March Mammal Madness – Round 3 – Mythical

March Mammal Madness
Round 3 (Sweet Sixteen: Mythical Mammals
Match Up
Cath Palug
Yeti: A 10' tall man like creature
with shaggy white hair, home
turf advantage of Himalayan
Cath Palug: Cath Pulag is a
mythical cat that could swim to
the Isle of Anglesey and was the
size of a horse, gorges when
food available and then can go
periods of time without eating,
Battle: Cath lounging on
rocky outcropping, the yeti
lets out one Howl-RoarScream at the Cath, Cath
Minotaur: Half-man half-bull
mythical creature that lived on
the Greek island of Crete.
Leukrokottas: "Stag's
haunches, lion's neck & tail,
badger head, mouth opens
back to the ears, and ridges of
bone in place of rows of teeth"
this animal is reported to
imitate the voices of human
beings and use its vocal mimicry
to lure men and devour them.
Real-life inspiration for
Battle: minotaur in labyrinth,
leukrokottas enters, vision
hindered because dark & misty,
minotaur ambushes and kills