Lit Analysis Parody

from Don Quixote, Chapter 1, Part 1, from Chapter 7, Part 1,
and from Chapter 8, Part 1, by Miguel de Cervantes
Literary Analysis: Parody
A parody is an imitation of another work of literature done to entertain and/or make a
serious point. Often a parody uses exaggeration or inappropriate subject matter to make
something that is serious seem laughable. Don Quixote is a parody of medieval romances,
stories about knights and chivalry like those Don Quixote himself so enjoyed reading. By
writing a parody of a medieval romance, Cervantes does the following:
pokes fun at medieval romances
pokes fun at people who are overly idealistic and impractical
pokes fun at his own time for its lack of romance and idealism
entertains readers by allowing them to laugh
DIRECTIONS: The left-hand column of this chart contains common elements of medieval
romances. Fill in the column on the right by explaining how Cervantes handles each element in his
parody. The first item has been completed as an example.
Medieval Romance
A brave and bold medieval
Don Quixote
He is a daydreamer pretending to be a knight.
1. A fine suit of protective
2. A protective metal
3. A fine steed to ride
4. A beautiful, high-born
lady whom the knight loves
from afar
5. A well-born squire
training to be a knight
6. Evil creatures to battle,
such as dragons or giants
Unit 6 Resources: Rebirth and Exploration
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