PARISH OF BLESSED JOHN HENRY NEWMAN MORECAMBE St Mary’s, Matthias Street, Morecambe, LA4 5JR. Tel. 410501 Parish Priest Deacons Website Canon D Cooper, VG Rev. J McCann (tel 421795), Rev. J Murphy (tel 859254) and Rev. T Fagan (retired) SUNDAY 17TH MAY 2015 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Mary’s St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s 6.00pm 8.30am 10.30am 4.00pm 10.00am 10.15am 12.10pm 10.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 8.30am 10.30am Paddy Maloney Ed Brocken Joyce Taylor (nee Thompson) Wyn Murphy Fr Fred Turner Requiem: John Joseph Kelly Mary Higgins John Manton Christine Moore For the parishioners Sarah and Ashley Bell Conor Rowan and Aunt PLEASE PRAY FOR Sick Sarah Melville, Diana Hoey, Frances Nash, Sean O’Connor, Marie Robinson, Anne Iyengar, Barbara Howes, Eric Ainsworth, Sue Smith, Rev Debbie Peatman, John McDonald, Bill Simpson, Mary Wilcock and the sick and housebound in the parish and those in local hospitals and nursing homes. PLEASE PRAY FOR Anniversaries Fr F Turner, Fr B Woods, Deacon G Middlebrough, Helen Roffe, Julie Gleave, Frances Geraldine Nickson, Winifred Murphy, Peggy Boyle, Eileen Dixon, Lilian Green, Celia Burrows, Joseph McGlynn, Helen Robinson, Eileen MacDonald, Mary Laws, Tom McReady, Jim Morrissey, Doris Wareing, Doreen Libby, Joe Devlin, Malcolm Hawe, John Tyrrell and all those whose anniversaries occur between 17th and 23rd May. SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION Saturday Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Patrick’s 10.30am to 11.00am 11.30am to 12 noon 5.15pm to 5.40pm FEASTS THIS WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday St John I (optional) St Dunstan (optional) St Bernadine of Siena (optional) St Christopher of Magallenes (optional) St Rita of Cascia (optional) LAST WEEK Attendance 469 Collection £1,399.77 LATELY DEAD We pray for the repose of the souls of: John (Sean) Joseph Kelly of Stud Park Farm who died on 9th May aged 76. Requiem Mass at The Good Shepherd on Wednesday at 10.15am followed by committal at Lancaster & Morecambe Crematorium. Catherine Josephine Willetts of Hillcroft Nursing Home who died on 3rd of May, aged 87. Requiem Mass at St Patrick’s on Wednesday 27th May at 1.30pm followed by interment in Hale Carr Cemetery. Parishioners have asked prayers for relatives and friends lately dead: Ruth Bennion and Pat Day SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION The Bishop will celebrate this at the Cathedral for our deanery on Pentecost Sunday, 24th May at 6.30pm. Candidates are asked again to attend the preparation on Tuesday at 7.00pm. Rehearsal on Friday 22nd Preparation for 1st Holy Communion continues today (Sunday) LEGION OF MARY Meetings on Monday afternoons at 2.00pm in St Patrick’s Church Hall. All are welcome. Bingo Cuppa and Chat 200 Club Monday night in St Patrick’s hall. Doors open at 7pm. Monday 18th May, 10 am until 12 noon in St Patrick’s hall. All welcome. Week ending 10/05/15 1st prize Teresa Moore; 2nd prize Veronica Smith; 3rd prize Kath Mercer OUR LADY’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE - A MUSICAL EVENING FOR MISSIO Come and enjoy a great evening of music and entertainment. All proceeds will be going to Missio, in particularly their appeal for Nepal. Wednesday 20th May, 7pm, in Our Lady’s school hall. Tickets cost £5 for adults, and £3 for concessions – admission includes a glass of wine/soft drink and a slice of cake. Tickets can be purchased from Mrs Anna Pendlebury at Our Lady’s Catholic College, or can be bought on the night. RETREAT A retreat in daily life and for busy people is going to take place in Morecambe from Sunday 14th June - Friday 19th. The cost is only £25 because it is subsidised by the Jesuits. It will be led by Stephen Hoyland who works for the Jesuits and lives in Lancaster. The retreat will be based at Morecambe Parish Church. If you want to know more you can contact him at [email protected]. We are hoping that some Catholics will take part this year so that it becomes a truly ecumenical celebration of something we have in common: a desire to grow closer to God through prayer and spiritual direction. World Communications Day is celebrated today, Ascension Sunday. The theme is Communicating the Family: A Privileged Place of Encounter with the Gift of Love. On this day we are encouraged to pray for communications professionals, especially those who work in the media. There will be a retiring collection that provides the funding for the Catholic Communications Network Money is still coming in for the Nepal appeal – a total will be given next weekend. PENTECOST NOVENA FOR VOCATIONS This will be taking place in our Deanery and St Patrick’s turn for this will be on Saturday 23rd May 4.30pm to 5.30pm. For other churches in our Deanery, please see poster on noticeboard. “Let us remind ourselves that we have all been given a specific vocation. God has created each one of us for some specific purpose. One such vocation, which is crucial for the flourishing of the Church, is the priesthood. There are many ways to promote vocations awareness in our daily lives, the best among them is prayer. As you will be aware, on Friday we started the Novena for Vocations, during this Novena we are praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our diocesan ‘year for priestly vocations.’ We are also praying for the intercession of St. John Vianney to the Lord of the harvest. We encourage you to attend one of the planned Holy Hours in our Deanery. Please continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and the religious life.” Vocations Team After weekday Masses, prayers to the Holy Spirit will be said until Pentecost. Mass on Monday is at 4pm as there is an interview for St Patrick’s school from 9.00am. There will be the Chapter Mass at the Cathedral on Tuesday at 12.15pm LECTIO DIVINA on Thursdays, 7.30pm in the presbytery. A bequest of £1,250 has been received from the late Albert Eccles for the benefit of the parish. Please remember him in your prayers. SACRED SILENCE “Before the celebration of Mass, it is a praiseworthy practice for silence to be observed in church so that all may dispose themselves to carry out the sacred celebration in a devout and fitting manner.” – Roman Missal DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sunday 24th May Saturday 29th to Monday 31st May Friday 19th June Friday 19th to Sunday 21st June Pentecost Songs of Praise (Torrisholme and Bare Churches together) Happy Mount Park, 2.30pm Cross Bay Walk from Hyning to Boarbank for people 18 to 35. Details [email protected] Mass with ‘anointing of the sick’, St Patrick’s, 11.00am Brave of Heart: A Weekend Journey for Men Cor et Lumen Christi, St Cuthbert's The Old Convent, Wigton CA7 9HU [email protected] 016973 45623 The Parish in the Lancaster Diocese. Registered Charity No. 234331
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