DAY ONE – Tuesday 21 April

It’s time to take control of your content strategy!
21st-22nd April 2015, British Museum, London
DAY ONE – Tuesday 21st April
Registration, coffee & exhibition opens
Host’s welcome & opening remarks
Rupert Howell, Group Development Director, Trinity Mirror
Piers North, Head of Digital Strategy, Trinity Mirror
KEYNOTE: Achieving maximum reach – the new content model
The way customers absorb content, the types of content they demand and the channels by
which they demand it, are constantly changing. Is it possible to stay ahead of the curve by
future-proofing your content distribution? What needs to change in both how you present
your content and the content itself?
This keynote will look at making content fit the new world, and the key things most
organisations are doing wrong that prevent them from achieving maximum reach.
John O’Donovan, CTO, Financial Times
KEYNOTE: [Reserved for lead sponsor]
Refreshment break
10:20 CASE STUDY: Managing editorial planning with relevant stakeholders
Choose your editor: a strategic expert, a content expert or a media expert?
Integrating digital content ownership across multiple teams
Where does content ownership lie? Should it be different for each platform?
Avoiding the pitfalls of creating content by committee
Alona Elkayam, The Brandinista
10:45 DEBATE: Niche vs diverse - which content strategy delivers the most success?
Many brands are ranging further and further from their core product, even becoming media
agencies rather than mere curators of their own news. In a market where there’s limited room
for really big names, is this the best long-term strategy? Or is it better to find something specific
and concentrate on doing that better than anyone else? What are the pros and cons of content
creation, if it isn’t your core business?
Jon Quirk, Editor in Chief, Auto Trader
Leisa Millar, Content Editor, Elle Magazine
Kate Lewis, Vice President Content Operations & Editorial Director, Hearst Magazines Digital
Bill Swanson, Country Manager UK, Pubmatic
Roman Tagoe, Global Digital Content Director, Time Out
11:25 CASE STUDY: Designing for user generated content
Getting buy-in from your customers via careful design
Understanding customer interests and resources
Making the submission route smooth and rewarding
Integrating customer and corporate content in order to build a community
[Reserved for sponsor]
11:45 DISCUSSION: First or best? Enabling an agile response for content creation
Waiting for sign-off: the risks of management drag and how to avoid them
Changing company structure to enable local responsiveness to opportunities without losing
central control of messaging
How can silo’d legacy companies compete with agile start-ups?
Todd Huntley, Senior Vice President EMEA, 20th Century Fox
Susanna Flood, Director of Media, Amnesty International
Louisa Bartoszek, Director of Media Relations, BNY Mellon
Paul Nuki, Chief Editor, NHS Choices
12:25 HOW TO: Align content creation across large enterprises
Managing a global, multilingual social presence to ensure consistent messaging and content
Feeding ground level / regionally produced content back up to brand level
Ensuring brand level content is adaptable to local environments and cultures
Empowering employees to be content creators: the risks and rewards
Minimising duplication of content across multiple channels
Simon Swan, Head of Digital Marketing, Met Office
12:45 Lunch
13:45 DISCUSSION: How to increase views of your content and build a stronger community
Designing content that lends itself to viral sharing
Finding people’s passion points and becoming a legitimate source of content for them
Avoiding the bandwagon: when to stick to your strategy and when to take risks
Using music and video effectively
Achieving differentiation through editing
Kate Lewis, Vice President Content Operations & Editorial Director, Hearst Magazines Digital
Russ Zack, General Manager & VP EMEA, Kaltura
Pleasance Coddington, Group Head of Content & Social Media, Momondo Group
Cristoffer Harlos, Director, Content Operations & Strategy, Migreat
14:35 CASE STUDY: Planning content strategy for effective cross platform publishing
Creating editorial teams for the digital marketplace
Designing a content pyramid to support multiple platforms
Making print, audio and video work together
How to differentiate content across platforms
Monetising digital whilst supporting traditional media
David Jenkinson, Managing Director & Editor-in-Chief, C21 Media
14:55 INSPIRED DISCUSSION: Increasing customer engagement via cross-channel delivery
Starting with an integrated strategy, rather than building additional channels in later
Using multichannel content and auto-targeting to gain insights into your audience
Tracking omni-channel activity to keep up with your customers’ behaviour
Understanding the challenges and rewards of creating meshed content
Blurring the online/offline approach to content delivery in order to increase customer
INSPIRATION: Jill Brittlebank, Cross-Channel Performance Leader, eBay Enterprise
Caroline Deichmann-Bendixen, Global Head of Digital Marketing, Arla Foods
John Bernard, Global Marketing Director, Mozilla
Nick Moxham, Head of Digital, Universal Music TV
15:50 Refreshment break
16:20 CASE STUDY: Adapting content strategies to changing user behaviour
Tracking the changing behaviour of consumers – next generation, increased early adoption,
omni-channel multi-screen use – and planning for the impact on digital content
Seamlessly integrating digital content with the customer’s lifestyle in order to maximise
uptake and loyalty
Overcoming the challenges of meeting customer expectations: fear of risk, regulatory
restrictions, cost, systems updates, etc.
Tania Seif, Head of Social Marketing, Coral
16:40 KEYNOTE: Platform agnosticism – the challenges and benefits
Understanding viewer preferences in a hybrid Pay TV and Free TV environment: seamlessly
integrating broadcast content with the customer’s lifestyle, however and wherever the customer
demands it
Understanding the commercial challenges of platform agnostic delivery for broadcasters
Designing responsively – should it be mobile first or device agnostic?
Tracking the changing behaviour of Pay TV and Free TV consumers – next generation, increased
early adoption, omni-channel multi-screen use – and what this means for broadcasters
Dan Fahy, Director Commercial & Business Development, UKTV
17:05 Host’s end of day remarks
17:10 Drinks reception
DAY TWO – Wednesday 22nd April
Registration & exhibition opens
Coffee with host
Host’s welcome & opening remarks
Piers North, Head of Digital Strategy, Trinity Mirror
KEYNOTE DEBATE: Should brands and publishers be partners or competitors?
There is an increasing crossover between brands and publishers, as brands move further into
content production. Publishers see brands as competitors with greater cash flow and no need to
monetise content. Brands see publishers as competitors with established content strategies and
storytelling expertise.
Can the two only exist in the marketplace as competitors, or is there a long-term partnership
opportunity? Who is most likely to have authority in the eyes of the customer? Which business
strategy will ultimately prove the most successful?
Nick Stewart, Global Head of Digital, Bacardi Global Brands
John Williams, Head of Marketing, The Instant Group & Director of Communications, Sotheby’s
David Alberts, Chief Creative Officer, MOFILM
David Harling, Head of Digital,
Tiffanie Darke, Creative Content Director, News UK
KEYNOTE: More technology, more problems?
Highlighting the challenges and opportunities of Real Time Advertising
Exploring the ways in which big data can impact viewability and attribution
Brand safety in display ad campaigns
Amit Kotecha, Head of Marketing EMEA, Quantcast
10:05 Refreshment break
10:30 DEBATE: The growing trend of peer to peer business – threat or opportunity?
Peer to peer business online is a growing trend, with apps like Airbnb and
becoming increasingly popular. The personable, social networking element adds to its appeal,
as does the customer’s feeling of involvement in the sales cycle.
Is this model powerful enough to truly disrupt the market? Are there opportunities here for
content providers? Or is it purely competition for some market sectors?
Adam Davidson, Head of Brand, Currency Fair
Glen Richardson, CMO,
Mat Braddy, CMO, JUST EAT
Charlie Cottrell, Editorial Director, We Are Social
11:10 DISCUSSION: Putting a price on trust – personalisation vs privacy
Understanding what people want from the product and when personalisation delights
Recognizing the risks of commoditizing customers
Tackling customer concerns over invasions of privacy and lack of consent
Crossing the creepy line: at what point is personalisation going to cost you customers?
David Hamilton, Head of Public Relations & Engagement, Action for Children
Gareth Main, Head of Online Merchandising, Guardian News & Media
Mary Keane-Dawson, CEO, My Health Pal & The Drum Digerati 2014
11:50 CASE STUDY: Using unusual delivery platforms to get your message across
Russell Lawley Gibbs, Founder & CEO, TV in a Card
Applying programmatic to brand-to-consumer interaction and ‘storytelling’ in the multi device
Martyn Bentley, Regional Vice President, Chango
Managing consumer engagement with digital content in the B2B market
Getting responsive design right
Achieving innovation whilst preserving reputation
Workshop hosted by Brandwatch
12:55 Book Signing / Roundtable Round-up
13:15 Lunch
14:15 HOW TO: Determine your KPIs
Identifying the attribution model that suits your business
Deciding on the relevant key metrics and how to measure them
Understanding how to compare strategies and performance with the rest of the market
Can performance metrics be standardised across channels and sectors, or are they too
John van Pijkeren, Digital Analytics Consultant, Centre of Excellence Marketing, Heineken
International B.V.
14:40 DISCUSSION: Calculating ROI and defining success
Does success for you mean raising revenue, cutting costs or another metric?
How can you measure community build and engagement?
Calculating ROI in social media: how much is a follower worth on each platform?
Aaron Suppel, Senior Manager – Digital Marketing Platforms, American Express
Anthony Thornton, Head of Digital Content, British Film Institute
Lucy Ashman, Digital Content Manager, Macmillan Cancer Support
By a representative from Seven
Kati Price, Head of Digital Media, Victoria & Albert Museum
Javier Nieto, Vice President Global Marketing, eCommerce, Worldpay
CASE STUDY: Conducting real time analysis of content traction
Tracking data in real time for traction and responsiveness
Managing agile adjustment of content to boost engagement
What works and what doesn’t: the challenges and rewards of a real time campaign
Sade Laja, Head of Digital Engagement & Content, Digital Catapult
15:50 KEYNOTE: Forecasting the future of digital advertising
Finding the value in mobile advertising
Using data analysis to drive native advertising and sponsored content
Developing longer form digital advertorials
Translating between social reach and user purchasing – is it possible to prove the effectiveness
of digital advertising?
Lazar Dzamic, Head of Brand Planning – The Zoo, Google
16:15 Host’s end of day remarks
Piers North, Head of Digital Strategy, Trinity Mirror
16:30 Refreshment Break & Close of Conference