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Guests: “Travel-sized” usually means convenient, easily disposable packaging. Yet there are plenty of ways to be more
eco-conscious when on the road. Our worldly guests have given us a few ideas on how to be considerate, smart, and still environmentally friendly while away from home.
Rate Your Host’s Eco-friendliness
Like what your host has done for the environment? Spread the
love! Writing a positive review that focuses on their eco-friendliness encourages other guests to seek sustainable travel options
and will prompt hosts to make more sustainable choices.
Turn Off Lights, A/C, And Heat At Your Airbnb
During The Day
When you leave your Airbnb listing for the day, turn off the
lights, heat or AC, and unplug electronics like cell phone
chargers to help your host lower their utility bill and save the
environment. Refer to your host or the House Manual to learn
how to operate unfamiliar systems. Energy-consciousness
improves your guest rating, too!
Pack A Reusable Water Bottle
Exploring a new city is thirsty work, packing a reusable water
bottle reduces trash and leaves more money in your pocket.
Disposable plastic bottles are a common but avoidable source of
Support Local Environmental Groups
Volunteering can be a great way to travel off-the-beaten-path
while mingling with the locals. Seek out organizations or
projects that protect and restore the natural environment in the
destinations you visit. Participating in beach cleanup or invasive
plant pulling gives back to your destination and invites interesting conversations with locals. Ask your host or refer to your
host’s guidebook to learn about active groups and upcoming
events and worthy causes.
Explore Public Transit
While it’s tempting to stay cooped up in a car, truly living like a
local means learning the bus and train routes, or hopping on a
bicycle. Public transit is a great place to rub elbows with the
locals and encounter surprising slices of life. Many cities have
bike and car shares. Ask your host about public transit options or
refer to your host’s guidebook for insights.
Reuse Resourcefully
Reusing household items — like towels and dishware — saves
water and electricity. During your stay, maintain the cleanliness
habits you keep in your home without being wasteful.
Unplug Your Appliances Before You Leave Home
Idle electronics draw power even when not in use! Before you
leave the house unplug your TV, computer, microwave, cell
phone charger, and water heater to dramatically lower your
energy costs. Also be sure to turn down the thermostat. Idle
electronics account for 10% or more of a home’s utility bill in the
US (US Dept. of Energy)
Shorten the Shower
Vacations are a time to unwind and recharge, but overly long
showers are among the top water use by guests (showers
consume from 2 - 4 gallons of water per minute (7.5L - 15L).
Water waste damages the local environment, especially in
drought prone areas or in countries without strong water
infrastructure. Excessive water use also drives up listing costs.
Dispose Like A Local
It can be hard to know where to put rubbish, so ask your hosts!
Embrace local waste disposal and recycling methods. Cleanliness boosts your guest rating, too. Refer to the House Manual
for proper disposal etiquette.
Seek Local Food And Local Businesses
Preserve cultural and biological heritage by seeking the best in
sustainably-raised, regional cuisine. Farmers markets and
hole-in-the-wall restaurants are great places to find local flavor.
Ask your host or refer to your host’s guidebook to find restaurants and cafes which embrace responsibly-sourced traditional
fare. Shopping at local businesses also increases demand for
locally produced goods.
Sources: Airbnb Environmental Survey 2014 / EcoDistricts / “Water Questions and Answers.” United States Geological Survey. 23 October 2014 /
Jonathan Tourtellot / Geotourism Editor / National Geographic Traveler / United States Department of Energy