PARISH OF BLESSED JOHN HENRY NEWMAN MORECAMBE St Mary’s, Matthias Street, Morecambe, LA4 5JR. Tel. 410501 Parish Priest Deacons Website Canon D Cooper, VG Rev. J McCann (tel 421795), Rev. J Murphy (tel 859254) and Rev. T Fagan (retired) SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 2015 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD EASTER TRIDUUM The evening Mass of Holy Thursday, the celebration of Good Friday and the Easter Vigil are all services in which I hope you will take part. The collection on Good Friday is for Holy Places. Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence. MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s Monday St Mary’s Tuesday St Patrick’s Wednesday Good Shepherd St Patricks MAUNDY THURSDAY Saturday Sunday 6.00pm 8.30am 10.30am 9.30am 10.00am 10.00am 1.00pm Pat McGuinness Sarah and Ashley Bell Lancs Infirm Secular Clergy Mildred Isherwood Isabel Beattie John and Shirley Kenny Requiem: Vincent McGill Margaret Parkinson Thursday St Patrick’s 7.00pm - 90th birthday GOOD FRIDAY – day of fasting and abstinence Friday All Churches 3.00pm Liturgy of the Passion Holy Saturday EASTER VIGIL MASS Saturday St Mary’s 7.00pm For the parishioners EASTER SUNDAY Sunday Good Shepherd St Patrick’s St Mary’s 8.30am Jean Gerrard 10.00am Susan Jones 11.30am Una Murphy PLEASE TAKE HOME THE HOLY WEEK & EASTER CARD AND NOTE ESPECIALLY THE TIMES OF MASS ON EASTER SUNDAY LAST WEEK Attendance 503 Collection £1,404.11 LATELY DEAD We pray for the repose of the souls of: Olive Jones of Whitelow House who died 19th March, aged 93. Funeral Service at Lancaster & Morecambe Crematorium on Tuesday at 11.45am. Vincent McGill of Norfolk Avenue who died on 22nd March, aged 85. Requiem Mass at St Patrick’s on Wednesday at 1.00pm followed by committal at Lancaster & Morecambe Crematorium. Parishioners have asked prayers for relations and friends lately dead: Colin Stewart May they rest in the peace of Christ. PLEASE PRAY FOR Sarah Melville, Diana Hoey, Frances Nash, Sean O’Connor, Maureen Boothman, Marie Robinson, Tony Smylie, Anne Iyengar, Barbara Howes, Eric Ainsworth, John Desmond Wells, John Alderson, Sue Smith, Sheila McGee, Rev Debbie Peatman and the sick and housebound in the parish and those in local hospitals and nursing homes. Sick Anniversaries Fr John Gornall, Josie Walmsley, Kathleen McGuigan, Sheila Drake, Hugh Ward, Joan Crossland, Isabel Beattie, Helen Forbes, Lee Maguire, Millie Dawson, Ann Burbidge, Winifred Hilton and all those whose anniversaries occur between 29th March and 4th April. BAPTISMS We welcome into the family of the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Joshua Thomas Grice son of David and Sarah today (Sunday) at St Mary’s at 12.30pm SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION The Bishop will celebrate this for our deanery on Pentecost Sunday, 24th May. Anyone age 14 + who would like to be confirmed please let Canon Cooper know. LEGION OF MARY Meetings on Monday afternoons at 2.00pm in St Patrick’s Church Hall. All are welcome. OFFERTORY ENVELOPES Offertory envelopes for the new tax year are now available. Please collect from the Church you indicated. You will need your new bo x for next weekend. Cuppa and Chat Bingo 200 Club Please note there will be NO meeting on 6th April. Monday nights in St Patrick’s hall. Doors open at 7pm. Received in March £228. Week ending 22/03/15 1st prize Terri Bell; 2nd prize Dr Sarah Brear; 3rd prize Mr and Mrs D Bates SVP A huge thank you to parents, children, Sr Anna and staff of St Mary’s school for preparing the Easter gifts and cards for some of our older parishioners. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Today (Sunday) we will be joined by the members of the congregation of Churches Together in Morecambe and Heysham in walking the way to Calvary with Jesus at 3.00pm in St Patrick’s. Chrism Mass at the Cathedral Holy Thursday 11.30am. GOOD FRIDAY O King of the Friday Whose limbs were stretched on the cross. O Lord who did suffer The bruises, the wounds, the loss, We stretch ourselves Beneath the shield of thy might, Some fruit from the tree of thy passion Fall on us this night! Thank you for the donations towards the cost of Easter flowers. Other donations will always be welcome! Our congratulations and best wishes go to Margaret Parkinson who celebrates her 90th birthday on Good Friday. Refreshments served after 10.30am Mass on Sunday in St Mary’s hall. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday 11th April Friday 8th to Sunday 10th May Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th May Women’s Vocation Discernment Day (for 18+) at Little Sisters of the Poor, Jeanne Jugan Residence, Fulwood Preston. Contact Sister Mary Julian Ekman, RSM on [email protected] by 2nd April Encounter – experience the loving presence of Jesus. Cor et Lumen, Wigton. Adventure Weekend at Castlerigg Manor. For young people, years 7 to 9. The Catholic Voice – your free diocesan newspaper – is available this weekend. to all our visitors – if you are staying please visit the Church for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during the week. The Parish in the Lancaster Diocese. Registered Charity No. 234331
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