Newsletter 2 Spring Term 2015 0758 4675459 (nursery mobile) or 01483 476361 (HQ landline) during sessions 01483 440728 Office [email protected] Dear Parents Welcome back from the Half Term Break. It is lovely to see the children again and to see them so pleased to be with their friends again in the nursery. Visitors this term : We are very delighted to say that Wendy Forrest and Diletta Ponchielli parents at the nursery have offered to bring in their family pet rabbit to visit us at the nursery . This fantastic visit of pet rabbit will give children a first hand opportunity to experience and learn about animals in our environment . Comic Relief/Red Nose Day :As you are aware, at Bisley Montessori Nursery School we do encourage the children to think about and care for others, including outside the nursery setting. This term we would like to raise funds on Red nose day 2015 where we will create a fun learning environment and teach our children to care about others and compare lives in different parts of the world . We invite you to donate a small sum of money into the bucket provided that week to support this worthwhile cause. We will keep you informed of any further event that we may plan for Red nose Day ,,, Friday 13 March Many thanks. We are also arranging our annual coach trip to The Lookout Discovery Centre in Bracknell for all nursery children in the summer term. More information on the date and price will be soon confirmed via our White news board . Further information about the trip and in the Summer newsletter . We request parents to note the date in the diaries in future as we will need parents/grandparents to accompany their child. Thanks. Fence-free Learning and Fun : We have started Outdoor Learning activities in the last term eg nature walks , visit to the local pond , see our local clock ,which all links closely with Montessori education and will give the children wider opportunity of gaining further hands-on experience of the world around us. All activities take place on Bisley Green and around the nursery. Parents would be informed about the activities via our News board or outdoor learning slips . Please continue to provide appropriate clothing eg warm waterproof trousers / hooded jackets/wellies and the sun hats in future . Parent Teacher Meetings: As is usual, parent/teacher meetings will be taking place at the end of this term, on the week commencing Monday 9 / March and will continue into the following week ie 16 March 2015 The schedule for these meetings will be displayed on our outside board in the very near future. Please keep checking the board daily to find out when your meeting will take place and let us know whether or not you will be attending. This meeting gives us the opportunity to celebrate your child’s time with us, hold any Two-Year-Old Progress Conversations, and you will be able to take home his Child File and Art Folder to show your loved ones. Please do sign the Future Provision Sheet when you return the files to nursery before the end of this term. Nursery Pet: Some of the children have enjoyed caring for our nursery pet, taking it home at weekends, and writing in the diary as to how the pet spent its time with the family. We have had long entries in the diary and also photographs taken and included with the information. We have found that a great sense of honour comes from being asked to look after our pet during the weekend. When the child returns with it on the Monday and is asked to speak to the group about what he and the pet did, confidence and self-esteem is developed, as well as making the obvious link between home and nursery life. The diary of our nursery pet grows over time and it is always a pleasure to see what the children do at the weekends. Your child will want to be included in this practice…please do not worry, encourage him, it is a soft, cuddly toy pet! Keeping Children Safe Scarves and small items in bags Please be aware that there is no scarf, nappy sacks and creams and any small items /toys that could be a choking hazard in your child’s changing bags .Also we would like to request parents not to use draw string bags as a changing bag which again can be misused by the child . Please ensure that children do not bring non-prescribed lubricants/moisturisers/creams into the nursery e.g. lip gloss, lip balms, hand creams, nappy creams. If you feel your child needs these, please only provide GP prescribed medication and complete the necessary nursery parental consent form for the administration within the nursery. Thank you for keeping all our children safe. Objects from Home: We would like to remind you and encourage all children to bring in an object that relates to the topic of the week, colour/ sound/ number of the week. This gives the children the chance to speak to a group, helping them to develop confidence. One object a week on any day, is plenty. Unwanted toys and books We are always happy for parents to donate their unwanted toys , books , puzzles that parents feel their child had out grown .Please note we can only accept the items that are in good working condition, safe and suitable for children to use. Very Important Health and Safety Information Request! As you are aware, we encourage healthy eating in the nursery. Please provide a healthy packed lunch e.g. sandwiches, carrot sticks, yoghurt, fruit, etc and a drink. Food is not shared with any other child at lunch time as we do have children in the setting with allergies. For this very serious health and safety reason, we do request that the following be observed: Please Note: No peanut butter or nuts, nut bars, chocolate/chocolate spreads/chocolate biscuits or sweets and crisps. Football Club/Music and movement club : Due to very few interest we are sorry to say that we will not be able to offer the clubs as suggested last term. We will continue to explore other clubs that may be of interest to the children in order to provide varied enriching learning environment . Free-Flow Snack Time: Thank you all for continuing to provide fruit, vegetables and dried fruit for the children’s snack time. One piece for each day your child attends is best. They all enjoy this experience. Thank you for your continuing support, ideas, and please do continue to volunteer to help us from time to time! Kind regards Elena Buchholdt Neelam Juneja
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