Father Kevin writes… SACRED HEART OF JESUS & ST. PETER THE APOSTLE This week’s Gospel shows Christ healing the sick, including Simon’s mother-in-law. Quickly a crowd gathers as word spreads of Jesus’ healing powers. It’s almost as if Jesus is presented with the suffering of the whole town. He dives in, curing those who are sick and freeing those caught up by evil spirits. 356 London Road, Waterlooville, PO7 7SR Parish Priest: Fr. Kevin Bidgood Parish Deacon: Rev. John-Paul Lyttle In the silence of the night, away from the crowds, he is able to look beyond the immediate need and hear his Father’s voice speak to him of his true purpose, his real mission. Jesus is a healer – but his mission is not simply to cure sickness, and he has not been sent just to this one town. It’s easy for us to be so wrapped up in our lives – the daily routine, the demands that simple existence makes upon us – that we lose sight of our true purpose and calling. Like Job in our first reading, we can be left struggling with our existence, failing to find a meaning in our lives. Christ points a way forward for us: Simon’s mother-in-law, totally incapacitated by her illness, is restored by Jesus’ touch not simply to health but to service. She is “helped up” by Jesus – and she begins to “wait on them” (the original Greek word means she “ministers” or “deacons” to them). In other words, her encounter with Jesus transforms her suffering into the freedom to serve. The Presbytery, 356a London Road, Waterlooville Hants PO7 7SR Parish Secretary: Mrs. Susan Siou Office hours: Monday to Thursday 9am–2.30pm Housekeeping & Mass Offerings: Mrs. Lisa Wingrove-Cross Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10.30am-2.30pm Contact us: (023) 9226 2289/[email protected] Parish Deacon: [email protected] Website: www.waterlooville-catholic.org.uk Parish Centre Manager: Mrs. Nina McCormack Office hours: Monday to Friday 9am-12noon (023) 9226 9348/[email protected] Safeguarding contact number: 07800 942617 This Gospel truth is a lesson the disciples struggle to learn: that true greatness lies in service, for Jesus himself came not to be served but to serve. New Flag Pole As you cannot fail to have noticed, a new flag pole has been erected to replace the one damaged by strong winds earlier in the year. Our Thanks to Geoff Hartridge and his team, for their efforts. On every weekend and Feast Day the Papal Flag is flown, as a sign and symbol of our loyalty to the Holy See. THE ANCHOR COURSE Wednesday 11 February @ 7.30pm The ‘Anchor Course’ continues here at Sacred Heart, facilitated by the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph. The first session, last week, was very well supported and an enriching experience. Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity no. 246871 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7/8 February 2015 PARISH MASS BOOK: YEAR B VOLUME 1, PAGE 134 Entrance Antiphon: O come, let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God. Psalm Response: Praise the Lord who heals the broken- hearted. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! I am the light of the world, says the Lord, anyone who follows me will have the light of life. Alleluia! Let them thank the Lord for his mercy, his wonders for the children of men, for he satisfies the thirsty soul, and the hungry he fills with good things. Communion Antiphon: Why not come along and experience the truths of our faith explained in an interactive and challenging way? PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: All parishioners are invited to attend, together with our ‘Journey in Faith’ candidates, who are preparing for Reception into the Church this Easter. Joe Higgins, John O’Neill, Roger, Grace Terry, Bridget Shipp, Carmen Oakes, Alan Neilson, Janet Barlow, Josie Miller & Mary Humphries. For all the housebound, for those in nursing homes, in hospital and all in The Rowans Hospice. Lent is Coming Soon! Available this week: Copies of our Parish Lent Programme for 2015 Devotional material to use for Lent: Walk with me booklets for adults £1.00 Children’s Lent & Easter calendars 50p TO CELEBRATE MARRIAGE WEEK On Tuesday 17 February, we shall be celebrating Marriage Week – with a Mass at 7pm followed by a DVD presentation on the Sacrament of Marriage – which presents the Church’s teaching on this Sacrament, in an interesting and informative way. HOLY HOUR FOR THE PASTORAL AREA EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAM This Sunday 8 February at 4pm People from all over the pastoral area will be coming to Sacred Heart to pray and reflect before the Blessed Sacrament on the mission of the New Evangelisation Strategy Team to be set up in our pastoral area. Bishop Philip writes:“As you know, the Church in our time is calling us to the work of new evangelisation. To find out more, go to the diocesan website: www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/evangelisation-teams There you will find a video and more info, and details of what the commitment would be for team members.” ASH WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY Masses @ 7.30am; 9am & 7.30pm (Giving of ash at all Masses) Act of r DAY DATE TIME Saturday 7 Feb 5.30pm 6.15pm 10.30am 4pm 6.30pm 8.30am-8.50am 9am 9.30am 8am-11am 7pm 7.30pm 9pm-9.30pm 8.30am-8.50am 10.15am 9pm-9.30pm 11am-11.20am 11.30am 9pm-9.30pm 8.30am-8.50am 9am 5.30pm 6.15pm SUNDAY 8 Feb Monday 9 Feb Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb Friday 13 Feb Saturday 14 Feb LITURGICAL CELEBRATION MASS INTENTION Confessions VIGIL: FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Maria Catherine McDermott RIP Special Intention Holy Hour to launch the Year of Prayer People of the parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament th Of the 5 Week of Ordinary Time Confessions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament St. Scholastica, Virgin, memorial Sung Rosary Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Year 9 Mass at Oaklands School Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament th Of the 5 Week of Ordinary Time Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament th Of the 5 Week of Ordinary Time Confessions Vigil: SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME DATES & NOTICES FOR YOUR DIARY… PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REST OF THE SOULS OF: Ernest Cox RIP: Funeral Service at Havant Crematorium on Wednesday 11 February @ 1pm John Smith RIP: Funeral Mass in Church on Friday 20 February @ 10.30am Davia Summersgill RIP Damian Whitfield RIP Those in our Intercessions Book Timothy McDermott RIP Scrivener family Intention (FM) Lady Isobel Barlow’s Intention NOTICE FOR PARENTS AT MASS For health and safety reasons, it is politely requested that parents do not allow their children to use the Church facilities unaccompanied. CONFIRMATION 2016 HOLY BAPTISM: We welcome into the family of the Catholic Church, Madeline Niamh Curd, who celebrates her Baptism on Sunday at 12noon. Bishop Philip will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for the parishes of the Havant Pastoral Area during Eastertide 2016. How to arrange a Baptism at Sacred Heart: One of the parents must be a baptised Catholic and live in the parish – please pick up an information leaflet, giving full details, from the Church lobby. Please read the instructions carefully. The preparation course which the Diocese is strongly recommending (but which we will not necessarily be following in its entirety) lasts about a year. THE TUESDAY CLUB: Club in the Parish Centre @ 2pm, on the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Contact Trish on 07947 611699. The minimum age to receive the Sacrament is Year 8 and above. Tuesday 17 February is Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day at the Tuesday Club! Please come and join them – all welcome! MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY: Wives Group. Parish Centre @ 7.30pm. For more information contact Tessa 023 9225 2855/Elizabeth 023 9226 4042. SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY: Rite of Election at the Cathedral @ 11am, with the Bishop, for those preparing for entry into Full Communion with the Church this Easter. WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY: Mothers’ Prayers. In Church @ 9.45am. VACANCY FOR DIOCESAN SAFEGUARDING COMMISION CHAIR: The diocese want to appoint an independent lay person to this important role. Full information can be found at the Portsmouth Diocese website www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk in the Safeguarding Section. For an informal chat about the role, please contact Angela McGrory, Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator, on 023 9281 6396 or [email protected] Closing date: Friday 13 February @ 5pm. ‘Simply Perfect’ First Holy Communion Wear Saturday 28 February From 3-5pm Parish Centre Come and discover the extensive collection of quality dresses and accessories on display, including veils, shoes, jackets, bags, tableware, and commemorative ties for boys. www.firstcommunionwear.com Confirmation (together with Baptism and Holy Communion) is one of the three ‘Sacraments of Initiation’ which bring us more deeply into the life of the Church and therefore, as Bishop Philip points out, people can only be considered ready to receive the sacrament if they are already engaged with their faith and intend to continue practising it. One consequence of this is that candidates must themselves freely choose to be Confirmed, with no pressure from parents. We need to get some idea of numbers who might be interested soon – please email [email protected] Havant Passion Play This is an event being organised by the Churches of the town of Havant (not the Pastoral Area). It is planned for August 2015. Rehearsals will start on Saturday 14 February 2pm-5pm at the United Reformed Church, Elm Lane, Havant. If you are interested, full information can be found at www.havantpassionplay.co.uk FIND OUT ABOUT THE EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAMS Copies of the information card are available to take away. If you think you would like to be involved in the New Evangelisation Strategy Team, please read this card, pray about it and then speak to Fr. Kevin.
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