Planning Committee 7th April 2015 BLABY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE held at Blaby Civic Centre, 22-24 Leicester Road at 7pm on Tuesday, 7th April 2015 PRESENT: Mr B Fear (Chairman), Mrs M Broomhead, Mr D Statham, Mrs E Statham, Mr B Duggan, Mrs V Wilkinson, Mrs V Jepson (Manager), Mrs J Brooks (Admin Clerk) & 19 x Parishioners. P.294 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - None. P.295 2. TO RECEIVE MEMBERS DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST & REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODE OF CONDUCT - None. P.296 3. REPORTS FROM BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL – None. P.297 4. PLANS FROM BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL – a) (15/0327/HH) 115 Grove Road Blaby Leicestershire LE8 4DH: Single storey rear extension and erection of front canopy porch (to include demolition of existing outbuildings). COMMENTS – No objections. b) (14/1099/1/MX) Leicester Lions RFC Lutterworth Road Blaby Leicestershire: The following amendments have been made to this application: 1. Removal of floor space at first floor level. 2. Reduction of footprint. 3. Resiting of clubhouse away from hedgerow by 7 metres. 4. Design changes. 5. Revised floodlighting details. 6. Information on extractor fans. COMMENTS – Blaby Parish Council has no objections to the amendments but was not in favour of the original scheme and objected to the closure of footpath Z.56. The access point onto Lutterworth Road is considered to be dangerous. c) (15/0332/FUL) Land South Of 14 - 16 Cranmer Close Blaby Leicestershire: Erection of 1 pair of 2 bedroom semi-detached bungalows, 2 x 4 bedroom detached dwellings with associated garages and parking (revised scheme). COMMENTS - This is a very tight spot. Blaby Parish Council repeats its previous objections being that it is overitensive use of the site, there is inadequate parking space and the access points for emergency vehicles are far too narrow. The 3 storey detached property directly overlooking the bungalow at 15 Latimer Close would cause intense overshadowing. The houses are completely out of character with adjacent buildings and there is already a known drainage problem in this particular area. P.298 5. REPORTS FROM BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL, RECEIVED AFTER ISSUE OF AGENDA - None. P.299 6. PLANS FROM BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL, RECEIVED AFTER ISSUE OF AGENDAa) (15/0366/FUL) 4 - 6 Enderby Road Blaby Leicestershire LE8 4GD: Demolition of existing dwellings and the development of 40 one and two bedroomed units and communal facilities to provide assisted accommodation for the elderly and associated vehicular access, parking and landscaping. 1 Planning Committee 7th April 2015 COMMENTS – Request an extension on the deadline for comments on this application. AGREED: Hold a public meeting to discuss this application further to be held at Blaby Civic Centre on Tuesday, 14th April at 7.30 pm. b) (15/0378/HH) 26 Loughland Close, Blaby, LE8 4PB: Single Storey front and side extensions. COMMENTS - No objections. P.300 7. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Notes from Meeting with Cat Hartley, 26th March 2015. Meeting with Miss Cat Hartley, BDC, to discuss Planning Issues. Thursday 26th March 2015, Blaby Civic Centre at 10.00 am Present: Miss Cat Hartley, Mr D Statham, Mrs E Statham, Mrs M Broomhead & Mrs J Brooks. Mr Statham thanked everyone for coming and wished to discuss the following points: 1. Conservation Area Material Miss Hartley confirmed she is continuing to search for the original paperwork from the 1970’s on the conservation area and queried what information was required to take forward. Mrs Statham thinks the assessment needs to be done again from scratch as the whole area needs to be redefined. The character assessment over the last 40 years has deteriorated and it needs to be tightly defined what makes a conservation area and what design is acceptable. Miss Hartley said the options for this would be to either pick this up through the Neighbourhood Plan or to create a full scale re-designation. A consultant, Steven Bradwell, who has worked with Glenfield and Croft Parish Councils, would be prepared to come out and offer an initial review. If he did a full conservation appraisal he would charge around £2,000. A local listing would be included and he would liaise with John Sharpe, Conservation Officer for Leicestershire County Council. AGREED: Miss Hartley will forward his contact details. 2. Section 106 / CIL Miss Hartley was asked if there are any changes to the proposals and stated there was likely to be a review later this year between the Leicestershire authorities as they are looking to refresh their views on CIL but doesn’t think they are looking at it at the moment. She also mentioned there is a new Planning Obligations Officer, Tracey Carey who joined Blaby District Council in February. She will be reviewing and identifying what monies are owed and when they are due. Mrs Statham said she was looking into the possibility of securing some Section 106 monies to do a feasibility study of the car parks between the Fox & Tiger and the British Legion to create a piazza area. Miss Hartley confirmed she is looking at the contributions from the Fosse Park development to go towards the improvement for Blaby Town Centre. 2 Planning Committee 7th April 2015 3. Everards Miss Hartley has spoken to Steven Gould from Everards and he has indicated to having a discussion with the parish council but they are currently very busy with two major applications at Fosse Park at the moment. She confirmed he would be more than happy to meet up when they have time. Mrs Broomhead commented that everyone just wants the best for Blaby but the main concern is Blaby Hall is deteriorating badly. If building houses around a derelict building who is going to want to buy them? The Blaby Plan has mutual interest and benefit for everyone. 4. Neighbourhood Plan Mr Statham confirmed positive feedback had been received from the meeting with Lucy O’Doherty. She was brilliant and very helpful and he would like this comment to be passed on via Miss Hartley. He added she was very constructive and could put a planner’s eye on what’s been done so far and made it like a planning policy. It was above and beyond what everyone expected. 5. Planning Permissions Mrs Broomhead brought to Miss Hartley’s attention an application that had begun preparing ground and laying foundations even though permission was still pending. She felt it made a mockery of the system as it would seem there is no point in making comments. Miss Hartley said the planning enforcement team can and will take action if there is any unauthorised development taking place but legislation states if they have submitted an application and are likely to get planning permission the courts wouldn’t give permission to stop them while an application is still pending. If there was no application in place then a stop notice could be served on them and ultimately if they don’t get permission, they will take action. Mrs Broomhead had concerns about the health and safety issues on the work that had commenced on this site, no safety barriers, breeze blocks on the footpath and flimsy fencing .She requested the case officer keep an eye on it. Miss Hartley suggested any members of the public who have questions can be referred to the District Council for an explanation and the determination can be checked. It was felt the procedure needs to be more streamlined as residents need to be put through to 3 different departments before getting an answer. Miss Hartley thought this was good feedback and will take these comments back to the department. A discussion about the Winchester Road development was held as it wasn’t very transparent what had happened. From the drawings it appeared to be being built in a ditch. All would like to see a more 3D image to get a better perspective on what the final building will look like. The public seem to have lost faith in the planning system as there is no-one there to protect their interests and it’s important to strike a balance between having sustainable housing and housing that doesn’t impact on everyone’s lives. 3 Planning Committee 7th April 2015 It was felt important to make sure everything blends in and developers should work together with the public. Miss Hartley reassured everyone that it was just as frustrating from planning’s perspective as they are not always able to do this but would continue to refuse permission for Hospital Lane for example as they wish to support the parish and the community. The planning advisory service is now on board to train all their new planning officers as there are changes to legislation all the time. Mr Statham thanked Miss Hartley for her time and added it was useful to feed things back to her. Mrs Broomhead agreed and said it was important to try and eliminate the “them and us” approach by working together with the District Council. Miss Hartley agreed that feedback is always useful. Meeting Closed: 10.50 am b) Eva O’Connor – Sustainable Housing. Mrs O’Connor suggests imposing some form of “above average” sustainable measures for any future developments around Blaby within the Neighbourhood Plan. c) Blaby District Council – Update on Planning Application (15/0074/FUL) Land Adjacent 85 Park Road, Blaby. The case officer has confirmed the application has not yet been determined but has since issued the following amendments to consider: 1. Revised red lined site boundary on location plan. 2. Revised floor plans. 3. Revised Elevations. 4. Site sections. 5. Proposed site plan. 6. Visibility splays. 7. Proposed drainage. 8. Site plan indicating site, original overlay, overlay of proposal as originally submitted and overlay of revised proposal. COMMENTS – Blaby Parish Council repeats its previous objections to this application being overitensive use of the site and there is not enough space for off road parking. It is also in very close proximity to the alleyway which would pose a danger to pedestrians. Members are happy that the planners have pursued this matter and looked into the parish councils concerns but now request this application is determined as soon as possible by the districts development control committee. P.301 8. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AFTER ISSUE OF AGENDA – None. P.302 9. CHAIRMANS TIME The Chairman said “Personally I would like to say thank you to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Council, I’m glad I worked under you and I hope next year will be even better.” MEETING CLOSED: 7.22 PM 4
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