Some consideraJons on assessments of these two iniJaJves

Some considera-ons on assessments of these two ini-a-ves Silvana Fumega @SilvanavF Some basic defini-ons: •  RTI: right to access informa/on (in most cases in documents but not exclusively) held and/or produced by the public sector •  OGD: Data in reusable digital format, held and/or produced by governments or by other parts of the public sector Differences between both fields (general features) FOI /RTI Object of the field is conceived as: • 
Key element inside that concep-on of the object: Copyright licensing • 
Focus: re: info/data • 
Focus: re: info/data • 
OGD/RTD Informa/on (in most cases • 
in documents but not exclusively) held and/or produced by public sector • 
Requester has, in most cases, the right to express a desired format Data in reusable digital f o r m a t , h e l d a n d / o r produced by public sector. Open format is inherent to the ini/a/ve Varies between countries: • 
Some (like USA) have no rReducing e s t r i c informa-on / o n s o n • 
republica/on (focus on asymmetry Other FOI laws do not alter access) copyright laws, so rights to reuse may be limited Inherent in OGD is that a license is granted to the user republish Focus to on reuse, re-­‐ use (added the d
ata value) R e d u c i n g i n f o r m a / o n • 
asymmetry (focus on access) Focus on re-­‐ use (added value) Differences between both fields (through the lenses of civil society actors) FOI /RTI OGD/RTD Approach • 
Legalis-c (mostly) • 
T e c h n i c a l + p o l i c y (mostly) Goal • 
Transparency towards • 
accountability, mostly Broad range of goals (innova/on, economic growth, etc.) Rela-onship w/ public sector (govt.) • 
adversarialism • 
u / l i t a r i a n i s m (collabora/on) Philosophical background • 
Classic liberalism (theory • 
of democracy) Liberal u/litarianism, libertarian socialism OGD ini-a-ves or “Right to Data” = RTI + open formats+ reuse Different ini-a-ves (shared similar resources) + Different goals + Different scope = Different assessments (assessing different elements) Overview of assessments (some variables to help us group the numerous ini-a-ves -­‐ both fields) Scope: •  One Country (government and civil society) •  Global (interna/onal). Mostly from INGOs and/or IGOs Object: •  Informa/on •  Open Data •  Proac/ve disclosure •  Reac/ve disclosure •  Public informa/on •  Personal informa/on Types of Assessment :
Performance/implementa/on Legal assessment Access to Government-­‐held Informa-on (RTI/FOI) Assessments on reac-ve and/or proac-ve disclosure of government held informa-on -­‐ Overview RTI Single-­‐country assessment Legal analysis Interna/onal/
Global assessment Implementa/on/
performance Legal Analysis Implementa/on/
performance Open Government Data-­‐ Right to Data Assessments on reac-ve a nd/or proac-ve disclosure of government data-­‐ Overview OGD/RTD Interna/onal/
Global assessment Single-­‐country assessment Legal analysis Implementa/on/
performance Legal Analysis Implementa/o
performance Recommenda-on for future assessments combining both fields: Baseline: Regula-on -­‐  FOI: law (interna/onal standards) -­‐  OGD: FOI+ formats +reuse (licensing and copyright) So, -­‐  Guaranteed right to access government-­‐held informa/on (legisla/on) -­‐ Following interna/onal standards (“ley modelo”, interna/onal conven/ons) -­‐  Guaranteed access to preferable format Implementa-on
-­‐ Sta/s/cs on compliance (appeals, etc.) Results –  Sta/s/cs on use (users, formats, /me, topics, etc.) Recommenda-on for future assessments combining both fields: In the process: • 
Clear goals (what do we want to measure and what for?) • 
Clear methodology according to the goals (don’t follow established prac/ces just because everybody is doing the same thing but don’t try to reinvent the wheel if it is not necessary either) • 
If you are not adding value, don’t waste resources. In some cases, “the exis/ng ra/ngs differ only in the countries they cover and some of the indicators they use. There is already much overlap in this field” Acknowledgment of the par/culari/es of each ini/a/ve (different types of disclosure, scope, etc.) Acknowledgment of the par/culari/es of each reality (context ma[ers)