Girls Who Code Clubs brings high-quality computer science education to 6th-12th grade girls nationwide. Clubs meet after school and on weekends throughout the year in classrooms, libraries, community C L U B S curriculum, we equip girls with concrete technical skills that will provide the foundation for futures in technology. G R OW IN G THE MO VEMEN T W H Y I T M AT T E R S Hundreds of Girls Who Code Clubs are currently underway in over 25 states! From an initial pilot of 40 Clubs in 2013, over 200 Clubs successfully available in the computing related Bring Girls Who Code Clubs to your community and empower girls with the computing skills to pursue 21st TO START A CLUB EACH HOST SITE MUST HAVE THE F O LLO W I N G : + 2 hours a week + Fewer + Computers and internet connection for each girl Dedicated advisor, students, and administrative support GET INVO LVED WWW . G I R LS W HO CO D E . CO M/ CLU B S C L U B S STA RT A G I R LS W HO CO D E CLU B A DVISORS being part of something bigger than themselves - building gender parity in > + SARAH KA UFMAN Math Teacher at Booker T. Washington Middle School in Manhattan It has been a true honor to witness so many girls become so passionate about the code they have learned and created over the past several months. As they continue to take on the challenges they are presented each week, I have become more and more impressed by both their technological creativity and their ability to help one another problem solve. V OLUN T EER INSTRUCTOR S Girls Who Code Clubs instructors volunteer their time and skills to + encouraged to recruit their own volunteers, however where possible, Girls > AN IT A MEHRO TRA Data Scientist at BuzzFeed GWC has given me the chance to teach passionate, driven girls who share a love for applying coding to me a huge sense of appreciation for the work our public school teachers do. Above all, it has been a reminder that ST U DEN T S > UMA KRI SHNA N 11th Grader at Burlingame HS I have always wanted to change the world, but now I really do feel like I have the ability to do it. Girls Who Code has changed my view on life. It’s the best opportunity a high school girl can get. + C L U B S CLUBS IN SESSION SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG ACA DEMI C Y E AR S U MM ER September- May June - August IMPORT A N T DATES A N D DEADLI N E S MARCH: Hosting applications open MAY: National Clubs Day and Club Graduations JUNE: SEPTEMBER-FEBRUARY: DECEMBER: Hosting Application Closes OUR C URR ICULUM C O RPORATE S P ONSORSHIP Corporate sponsors are an integral part of scaling the Girls Who Code Clubs opportunities for sponsors to support and on sponsorship packages please email us + + + + + + + + Accenture AirBnB CoverGirl Dow Jones Foundation + + + + + + + Pinkerton Foundation Durst Family Foundation GET INVO LVED WWW . G I R LS W HO CO D E . CO M/ CLU B S
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