To make the quality of all teaching ‘outstanding’ by making sure students are more actively engaged in their learning.
Aim 3: Working with our primary partners in the John Paul II Multi-Academy so we continue to develop a first class Catholic
education for our pupils.
Aim 4: To promote positive behaviour and personal standards through collective responsibility.
Aim 5: To improve the fabric and use of the building and the site.
Key Priorities of the St. John Paul II Multi-Academy Development Plan for 2014-2016.
Launch of MAC
Joint Project on Catholic Life
Improving Standards, achievement and the quality of teaching
Shared pay and appraisal policy by Sept 2015
Shared ICT Provision
Harnessing Provision Strategy
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Pupil Views on how to improve Bishop Walsh Catholic School
In November 2014 each House Group had a discussion in pastoral time about how to improve the school. These are collated by Year Group
below. The question was “One thing that needs to be improved at Bishop Walsh Catholic School.”
Year 13:
Year 9:
 Privilege of 6 form dining room taken away with pupils having to go to  Food prices too expensive
main school dining room.
 During traffic light assessments, pupils should be set revision as
 Food in dining room is too expensive
homework not homework in addition to revision.
 Why hasn’t finger print paying system commenced?
 Hooks on toilet doors required to hang bags/coats.
Year 8:
 Heaters don’t work in Common Room
 Canteen area is too small.
Year 12:
 Food prices too expensive
 Food prices too expensive.
 REEP extended project – why do students have to follow this?
 Use of field at lunchtime in good weather.
Year 7:
 Size of canteen too small.
 More water stations in school.
 Year 12 not being allowed to leave school in free periods.
 Sheltered areas needed on playground
Year 11:
 Food prices too expensive
 Food prices too expensive.
 Vending machines should be reinstated
 Sheltered areas needed on playground
Year 10:
 Food prices too expensive
 Seagulls
 Problems over 2 year groups of boys playing football in the cage.
After each year group had put forward their ideas, pupils were asked to select their top 4 from a whole school council perspective. School council then
voted and decided on the following order of priority of what needs to be improved at Bishop Walsh School:
Food prices too high.
Canteen area too small.
Provision of a sheltered area in the quad.
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Parent Views on how to improve Bishop Walsh Catholic School
In January 2015 a questionnaire went to parents (group call and hard copy) asking them to rate the school according to the Ofsted parent view questions and having a section
where parents could write their views in more detail. These responses were discussed at a parental form meeting on 21 January 2015. Some immediate feedback and
resultant changes that are not all included in this school improvement plan were sent out to parents in February 2015 newsletter – please see school website under parent tab
My child is happy at this school
My child feels safe at this school
My child makes good progress at this school
My child is well looked after at this school
My child is taught well at this school
My child receives appropriate homework for their age
This school ensures pupils are well behaved
This school deals effectively with bullying
This school is well led and managed
This school responds well to any concern I raise
I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress
I would recommend this school to another parent
No answer
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Parent Views on how to improve Bishop Walsh Catholic School (continued) These written responses are from individual parents.
What are the best things about Bishop Walsh?
Even better if ?
 Moving pupils into different sets if there ability changes.
 Caring/supportive nature of teachers.
 Letters informing parents their child is in the top ten per cent of attitude to
 Willingness of teachers to stay behind and help students.
 Commitment to high standards of teaching and learning.
 Excellent academic progress of pupils.
 Traffic light reports are informative and ‘attitude to learning’ section is
 Three modern languages offered at GCSE/ choice of options.
 Teachers challenging pupils to aim higher.
 Individual pupil progress is tracked and communicated well to parents.
 Good/consistent discipline policy.
 Strict uniform policy.
 Very Good management of pupils’ behaviour.
 Variety of school trips.
 Wide range of after school clubs and extra-curricular activities
 Organisation of DofE.
 Excellent sports facilities.
 Excellent performing arts opportunities.
 Polite welcoming of pupils at school events.
 Year 7 intro meeting and follow up with form teachers.
 Year 7 workshop evening.
 Responses from teachers at parents’ evenings.
 The whole school shows and dance/music evenings.
Student unit/module evaluations to gain feedback about how they were taught.
Greater communication from teachers with parents regarding pupil weaknesses
in particular subjects so more home support can be offered.
More contact from SEN teachers regarding pupil progress and further tips to
support pupil learning.
The traffic light system needs to be re assessed: raise concerns prior to traffic
light report being sent so there is an opportunity for improvements to be made.
Pupils see a ‘red’ traffic light as failure, there needs to be more positive
encouragement. Traffic Light reports – concerns regarding consistency between
attitude to learning and teachers comments. Categorisation of colours (e.g.
Green if pupil is on target and a different colour if pupil is exceeding target).
Teachers explained homework tasks more thoroughly. Excessive amount of
homework for year 7 pupils.
More subject choice (option to drop all three sciences/modern languages) DT
lessons were more practical based.
Cover lessons need to be specifically planned.
 Pupils who disrupt the class need to be dealt with more firmly.
 More consistent and structured system for managing pupil behaviour (e.g. A
behaviour points system to provide a framework for escalating sanctions so pupils
are dealt with fairly by all staff and good behaviour can be rewarded).
 Pupils with strong personalities were dealt with more effectively.
 Some pupils seem to be bullying their teachers – more training is needed for how
to deal with unruly pupils without disrupting the class.
 A rugby/ cross country team included in the school sports teams.
 Gymnastics and swimming club.
 If extra-curricular clubs have changed times/days parents need to be informed
(e.g. via blanket texting).
 Sporting activities/PE for the Sixth Form.
 Greater focus on minority sports e.g. Gaelic football.
 Share drama productions with inner city schools.
 School trips need to be more affordable.
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Good moral, catholic and caring ethos.
Communication with the school and teachers /Head of Years.
Involvement of parents in school life.
Transition from primary school to Bishop Walsh.
Involving pupils with different personalities into the school
Integration of faith into school life.
Parental concerns on and off site are dealt with effectively and
Pupil safety – safe environment.
Strong leadership team/ well managed school.
Pupils and staff are approachable and friendly.
Good pastoral care.
Helpful reception staff.
Bishop Walsh provides fantastic opportunities for pupils to grow both
spiritually and academically.
The sixth form open evening was earlier.
Organisation and management of parents evenings (set appointment times
allocated to each teacher)
Inviting pupils to attend the sixth form parents evening was not a good idea.
Parent felt teachers were not as honest.
Year 7 parents evening was earlier in order to gain feedback regarding pupil
progress/weaknesses early on.
 Swipe/credit card or fingerprint based system for the canteen. Pupils entitled with
free school meals would obtain the appropriate credit.
 Improved canteen facilities with healthier options for lunch.
 Homework given out in accordance with the homework timetable.
 Marking of books was more consistent and monitored accordingly.
 Students in the sixth form were treated more like young adults rather than children.
Greater independence.
 More subject choice at A-Level (e.g. law/sociology)
 The study centre in the sixth form was used more effectively during study periods.
 Area to relax in the sixth form centre and improved heating.
 Accessibility of lockers.
 Staggered lunch times to avoid queues.
 Improvements to KS3 toilets.
 Greater focus on the importance of Physical Education.
 More information about bus routes and timetables before pupils start in yr7.
 The English department needs to be stronger.
 Mock A-level exams took place in February instead of January.
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Staff Views on how to improve Bishop Walsh Catholic School
In January 2015 a questionnaire went out to staff asking them to rate the school according to the Ofsted staff view questions and having a section where
they could write their views in more detail about what would be better if.
Strongly agree
I am proud to be a member of staff at this school.
2 abstain
Children are safe at this school.
Behaviour is good in this school.
1 abstain
1 abstain
The behaviour of pupils is consistently well managed.
1 abstain
The school deals with any cases of bullying effectively (bullying includes persistent
name-calling, cyber, racist and homophobic bullying).
3 abstain
Leaders do all they can to improve teaching.
3 abstain
The school makes appropriate provision for my professional development.
1 + 3 abstain
The school successfully meets the differing needs of individual pupils.
3 abstain
I know what we are trying to achieve as a school.
1 abstain
All staff consistently apply school policies.
2 + 2 abstain
The school is well lad and managed
1 abstain
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Staff think Bishop Walsh would be even better if? These written responses below are from individual members of staff.
I feel we are not encouraged to take part in training of our own choice.
Safety of students after school when cleaners are around and also safety of staff and students during parents evening are concerns.
I relation to Q6 - I feel that more time should be given to looking at T+L rather than the administration of T+L.
Form time activities – more could be provided for tutors – a quiz each week – a film clip. 20 mins each day + 10 mins in morning is a long time to spend with form
group. Could this be shortened?
Traffic Lights – Too many TL’s lower down the school affecting teaching & planning and specified coverage. Could this be reduced to 2 TL a year for lower school?
While I appreciate finances are limited I think there should be more provisions for external professional development
Structured PHSE program through form time would benefit in preparing pupils for leaving school i.e. finances etc.
Not all staff enforce all rules and uniform policy. Not all staff follow basic behaviour policy
There appears to be a shift in emphasis recently from talking about teaching and learning and engaging in ways to improve it to checking and scrutinising it – moving
forwards I would like more chance to talk about and develop my teaching – external speakers, CPD courses T+L groups and sharing.
6 – Excessive amounts of paperwork results in less planning time to produce high quality lessons.
7 – For a number of years I have not been asked what I feel I need for PD for or how the school can support me.
The fabric of the school needs improvement
Workload is becoming heavier and heavier with SLT new initiatives
Some staff do not want to deal with incidents using the proper channels…they can be too quick to involve HOY or SLT
There is a reticence to have ‘difficult’ conversations with parents…and perhaps colleagues
Uniform policy is not enforced or addressed by all colleagues
8 – By far the majority. Ensuring that the final KS4 outcomes of disadvantaged pupils improve, remains a key priority
Excellent teaching + learning inset, head of faculty + departmental time
More focus on communication of vision and improving T+L across school
Question: Have our contracted hours changed since September or with our Academy status? We are scheduled on 3 occasions next term for both Parents Evening
and Prize Giving and an Inset in the same week; just as were last term. Directed time is explained on the NASUWT website, and should be one a week.
Please could we have an explanation as to why we are having more than one meeting per week? On a number of occasions this has happened where previously we
didn’t have this. For example when we have Prize Giving there is also a short meeting. This has not happened before and is not a work life balance. Directed time is
explained on NASUWT website & should only be one a week
Q.11 - By HT only. Not consistent with all Dep Heads. Not by all.
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Academy Representative Views on how to improve Bishop Walsh Catholic School
In February 2015 academy representatives were asked the questions below.
What are the best things about Bishop Walsh?
Even better if?
Impact of governance has improved since last Ofsted – strongest body we
have had.
Sharing of governance tasks and duties has more impact than ever.
Staff – length of service, Commitment and expertise of staff. Staff put in
many extra hours – they are dedicated. Proud to be a member of staff. Staff
Fabric of school is improving
Pupils are a credit to the school. Polite and respectful. Staff alike. Pastoral
care is second to none.
Great work being done by John Carroll. Looking forward to the Sports
Reputation locally and city wide - hard earned over many years. Recent
league table showing BW as top comprehensive at A level. Best
comprehensive in the City. Keep on going….!
Opportunities for students are excellent – trips abroad, school show
Leadership and Management of school.
Behaviour of pupils. Discipline is excellent. Appreciates the consistent
approach. Proud to say her children attend. Attitudes to behaviour and
learning. Pastoral Care and safety. Courtesy of staff and pupil
Pupils are a credit to school, parents and their faith
Multi-Academy Mass was wonderful
Learning walks let academy representatives know what is going on
Spiritual Life and liturgical calendar, Lourdes pilgrimage
Prizegiving Evening
Quality of teaching – student attainment and tracking of progress
Extracurricular opportunities
Parental support, involvement
Support for charity and fundraising
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Inconsistency in marking – witnessed on a learning walk,
Understanding of diversity needs to improve. Ofsted will check this. Be
Minor niggle – Parking is sometimes an issue
Library should be better as it does not encourage reading.
MAC offers great opportunity for us to address need of children at an earlier
age. Potential for lower and middle ability to improve attainment if we start
earlier on.
Careers – not all children are aware of who to see – more visibility needed.
Career options – develop design technology/business links with local
companies like Jaguar Landrover
More choices at A level – Law, Sociology.
Traffic light system needs to change
Website needs attention.
Pressure and responsibility of all staff to do your best
More Involvement in Parishes needed
More sports opportunities for 6 form
Governors need to be in school more frequently
VLE available to families
All teaching good or better
Address the two main areas of staff concern – CPD and consistency of
applying policies
Eng/maths – close the gap further
Continued focus on disadvantaged pupils (Pupil premium)
Address issues with one subject area
Review subject options at A level and GCSE – as an academy we have more
Review Sixth Form Open Evening dates – other schools are earlier
The context of the School Improvement Plan, 2015-2016 – a rationale.
Thanks to the efforts of all at Bishop Walsh we completed the vast majority of the SIP, Spring 2015-Spring 2016. In Jan. 2016, the Leadership Team reviewed where we are
as a school and what we needed to do to make outcomes for pupils even better. We continue to strive to be an outstanding school by ‘closing the gaps’. This document
is guided by the six key priorities of our JPIIMAC Development Plan on page 1. This frames the SIP for Bishop Walsh which has the aims for the school below and then
action points or objectives on following pages. Extensive pupil, parent, staff and academy representative voice was sought in early 2015 and ideas harvested are recorded
and used in this plan. The SIP follows the main Section 48 and Section 5 Ofsted headings. We are never complacent at Bishop Walsh about the need to maintain/develop our
aspiration of being one of the best schools in the UK. At the heart of our Catholic School we believe that young people are nurtured, not measured and so continue to place
emphasis the whole child. Our core task is giving pupils as many life chances as possible, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
SIP: Aim 1: ‘To love and serve the Lord’, through understanding and working with our local, national and global communities. This reflects the fundamental mission
of Bishop Walsh Catholic School. Pupil recognition that society is diverse and that love and tolerance is paramount and in fact chimes with basic British Values. We want pupils
to ‘catch’ our catholic values in the light of the galvanising zeal of Pope Francis. Developing our involvement with and impact on local and Catholic community. Direct projects
with diverse faiths/cultures. Impact of pupil/parental voice and how this can impact on life of the school. Initiatives like Fair Trade, Lepra, CAFOD, Antony Nolan Trust>
Encouraging greater numbers to go to the Lourdes Pilgrimage, the new Soli House and Alton Castle and attending to the impact of these religious experiences when pupils
return to school. Extending our contact with the Zimbabwean schools. Sixth Form Christian Duty. Development of lay chaplaincy team/St. John Paul II award. ‘Catholic Life’
appraisal target compulsory for all teaching staff. Working with JPIIMA schools on developing Catholic Life together.
SIP: Aim 2: To make the quality of all teaching ‘outstanding’ by making sure students are more actively engaged in their learning. Constant use of INSET/Coaching
to encourage best practice and intervene when teaching is not good. Use of staff/pupil mantras/appraisal systems to encourage pedagogy that is both creative and fit for
pupils. Use of partnerships to improve T&L at BW and make sure that a significant number of staff have accredited training in improving pupils learning. Develop middle
leaders in simple and effective ways of monitoring teaching. Closing the gaps identified in RAISEOnline/Sixth Form anaysis. Making sure that outcomes for pupils at the
end KS3/4/5 are as high as they can be. Preparing for Section 5 Ofsted in 2014-2015.
SIP: Aim 3: Working with our primary partners in the John Paul II Multi-Academy so we continue to develop a first class Catholic education for our pupils.
Fulfilling the key priorities of the Multi-Academy Development Plan – see page 1. Learning from/working with our primary partners. Student enjoyment/achievement through
our curriculum plan, 2015-2016, anticipating and preparing pupils for the new national exams at GCSE and A level, including more emphasis on English and Maths. Whole
school and departmental self-evaluation which is targeted and leads to improved pupil outcomes. Extending our performing arts, sports and extracurricular programme and
seeking external grants to fund. Preparing pupils for the world of work inc. how to get onto quality apprentice schemes. Having an online Parentpay system to help families
across the JPIIMA. All of this underpinned by better communication and service to pupils and parents.
SIP: Aim 4: To promote positive behaviour and personal standards through collective responsibility. To continue trend of less fixed term/permanent exclusions.
Making student voice have more impact. Improving how pupils use building. Inculcate a healthy relationship with God is about serving others; understanding the balance
between rights/responsibilities. Redesigning KS3 curriculum for the core subjects and active and creative learning. Identifying with ethos of school through spiritual/extracurricular activity. Using expertise of Free School (EBN Academy) to ‘help turn around’ pupils who have lost their way. Further develop emphasis on Safeguarding and
improving procedures.
SIP: Aim 5: To improve the fabric and use of the building and the site. Ambitious plans for a permanent Sixth Form Centre, refurbishment of windows/roof and an allweather sports pitch. Plans to make the school more attractive/supportive of T&L. Continue plans for Sports Village and fields with Sutton Town Football Club and improve
decoration/display inside and outside of the school. Role of site and lettings team in looking after the school and bringing in revenue for development of the site. Involving
pupils more in care/development of their own environment.
John Farrell – Spring 2015.
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Completion of action points in SIP, Spring 2014-Spring 2015.
In the last year there has been such hard work in our community completing the action points that we set ourselves as targets this time last year. Please see
the list below; every action point is either completed or partially complete. The action points that are partially completed are shaded.
SIP Action 1: Launch of the John Paul II Multi-Academy with pupils, parents and staff.
SIP Action 2: Working with primary partners in the JPIIMAC to invigorate the Catholic Life of Bishop Walsh and further improving the provision for
Catholic Life at Bishop Walsh so that it is maintained and developed.
SIP Action 3: Faith in Action Week, w.b. July 7 2014
SIP Action 4: To refurbish and update the school chapel to enhance worship.
SIP Action 5: Encouraging pupils to appreciate a diverse society
SIP - Action 6. Next phase in developing link with our partner schools in Zimbabwe, Using grant from ‘Connecting Classrooms’ to send out a
member of staff to establish practical links between both schools.
SIP – Action 7. Effective intervention strategies to reach GCSE target of 85% A*-Cs including Eng.& Maths. In PATRICULAR the need to CLOSE
THE GAPS identified in RAISEOnline. English to target 90% of pupils gaining A*-C and the RAISEOnline residual for pupil premium to move much
closer to 1000.
SIP – Action 8. Effective intervention strategies to reach 50%+ A*, A and Bs for A level in Summer 2014 and improve post-16 provision.
SIP – Action 9. Planning curriculum change to ensure maximum pupil achievement in the light of government changes to GCSE and A level.
SIP - Action 10. Developing the purpose and approach to INSET and Coaching to further impact on pupil outcomes
SIP - Action 11. Harnessing the JPIIMAC development plan key priority 3 - Improving standards, achievement and the quality of teaching.
SIP - Action 12. New pay and appraisal policy for teachers and support directly related to maintaining and improving Quality of Teaching.
SIP - Action 13. To develop a new VLE for the school.
SIP - Action 14. Validating standards of quality of teaching in the school by asking an external team of Headteachers one of whom is a serving
OfSTED inspector to do a ‘Mocksted’ in Spring 2014. This to be followed by an unannounced MOCKSTED in Summer Term 2014.
SIP – Action 15. Look carefully at the impact of the change of role for Learning Progress Assistants (LPA). Has it made a difference to the life
chances of pupils?
SIP – Action 16. To continue to develop more opportunities for pupils to work out their career route so they can be happy and productive
members in 21 century society.
SIP – ACTION 17. Review and change to the role of Heads of Year at Bishop Walsh. (Two year objective)
SIP – Action 18. To promote ‘Stewardship’ amongst pupils to improve the ambience of the school environment and have a positive effect on
behaviour and safety.
SIP – Action 19. Ambitious plans for a permanent Sixth Form Centre. Plans to make the school more attractive/supportive of T&L. Continue plans
for Sports Village and fields with Sutton Town Football Club and improve decoration/display inside and outside of the school.
SIP Action 20. To work with our primary partners completing the JPIIMA Development Plan.
SIP Action 21. Appointment of Deputy Headteacher (Learning and Teaching). Necessary re-ordering of Leadership Team tasks in the light of this
appointment and the maternity leave of the Asst. Head i.c. Inclusion.
SIP ACTION 22. Leadership of Learning and Teaching at all levels in the school.
SIP ACTION 23. Completion of whole school SEF in preparation for a section 5 Ofsted any time after September 2014.
SIP – Action 24. To continue to make sure the Academy Committee of Bishop Walsh Catholic School exercises its ultimate strategic function in
leading the future improvement of Bishop Walsh Catholic Schoool.
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Action points (objectives) of School Improvement Plan for Spring ‘15-Spring ‘16.
Section on Catholic Life including the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Action point
What do we have to do to make it happen and who
Impact on Learners (success
How will we know this
will lead on this?
action point happens?
SIP Action 1: Working with
St. John Paul II MultiAcademy schools to improve
the catholic life of schools
looking at what it is that
makes us distinctive and how
forms of prayer.
SIP Action 2: Establish a
group of post-16 students
who graduate in the John
Paul II award. The award
encourages and recognises
work done in school and
parish to further the work of
the local catholic church.
a. Regular meetings of the JPIIMA Catholic Life Group to suggest
strategies for helping staff to lead on catholic life in their
classrooms. This includes extending the existing electronic prayer
book to make it a user friendly JPIIMA prayer book. BW staff. BD
and SM. At Bishop Walsh we want to produce a hard copy of this
for use in classrooms to replace the hard copy of a prayer book
that is now nearing ten years old.
b. Production of an academy prayer by a day with Year6/7 pupils
from all schools. BW staff: MO’R.
c. Planning of joint training day on 1 June 2015 at Alton
Castle where the focus will be on revitalising our distinctive sense
of purpose through the stimulus of an outside speaker and
networking through the use of the castle grounds.
d. Sixth Formers to continue to work with parishioners in building
links between parish and school to explore work experience
opportunities, careers advice to pupils and help with fundraising
and Catholic life of local catholic community.
e. Along with point 4 providing liturgy for a Sunday Mass in at
least two of parishes (Holy Cross and St. Nicholas). E.g. Raising
money for Lourdes Pilgrimage. KMS/SM to lead.
f. Use sixth form pupils to lead spontaneous prayer with younger
house groups to encourage different types of prayer as well as to
encourage Christian Leadership. KMS to work with BD on training
sixth formers and working with them on delivering prayer sessions
with younger house groups on a calendared basis.
a. Use in all schools of outsomes of
catholic life group.
b. Use of the academy prayer in all
c. Refresh the verve of our catholic life
back in JPIIMA schools by improving
the spiritual vocabulary of staff and
giving them an input into encouraging
pupils to pray.
Bishop Walsh students
benefitting from links with local
Catholic community and being able to
participate in the worship of parishes.
a. RK meet with prospective candidates and form a group.
b. Meet with the Kenelm Youth Trust to make candidates
aware of the requirements of the award as well as celebrate
Mass with Archbishop Bernard.
c. Commission pupils in the award at a whole school
service in December 2014.
d. All in the group graduate as a John Paul II ward holders
at some point in 2015.
All students in the group pursing the
award stretch themselves in a range of
lay ministries in both school and
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Chaplain’s report to the
Governors, 14/15 to be
Committee in Autumn 15.
Regular report back to LT
from JBF/BD/SM/Fr. V.
ministries done by Bishop
Walsh students.
Chaplain’s report to the
Governors, 14/15 to be
Committee in Autumn 15.
Regular report back to LT
from JBF/BD/RK/Fr. V.
Section on Catholic Life including the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (continued)
Action point
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
a. Using the JPIIMA Catholic Life group to calendar and
plan a Mission Week with stimulus from the Diocesan Youth
Services (Kenelm Trust).
Impact on Learners (success
Pupil voice – contribution to decisions
regarding faith life of JPIIMA. Pupils
planning appropriate collective worship
for peers. Children have clear
understanding of identity of JPIIMA
through agreed slogan/mission known
and understood by all.
How will we know this
action point happens?
Mission Week happens in
academic year 2015-16.
SIP Action 4: Planning for
the 50 Anniversary of the
school in September 2016.
a.Full Academy Committee of school calendar time and nature of
celebration including inviting Archbishop Bernard to say a Mass of
Thanksgiving for the Bishop Walsh Catholic School community for
Wednesday 21 September 2016.
b. Forming a planning group of ex and current pupils, staff,
parents and academy representatives to meet to plan celebration.
A celebration of all the values the
school stands for by recalling the
history of the school and thanking God
for the influence of the institution since
academic year 2015-16 to
garner ideas and be in a
position to realise them for
September 2016.
SIP Action 5: More projects
to encouraging pupils to
appreciate a diverse society
celebrating British values.
Projects to tackle bullying,
FGM, racism and homophobia.
Working with the JPIIMA to on
‘Prevent’ Strategy.
SIP - Action 6. Next phase in
developing links
communities (using CAFOD)
in the less developed world
including with our partner
schools in Zimbabwe, using
a third grant from the British
Council to continue to send
staff to establish practical
links between both schools.
a. Training for Staff in how to engage pupils in encouraging
these values. BD/BN to organise
b. INSET to senior staff re: PREVENT in February 2015
c. INSET to whole staff re: Homophobia – 3/9/2015.
Prevent on 9/6/2015,
d. Revamped PSHE programme in Summer 15.
e. Active engagement of pupils with other pupils in the city,
Summer Term, BB/BN/AD to organise.
a. JC has secured a further grant from ‘Connecting
Classroom’s which is funded by the British Council.
b. OB/AD to go out to Zimbabwe in summer 2015 to
continue links with partner schools. Nature of link????
c. Re-establishing CAFOD as the main global charity that is
supported by Bishop Walsh taking advantage of the Lenten
2015 ‘Cut it Out’ campaign where every £1 we raise is
matched another £1 by the UK government.
d. Under the auspices of our chair of the full academy
committee, Peter McCann who is now a local CAFOD
volunteer making effective use of local/national CAFOD
resources particularly in Sixth Form General R.E. to
understand and work with global community. AP to work
with CAFOD over this.
population at Bishop Walsh to have a
deep appreciation of our diverse
society in the City of Birmingham.
Using a pupil voice meeting to discuss
awareness and success of this action
point to meet in July 2015.
BD/BN to report back to
FAC. New materials and
meeting in June 15 will
assess opportunities for
pupils to investigate other
cultures/religions etc.
AD/OB to report to AR on
progress before the end of
fundraising in Lent 2015
that is matched by UK
CAFOD stimulus included
in the scheme of work for
sixth form General RE.
SIP Action 3: Work with
JPIIMA to have a multiacademy ‘Mission Week’ at
some point in 2015-16.
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Pupils continue to see and experience
practical link between two schools.
Welcome the HT of the Zimbabwean.
For our pupils to appreciate the lives of
their peers in another part of the world
through CAFOD fundraising, outside
speakers and through curriculum
Leadership and Management
Action point
SIP ACTION 7. Completion of
preparation for a section 5
September 2014.
SIP Action 8. To work with
Development Plan, 2014-16
and formulating a new one.
SIP – Action 9. To challenge
the Full Academy Committee
of Bishop Walsh Catholic
strategic function in leading
the future improvement of
SIP Action 10. Development
of student leadership.
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
1. All members of the LT review SEF by April 13th Easter
2015. PH to edit the SEF to have a 'house style'. This
shred with the full academy committee at their meeting in
2.See other actions points under the quality of teaching to
prepare for Section 5 Ofsted
Impact on Learners (success
Achievement, Quality of Teaching,
Behaviour and Safety and Leadership
and Management because SEF has
carefully and prioritised them.
How will we know this
action point happens?
Academy Committee of
Bishop Walsh Catholic
School to check SEF
through presentation at the
full academy meeting, May
See St. John Paul II Multi-Academy Development Plan, 2014-16 and beyond
a. Once a term an academy representative (AR) completes
a learning walk using OfSTED schedule. Learning walks
will include looking at quality of teaching/work scrutiny
leadership/management and safeguarding/child protection.
b. J. Fleming to take on the role of overseeing AR training.
c. Absorb changes to structure of committees by JPIIMA
codes of governance made at BoD meeting on 24/3/2015.
d. To seek the views of academy representatives directly
about school improvement. FGB meeting on 2/2/2015.
e. Standing item on full academy committee finances/health
and safety/pursuing external grants for ARs scrutinise.
f. To challenge L&M of the school to garner and react to
stakeholder voice.
Academy Representatives have all the
information and training they need to
support and challenge the leadership
and management of the school in
order to improve pupil outcomes and
their preparedness to live a full life in
the civic society of the 21 century.
a. Meetings of groups of pupils on school
improvement/helping teachers improve teaching and
learning/sport/looking at how pupils use site and improving
ambience of site/’inspirational quotes’.
b. Use of older pupils in meeting/coaching and teaching
younger pupils as well leading as role models about how to
pray – see action point 1 of this SIP, page 8 and action
point 14 on page 12.
Pupil led care of the school site in
lasting and sustained ways.
Pupils having a direct input and
leadership of the way the school site is
Pupils having direct input into staff
input into effective teaching and
learning – see staff meeting on
Page 13 of 23
Full academy committee
and sub-committee meeting
minutes. Individual ARs
who conduct learning walk
committees. ARs will have
interrogating data/analysing
stakeholder voice/use of
pupil premium/appraisal of
staff/engaging with leaders
professional manner. Use
of visit impact cards. Ext.
review of governance?
BD/AD to report to LT and
AH/BN to include
students in intervention
programme. AD/WLC to
groups. AR to go on a
learning walk of the school
site so they can then report
back to the FAC in June 15.
Leadership and Management (continued)
Action point
SIP ACTION 11. Developing
better leadership of learning
and teaching across the
whole staff.
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
a. When monitoring the quality of teaching making sure that
all HODs/HOYs are fully involved in this process. This to
feed into the appraisal process to ensure that all teaching
is good or better. JBF to organise.
b. Offering HODs in the core subjects a direct chance to
influence the school improvement plan, 2015-16 by coming
to planning residential, Spring 2015. JBF to organise.
c. Responding to staff questionnaire for more CPD
opportunities by changing INSET calendar to include more
chances for both staff to showcase ideas and provide
outside stimulations. HJK/AD to organise.
d. Committing ourselves to INSET about the need to have
clear professional dialogue with each other and
stakeholders about improving the quality of teaching in the
school. INSET on ‘difficult conversations’. This will help
to respond to staff questionnaire about consistency in
application of school policy. PH to organise.
e. Continuing to use training school CPD packages to
provide senior and middle leaders with courses such as
LLE (for JBF), NPQH, pre NPQH, Aspiring School Leaders,
NQMLD, SLE or any nationally recognised course inclusion
action research. PH to organise
f. Development of the roles of Leading Practitioners so
that they have a defined role and measurable impact on
INSET, coaching and objective based projects. HJK to
To reassess use of Directed Time to include
Departmental briefings on a Tuesday and Year Group on a
Thursday to start at 8.30am to provide 25 instead of 10
minutes of directed time to enable middle managers to
lead more effectively. This means there will be no INSET
on a week of a parents’ evening. JBF to organise.
h. Utilise the new management information system,
SIMS, to be a powerful tool for all staff in the school to lead
on school improvement. AH/HJK to organise.
Page 14 of 23
Impact on Learners (success
More confident, more well trained staff
leaders in the school that take brave,
informed decisions that improve pupil
excellence, spiritual development and
social awareness.
How will we know this
action point happens?
With all points a-h it is
straightforward to monitor
when they will happen as
they are part of the
calendar of the school.
Appraisals completed by
September 2015.
reported back to LT.
Better pupil outcomes in
examination results and
stakeholder questionnaires
in January 2016.
Behaviour and Safety
Action point
SIP ACTION 12. Revisiting
the school sanctions code to
improve consistency in its
application and to review any
need to change it to make
sure that pupil outcomes
SIP – ACTION 13. Review and
change to the role of Heads
of Year at Bishop Walsh.
(End of two year objective)
SIP – Action 14. To make
improvements in the way
pupils use the school site in
order to promote Christian
‘Stewardship’ and ‘Love One
Another’ so have a positive
effect on behaviour and
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
a. Responding to parent/staff views that INSET in Summer
2015 revisits the present sanction code so that all
understand it and are following it consistently. BD to lead.
b. This INSET to stimulate a review of code to make sure
that low level disruption is dealt with effectively and that all
understand a sanction map/ladder. BD to lead
c. That sanctions code is explained to pupils and parents so
that all understand its application. BD to lead
b. Use of SIMS behaviour log/tools to record behaviour
accurately in a way that can be easily retrieved and
reported. BD/HJK/HOY to work on a day’s training to set
up SIMS to reflect our policy and practice.
a. BD/HOY meet to evaluate the effectiveness of HOYs role
on behaviour and safety. Use of SIMS to further support for
HOY. Using findings from action point 12 to inform new job
description. BD to lead on new role description.
b. HOYs to regularly report in person to LT on parental
feedback from assessment so that LT and HOY can
mutually support each other in helping parents support their
child’s learning. Launch in March 2015
a. Appoint of temporary LT member from March to August
2015 to oversee these improvements and make a
‘manifesto for change’ part of their application for the role.
AD appointed and to lead on this.
b. Manifesto for change articulated with time scales and
resources allocated to it. Pursuing grants to help with this
(AD/KMS). AD to produce by April 2015.
c. Pupil voice to be used to further and drive change. AD to
work with WLC to lead pupils and staff on items such as
school improvement/helping teachers improve teaching and
learning/sport/looking at how pupils use site and improving
ambience of site/’inspirational quotes’.
Continuing to develop the new VLE (KEYS) and develop
VLE parental access especially for assessment and
Page 15 of 23
Impact on Learners (success
Better pupil behaviour and attainment.
Eliminate low level disruption in
behaviour policy, sanctions and
rewards code to ensure pupils know
the high standards of behaviour
expected of them.
How will we know this
action point happens?
BD to organise ISNET and
report to LT/FAC. FAC to
consider modifications to
existing behaviour policy in
June 2015 for operation in
academic year 2015-2016.
A more effective role for HOY where
pupils have obstacles removed from
their learning.
HOY to work with LT
reviewing report replies.
BD. to report to pastoral
committee to gauge their
views on new plans and
then to report on the
effectiveness of any new
AD to report to LT on plan
across all house groups for
the academic year 20152016 and then ask an AR
to go on a learning walk of
the school site so they can
then report back to the
Academy Committee.
changes to way pupils use
parental access
running and used from
September 2015.
SIMS training for Hoy on 17/3/2015
Pupil led care of the school site in
lasting and sustained ways. Part of
pupil voice has been the request to
have an email address called help
button which allows pupils who feel
they need to report anything that is
worrying them.
They can do this
anonymously or by name. Emails
picked up and then actioned by LT or
Behaviour and Safety (Continued)
Action point
SIP – Action 15. Improve
fabric of school site and its’
facilities to improve safety
and behaviour.
SIP – Action 16. To continue
to ensure that pupils are fully
prepared for further study
and the world of work.
A holistic approach to equip
pupils with the skills, content
and attributes for working in the
21 century.
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
a. Working to secure a major financing from the Academies
Capital and Maintenance Programme (ACMP) to build a
new permanent Sixth Form Centre. JBF to work with
Directors and B&F academy committee to get outline
planning permission for new Sixth Form centre.
b. Working on a major window and roofing refurbishment by
applying for funds from the Conditioning Improvement Fund
(CIF). JBF to lead on this with schools architects.
c. JC (in new enhanced role) to continue to project lead on
plans for new changing rooms with Sutton Town Football
Club. JC working with D. Coleman (AR) to look for external
funding for improvement of sports facilities.
d. JC pursuing funding to match pledged Sutton Municipal
Charity Funding (£47,500) to build all-weather/all sports
facility on lower playground. Decision by May 2015.
e. Using growth funding from Birmingham CC for covered
area for pupils to eat on benches/shelter from inclement
weather. To refurbish and redesign the KS3 toilets so that
all toilets have been renewed in school in last three years.
f. Using student leadership projects outlined elsewhere in
these action points to improve the ambience, decoration
and use of the school site.
a. Push scholarship as overt values in order to challenge
pupil top invest in wider learning as a lifeskill. ALL LT.
b. Investing in a careers officer/website and having more
opportunities for pupils to get bespoke advice from both.
c. Including in assembly rota a slot for each HOD to give
an assembly about what is great about their subject and
all academic/vocational/lifeskills in that area.
d. Organising events which support a career plan. E.g.
Vocational and academic pupil committees to find out more
about study or world of work, employer/ industry days,
university experience days inc. Oxbridge tasters, apprentice
events/Sutton Cold. Careers Fayre, interview for every year
11, Ex-student event for yrs. 10/12.
Page 16 of 23
Impact on Learners (success
Many of the plans a-f respond to the
pupil voice articulated in pupil council
meeting and recorded on page 2 of
this document. Pupil outcomes will be
improved with new facilities and an
improved learning environment.
How will we know this
action point happens?
a. Planning Permission
sought and being handled
Decisions on £1.6 million
funding by October 2015.
b. Second modified bid into
CIF done in January 2015,
awaiting a decision on
£500k bid by Easter 2015.
c. JC/DC to report to B&F
academy committee half
d&e. Refurbishments and
construction completed.
More pupils to value and understand
the rationale of the concept of
independent/wider learning improving
their happiness and
curiosity. Making more opportunities
for pupils to work out a career route so
they can be happy and productive
members of our society always
sensitive to the needs of others.
HJK/PH to lead and
coordinate all of these
activities and report to LT
and T&L of the governors.
WRL events happening.
Quality of Teaching - Striving for excellence. Teaching should at least good or better.
The quality of teaching is central to the SIP at Bishop Walsh making sure that the section 5 OfSTED key issues of ‘Increasing the proportion of outstanding teaching by engaging students
more actively in their learning ensuring that teachers’ questioning is more effective in assessing and reinforcing students’ understanding’ is addressed.
Action point
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
SIP – Action 17. All teaching
at Bishop Walsh is good or
a. Recruiting the best possible staff to Bishop Walsh Catholic
School. JBF to lead
b. All LT, HOD/HOY Monitoring the quality of teaching through a
triangulation of data inc. stakeholder feedback, lesson
monitoring and work scrutiny.
c. From point b, staff whose teaching is not good are challenged
and supported to improve. LT to organise.
d. Harnessing the JPIIMA ADP priority 3 - Improving standards,
achievement and the quality of teaching. Core subject staff
spending time in partner primaries in Summer Term 2015 to make
sure we expect pupils to be doing when year 7 arrives at BW they
are stretched and challenged from day 1 of year 7 in Sept.
2015. HJK/BN/AD to lead
f. JPIIMA ADP priority 4 - New pay and appraisal policy for
teachers and support staff across JPII MAC that is directly related
to maintaining and improving Quality of Teaching.
a. Audit of staff CPD, areas of strengths/development, Paired
Learning Walks, INSET on difficult conversations, impact of
stakeholder views on teaching, targeted coaching of staff. Using
all the networks we are part of to this end as a means to finance
and provide of training. E.g. TSAs, EBN, NCSL and other
b. Join Plantsbrook TSA as well as remain with BCTSA.
c. Paired Learning Walks (not linked to appraisal) in Spring 2015,
so that all staff can focus on CPD weakness as highlighted by the
audit and learn from other staff.
d. External validation of quality of teaching through JPIIMA,
Catholic Part. and other providers. HJK/HOD to lead.
e. See promotion of INSET opportunities/Revisiting Sanctions
Code outlined in SIP Action Point 11, points c-g on page 11 and
SIP - Action Point 12, point 12. BD/AD/HJK to lead.
SIP – Action 18. Audit of
CPD (Continuous Professional
weakness of staff that then
inform high quality INSET on
teaching and learning.
Page 17 of 23
Impact on Learners (success
More confident teachers make for
more confident students.
To make sure that the school is ready
for an OfSTED and that the quality of
teaching for pupils is good and/or
Better pupil outcomes.
All pupil work assessed regularly.
How will we know this
action point happens?
LT discuss the quality of
triangulation of data at the
end of every half term. AR
to attend this meeting to
ensure governor oversight.
improvement is eradicated.
Staff learning best practice from each other
and having an impact on quality of
Many more staff professionally developed
with career appropriate courses having a
greater impact on the quality of teaching at
Bishop Walsh
High quality INSET takes
place. Use of T&L academy
committee to celebrate most
successful departments and
making departments with weak
VA residuals accountable to its
scrutiny of the quality of
teaching –March 2015/October
committees of each Academy
Committee to assess impact
and how pay appraisal policy
leading to decisions made
about pay progression. ARs
who are Directors report to
BOD once a year to assess
the end to change policy for
academic year, 2015-2016.
Quality of Teaching (Continued)
Action point
SIP – Action 19. Review how
assessment policy and new
VLE (KEYS) improves the
quality of teaching and make
SIP – Action 20. Assess the
impact of Learning Progress
Deployment of LPAs to further
better pupil outcomes.
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
a. AH to review reporting system in terms of parental
feedback regarding the concept of traffic lights and how
they motivate pupils and guide parents to help their children
to improve outcomes of their learning. Ah to lead.
b. More rigorous assessment, especially in Maths and
English as we prepare schemes of work to reflect new
GCSEs scheduled for examination in 2017.
c. Launch the new VLE (KEYS) in April 2015 as part of an
approach to creative learning and teaching and develop
VLE parental access especially for assessment and
a. LPAs to be deployed in core departments. BD/JK to
look at how to further target the work of LPAs to more
pupils’ progress outcomes in 2015-2016.
b. JK to source and provide training for LPAs and teachers
in how to use LPAs more effectively.
c. Leadership Team to observe LPAs to give them feedback
about their ability to progress pupils in the specific time they
have been given. Evaluation of effect of LPA time and
deployment on pupil progress.
Use of nationally recognised assessment like
Spelling/Reading/Numeracy testing to quantify progress
Page 18 of 23
Impact on Learners (success
Changes to traffic lights and motivation
of learners. Parents able to better
support their children with more
examination results.
Pupil can access curriculum increasing
their ability to follow the continuity of
learning and to support independent
How will we know this
action point happens?
AH –Traffic Lights, HJK VLE to report to Leadership
team in Spring/Summer
2015. For implementation
in April 2015 for pupils and
parents. Check the impact
of these changes with pupil
and parental voice in
January 2016.
Pupils making obvious progress both
in sessions with LPAs and in their
examination results. Using data in the
school to redirect work of LPAs in
intervening in core subjects with
individuals or small groups of pupils.
JK/BD to review with P.
meetings. BD/JK to report
to LT throughout 15-16.
session observations.
Spelling/reading tests done
Action point
SIP – Action 21. Effective
intervention strategies to
reach GCSE target of 85% A*Cs including Eng. & Maths.
In PARTICULAR the need to
CLOSE THE GAPS identified
in RAISEOnline. English to
target 90% of pupils gaining
A*-C and the RAISEOnline
residual for pupil premium to
move much closer to 1000.
This will ensure that outcomes
for pupils at the end of KS4 are
as high as they can be.
SIP – Action 22. Utilising
freedoms of academy status
to plan curriculum change to
ensure ambition and challenge
to ensure better achievement
for pupils.
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
a. A range of strategies to make sure that pupils and staff
are challenged and supported to further improve pupil
outcomes for KS4. Use data to direct intervention
strategies with the requite resources to staff these initiatives
b. Strategies include Year 11 ‘battle board’, focused
Maths/English sessions, coursework sessions, Mentoring.
Monitoring of T&L. AH/HJK/BN to lead.
c. Analysis of RAISEOnline data with staff to work directly
on closing the gaps in English and for those pupils on the
Pupil Premium. This includes having three opportunities
during year 11 for students to have a full mock examination
in English Languages. Targeting the use of pupil premium
monies to target pupil achievement. (See pupil premium
report to AC)
d. New curr. plan to improve pupil outcomes. (Act point 22)
e. Use of T&L committee to monitor underperforming
departments (see action point 9&18)
a. New curriculum plan informed by RAISEOnline data
for pupils from yrs.7-11 which improves standards making
sure that the core needs of pupils are enhanced through
pupil choice and motivation. The plan has RE, English,
Mathematics and Science at the core. HJK to lead.
b. Yr. 8, when making their options, have a wider choice
than just the Eng. Bacc. but are informed through detailed
case studies which advise children the qualifications that
are best suited to a whole range vocational and academic
pathways. This done through parental talk (15/4/15) and a
year 8 Options day on 13/4/2015. HJK to lead
c. Allowing middle to less able pupils have science options
after yr. 9 exams in early summer 2015. HJK/TK to lead.
d. Making sure that each ability of pupil, upper, middle and
less able have differentiated work that stretches and
challenges them. See CPD Audit of staff which outlined
differentiation as an area of development and how this then
is to be explored in Paired Learning Walks.
Page 19 of 23
Impact on Learners (success
All targets reached for pupils. As few
pupils as possible leaving Bishop
Walsh without a grade C at GCSE for
English and Maths.
Subsidiary targets for 2015 (KS4)
85% make 3+ levels of progress in
80% make 3+ levels of progress in
54% make 4+ levels of progress in
35% make 4+ levels of progress in
English achieve 90% A-C grades
German achieve All pupils pupils gain
predicted grade or beyond.
Pupils have more choice over their
curriculum and are more likely to be
In order to do this pupils will be more
informed about careers pathway and
aspirations though case studies.
Better pupil outcomes reflected in
RAISEOnline data in future and less
dropout rate in GCSE.
Work better differentiated by staff.
How will we know this
action point happens?
Improved pupil and group
outcomes for results in
Summer 15. HJK/AH/BN to
report to LT about pupil
progress. Presentation to
the BofD and AC in Autumn
2015. The school has
targeted resources gained
from the pupil premium and
year 7 catch up monies to
make sure that provision of
pupils in vulnerable groups is
even better. All vulnerable
demonstrate real progress
in RAISEOnline 2015.
Yr. 8 Parental Talk on
Options (15/4/15) and a
year 8 Options Day on
LT to report to FAC
regarding the impact on
pupil progress
performance analysis of
2015-17 results.
Assess the effect of the
curriculum and Qual. Of
questionnaires and impact
reported to all stakeholders.
Achievement and Sixth Form Provision
Action point
What do we have to do to make it happen and who will
lead on this?
Impact on Learners (success
Who will monitor this
action point happens?
Implementing national A level
and GCSE change to meet
the needs and aspirations of
pupils at Bishop Walsh.
a .Departments to research best qualifications for their
department at KS4 and 5. HOD to lead
b. Staff to go on the necessary training courses to prepare
department to teach new courses from September 2015.
PH to organise.
c. Departments properly resourced. JBF/DK to allocate
resources and provide.
a. New curriculum plan informed by L3VA data for sixth
form students which improves standards making sure that
the plan reflects the demands of new specifications. KMS
to lead on timings for A levels and entry requirements
b. Yr. 12, when making their options, are informed through
detailed case studies which advise children the
qualifications that are best suited to a whole range
vocational and academic pathways. This done through
parental talk (25/3/15) and a year 12 Options day on
10/2/2015. KMS to lead
c. Increasing the proportion of pupils who leave year 13
who go to Russell Group Universities and embark on
Higher Apprentiships.
d. KMS and SFLT using a range of strategies to make sure
that pupils and staff are challenged and supported to further
improve pupil outcomes for KS5. Use data to direct
intervention strategies with the requite resources to staff
these initiatives
e. Further to point d use of WOTC and sixth form 5 week
appraisal initiative
f. Analysis of L3 Value Added data shared with staff by
g. Use of academy representative T&L committee to
monitor underperforming departments (see action points
h. Improve PE provision for all KS5 students.
resources provided for the new GCSE
and A level and parents informed so
they can assist their children with
choices to be made and ways of
HJK to make sure all
departments have new
specifications with their
schemes of work in place
for implementation dates
from September 2015.
All targets reached for pupils. As few
pupils as possible leaving Bishop
Walsh with a quality destination that
will enable them to pursue a vocation
in life. All subjects demonstrate real
progress in Level 3 Value Added 2015.
Subsidiary Targets for 2015,
A2 55% achieve A*-B grades
A2 German and AS Physics – pupils
gain predicted grade or beyond.
Improved pupil and groups
of pupil’s outcomes for
results in Summer 2015.
KMS to report to LT about
pupil progress throughout
Presentation to the BofD
and AC in Autumn 2015.
Sports available to all in
KS5 curriculum.
SIP – Action 24. Effective
intervention strategies to
reach 55%+ A*, A and Bs for
full A levels in Summer 2015
and to make improvements in
post-16 provision.
Maintaining and increasing our
Sixth Form numbers to make
sure pupils outcomes are even
better and it is value for money.
Page 20 of 23
By 2016, ICT infrastructure will have produced the following learning and teaching outcomes at Bishop Walsh Catholic School
The core aim of developing ICT at Bishop Walsh is to enhance learning, to provide innovative and exciting ways to explore ideas and develop our pupil’s success and
enjoyment of education. All support for ICT at Bishop Walsh Catholic School now comes from the St. John Paul II Multi-Academy shared ICT provision team.
ICT infrastructure
To continue to maintain and upgrade the whole school IT infrastructure to develop the capacity, efficiency and reliability of ICT provision across the school.
To update working space of ICT shared provision team.
To upgrade the school computer hardware on a rolling programme
To continue to install a common set of laptop inputs in each classroom to access digital projectors and other multi-media resources
To ensure all staff have up to date laptops for classroom use
To continue to utilise new technologies to enhance learning, in particular through purchasing sets of IPads for classroom use
Staff to become more familiar with software and training in mobile technologies for learning.
Medium term plan for all year 7 to have an electronic devise to access work. S. Rice to investigate feasibility.
VLE and online learning
To further develop the new VLE (KEYS) in order to create a more effective resource for learning
To develop the resources on KEYS - providing online courses and homework for students to support schemes of work
To allow parents access to KEYS to monitor attendance and attainment.
To replace CMIS with SIMS in April 2015 and thus use system to improve all aspects of teaching and learning leading to better pupil outcomes.
To plan an implementation and training programme for staff in preparation for the change over
To liaise with our academy partner schools and discuss the implementation of a common MIS across the academy.
To develop the capacity and efficiency of the IT team within the context of the academy structure
To develop the role of an Network Manager to support the JPIIMA and its teachers in developing their ICT skills and online resources
The above will all demand training for:
Pupils. Use of KEYS. Appropriate Internet use/E-safety.
Staff. Time and training for creation of materials for KEYS. General use and possibilities of ICT in enhancing pupil learning. Use of SIMS.
Parents. Awareness of new technologies and how they can help support learning. Use of a parent portal with new SIMS.
Page 21 of 23
School Improvement Action Points, Spring 2015-Spring 2016.
SIP Action 1: Working with St. John Paul II Multi-Academy schools to improve the catholic life
of schools looking at what it is that makes us distinctive and how we encourage prayer.
SIP Action 2: Establish a group of post-16 students who graduate in the John Paul II award.
The award encourages and recognises work done in school and parish to further the work of
the local catholic church.
SIP Action 3: Work with JPIIMA to have a multi-academy ‘Mission Week’ at some point in 201516.
SIP Action 4: Planning for the 50 Anniversary of the school in September 2016.
SIP Action 5: More projects to encouraging pupils to appreciate a diverse society celebrating
British values. .
SIP - Action 6.
Next phase in developing links communities (using CAFOD) in the less
developed world including with our partner schools in Zimbabwe, using a third grant from the
British Council to continue to send staff to establish practical links between both schools.
SIP ACTION 7. Completion of whole school SEF in preparation for a section 5 Ofsted any time
after September 2014.
SIP Action 8. To work with our primary partners completing the JPIIMA Development Plan,
2014-16 and formulating a new one.
SIP – Action 9. To challenge the Full Academy Committee of Bishop Walsh Catholic School to
exercise its strategic function in leading the future improvement of Bishop Walsh Catholic
SIP Action 10. Development of better student leadership.
SIP ACTION 11. Developing better leadership of learning and teaching across the whole staff.
SIP ACTION 12. Revisiting the school sanctions code to improve consistency in its application
and to review any need to change it to make sure that pupil outcomes improve.
SIP – ACTION 13. Review and change to the role of Heads of Year at Bishop Walsh. (End of two
year objective)
SIP – Action 14. To make improvements in the way pupils use the school site in order to
promote Christian leadership values like ‘Stewardship’ and ‘Love One Another’ so have a
positive effect on behaviour and safety.
SIP – Action 15. Improve fabric of school site and its’ facilities to improve safety and
SIP – Action 16. To continue to ensure that pupils are fully prepared for further study and the
world of work.
SIP – Action 17. All teaching at Bishop Walsh is good or better.
SIP – Action 18. Audit of CPD (Continuous Professional Development). Identify strengths and
weakness of staff that then inform high quality INSET on teaching and learning.
Action 19. Review how assessment policy and new VLE (KEYS) improves the quality of
teaching and make changes.
SIP – Action 20. Assess the impact of Learning Progress Assistants (LPA).
SIP – Action 21. Effective intervention strategies to reach GCSE target of 85% A*-Cs including
Eng. & Maths.
SIP – Action 22. Utilising freedoms of academy status to plan curriculum change to ensure
ambition and challenge to ensure better achievement for pupils.
SIP – Action 23. Implementing national A level and GCSE change to meet the needs and
aspirations of pupils at Bishop Walsh.
SIP – Action 24. Effective intervention strategies to reach 55%+ A*, A and Bs for full A levels
in Summer 2015 and to make improvements in post-16 provision.
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