Bush Legacy Republican Women of Weatherford Freedom Celebration Join the members of Bush Legacy Republican Women as we pay tribute to our friends and family members at the 3rd annual Freedom Celebration event on the grounds of the historic Parker County Courthouse. Your contribution to this event in honor or in memory of friends, loved ones and community leaders and others, will be acknowledged at the Freedom Celebration Ceremony on Saturday, June 27th at 10:00 a.m. American flags will be displayed on the East side of the Courthouse from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Additionally, the name of each honoree will be presented to the Parker County Commissioners’ Court in July. Please complete the form below and return it and your check no later than Friday, June 12, 2015. Special invitations will be sent via mail or email to all flag donors and honorees and will be listed in the program by levels. Please provide notification information below or on the back of this form. The ceremony will be open to the public. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a Veteran’s organization. Name of donor: Occupation: Address: City Email: Flag is being placed Zip Phone: in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Make personal checks payable to: Bush Legacy Republican Women of Weatherford or BLRWW; no corporate checks. Contribution Levels: Celebration Sponsor - $200 – 10 Flags *make list on back of form Freedom Sponsor - $100 – 7 Flags *make list on back of form Red Star Sponsor - $75 – 5 Flags *make list on back of form Blue Star Sponsor - $50 – 3 Flags White Star Sponsor - $20 – 1 Flag PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM ALONG WITH YOUR PERSONAL CHECK PAYABLE TO BLRWW th By Friday, June 12 to Deborah Peacock c/o BLRWW, 201 Peacock Dr, Weatherford, TX 76085 For more information visit www.BLRWW.com Political advertising paid for by Bush Legacy Republican Women of Weatherford, PAC Name of donor: Occupation: Address: City Email: Flag is being placed Zip Phone: in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Flag is being placed in honor in memory of Notification Info_____________________________________________________________________________________ Pg 2
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