BLESSED SACRAMENT HERALD BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH /624 Miccosukee Road / Tallahassee. FL 32308/ MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass ........................ ............. ....... .............. 8:30am & 5:30pm Monday. Novena ... .... ....... .......... ..................... .... ................ 8:30am Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Mass ...... .. ....... .... ...... ... ............................. 5:00pm Sunday ....................... 8:00am, 10:30am. 12:15pm and 7:00 pm ~-~ Gocllad 11510 ~ ..... ...,"'<# --""!Y SACRAMENT OF PENANCE ......... "' ..... the Saturday ..... ................. 12:00noon - 1:OOpm and 3:00pm - 4:00pm n:ado~the Fr. Peter Zalewski. Pastor ............................................................. 222-1321 Fr. Timothy Holeda. Parochial Vicar. ............................................ 222-1321 Fr. Matthew Busch. Parochial Vicar. ............................................. 222-1321 ..... Sbq>ftad has tptcbcb<_ Deacon Louis Fete. Adult Education ............................................ 386-8715 Deacon Michael Nixon. R.C.lA ..................................................... 294-3092 Deacon Patrick Dallet ............................... .................................... 386-5084 Dasha Nixon , St.John Neumann Center ....................................... 224-297 1 Carol Sunderhaus. Sick & Shut-In Ministry ................................... 877-8775 Mr. Tommy Bridges. School Principal .......................................... 222..()4.44 Mary Staney. D.R.E ........................................................................ 422-0372 Diane Whitney. Choir Director ........... .......................................... 878·2465 Maria Spicer. Bell Choir Director .................................................. 644- t 784 Daniel Stewart. High School Youth Director ................................ 524-1466 Natalie Hand. Middle School Youth Director ............................... 894-6316 RIta Fete. Sacristan ....................................................................... 386-8715 Fax Number ................................................................................... 222-9772 Email ................................. BlessedSacramentCatholiCChurch@gma il .com MEN 'S CHRIST REN EWS HIS PARISH 4th SUI/day of Easter April 26, 2015 PERPETUAL ADORATION " ... Who will dare to touch yo u when you are with me? Most dear to me is the soul who strongly believes in my goodness and has complete trust in rne. I heap my confidence upo n it, and give it all it asks. Jesus to Sr. Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament. Needed hours: T ues., 7-8 A.M .. Sat., 1-2 A.M., IIA.M. - 12 Noon, 9- 10 P.M., Sun., 4-5 A.M. There are also many other hours that need more adorers. Please call the coordinator, Jean ixon, at 445-3793 to find out which hour may work for you. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT SEMINAR Take a day to refocus & renew your marriage. Learn how to put Christ in the center of it all! Blessed Sacrament Coupl es for Christ will be hosting this special event on Saturday, May 2nd from 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. at the Neumann Retreat Center. Chi ld care is available. RSVP by email [email protected] or call 224-2971. SINCERE SYMPATHY Our Parish Family extends sympathy and prayers to Tony Partin on the death of his brother, and to the the fami lies of Jan Gendusa. Roy MelTY, and Lorna Smith. "Father, may they and al l who sleep in Christ find in your presence light, happiness and peace. Amen." All men, 18 and older, are invited 10 attend the next CRHP retreat on Saturday morning, May 16th, to Sunday mi d-afternoon, May l7!h, at the SI. John Neumann Retreat Center. The retreat is a great way to get to know other men in the parish and to deepen your walk with the Lord. There is no cost for this event. Please call or email Larry James (591-5331 or IdjamesO I@gma or Daniel Hallinan (610-350-9 176 or dha [email protected]) for more information about the upcoming men's CRHP retreat. SHEPHERD'S TRUST DIOCESAN RETIRED PRIESTS' FU ' D The proceeds from this collection will help provide a better standard ofl iving for those priests who have dedicated their Jives to serving the people of Northwest Florida. Please be generous, remember to support our retired priests with both your financial ass istance as well as your prayers. Please give to the collection sometime before May 30 th • You may use the special envelope "Shepherd's Trust" provided in your May envelope set. MEN'S CLUB Men of Blessed Sacrament (all men of the parish, 18 and o lder) are invited 10 Mass on Friday morning, May 1'\ at 7:00 A.M. in the church. A short business meeting and li ght breakfast will follow in the Hall, so that those who need to can be on the ir way to work by 8:00 A.M. For more information, call Rick Freesmeier at 545-3085. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Members are encouraged to place items of general interest to parishioners in the bulletin. Iterns are due by 4 P.M. on Tues. Email : blessedsac ramc ntcatholicchurch@gmail .com MASS INTENTIONS April 27 - May 3 Monday, April 27 8:30 A.M. - Viola Torres t Requested by the Adorers of Blessed Sacrament 5 :30 P.M. - Nina Baldi t Requested by Lucy Corn Tuesday, April 28 8:30 A.M. - Dec. Members of Nixon & Cooper Families t Requested by the Nixon Family 5:30 P.M. - Georgie Ann Ricketts t Requested by Tico & Teri Gimbel Wednesday, April 29 8:30 A.M. - Kathy & Francis Cooper t Requested hy the Nixon Family 5:30 P.M. - Christina Pavia t Requested hy M. Pavia Thursday, April 30 8:30 A.M.-Intentions of Glenn Schott, Jr. Requested by the Zapata Family 5:30 P.M. - Florence Towey t Requested by Patsy Gates Friday, May I 7:00 A.M. -Intentions of Joan Barbara Cave Requested by Drew Cave 8:30 A.M. -Intentions of Msgr. John V. O'Sullivan Requested by the Ricco Family 5:30 P.M. -Intentions of the Huntley Family Requested by the Serpico Family Saturday, May 2 8:30 A.M. - Souls in Purgatory Requested by the Nixon Family 5:00 P.M. - Sydney Grant t Requested by Margarita Grant Sunday, May 3 8:00 A.M. - Love Leicht t Requested by Gary & Amy Seamans 10:30 A.M. - Blessed Sacrament & St. Stephen Parishes 12:15 P.M. - Christopher Mazza t Requested by the Gill & Loar Family 7:00 P.M. - Lena Deeb t JPII CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL NEWS JPll Catholic High School is accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year, and pre-registration for the 20162017 school year. Application Packets are available at our front office located at 5100 Terrebone Drive in Southwood, or online at www.JPIICHS.ORG. Transportation is available from several locations. Call us today at 201-5744 to find out how we can help your student reach their full potential. CA THOLIC IN AMERICA Catholic in American airs each week throughout the Diocese. Learn more about the richness of our Catholic faith. Tune in as our panelists answer questions, and others share experiences about their faith. You'll find it on WTLH, Sundays at II :00 A.M . Eastern time. Please remember Blessed Sacrament Church ill your will. CORONATION OF THE BLESSED M O THE R CELEBRATION, SATURDAY, MAY 9TH On Saturday, May 9", after the 5:00 P.M. Mass, we will again have our rosary and procession in honor of our Blessed Mother. The Big Bend Filipino Association, with the Legion of Mary, is inviting you to join us in this glorious occasion . The Women's Guild arejoining us. Children are needed to be dressed as the Blessed Virgin in her different titles, and as angels. Costumes will be provided. Please bring your children to the Parish Center (Hall) by 4:00 P.M. on Saturday, May 9", to get their costumes. Bring flowers, too, for the offertory. There will be food, desserts, and drinks after the procession. Any food that you wish to bring would be much appreciated. For further information, please call Rosario at 3861629. WOMEN OF MARY IMMACULATA All women of the parish are invited to attend our next Women of Mary Immaculata meeting on Tuesday, April 28", at 7:00 P.M. at the Neumann Center. We will again be doing the "33 Days of Morning Glory" consecration, using Fr. Michael Gaitley's hook and DVD. This is a wonderful opportunity you won't want to miss! So, come and bring your friends and join other women from the different parishes as we learn to give ourselves " to Jesus through Mary" in following in the footsteps of great saints like St. John Paul II and BI. Mother Teresa of Calcutta! For more info, call Jean at 445-3793 . YOU, A VINCENTIAN? The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will conduct an Ozallam Orientation, on May 2", from 10:00 A.M. til 1:00 P.M. for all members and prospective members who wish to learn more about the Society and its works. The purpose of the program is to introduce new members to the message, "who we are olld what we are all about," and to re-acquaint existing members with our spirituality and heritage. Middle and high school age children and adults of any age are invited to attend! Meet in the Parish Center of the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More. RSVP to Laurie Herring at 405-6885. NEUMANN CE TE R BOOK CLUB The book cluh will discuss "Strange Glory/A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer" by Charles Marsh in May. The Book Club meets at 7:30 P.M. on the second Monday of each month of the school year. New and occasional participants are always very welcome. Come join us! Questions? Call Jackie Hallifax at 878-5826. CATHOLIC HOME MISSION COLLECTION Many dioceses right here in the United Sates do not have enough priests and trained lay mioisters to serve their parishes. These dioceses are known as home missions. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place this weekend, and supports these dioceses by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay ministry training. Please be generous in this appeal and share your resources to strengthen the Church at home. SHELTER LUNCH Blessed Sacrament will be providing food and service for lunch once a month at the Kearney Center, the new community emergency service center. This facility replaces The Shelter on Tennessee Street, and is scheduled to open in the near future. If you would like to volunteer, or want more information, please call Alice Harris, 893 4543. Also, A Muslim-Christian group of volunteers will be regularly serving dinner at the new center. If you are interested, call Jackie Hallifax at 878-5826. EDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP - For more information, contact Natalie Hand at 894-6316 or [email protected] VERlTAS mGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP - For more information, contact Daniel Stewart at 524-1466. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL FIRST COMMUNION ITEMS Charting the course for "The Vatican Express" (which departs Monday morning at 9:00 A.M. sharp on June 15" and arrives Friday, June 19'" at noon) is progressing nicely. We will be recruiting and training conductors (adults and teens) soon after Easter. So, look for our table in the Parish Hall in April to sign up to volunteer and also to register your pilgrims for the tour! A more detailed itinerary will be published very soon. Contact Mary Staney at 422-0372 or [email protected]. The Religious Articles Shop has a variety of First Communion items for sale: missal kits, rosaries, necklaces, veils, ties and many other items. The gift shop is temporarily located in the Parish Hall. Please take the time to stop by and see what we have to offer. Our shop is open after the 5:00 P.M. Vigil Mass, and 8:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M. and 12:15 P.M. Masses on Sunday. SA VE THE DATE! ''Nowadays the death penalty is inadmissible, no matter how serious the crime committed ... (Capital punishment) does not render justice to the victims but rather fosters vengeance." Pope Francis, letter to the International Commission against the Death Penalty, March 2015. The Good Shepherd Mercy & Justice Core Community will host a meeting and potluck supper for Catholics opposed to capital punishment Tuesday, May 12" ,2015,6-9 P.M. in the Good Shepherd Community Center. Representatives from the Sant'Egidio of Rome and the Successful Connecticut death penalty abolition campaign will share lessons learned in ending the use of the death penalty in Europe and in Connecticut as we seek progress in Florida. You are cordially invited. Please bring your energy, ideas and a dish of food to share. RETURN OF TABLECLOTHS TO KITCHEN There have been several receptions and celebrations over the past few months and a number of long and round white tablecloths are missing. If you have taken them home to launder, please return them as soon as possible. HOST INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS This summer you have an incredible opportunity of hosting an international high school age student from Spain, Italy, France, Hong Kong or Taiwan, in your home from August 6" to August 23''- EF Educational Homestay programs is a non-profit organization seeking to connect cultures and develop understanding through this program. The student you choose will become fuUy integrated into your family's lifestyle and learn about our culture through your hospitality! Student applications will arrive soon, so if you are interested, please call Carmen Overstreet at 443-8866 or email cl0663 PLEASE NOTE __ .... We have increased the number of handicap parking spaces. There are now five spaces on the Miccosukee side of the church, and three spaces on the Brevard Street side. CHURCH SUPPORT April 19" - $26,433.00 5:00 P.M. - $4,922.00 8:00 A.M. - $3,455.00 10:30 A.M. - $4,817.00 12: 15 P.M . - $3,173 .00 7:00 P.M. - $1,756.00 Mail-In - $8,310.00 God Bless YOllr Gellerosity! NEXT ACIS of the Apostles 9:26-31 SUNDAY Psalm 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32 READINGS 1 John 3: 18-24 John 15:4a, 5b TRINITY CA THOLIC SCHOOL EWS Trinity Catholic School is now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 School Year for Pre-K3 through 8" grade. We are conveniently located in the heart of Midtown. To schedule your individualized tour of our campus, please call 222-0444, or visit our website at for more information. TRINITY AWARDED $6,500 GRANT We are pleased to announce that the Grants Committee and the Board of Directors of The Catholic Foundation of Northwest Florida has awarded Trinity Catholic School a grant in the amount of$6,500. This grant will help support campus security enhancements at Trinity Catholic School. It is the generosity of parishioners throughout the diocese that make it possible to award grants, the Foundation's various ministry endowments are funded by pledges from the Sharing the Vision - Growing in Failh capital campaign and by gifts and bequests from individuals and families. Trinity Catholic School is so blessed to have received this grant. For more information on The Catholic Foundation of Northwest Florida, please go to E ' GAGED E COUNTER WEEKENDS There are two engaged encounter weekends scheduled for this year at the St. John Neumann Retreat Center. The dates are: May 29-31 and Sept. 11-13, both beginning Friday at 7 P.M. and ending Sunday at 2 P.M. For more infornlation, call Cathie and Jamie Herzog at 562-4645, or email [email protected] or go to COMMUNITY OF PRAYING HUSBANDS "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her. ... " Eph.5:25-26. We meet every Saturday from 9 to 10:30 A.M. Contact Rolando at 508-5528, or email [email protected]. THE ALZHEIMER'S PROJECT, INC. Our mission is to help caregivers by providing support groups, day respite daycare programs for their loved ones who may be affected by any form of dementia. We also provide counseling services, case management, and Powerful Tools for Caregivers. All our services are provided free of charge. · For more information, please call Angela Mendoza at 386-2778. WELCOME TO BLESSED SACRAMENT The staff and parishioners of Blessed Sacrament wish to extend a warm and friendly welcome to all newcomers. If you came today as a visitor, we hope that you will leave as our friend. If you would like to become a member of our church family, parish registration cards are available in the vestibule of the church. Please Slipport ollr advertisers. They sllbsidize the cost of the blllletill. 2755 West Tennessee Street Tallahassee, FL 32034 AUTOSPORT Hn~nilt,,1 (TMH) 850-576-2116 Kelly .151~.;::'m~= - ..oL-- Since 1985 Realtor® Dr. Zachary R. Verner TaIahusee, FL 323011 (""I "~2525 Your Friend in Real Estate. Call (850) 445-1192 I VIERA WILLIAMS, P.A. - -ATTORNEYS AT LAW - - Doug Croley Insurance Services MIlT)' Katharine Lawler; ARM (850) 701-2145 .... [email protected] Home - Auto - Business Insurance Coverages Beggs Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated Since 1886 O SELECTED ute S _ tl!.,.,aiJs/'i'h AWay of life _T .... .... SUPPORT THE PARISH BY ADVERTISING IN Independent FUNERAL HOMES Tallahassee 942-2929 850.877.7337 In the fullness of time He sent forth his Son The image of the invisible God First60rn of all creation J 850942-5939 850997-8673 EC13D04S83 MARY PELLEGRINO & ASSOCIATES SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS Specializing in Communication Disorders 3215 Capital Medical Blvd., Tallahassee DR. RICHARD oJ. FREESMEIER CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN MASSAGE THERAPY AVAILABLE 2S3B CAPITAL MEOICAL BLVO. TALLAHASSEE (850) 878-8242 MON., WEO. & THUR S. B·6 TUESDAY & F'RIDAY S-l 878-0609 Practice Obstetrics 2888 Mahan Dr. #6 Tallahassee, FL 32308 ~ '~SE STOP BY Near The Pansh ~ 850-942-2233 Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tallahassee Memory Gardens Rocky Ezell - Funeral Directar 4037 N. Monroe Street· TollohoSSH, Fl32303 Fox 850-562-1518 850-536-5890 Certified Public Accountant 5407 Touraine Drive Tallahassee, FL 32308 Fax: (850) 656-2266 656-8228 I , 2$1' CENTENNIAL BLVO~ '103, TAl..1.AHASStt. F1. 32308 PH 850-656-7720 WWW.TAu..AHAS5E~1.tGY. COM (8~0) 681-24$8 Fax (850) 681-2396 1613 Capital Circle NE ~f, • 'rJ.., Harvest Printing &j Copy The Uttle P1nt Shw That Could -t- Sunday Monday -<..= ,-,,= , "'""" C'-'" Tuesday , Thursday Wednesday Mass 7:00 A ,M, 1 8:30 A.M , & 5:30 P,M, Men's Club - 7 A,M, Rediscover Cath, - 9 A,M" May 2015 f 6 Mass 8:30 A,M, & 8 14 Mass 8:30 15 16 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 6 P,M, K of C, 7 P,M, Mass 8:30 A.M , & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 9 A.M " Mass 8:30 A ,M. & 5:00 P,M, Praying Husbands - 9 A,M, 20 21 22 23 Mass 8:30 A ,M, & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath , - 7 P,M, Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, Choir Reh - 7 P,M, Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, Mass 8:30 A.M, & 5:30 P ,M, Rediscover Cath, - 9 A,M" Mass 8:30 A.M , & 5:00 P,M, Praying Husbands - 9 A,M, 26 27 28 29 30 Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, Choir Reh - 7 P,M, Mass 8:30 A.M , & 5:30 P,M, Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P ,M , Rediscover Cath , - 9 A.M " Mass 8:30 A.M , & 5:00 P.M, Praying Husbands - 9 A.M , Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 7 P,M, Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 7 P,M, Vacation Bible School mtg - 7 P,M, Choir Reh - 7 P,M, 10 1 1 12 Mass 8:00, 10:30, 12:15 & 7:00 P,M, Mass 8:30 A.M , & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 7 P,M, Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P ,M, Rediscover Cath -, 7 P,M, 1 3 Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M. SI. Teresa Mtg, - 7 P,M, Choir Reh - 7 P,M, 17 18 19 Mass 8:00, 10:30, 12:15 & 7:00 P ,M, Last RE. Class and Assembly Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, 24 25 Mass 8:00, 10:30, 12:15 & 7:00 P,M, Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P.M, Mass 8:00, 10:30 , 12:15 & 7:00 P ,M, L May Month of The Blessed Mother Rehearsal - 9:00 A ,M, Praying Husbands - 9 A,M, Mass 8:30 A ,M, & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 9 A.M " Mass 8:00, 10:30, 12:15 & 7:00 P,M, 1II Communion Mass 12:15 P,M, 31 1st Communion 7 5 Rediscover Cath, - 7 P,M, Mass 8:30 A ,M, & P,M , 2 5:00 Mass 8:30 A,M , & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 6 P,M, 4 3 Saturday Friday 5:30 P,M, Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:30 P,M, Rediscover Cath, - 7 P,M, Rediscover Cath , - 6 P,M, ~,~~~\~.~.~ C Rellgious Graphics. Ltd. PERPETUAL ADORATION IN THE CHAPEL 9 Mass 8:30 A,M, & 5:00 P,M, May Crowning 6 P,M, Praying Husbands - 9 A,M, I"., Reconciliation Each Saturday: '.M.". '.M . 1ft.,." It BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 624 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308 850-222-1321 Fr. Pete Z"lewsl,i, J'astor Fr. Tim J·loled", P,"·ochilll Vic",· - Fr. M"Uhcw Busch, I'"roehial ViCll.· Creeter's Committee 545·3085 Siel,/Shut- In Minislry 877-8775 C:lrol Sunderhaus 445-3793 S tew ••rdship Il.ick Frcesl1leier Altar Servers en rol SIIJldcrhaus 877-8775 nick V,w Alia AI!:.r Society Ca rol SUllderhaus 877-8775 Ca rol Sunde rhalls nag Sunday .Joan May 668-9996 High School Youth ()ircclor l)aniel Stewart 524· 1466 Praying 1·lusbands Rolando Gomez llool; C lub Jackie II a llif". Women of Grace ncfrcshmcnt COllllllittee 878-5826 .Jean Nixon I(airos Prison Ministry Palll K" czorowski 877-0545 Il.cfrcshmcnt Volunteer 385-3766 878-2465 Knights of Columhus Va ug hn Mikcwm"th 544·2003 Reli gious Articles & Gift Shop Rosario Manzo 386-1629 Pastoral COlillcil 385-6993 Riel" Frees meier 877-8775 .Jellli Helping 1·lands nurse C lub Vil-ginia Willialll s C hoir l)i."CCIOr Ilianc Whitney (lcr pefllnl Adonltion 445-3793 Nixon Ann Trykowski Ueth Wilde Sunda y Nursery 385- 1051 386·92 14 656-4443 Catherinc L.lx 531-0414 Telephone A lerl llit" FclC 386·8715 Trinity Calholic School PI'in c ipal TOllimy Ilddgcs 644- 1784 Maria Spice r C h rist H.cncws II is Womcn - Liturgy COllllllision 1>~lri s h Fr. 1I0ieda Mcn 11'.'. Busch Olivia Ahyoung 65(... 107 1 I{cli:::iutls Education Mary Sl:llley 422-0372 386-5891 ReS(leCI Life ,Ioyce Newell 322·4 189 Lectors Ted Allavilla nosa Ileasley Me n's C lub nicl< Frccsmcier 597-8821 Milie Nixon Carol SU lld c rhall s 545·3085 MOlher of I'el'(leluaillel(l Ca rolyn W"lsh 212-0687 Middle School Youlh ()ireclor NlIlalie IIand 894-6316 Fond C loset C;lrul S underhaus New I'arishio llcrs Welcome Itick Freesl11cicr 545-3U85 Leslie Scqlico 386-8715 942-7075 Scm, Club Oiel; VanAlh' 385·6993 Rila Felc 877·8775 294·3092 Sac ristan Finance Council ,JciU1IIe Scru ggs 877-8775 228-2646 Mother Scion C ircle R.C.lA. Legion of Mary Eucharistic Ministers C.lrol Sunderhnus 877-8775 997-1150 Women's G uild SI. Therese Circle Ilarlcllc I,ute n 222-1321 222- 1321 222-0444 Ushers ~HlriCS Zicgmollt nell Choir nireclor 545-3085 Our L<tdy of G ua dalupe Cil'cle Yvon ne Ri cha rdson 320-6675 ()ol'olh y Westwood 386-7834 SI. Cal heri ne C ircle Serll(lh Choir Donnie Ilushbee 39 1-978 1 Sella Finldea Good News Outreach Sieve SI:lrkce 412·0016 Ncmmlnn Center Dashn Nixon Women's Iliblc St ud y 224·2971 Wcndy Solo Sheller Lnnch Carol SUlldcrlwlls K:ltl'ina Wilhoit 877-8775 422-3862 668· 1834
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